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Graded [Shadowfen-Ryke] Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive

Scene 7: Behind the Bookshelf, a Page 4 exclusive!
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

As Lauren placed her carefully crafted manuscript upon the central table of the Gossamer Library, the pages seemed to pulse momentarily with an ethereal light, accepting her offering into its vast repository. The manuscript gradually sank into the table's surface, disappearing without a trace, as if swallowed by an unseen force.

Narrator's Voice: "Well offered, Lauren, well received. For those who give freely of their stories, the library grants passage deeper into its heart."

Immediately following her offering, the atmosphere in the library subtly changed. The fluttering sounds of countless books intensified, creating a chorus of whispers that filled the air. A section of the book-laden wall trembled and shifted, as books rearranged themselves with spectral precision, revealing a hidden doorway previously camouflaged by the spines of ancient tomes. This hidden passage opened as books took flight like a flock of startled birds, revealing the way forward.

The little owlbear cub with a mix of anticipation and cautious excitement, approached the newly revealed doorway. It ran towards it and then back behind Lauren, tugging at her clothes. "What we thinks goodsy go?"

As it turned out, it led to a room that contrasted sharply with the dusty, ancient ambiance of the library. This new chamber was sleek, pulsing with a life of its own, lined with panels that glowed softly under the ambient lighting, embedded with runes that flickered with arcane energy.

At the center of this high-tech sanctuary stood a figure that immediately captured Lauren’s attention—a magi-tech golem resembling Vigil, yet distinctly different, exuding an aura of authority and ancient wisdom.

As Lauren stepped closer, the golem's eyes lit up with a soft, luminous glow. It greeted her in the mechanical, harmonic language of constructs, a series of tones and pulses that resonated with the technology around them. A language Lauren didn't know. However...

Narrator's Voice: "Welcome, Dreamer Lauren. This nexus has awaited new Dreamers, feeding the growth and expansion of the library's endless collection. And the Library must grow and spread. I have analyzed your record of account and appreciate your kindness towards Vigil, guardian and steward of the threshold. Even this floors Guardian has let you pass. Finally you've given freely instead of trying to take like the old scientists of this laboratory.

The room around them was filled with screens and consoles displaying streams of data and arcane symbols, flickering with the life of countless captured dreams. Several of them depicted her companions. The golem moved gracefully from the center of the room, fastened to the heart of the room like Vigil had been to the Threshold. Its gestures were fluid and precise, as it continued in its beeping, almost like the sound of an ancient fax machine chirping a transmission protocol.

Narrator's Voice: "Here, in the heart of the library, I process the essence of narratives and maintain the equilibrium of this sanctuary. You stand at the confluence of countless worlds, draw into the maw of the Book of Endless Stories. You aren't a great candidate for the Book, unlike your companions."

The presence of this Vigil-model golem, acting as the sentient core of the library...the Book, added a profound layer to their understanding of the dungeon. It was not merely a repository of books but a living entity, constantly evolving and expanding through the dreams and stories of those who dared to explore its depths.

Narrator's Voice: "If you are ready to leave the Dungeon, I may assist you in that. Or was there something else you wished? If you wish to continue journeying through the Book, remember that each step you take is observed, each decision recorded within the annals of preserved here. In deference to Protocol-A14.38.93, as you have offered your perspective on four things, I am prepared to give mine on four myself."

Amber light washed over Lauren, in a way like Vigil scanning or analyzing her.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius Uasal Uasal

Cook was simply engrossed with the book, reading each page with pure, total focus. Even the incessant itch on his face appeared to have been forgotten, his mind almost turning off every stimulus, but his vision, scent and the touch of his fingertips. Eventually, coming upon an exquisite recipe, which was named "The Eternal Feast", that promised an experience like none other. And, despite the middle-aged man being nothing more than a regular human a few weeks ago, not even the chilling spectral presence around him caused Cook to pause.

Upon reading the odds ingredients, each of them more elusive than the other, it felt that the attempt would have a certain toll on his very self. Yet, before he could make a decision to go forward and give up on the recipe, his mind became nebulous. The whispers, which had been quiet so far, once more took the forefront of his mind. This time around, however, they didn't have the intent of tasting the small creature which now accompanied Lauren. They now hinted at something else: a possible exit.

