• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Shadow of the Seal - CS Page



Senior Member
The Shadow of The Seal
Character Apps
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// Guidelines...
Nobody can say for certain when people started receiving the letters. Some say The Seal - as the group has now been called - has caused the rise and fall of entire kingdoms. Others believe it is the latest in a long list of soon-to-be-forgotten attention grabbers. Some declare that there is only one person behind The Seal. Others insist that it is impossible for one person to hold that much power. Some even believe the whole thing to be a myth. But The Seal exists, and has existed for the almost 200 years. You would know. After all, you are one of them.

First of all, many thanks for showing interest in this little thingie of mine. Just dropping some things here that might help you when thinking of ho to build your character.

Magic System
Magic in this world is primarily supplemental rather than powerfully offensive. A good comparison would be similar to the way magic is used in The Lord of the Rings universe.
For a little more detail, there are three levels of magic: Beginner, Intermediate and Master.
  • Beginner: About the same level as Level 1 spells in DnD. If you are unfamiliar, think along the lines of buffs and debuffs. You're able to do things like cast a shield, coat yourself in an element, amplify physical characteristics, and things of that nature.
    Most NPCs in the world/RP are going to be at the Beginner level - it is the default that everybody starts out as.

  • Intermediate: About the same level as Level 2 and Level 3 spells in DnD. For context, think along the lines of the most basic magical attacks. You can cast fireballs, change the properties of an object, have limited control over other people's minds, and things like that. Intermediate magic users can only have affinity in one element (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Storm, Mind, Light or Dark).
    To reach Intermediate level, your character must have studied for anywhere from 3 to 7 years at an institute.

  • Master: About the same level as Level 4 or 5 spells in DnD. For more context, your abilities are similar to those in the intermediate category but you can cast faster, stronger, larger, more potent attacks. You are also able to dabble into a second element. However, Masters in magic take a serious hit to other areas of ability due to the amount of time it takes to become a master. Additionally, there are conditions under which they are at their most powerful. For example, Bookie, one of the Pillars, is a Master level magic user. Within the library, he has omni-presence, advanced telepathy and telekinesis. He is also highly resistant to magical damage. However, all of that goes away the second he steps out of the library. Outside the library, he is a high-level Intermediate magic user at best.
    To reach Master level, your character must have studied for more than 7 years at an institute.

  • Magic Items: Characters at the Intermediate or Master level have access to magical items that can serve as either the source or a conduit of their powers. You are able to use this item however you wish, just be sure to include it and its abilities in your CS.

Races & Creatures
That's right, your character doesn't have to be human. This is a mid-Fantasy RP and so most fantasy/mythical/magical races and creatures will be seen throughout the world. Do keep in mind that, as this is mid-Fantasy, Angels, Demons, Demon Lords, Magic Lords and all other high level magic beings, creatures and races cannot be found in the world/RP.
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the feasibility of a race in this world, feel free to each out to me to ask.
Also, yes, your character can have familiars because they're adorable and I love them.

Roles & Jobs
There are three possible jobs your character can have: Assassin, Lorekeeper or Spy. Keep in mind that all roles have been designed such that they fit all jobs. If you particularly like a role but struggle to see how it would fit with your character's job, feel free to reach out to me and we'll work something out.

Assassins are primarily responsible for, as you'd expect, eliminating the targets of a mission. However, not all missions require elimination of targets. In such situations, assassins serve as bodyguards and an extra set of eyes on the situation, such that if a life does need to be taken, they are able to do so.

Spies are responsible for gathering information as well as trading in secrets and lies. They are crucial for infiltration and reconnaissance missions. Sometimes their goal is to sew chaos and lies and bring things down from the inside, sometimes they're simply there to gather information.

Lorekeepers are the organisers of the whole operation. They coordinate between the assassins and spies, pass on instructions from the Pillars and - very importantly - they long every single mission and everything that happens on mission. They always keep the bigger picture in front of them while the others are in the thick of it.

// Character Sheet...

