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Fantasy Shadow Slaves

Luna was walking around her large house and simply had nothing to do! She went into the living room to find her human on the couch, watching television. Luna sat next to Violet and sighed. "I'm bored..."
Luna sits next to Violet, sighs and says, "I'm bored...". Violet turns off the TV and looks at her Demon master right in her beautiful eyes,"Well that will not do." she said with a coy smile on her face,"Do you want to go out and take a bit of a walk around the town? or maybe sit here with me for a movie... We could go out and see if anyone is willing to die on this lovely night..."
Luna grinned. "A walk sounds perfect, love!" She said grabbing Violet's hand and walking outside. She let go of Violet's hand before locking the door and stepping off of the pourch. As she walked, her eyes filled with happiness at the lovely lights she saw all around her.
Arabella stared up at the large moon from under her mask, her bare feet touching the cold rock cliff that she stood at and the wind swaying her black hair and kimono back and forth. Her glowing magenta eyes were visible from the holes of the mask that were usually dark holes in the day time which calmly changed their glance towards the village of human survivors below her. They were quiet and kept dark at night so demons wouldn't detect them and enslave them, but scensing them wasn't hard for Arabella, it was amazing how they hadn't been detected or caught by any other demons yet.

She calmly lifted up her hand and gestured Rei who stood behind her with her slender finger to come forward to the edge of the cliff with her to examine the humans. It wasn't in her nature to destroy a village for no reason but instead she would watch them for a bit, often bringing Rei along so he could also see humans like him as a treat of some sort.

@Cloud Nagasake
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@xXGodoftheGeeksXx Violet walked along side Luna and smiled with joy at seeing Luna's eyes fill with happiness. "Where did you want to walk to then? I say north or to a library." she said with a smile, but then she had a wonderful idea. "LUNA! why don't we go danceing!?"
"DANCING! That is a wonderful idea Hunny Bunny!" She quickly grabbed Violet's and and smiled before growing her wings and flying off to find somewhere to dance.

(Sorry, a nurse came in and I had to leave unannounced.)
"I am glad I could make you happy Luna, why don't we dance together under the moonlight somewhere in the sky? I can try to sing a song well we dance, because I know your love for music"
(Lol I was not ready)

Rei looked over to Arabella signaling him to come to the cliff with her, he clinched the tonfas in his hand for the area he was in was still unusual to him and anything could happen, and he was prepared to protect Arabella and himself. He walked over to Arabella's side on the cliff and looked over to her awaiting his next command.

@Defective Kitten
(Naw you're fine.)

A small light could be seen escaping one of the houses in the village, it was a torch held by a well built mid-aged man who also was equipped with a bow and arrow. It seemed he was confused or on edge, his movements were nervous and jumpy. He was startled at the sight of two silhouettes at the mountain cliff, being quick to draw his bow and arrow which came flying towards Arabella within a quick second but she calmly caught it with her finger tips. The light escaping from her mask seeming to disappearing a few before reappeared, signaling her blinking much like a sigh.

The nervous man called the others in the village who ran out with swords or bows or even guns which was a rare weapon to acquire for humans. Their ammo seemed to all be laced with a curtain demon poison, No wonder they stayed alive for so long... The marksman all began firing their arrows and bullets while the women and children escape through a back route but Arabella somehow stayed calm as it all came firing at her, not a peep was spoken or heard from her.

@Cloud Nagasake
Rei's eyes widen in sight of Arabella's reflexes and accuracy to catch the flying arrow with her finger tips and how calm she stayed doing so. His attention was then quickly given to the village archers who were firing at Arabella and him. He presumed a defensive stance holding his tonfas up to occasionally block a few arrows. "Is there something peculiar about these villagers?" Rei asked Arabella who appeared to still remain perfectly calm.

@Defective Kitten
Arabella's glance still remained on the squirming humans who seemed to be ready for another attack, she shook her head subtly to his question. Just protecting their own, her thoughts answering. Still she remained silent to Rei's question but the quiet was broken by the rumble of feet and yells of the humans who had climbed their way up the mountain to attack them head on while the second group below fired from afar.

A man charged at Arabella at seemly lightning speed but she took one calm step to the side, letting him run past her before simply poking him with her finger which unbalanced him to fall off the cliff behind them. "The witch! That's the fox witch demon from the lore!" One of the elder men with a pistol held out shouted before gasps could be heard amongst the crowd but that didn't seem to stop them from charging them again for killing one of their men.

@Cloud Nagasake
Noticing the crowd of men behind them and the first villager run towards Arabella and attempt to attack her, but failing in the process losing his life in the end. Rei took two steps forward and clinched the handle of his weapon, raising them up and taking an offensive stance. I won't have you assaulting my Mistress. I suggest you go back to your village, and leave us be or suffer for your ignorance.

@Defective Kitten
A few of the villagers didn't care for Rei's warning, charging towards him while some of the other towards Arabella who didn't seem like she was ready nor about to take an offensive or defensive stance but stood calm and still. Instead she looked at all the men who dared raise a weapon at her with her glowing eyes and used her illusion power to make the ones attacking hallucinate resulting in them either kill themselves, each other, or simply collapse in fear. Her fear stricken glance would've been too much for them to handle, an illusion would play good enough for the situation.