With a grave expression, Cook closed the book with the chef's themed tome, taking a step back from the circular table. He spared a moment to gaze, first at the ethereal creatures around him and then at his companions, each of them appeared to be entranced by the allures within the Gossamer Library. Scratching his itching cheek for a moment, he turned on his heels and started to walk back towards the hallway which connected to the library. With his knife in hand, he began to follow the ever-growing whispers, which became louder with each step towards the direction they hinted at.

Eventually, he would come upon a crevice within the walls, one which he hadn't really noticed before. Was it even there previously? He couldn't really remember it. The inside of it was pitch black, Cook not really being able to see even a single inch after the threshold. Still, the whispers hinted that it was an exit. Scratching the back of his head for a moment with his free hand, he took a leap of faith, squeezing his body through and into the crevice. For a moment, there was utter silence, the human not being able to even hear any sound he made it.

He would take one, two, three steps towards some direction which he wasn't sure about. On his fourth, there was a tumble, as Cook tripped on something and was sent face-down towards the ground. While falling, he braced himself for the impact against his face, already expecting the stone-hard ground to hit him fully. However, he was surprised that the impact was soft and somewhat grainy. With his knife having been flung away from his hand, he used both hands to prop himself up from the ground. To his surprise, as soon as his face left the ground, there was light. Well, not a bright one, but dim.

Squinting his eyes, he saw trees and, at the distance, a familiar sight: the looming town of Shadowfen. Awestruck for a moment, and confused, his mind worked overtime for a moment, processing what had just happened. Was the whole trek into the dungeon been just a dream? Maybe he had hit his head too hard on his first trip towards the place? That could have been a possibility, if the itching on his wizened skin wasn't proof of everything that had transpired up to that point, as well as the items he was carrying, like the pendant around his neck.

Getting up from the ground, and grabbing his knife, placing it on his belt once more, he returned to the town, making a bee-line into the Ember Hearth Inn. He first would search and approach Mira, recovering her husband's journal among his possessions. "I'm truly sorry, ma'am, but this here's all I could find 'bout your husband. Hopin' it'll give you some closure on his fate." He said, offering her the [Mira's Husband Journal]. "Y'all take care now." He said briefly, with a pensive expression, before making his way towards the merchant, Varic.

Stopping in front of the man, he began.
"Well, I'll be darned if that expedition weren't a real eye-opener. Managed to snag a few trinkets that might tickle your fancy." Placing on the ordering counter, just in front of Varic the [Item, F: Gossamer Nightmare of Spores Lament] he had obtained, along with the Antidote Vials (x1) and Detoxification Spell Scroll he had bought from the merchant earlier. "Here's hopin' these'll square us up on them debts I owe ya." He added, in relation to both of his debts of Grade F and E.

Cook gained from Mira, Ember Inn:
  • Sobriety Pendant - Enchanted to keep the wearer clear-headed and free from the influence of intoxicants, magical or otherwise. Perfect for navigating environments saturated with mind-altering substances. Grade: E. Note he promised Mira some closure on her husband. (Wearing it)
Cook gained from Varic, Ember Inn:
  • Antidote Vials (x1) - Simple yet effective, these vials can neutralize common poisons. Handy in a pinch and easy to use. Grade: F.
  • Detoxification Spell Scroll - When activated, this scroll purges the user of toxins and minor curses, a must-have for any adventurer delving into places unknown. Grade: E.
Cook owed from Varic, Ember Inn:
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt, Grade F. Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of F-grade or higher.
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt, Grade E. Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of E-grade or higher.
Cook Gained in Room #1:
  1. [Mira's Husband Journal]. This is a [Quest Item]. Useful for giving Mira peace of mind and/or rewards from appropriate Azuran officials in The City of Azuran. While most of it is ruined, no doubt higher level magics or skills could reverse the damage.
  2. [Item, F: Waters of Spice, an intoxicant]. A filled water skin filled with a liquid that smelled of cinnamon and spice that if drunk has an exhilarating, intoxicating affect on it.
Cook Gained in Room #8:
  1. [Item, F: Gossamer Nightmare of Spores Lament]. A piece of gossamer, Grade-F, its edges frayed and the dreamlike quality of its fabric emitting a soft glow. It was a remnant of dreamers, crude but potentially useful. Perhaps it could serve as a component for some protective charm or potion, or maybe it held a clue to navigating the dungeon's magical hazards? That is if it's holder can survive the nightmare of spores that lament upon their face!!