FC (if available):
Physical description:

Magic Level:
Magical equipment:
Magical abilities:

Head canons

Give an idea of where they were born and/or raised and any significant moments that happened in their life.
If they had to leave their birthplace, let us know why.
Please be sure to include when, why and how they were recruited by The Seal.
// roles ...
You have been here for 4+ years. You have seen the Seal go through thick and thin, now standing as a rock for newer characters to lean on and the first to be called when backup is needed on a mission. Because of your steadfastness, there are rumors that you may be a future Pillar.
Bookie doesn't like you, he calls you unpredictable and he says that that is a liability to The Seal. You have a tendency to want to do things your own way. But Keep likes having you around and the other two Pillars don't care enough to be bothered by you. Plus, you're good at what you do.
You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and, in that short time, you're already being assigned high profile missions, missions that others needed years to work up to. You assimilated quicker than anyone the Pillars have ever seen and some of your peers call you a Pillar in the making
You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and you are still in training, learning the ways of The Seal and finding out what kind of agent you want to be. You are made to shadow missions and your primary role is to follow the orders given by whoever you shadow, no matter what the order is.
As a principle, you don't like killing and violence and so being an agent is hard for you. However, you try to convince yourself that it's for the greater good; that The Seal is looking out for those who can't help themselves.. Plus, at least The Seal has a code. You still don't particularly support their methods though.
To you, rules are rules and are meant to be followed strictly. Any deviation is intolerable. You adore The Pillars - their word is law to you - and you even aspire to be a Pillar yourself one day. You've given everything you have and everything you are to The Seal with religious, almost problematic, dedication.
You were on the run from the law, you'd been on the run for a long time actually. However, your luck ran out; they had you cornered and you knew your time was up. You'd given up all hope and resigned yourself to your fate, then The Seal found you and, to you, they are protection from the law.
To you, The Seal is a means to an end. You recognise that all the agents under The Seal are some of the best at what they do. The Pillars form the very pinnacle, where you want to be. But you are not content with being "one of those" at the pinnacle. You want to be the pinnacle yourself, undeniable so.
Newer recruit - 0 months to a year. No matter what those around you said and how they tried to convince you that it was just a myth, you always knew The Seal was real. You'd followed their missions closely, modeling your style after them. The day you were recruited was a literal dream come true for you.
You were a noble once, maybe even royalty. But, all that meant is that you got to see the cruelty of high Society firsthand and it was a vile taste in your mouth. You knew you had to do something. You were nothing more than a nameless vigilante before The Seal found you, now they have your full devotion.
Both of your parents were agents of The Seal and they raised you while keeping their lives as part of The Seal secret from you. Eventually, you grew old enough to have questions. With few options left, they finally gave you the answers you wanted and brought you into the life they'd tried to shelter you from.
You got into a nearly fatal accident and you had to leave for several months while you healed and got your strength back. You returned very recently, not only do your memory and muscle memory need to return, it also feels like so much has changed - there is much for you to keep up with.
You process and consume information at an extraordinary rate and you are always hungry for more, seeking to grow and improve yourself in your craft, each day better than you were the day before. Your progress is staggering and your dedication is an example to those around; you just might be a future Pillar.
The role you fill under The Seal gives you purpose and it is one of the very few things that does. There aren't very many things that you are naturally good at - even things you worked for years on. But you do your jobwithin The Seal perfectly, almost as if you were born to do this.
You are a treasure trove of talent. You can, have, and will fill all roles, bouncing from one role to the other as the missions demand. You may not be the best at any one role, but your versatility makes you indispensable. Because of this, you're one of very few able to be assigned solo missions.
In a world of secrets, lies and shadows, you are a much needed breath of fresh air - a literal ray of sunshine. You know what The Seal is and you fully commit to your role within it. And yet, you carry yourself with the demeanor of somebody who works in a candy shop, unflappable in your positivity.
Reserved for GM Wyll
You've been here for 4+ years. Whenever somebody is recruited, they are warned about you because you are known to give the newbies a hard time, a true trial by fire. Your reasons are your own, but every newbie knows your name and most fear it.
You have been around for a while - at least three years - and you may not be the best in your role but you are indispensable all the same. Your experience has made you a master of navigating sticky situations. You are known for your clever ideas, if there is a problem, you are often the solution.
Your natural understanding of people, creatures and situations allows you to be the glue that holds people together when things don't go smoothly. You are perfectly able to discern between when a situation calls for support, guidance or discipline and you know how to provide all three as needed.
Just as the saying says, everything is a nail to you. You believe in power and asserting dominance and this shows through in how you carry out the activities of your role and even relations with other agents. Not particularly one for tact or patience, you trust in your own abilities to navigate any situation.
You had been searching for The Seal for a long time and you knew more than you thought. To The Seal, the only thing more dangerous than someone that knows too much is someone that doesn't know how much they know. So they found you before you found them; your search is over and their secret remains safe
You've been wronged and want vengeance. You don't care that it's against the code of The Seal to keep personal matters out of the way. For now, you will follow their rules; play their game; obey their silly code...but when a chance for vengeance comes, you won't let them or anyone else stop you.
Life has dealt you a tough hand many times over - situations that would have made most other throw in the towel - yet, somehow, you've persisted. Giving up and giving in seem to be fundamentally and entirely against your nature and you carry that spirit through every mission and everything you do.
Life has taught you that anything could happen and you live every day and every mission with that in mind. You play it as safe as possible, doing everything you can to guarantee complete success no matter what. You refuse to act until victory is absolutely certain, scared of what failure might mean.