It seemed the little of what was left of the group had received the message, bending a knee to Arabella and begged for forgiveness in which she gave to them since they knew better than to attack a demon even if they had such weapons. She gave them a nod, gesturing her hand for them to leave her presents in which they quickly thanked and scurried off to who knows where. It was her way to not attack unless provoked, she had lived many decades to finally realized human lives actually did matter, something that most demons hadn't quite grasped the concept of.

(Sorry for the late response, I got caught up in a Skype call with old friends >.<)

@Cloud Nagasake
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Luna giggled. "Sure, just try not to fall from the sky, alright?" She said flapping her wings in place.
(Gotta go..sorry...)
"I can never fall or fail as long as my master is okay" Violet said clenching on to Luna for dear life with a panicing expression on her face."Since we are up here why don't we fly a little higher so you can see the beauty of the whole town from high above? I don't need the beauty of the town's lights for I have all the beauty I could ever want with you master" she said trying to sound like she was not loseing her grip on Luna. @xXGodoftheGeeksXx
Luna smiled and began soaring slightly higher so to see the whole city. She then put her hands on Violet's shoulders. "Now don't be worried, I have you and I surely do not want to lose you!" She smiled wider.

"I really do hope that you have me so I do not die and not be able to protect you any longer" Getting a little less nervous knowing that Luna had her.... A bit of time passes and they soar higher and higher till they are at a good hight to see for miles," Gosh I am glad I am not dead, So Luna are you ready to dance?"
Luna nodded before quickly throwng Violet up and catching her and did a quick spin. "You look so terrified!" She laughed at her human's fear. It was quite cute how humans are scared so easily!

(Sorry....I' in the hospital so it's kinda hard to reply)
Rei stood calm and prepared himself as a few men charged at him with swords raised high. He then ran to the closest man and met his tonfas with their sword and their eyes locked on each other, but the man's attention was quickly given to Arabella. He dropped his blade and quickly fell to his knees holding his head and letting out a small scream of pain.

Rei looked down at the man with a disgusted and confused face, wondering why he behaved the way he did. Arabella? He called her name, but there was no response. Rei glanced behind him for her and she just stood there with a straight calm, cool and collected face staring directly at the men as some slaughtered each other, killing themselves or suffering Arabella's abilities as the rest bent on one knee begging for forgiveness and later running away. What she did to the villagers was unknown to Rei, but the feeling of how it must have felt was all to his knowledge. He began to fear Arabella's abilities.

@Defective Kitten
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Luna nodded before quickly throwng Violet up and catching her and did a quick spin. "You look so terrified!" She laughed at her human's fear. It was quite cute how humans are scared so easily!
"Oh haha master, I am sure it is sooo very funny to see your human in near death fear" She said with a playful tone to mask the fact she was about to die of fear. "But anyway, let me sing a song for your happyness" and begain to sing with a shakey voice filled with fear
Once the men had fled, Arabella glanced over her shoulder to look directly at Rei who seemed.. frightened. Her eyes couldn't be seen but only rather a glowing that could send chills down your spine. It would be best to leave the vicinity she concluded, beginning to walk into the forest behind them, her bare feet crunched the leaves as her kimono barely touched the ground as she walked. Rei had only ever heard Arabella spoken once and that was to ask him whether he wanted to follow her, though he'd never seen her appearance just her eyes. It was strange that she wouldn't even let her saborninate see her nor even speak to him so she decided to do otherwise. "Rei. Are you scared?" Asking him without take a look back towards him since she already knew his answer even if he didn't want to admit it himself. Her voice was oddly calm and rather emotionless, but soft and melodic at the same time, hard to explain but it was captivating.

@Cloud Nagasake

(Oh! Just wanted to point it out that Arabella never took off her mask but rather used her ability from under her mask)
Rei had noticed Arabella began to walk towards the forest behind them and he slowly followed behind her when she suddenly came to a stop at the edge of the forest and spoke to him in a calm, soft voice.

"Rei. Are you scared?"

Rei came to a stop just feet away and glanced up at her with his eyes widened to her question addressed in a soft, melodic tone he heard once before and he began to get this uneasy overwhelming feel and stayed silent for a minute. He couldn't find a way to avoid answering the question and if he could he was afraid that she might make him suffer for his mistake so he responded to her. "Just a little..."

@Defective Kitten
It was more or less the response she had already anticipated from the beginning, "Hm." A short sighing like sound escaped from her, as if she were saddened or disappointed by his reply. Although without her expression to show it, it was rather hard to guess or predicted what she was feeling. Arabella had stopped in her tracks as well when Rei stopped to answer the question nervously, but continued on with her walk when the silence began to take over between them.

They were only partners for a few years or so yet they hadn't gotten the slightest close or comfortable to each other, Rei always being on edge due to her demon presents or Arabella's mysterious way of not speaking nor showing much emotion it seemed. "Why?" Her response short and blunt in her calm way of speaking, everyone was scared of her and she could see why but she wanted to hear his reasoning for his fear of her. She would eventually lead him to a special place but for the moment they would simply walk.

@Cloud Nagasake

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