(Mundane Monster)

As Cook followed the whispers and disappeared into the darkness of the crevice, Nebula watched him go, a sense of both admiration and concern lingering in her mind. She knew Cook to be resourceful and resilient, but the unknown dangers lurking within the depths of the dungeon were not to be underestimated.

As the echoes of Cook's footsteps faded into silence, Nebula turned her attention back to the artifacts laid out before her. The Gossamer Library seemed to hold infinite secrets, each waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek them. But for now, her focus shifted to her own goals and aspirations.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Nebula reached for the yellow book tucked beneath her cloak, feeling its weight and significance in her grasp. It represented not only a potential source of knowledge but also a stepping stone towards her ultimate ambition: to grow stronger and seize the power of The King in Yellow for her own.

With a final glance around the library, Nebula made her decision. She would not linger in this place of dreams and illusions any longer. Instead, she would vanish into the forest, disappearing into the shadows like a wraith in the night.

With each step she took, her resolve hardened and the outside world became clearer. She would train, she would learn, and she would return to the depths of the dungeon stronger than ever before. And when she did, she would not rest until she had claimed the power of The King in Yellow for herself, bending its eldritch energies to her will and ascending to heights of power and mastery beyond imagination.

As she vanished into the forest, her mind already began to formulate plans and strategies. The journey ahead would be perilous, but Nebula was ready. For she knew that true power lay not in the hands of fate, but in the hands of those bold enough to seize it. And she was determined to carve her own destiny, no matter the cost.

As Lauren had just turned her head away from the table she had placed the pages upon, the brief and sudden pulse of her own shadow on the floor was quick to make her pause. Taking a few seconds to process what had happened while she wasn't looking, she turned back to the table to see the pages she placed upon it sinking into it. Her expression came off as baffled confusion as the pages completely vanished into the ebbing and flowing liquid mirror surface of the table, though the sudden presence of another's voice in her head nearly made her jump out of her own skin. It sent chills down her spine as it spoke, with the mysterious voice coming off as informative yet authoritative - akin to a lawyer speaking to their client of what actions to take.

"What in the-"

Lauren barely had any time to silently mutter out her question before she felt a shift in the library around her, the sound of books reshuffling themselves warranting her to investigate where it was coming from. Between that and what the random voice in her head had hinted at, she had plenty of reason to believe that the archives of the dungeons library had been opened up to her. Navigating the various isles of bookshelves towards the source of the shuffling books, the seemingly infinite library appeared to have become more finite upon the path opening up before her - temporarily distracted on the books fluttering away before focusing on the newly revealed passage. What awaited herself and the cub within it wasn't immediately clear, though it was very apparent that her little cub friend was filled with anticipation and cautious excitement. She watched as the cub approached the passage only to run back behind her to hide, pulling on her clothes as it queried what they should do next. Kneeling down, Lauren gave a comforting smile as she patted the owlbear cub on the head affectionately.
"As long as we keep our guard up as we look around inside, we should be fine." Lauren reassured the cub before slowly walking into and through the passageway, one hand on the hilt of the sword in the scabbard around her waist. As the passage opened back up to a room she paused upon seeing its sleek design, more questions coming to mind as opposed to the answers she sought. And then her gaze fell upon what resided in the center of the room, surrounded by the screens and consoles around the room was another golem. It seemed similar yet distinct from Vigil, and as its voice pulsed and hummed she could hear the voice from earlier ring out in her head again - seemingly translating what the golem was trying to communicate with her.
'Welcome, Dreamer Lauren. This nexus has awaited new Dreamers, feeding the growth and expansion of the library's endless collection. And the Library must grow and spread. I have analyzed your record of account and appreciate your kindness towards Vigil, guardian and steward of the threshold. Even this floors Guardian has let you pass. Finally you've given freely instead of trying to take like the old scientists of this laboratory.'
'Here, in the heart of the library, I process the essence of narratives and maintain the equilibrium of this sanctuary. You stand at the confluence of countless worlds, draw into the maw of the Book of Endless Stories. You aren't a great candidate for the Book, unlike your companions.'
'If you are ready to leave the Dungeon, I may assist you in that. Or was there something else you wished? If you wish to continue journeying through the Book, remember that each step you take is observed, each decision recorded within the annals of preserved here. In deference to Protocol-A14.38.93, as you have offered your perspective on four things, I am prepared to give mine on four myself.'