// rules ...
This RP will be obeying all RPN rules.
All accepted players and characters will be added to the group Discord which is where we'll have most of our OOC conversation and plotting - so yes, Discord is mandatory.
Face claims optional but encouraged, but all characters need to have a detailed physical description. If you choose to use a face claim, you are free to use any style/medium/source you want but you still need a physical description.
Please only apply for one role for now. As time passes, based on interest, there may be the opportunity to apply for more than one, should you choose to. If you have questions or concerns about how a character you want to play could fit into a role, please feel free to reach out to me.
Applications are not accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Don't feel shy to apply for a role just because others are applying for the same role.

A battle of secrets, lies and shadows
© reveriee


Nobody can say for certain when people started receiving the letters. Some say The Seal - as the group has now been called - has caused the rise and fall of entire kingdoms. Others believe it is the latest in a long list of soon-to-be-forgotten attention grabbers. Some declare that there is only one person behind The Seal. Others insist that it is impossible for one person to hold that much power. Some even believe the whole thing to be a myth. But The Seal exists, and has existed for the almost 200 years. You would know. After all, you are one of them.

First of all, many thanks for showing interest in this little thingie of mine. Just dropping some things here that might help you when thinking of ho to build your character.

Magic System
Magic in this world is primarily supplemental rather than powerfully offensive. A good comparison would be similar to the way magic is used in The Lord of the Rings universe.
For a little more detail, there are three levels of magic: Beginner, Intermediate and Master.
  • Beginner: About the same level as Level 1 spells in DnD. If you are unfamiliar, think along the lines of buffs and debuffs. You're able to do things like cast a shield, coat yourself in an element, amplify physical characteristics, and things of that nature.
    Most NPCs in the world/RP are going to be at the Beginner level - it is the default that everybody starts out as.

  • Intermediate: About the same level as Level 2 and Level 3 spells in DnD. For context, think along the lines of the most basic magical attacks. You can cast fireballs, change the properties of an object, have limited control over other people's minds, and things like that. Intermediate magic users can only have affinity in one element (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Storm, Mind, Light or Dark).
    To reach Intermediate level, your character must have studied for anywhere from 3 to 7 years at an institute.

  • Master: About the same level as Level 4 or 5 spells in DnD. For more context, your abilities are similar to those in the intermediate category but you can cast faster, stronger, larger, more potent attacks. You are also able to dabble into a second element. However, Masters in magic take a serious hit to other areas of ability due to the amount of time it takes to become a master. Additionally, there are conditions under which they are at their most powerful. For example, Bookie, one of the Pillars, is a Master level magic user. Within the library, he has omni-presence, advanced telepathy and telekinesis. He is also highly resistant to magical damage. However, all of that goes away the second he steps out of the library. Outside the library, he is a high-level Intermediate magic user at best.
    To reach Master level, your character must have studied for more than 7 years at an institute.

  • Magic Items: Characters at the Intermediate or Master level have access to magical items that can serve as either the source or a conduit of their powers. You are able to use this item however you wish, just be sure to include it and its abilities in your CS.

Races & Creatures
That's right, your character doesn't have to be human. This is a mid-Fantasy RP and so most fantasy/mythical/magical races and creatures will be seen throughout the world. Do keep in mind that, as this is mid-Fantasy, Angels, Demons, Demon Lords, Magic Lords and all other high level magic beings, creatures and races cannot be found in the world/RP.
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the feasibility of a race in this world, feel free to each out to me to ask.
Also, yes, your character can have familiars because they're adorable and I love them.

Roles & Jobs
There are three possible jobs your character can have: Assassin, Lorekeeper or Spy. Keep in mind that all roles have been designed such that they fit all jobs. If you particularly like a role but struggle to see how it would fit with your character's job, feel free to reach out to me and we'll work something out.

Assassins are primarily responsible for, as you'd expect, eliminating the targets of a mission. However, not all missions require elimination of targets. In such situations, assassins serve as bodyguards and an extra set of eyes on the situation, such that if a life does need to be taken, they are able to do so.

Spies are responsible for gathering information as well as trading in secrets and lies. They are crucial for infiltration and reconnaissance missions. Sometimes their goal is to sew chaos and lies and bring things down from the inside, sometimes they're simply there to gather information.

Lorekeepers are the organisers of the whole operation. They coordinate between the assassins and spies, pass on instructions from the Pillars and - very importantly - they long every single mission and everything that happens on mission. They always keep the bigger picture in front of them while the others are in the thick of it.

CS Template:

FC (if available):
Physical description:

Magic Level:
Magical equipment:
Magical abilities:

Head canons

Give an idea of where they were born and/or raised and any significant moments that happened in their life.
If they had to leave their birthplace, let us know why.
Please be sure to include when, why and how they were recruited by The Seal.


  1. The Foundation - You have been here for 4+ years. You have seen the Seal go through thick and thin, now standing as a rock for newer characters to lean on and the first to be called when backup is needed on a mission. Because of your steadfastness, there are rumors that you may be a future Pillar.

  2. The Trouble-Maker - Bookie doesn't like you, he calls you unpredictable and he says that that is a liability to The Seal. You have a tendency to want to do things your own way. But Keep likes having you around and the other two Pillars don't care enough to be bothered by you. Plus, you're good at what you do.

  3. The Prodigy - You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and, in that short time, you're already being assigned high profile missions, missions that others needed years to work up to. You assimilated quicker than anyone the Pillars have ever seen and some of your peers call you a Pillar in the making.

  4. The Shadow - You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and you are still in training, learning the ways of The Seal and finding out what kind of agent you want to be. You are made to shadow missions and your primary role is to follow the orders given by whoever you shadow, no matter what the order is.

  5. The Bleeding - As a principle, you don't like killing and violence and so being an agent is hard for you. However, you try to convince yourself that it's for the greater good; that The Seal is looking out for those who can't help themselves.. Plus, at least The Seal has a code. You still don't particularly support their methods though.

  6. The Devout - To you, rules are rules and are meant to be followed strictly. Any deviation is intolerable. You adore The Pillars - their word is law to you - and you even aspire to be a Pillar yourself one day. You've given everything you have and everything you are to The Seal with religious, almost problematic, dedication.

  7. The Refugee - You were on the run from the law, you'd been on the run for a long time actually. However, your luck ran out; they had you cornered and you knew your time was up. You'd given up all hope and resigned yourself to your fate, then The Seal found you and, to you, they are protection from the law.

  8. The Driven - To you, The Seal is a means to an end. You recognise that all the agents under The Seal are some of the best at what they do. The Pillars form the very pinnacle, where you want to be. But you are not content with being "one of those" at the pinnacle. You want to be the pinnacle yourself, undeniable so.

  9. The Votary - Newer recruit - 0 months to a year. No matter what those around you said and how they tried to convince you that it was just a myth, you always knew The Seal was real. You'd followed their missions closely, modeling your style after them. The day you were recruited was a literal dream come true for you.

  10. The Insider - You were a noble once, maybe even royalty. But, all that meant is that you got to see the cruelty of high Society firsthand and it was a vile taste in your mouth. You knew you had to do something. You were nothing more than a nameless vigilante before The Seal found you, now they have your full devotion.