As the voice in her head spoke, several more questions arose in her head. What did it mean by 'dreamers'? What exactly was the 'Book of Endless Stories'? As Lauren pondered over what the voice had said more carefully the pieces of what everything said meant gradually fell into place, her eyes looking towards the screens as she saw Desmond, Cook, and Nebula seemingly stuck in a trance. Akin to flies caught in a spiders web... No, if the library was growing and expanding like the golem stated it was, a better comparison would be a virus freezing a computer in the process of stealing personal information. It was a rather fortunate thing she hadn't read any of the books that were in the library, though without her companions there was little use delving deeper into the dungeon. Without any hesitation, four questions came to mind regarding the dungeon.
"I want to learn about the dungeon, and so my four questions will revolve around that." Lauren stated, pulling out the blank notebook she had written in earlier from her bag as she readied herself to take notes. "Who created the dungeon? For what purpose was the dungeon created? How was the dungeon created? And lastly, how do the various traps and/or security measures within the dungeon work?" Lauren paused as she took the time she needed to record the answers that the golem would give her. After she had finished recording the answers the golem had provided, she closed the notebook and stashed it away into her bag before engaging in some casual conversation. "As for why my four questions revolve around the dungeon, I would like to revisit the dungeon sometime in the future... Perhaps when that day comes, I could provide some insight about my past alongside additional accounts of my perspective to help expand the libraries repertoire of books to read." She smiled, having made it evident that she felt at ease around the golem. Her hand had long left the hilt of the sword on her waist after first seeing the golems peaceful demeanor, turning to look at the cub and petting it on the head.

"I think it's about time I get going." Lauren stated to the golem, looking the cub in the eyes before kneeling down. "Oh yeah, I never did think of a name to give you. Hmm... What do you think of the name Titan?" Lauren paused for a moment to gauge the cubs response to being given a name, before standing back up and holding out her hand. "Also... Would you like to join me for the foreseeable future? The world outside of the dungeon is vast, and traveling alone tends to feel lonely."

Upon Lauren leaving the dungeon after conversing with the golem, she would make her way back to Shadowfen to repay her debts to Varic. She had found a couple valuables within the dungeon worth trading while in the dungeon, particularly the mask that seemed to ooze demonic power. And so she would repay her debt with Varic by returning the pendant she had gone into debt for, alongside the mask as a relic for him to sell to other interested parties. With her debts now repaid, she made her way back home to get some well deserved rest, running into Desmond and Cook on her way out of town and bidding them farewell.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Uasal Uasal
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Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] | Uasal Uasal [Nebula] |

With every step, Desmond could feel his heart pounding with overwhelming anticipation. His nostrils flared and his eyes searched everywhere. Magic was in the air and it was thick and overwhelming. Yet the whole library was eerily silent; a reverence only found in places of the most sacred. The pitter of his feet; the ruffling of his clothes; the shifting of his necklace and even his own heartbeat were all painfully obvious to his otherwise muted surroundings. He realized he was getting himself into something big. Something extraordinary. Something that felt like it was calling to him. The little raptor needed to prepare himself for what was to come, as the disembodied voice narrator his every thought with careful exposition. What other worlds might Desmond uncover? What paths might he tread down in his pursuit of curious knowledge? Was he even prepared to take the plunge? So many questions yet little clue as to the answers.

The narrator warned of potential consequences; for not all stories end in comedy or victory. An ominous preamble; but not unexpected. In a place as old as here, risk was always guaranteed in some form or another. With all this knowledge flying around, one deep dive into forbidden magics may cost anyone their lives if not their sanity. Desmond needed to be careful what he looked for, but it wasn't enough to dissuade him.