  11. The Legacy - Both of your parents were agents of The Seal and they raised you while keeping their lives as part of The Seal secret from you. Eventually, you grew old enough to have questions. With few options left, they finally gave you the answers you wanted and brought you into the life they'd tried to shelter you from.

  12. The Returnee - You got into a nearly fatal accident and you had to leave for several months while you healed and got your strength back. You returned very recently, not only do your memory and muscle memory need to return, it also feels like so much has changed - there is much for you to keep up with.

  13. The Glutton - You process and consume information at an extraordinary rate and you are always hungry for more, seeking to grow and improve yourself in your craft, each day better than you were the day before. Your progress is staggering and your dedication is an example to those around; you just might be a future Pillar.

  14. The Talentless - The role you fill under The Seal gives you purpose and it is one of the very few things that does. There aren't very many things that you are naturally good at - even things you worked for years on. But you do your job within The Seal perfectly, almost as if you were born to do this.

  15. The Joker - You are a treasure trove of talent. You can, have, and will fill all roles, bouncing from one role to the other as the missions demand. You may not be the best at any one role, but your versatility makes you indispensable. Because of this, you're one of very few able to be assigned solo missions.

  16. The Sun - In a world of secrets, lies and shadows, you are a much needed breath of fresh air - a literal ray of sunshine. You know what The Seal is and you fully commit to your role within it. And yet, you carry yourself with the demeanor of somebody who works in a candy shop, unflappable in your positivity.

  17. The Fire (Reserved for GM Wyll) - You've been here for 4+ years. Whenever somebody is recruited, they are warned about you because you are known to give the newbies a hard time, a true trial by fire. Your reasons are your own, but every newbie knows your name and most fear it.

  18. The General - You have been around for a while - at least three years - and you may not be the best in your role but you are indispensable all the same. Your experience has made you a master of navigating sticky situations. You are known for your clever ideas, if there is a problem, you are often the solution.

  19. The Resin - Your natural understanding of people, creatures and situations allows you to be the glue that holds people together when things don't go smoothly. You are perfectly able to discern between when a situation calls for support, guidance or discipline and you know how to provide all three as needed.

  20. The Hammer - Just as the saying says, everything is a nail to you. You believe in power and asserting dominance and this shows through in how you carry out the activities of your role and even relations with other agents. Not particularly one for tact or patience, you trust in your own abilities to navigate any situation.

  21. The Bargain - You had been searching for The Seal for a long time and you knew more than you thought. To The Seal, the only thing more dangerous than someone that knows too much is someone that doesn't know how much they know. So they found you before you found them; your search is over and their secret remains safe.

  22. The Spiteful - You've been wronged and want vengeance. You don't care that it's against the code of The Seal to keep personal matters out of the way. For now, you will follow their rules; play their game; obey their silly code...but when a chance for vengeance comes, you won't let them or anyone else stop you.

  23. The Unbroken - Life has dealt you a tough hand many times over - situations that would have made most other throw in the towel - yet, somehow, you've persisted. Giving up and giving in seem to be fundamentally and entirely against your nature and you carry that spirit through every mission and everything you do.

  24. The Cautious - Life has taught you that anything could happen and you live every day and every mission with that in mind. You play it as safe as possible, doing everything you can to guarantee complete success no matter what. You refuse to act until victory is absolutely certain, scared of what failure might mean.

  1. This RP will be obeying all RPN rules.

  2. All accepted players and characters will be added to the group Discord which is where we'll have most of our OOC conversation and plotting - so yes, Discord is mandatory.

  3. Face claims optional but encouraged, but all characters need to have a detailed physical description. If you choose to use a face claim, you are free to use any style/medium/source you want but you still need a physical description.

  4. Please only apply for one role for now. As time passes, based on interest, there may be the opportunity to apply for more than one, should you choose to. If you have questions or concerns about how a character you want to play could fit into a role, please feel free to reach out to me.

  5. Applications are not accepted on a first-come first-served basis. Don't feel shy to apply for a role just because others are applying for the same role.
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The Returnee text 2.png

  • Name: Quill, her true name remains a mystery even to her.
    Gender: Cisgender female, she/her
    Age: Twenty-five years old
    Race: Faefolk
    Role: The Returnee
    Job: Lorekeeper

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changeling in disguise.

# true self

# xiao zhan

♡coded by uxie♡


# disguise

# felix lee

♡coded by uxie♡

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Place Holder!
FC — Sun Zhen Ni
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vesper vedanya



#amita suman

♡coded by uxie♡

the spiteful




♡coded by uxie♡


achilles 'archie' marlowe

# a bleeding heart

# from cathior

♡coded by uxie♡


# indecisive lost boy with good intentions

# timothee chalamet

♡coded by uxie♡


name tbd


#ex errant fleet member

#milly alcock as rhaenyra

♡coded by uxie♡

the prodigy




♡coded by uxie♡

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aricia belwick

# the insider

# eleanor tomlinson

♡coded by uxie♡


the sun


NAME: Cresley Hogsweed
AGE: 26
GENDER: Cis-male
RACE: Hobbit
ROLE: The Sun
JOB: Assassin

HAIR: Brown
MISC: Double microdermal piercings on the back of his hands, a remnant of an old cultural tradition.
FACECLAIM: Joshua Sasse
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Strikingly short in stature, the trademark of a hobbit. Approaching 4 feet tall. Hairy arms and legs, as well as a full, nicely-trimmed beard. Frames what is usually an easygoing smile, stretching up Cress' rosy cheeks to meet a clean-cut head of brown hair. Always holding up some large weapon. Kind eyes, which are seldom withheld.

Beginner, very limited knowledge.
MAGICAL EQUIPMENT: a really cool little shield i will definitely give a name to. and various blades
- Brace: Focus hard and flex, baby! Attuned to the metal embedded in his body, sharp, metal thorns rush out of Cress' skin. They're very pointy.
- Punch: It's like a bullet, unnaturally fast, but not so fast that it's a huge spectacle. But really, it is pretty fast. The heat it generates on Cress' hand can be painful over time, but it also makes a nice hot pack in the icy winter. He has quick hands in general, but the knockout punch famously (or infamously) gets the most attention.


Likes: crab meat, bets, stories, martial arts, beer, authority, compliments
Virtues: optimistic, spirited, well-meaning, dependable, tenacious
Strengths: an iron will, quick reflexes, inspiring confidence, excels at 1v1, adept defensively
- Little is known about the people who raised him, where they've been, or what became of them.
- Slightly above average height for a halfling!
- Has been described often by Guill as "annoying".
- Strangely nice for someone from the Lost Lands.
- Hard to catch off guard.
- Secretly yearns to settle down someday.


Dislikes: soft beds, hesitation, giving up, tough decisions, whispering, pipe organs, apples
Vices: stubborn, flippant, loyal to a fault, "shoot first, ask questions later", "the end justifies the means"
Weaknesses: very little work-related remorse, blinded by loyalty, prioritizes his allies, struggles offensively outside 1v1, short stature/small shield means he must also rely on agility
- Poison
- Killing someone on accident
- Ghouls/spirits (superstitious)


Cress, by many definitions, is a soldier. He grew up in a rigid order, and took to the ways of The Seal like a hand to a mitten. At all times, he carries a loose sort of decorum that transcends beyond conventional rules of verbal etiquette. He rarely speaks out of turn, listens to others to understand them, and has a really, really loud mouth. His voice is usually the loudest in a room, and it's usually some type of laughter. He likes to keep things light, truly almost never breaking his smile.

Perhaps due to his upbringing around bandits and thieves, Cress has an unabashed penchant for confrontation, habitually speaking his mind and choosing a battle if needed. He talks with his mouth full and bangs his fist on the wall to punctuate his points, but finds a way to somehow still give a respectful impression. He doesn't enjoy demeaning others or complaining, making a constant effort to find the positive in situations. Cress is comfortable with people, full of humor that gets in the way of his job less often than you'd think.