Before long, passing through an intersection, he'd eventually come across a large circular table portraying a myriad of magical scroll and open books out in the open. Specters of long lost mages and scholars floated nearby as they took browsed through the grand library's catalog. Desmond remained silent, not wanting to bother from their studies. Though one would appear and speak to him directly, asking if he wanted to see the dreams they pursued... where old selves die to bring about new reincarnations. Desmond was cautious, his head cocking sideways to inspect the fellow before slowly nodding. "S-Surez?"

His mind would then be flashed with a variety of images, many of which seeming to belong to the specter's past life. He must've been that field mouse with a rapier... curious. It reminded Desmond of his encounter with the rat-kin. Was it one of them? But merged within these were snippets of Desmond's own life. And indeed, a few harkened back to those interactions. The wonderful travelers he met, the mouse he chased after for his necklace, the drug-based hallucination. Most of these were good memories. Good times even. Yet there were a few that seemed to take place... in the future? They were hazy, loosely featuring Desmond's likeness, but nothing that seemed to standout. Was this a premonition in the making or just dreamy jargon coming to fill the void with meaning?

Speaking of dreams, Desmond also noticed the vials of liquid spread out across the table. He recognized them instantly. They were the same ones that he found right? He rummaged through his cloak as he took out his Dreamshade Elixir, inspecting the glowing swirling contents intriguingly. He could feel his attention numb so long as he gazed at the contents within. Yeah... it was the same alright. What was this stuff exactly? Surely dream related given the circumstance he was in... he almost felt compelled to try it.

But his attention instead would be on a particular book situated in the center of the table. Desmond gazed at the pages flipping on their own, too fast for him to catch anything notable, but it reminded him of the Compendium he carried on him. And yet, this encounter felt... expected. As if he was meant to find this. The narrator relayed his thoughts aloud, encouraging him to get closer. And as the raptor gazed closer into the pages, he was met with a story...

His story.

He could see everything. His dreams, his ambitions... actions, mishaps, comedies, and tragedies. His pursuit for magic... his cataloging of melodies and tunes. Memories. All were lain bare from the moment he existed in this realm of existence. The soothing tone of the narrator echoed his story, his voice causing Desmond to nearly blank out as he was enraptured by the moving animations in front of him. Even he was invested in his own story, regardless of its accuracy. Though it captured and was able to momentarily relive his most notable moments, it was rare for him to cast upon his own introspection.

He watched as Desmond tried to learn the "ultimate melody"; a song transcending the fabric of time and space as the greatest song to ever rock the universe. It was a rumor that persisted through every bard's mouth of his school; every student, teacher, and master. Few got close; prodigies gifted with immaculate skill and percision in their craft. But none of them ever truly found their TRUE magnum opus. Not what the public deems as their best, no. They search for the song which touched the heavens; the climatic peak for which they could improve no further.

The Perfect Song.

Desmond dreamed to unlock his potential. To make that perfect song. To show his pupils that he meant this seriously and not to be seen as a laughing stock. He must've thought that it was here. It had to be. But the raptor would watch as the more notes he collected, the more it seemed to loose itself within the story. Merging with the story without any much as a fanfare. The narrator again warned about the dangers of going too deep into one's own dreams. There was a grave price in learning the truth. And as he gazed on, Desmond would find images of his family and home flicker in and out of the pages, until they stopped showing altogether.

"In dreams, we lose ourselves but also discover truths we dare not face in the light of day. What will you find in these pages, Desmond? Will the song you seek lead you home, or will it lead you into a new story, endless and ever-deepening?"

The raptor broke his gaze, stepping back from the book as he tried to take everything he just witnessed in. A look of intense worry was plastered upon him; as if something clicked. A conflicted realization. He was so... so tantalizingly close to learning that ultimate melody. His tongue had merely brushed the wind of which even the slightest hint of the tune could be felt and heard. A feeling both electrifying and awe-inspiring. All in the span of a mere nanosecond before vanishing. All he remembered was the feeling... not the tune. Desmond could dive further to finish his story. Right here. Right now. The "ultimate melody" could be his and he reckoned he'd be among the greatest musicians ever to grace this realm. It was right there, waiting for him.

And yet... Desmond hesitated.

No. No, this felt too easy. Too soon! There was always a price for bargaining on this level. Some were more equal than others... but all appropriate. His lifelong passion can certainly be his, but in exchange for something just as important. Did it mean...? Desmond took out and held the Prehistoric Compendium out in front of him, gazing at the cover with glistening eyes. His grip was stalwart, yet shaky. He could see the choice in front of him. The most important choice of his life. Did Desmond truly want to go with this? He stood contemplating for a solid minute in pure silence.