His flexible morals are justified by his earnest loyalty toward his missions and companions. It's almost morbid how upbeat Cress can be amidst violence and strife, and it's because he grew up in the center of it all. The Lost Lands cultivate killers, thieves, and liars, not for the enjoyment of it but because its people believe they are necessary evils to succeed. In fact, your average bandit wouldn't call these acts evil at all—nor would they care what evil even is, probably. Cress is living proof that you can be all of those things... and yet still super nice.


x: x.

x: x.

x: x.

x: x.

x: x.








Cresley Hogsweed.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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Jason "The Sword of the Seal" Elvesh

Half Giant
The Foundation


Physical description:
Standing at 12 feet tall with a wide and strong build. Jet black hair, but no one had ever really seen his eyes, but they are a deep golden color. Physically imposing in size with a wide frame that carries his body and weight very well. Weighting over 300 lbs, but his height and frame carry it well. He has scars all over his body, some burns, some cuts and even a few that looks like rips in his flesh.

Magic Level:

Magical equipment:
The Greatsword Gungnier
- A sword crafted specifically to withstand his magically enhanced strength. It also acts as an amplifier to his strength. Using his sword, the user can destroy a room with only half his strength.
Magical abilities:
Super-Tier Physical Enhancement - Unlike most people who study magic to the master level, Jason preferred to focus on one specific type of magic. He focused specifically on the ability to enhance his body. He decided to forgo any and all other types of magic training. He focused purely on his ability to enhance his own physical prowess, which was already pretty intense. Due to his intense training with this specific type of magic, he is able to enhance his body far beyond what normal people are capable of. This magic makes him capable of completely wiping out an entire room with a single punch. Not only does it increase his durability, but with his years of study and practice with this magic, it also adds a healing Factor. Allowing him to recover from critical damage at an astonishing rate. Wounds that would take people weeks to heal from takes him only a few hours. Normal or small wounds heal in a matter of minutes.


Jason is a man of hyper fixation. His interests change and very wildly depending on his mood and what's going on in life. One could say that he could find himself interested in many different things at any given time. As such, nailing down one specific thing that he likes is pretty much impossible.
Jason is a person of freedom. He likes to be free. He has power and skill to ensure he can be free and follow his own path. As such, he hates anything that restricts his freedom. He follows the rules of his choosing, hates people who try to impose unfair rules and completely despises dictators and tyrants. He also hates being pinned down. He like being treated like a tool nor does he like those who use others as tools.

His is strong in every sense of the word. Unbreakable will and determination that few people understand. He is a caring soul, willing to give the shirt off his back for others. He is steadfast and will protect anyone he is charged to protect. A gentle heart and a body built to protect.
Because he has such steadfast morals, he can be easy to trick. He has a habit of tanking in order to protect others. His magic heals his body, but it doesn't make him unstoppable, so he gets hurt in his pursuit to protect others.

- The strong must protect the weak.
- Freedom is the right of all those who draw breath.
- Strength is privilege to those who deserve it.
- Is a stubborn man. Hard-headed till the end. Once he makes up his mind about something, there is very little anyone can do to change his mind.
- A self sacrificing moron. So willing to throw his own life away for someone else.

Jason has only two true fears. The first of being too weak to protect someone who needs him. The second dying alone. He understands that being a Pillar of Strength is important, but his greatest fear is that he will die alone, forgotten to time with no one to mourn him.
Head Canons:
Jason is an animal person and despite his size. So, he keeps an elephant as a pet. The elephants name is Mumbasa and he is just like a massive golden retriever.
Jason is a very strong and capable individual. He is steadfast, good-natured and genuinely concerned about the welfare of other people. Despite his nature, he is a very fragile person. His strength and confidence easily shaken by failure and loss. He thrives off of his ability to protect others, oftentimes forgetting to protect himself. This includes protecting himself mentally, physically and even emotionally. His strength is not only his greatest weapon, but also the greatest weakness he has put on himself.

Jason was born to a human father and a giant mother on the continent of Emem in the city of Kumi. His father was a talented blacksmith that would let him sit in the forge to watch him work. He found such joy watching his father take shapeless metal and turn it into a refined weapon. He took great pride in his father and his mother and took to learning the craft soon in life. However, he also found himself also being drawn to the art of wielding a sword. Seeing those mighty warriors wield such expertly crafted weapons with such refined skill, it was something that sparked his inner drive and his parents took notice.