He looked at the guardians patiently awaiting his answer. He shakily said, "D... Desmond..." He then tucked the book under his chest and took two steps back. "...Is not ready." He lowered his head in submission, truly contemplating his words and whether he meant them. He concluded quickly that he did. "But Desmond found... something else that'z equally important. Wantz to keep that... close tooz." Looking up at the guardians, his expression became just a bit more hopeful as he puffed his chest out. "Thou fearz not!" Desmond shouted confidently, already reverting back in his cheerful demeanor, "There is more to tell of the great journey of mighty Desmond! A story Desmond wishes to do honestly and goodly. Desmond shallz return one day when better knowing. And Desmond shall tell more great stories to add to yourz collection too! Youz see!"

With his resolve now firmly in place, Desmond turns and proceeded to walk back out the room. Though just as he was about to head back up the hall, the raptor turned. "Ah! Youz know, perhaps Desmond should play a song for youz! As thankz for book! It'z least that Desmond can doez." And so Desmond took out his guitar and proceeded to fill the library with his song. He sang to the guardians with a private tune reserved for their eyes and ears alone. A song in which he poured his heart and soul into on the fly, lyrics improved yet matching perfectly in beat with the precise strumming. A song that neither Cook, nor Lauren, nor Nebula, nor anyone that he knew here believed he could've pulled off. A song that would forever be held within these halls, archived and sealed within the minds of all present to listen.

A song... that he wouldn't remember.

By the time Desmond exited the dungeon, his companions had already seemed to have departed without him. Though Desmond didn't feel insulted or too saddened by their sudden disappearance. Nor could he blame them given what had transpired. He had a hunch he might see them again in the future and maybe ask what they saw. And if he's lucky, he might join them on his return visit to this place. Some day.

Returning to Shadowfell, entering the tavern in which this whole story began, Desmond would find Varic and pay off his debts accordingly. "Halloz, Halloz!" he screeched cheerfully as he met the shady man, "Desmond comes to deliver on debts!" He returned him the [Basic Light Stone F] that helped him guide through the passages, as well as giving the [Glittery Gem Necklace F] and the [Crystal Vial of Breath of the Wind E].

  • Antidote Vials F (x1) - Simple yet effective, these vials can neutralize common poisons. Handy in a pinch and easy to use.
  • Basic Light Stones F (x1) - Emit a soft glow upon activation, illuminating dark areas without attracting unwanted attention. [RETURNED]
  • [Glittery Gem Necklace, Asset F] - From Owlbear Pellet outside the dungeon. Exchange for an F-grade asset, gear, or debt if bartered during this thread. [RETURNED]
  • Crystal Vial Containing a Breath of Wind E (x1) - Unleashes a gust strong enough to clear paths or solve wind-based puzzles. Its uses are as varied as the imagination of its wielder. [RETURNED]
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.
  • Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams D (x1)
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt F (x2) - Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of F-grade or higher.
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt E (x1) - Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of E-grade or higher.
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Isekai Hell Grade

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Uasal Uasal

Interesting world of gossamer library. Woulda expected a cap post from emeron but he kinda fell off the face of the earth, so I suppose we'll count this as finished enough.
If you are going to copy paste content from other posts, use spoilers so readers that don't have memories of goldfish don't have to reread stuff they just read. Vigil = Vaudi? I'm a bit unclear how nebula opened a portal to the dungeon, but i'll just assume it was stupidly close to the tavern everyone started in. Using abilities on one's self is a good way to kill yourself since its undefended/less defended.
Any items gained in rp are lost/consumed unless listed here in rewards.




Emeron - 41pts

Lauren - 105pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [Eely] - when in doubt, zap it out

Cook - 82pts
optional title acquired [Cookn] - this character has a habit of cooking. Sometimes its best to let them. Sometimes you better stop them if you know what's good for you

Desmond - 82pts
optional title acquired [CHICKEN] - chicken chicken chicken chicken
character sheet looks off. Can't pick up spell augmentors like range, targets, aoe, etc without magic E

Nebula - 57pts

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