At the age of 8 his mother found him a giant teacher. Sword fighting was hard at first. Being smaller than a normal giant, he had to adjust the traditional fighting style of the giants, but with work and effort he mastered this style of fighting. He kept his training up, everyday swinging his sword to keep his skills sharp. It wasn't long until his teacher noticed his magic aptitude start to appear. His parents were informed and realized that their son was meant to do something. Meant to be something more than a simple blacksmith. The next week they gave him his beloved pet elephant Mumbasa, packed his bags and tearfully said their goodbyes. His mother left him with a few words. Kneeling down and tearfully speaking "My dear boy, you have been given the gift of strength. You should always use that strength for others. Protect freedom and show the world who you are."

With those words he journeyed to Falin. At 13 years old he enrolled in the First Magical Institute of Falin. He spent years there, but he was looked down upon. Others studied many spells and some even developed secondary elements. Jason preferred to focus in on his Enhancement magic. Most thought this was a waste and put him at a disadvantage, but instead he turned it into a strength. His mastery of Enhancement brought the magic to a whole new level, even developing a healing factor into it. He became so proficient with his Enhancement magic that he didn't need any other type.

He studied at the institute up to his 21st birthday. Despite his magical studies, he never slacked on his sword play. Studying by day and practicing his sword by night. In his spare time he helped at a local orphanage. He would help them and take the children outside the city to play. On one such day there was a terrible incident. A wandering land dragon stumbled upon them. This beast dwarfed Jason and made its prey known. Jason was full of fear. This beast would be a strong fight and he wasn't sure if he could best it. However, he could hear the children crying, hiding behind him in terror and panic. Jason was stuck. He couldn't run and he couldn't leave them behind. The massive beast charged, ready to kill the kids and him along with them. Adrenaline coursed through him. He couldn't let these children die. He just couldn't. He was strong and it was up to him to protect these weak and helpless children. A burst of courage and strength radiated from him. He released a guttural yell as he enhanced himself as much as he could and met the land dragon in a head on collision.

A moment of awe and shock washed over all who were present. Watching this half giant man struggle and fight back against this beast that, by all accounts, should have over powered him. The scaly creature fought and clawed to overtake him, but the steadfast half giant strained and pushed forward as he held the behemoth at bay. The land dragon struggled in his grip, fighting to attack the children Jason was so determined to save.

Jason felt his boots slide in the dirt, he was starting to lose his footing, but he wouldn't lose. He couldn't lose. It was his job, his duty and his goal to make sure not a single child was harmed. He summoned all his strength, enhancing himself to his absolute limit and began to push back. Snarls and roars from the land dragon as his half giant began to push him back. Jason was being sliced and cut, but he refused to stop. Not when the lives of these children were at stake. Step by step he pushed back, struggling and straining with all his might as he fought to protect the weak, just like his parents always wanted him to, until he finally managed to throw the great beast, injuring its leg and forcing it to retreat.

The people cheered, thanking him and offering him gifts as a hero, but one person stood out. Later that night he was approached by a man. One who offered him a place with the Seal. Claiming his drive to protect and his strength would be a truly great asset. The idea of protecting others appealed to the great half giant and he happily accepted the offer. At only a week after turning 21 he joined the Seal and worked his way up. Now at 26 years of age, he is one of the most respected members of the Seal. Now seen as a front runner for being named a Pillar. Mostly taking on protection jobs and maintaining the status of one of the most powerful members of the Seal in terms of physical power.​
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  • Art: BloominStella
    Zayna, Saphielle
    CODE NAME...
    Ruby Wraith/Saph
    Looks 24
    August 13
    Forest Elf
    The Insider
    Trust is not given lightly, it is earned through trials.
    5’02” (157.48cm)
    hair color:
    Ginger Copper
    eye color:
    Mixture of blue, violet, and green

    Saphielle is a lithe lightweight elven princess. She stands at a bit over five feet in height and weighs only a bit under 100 lbs. Her hair is about knee-length and slightly curled and silky in texture. She has copper highlights woven within her hair and her ears are pointed. She has sun-kissed tanned skin with almond-shaped eyes. Her eyes are a stunning trio of colors, starting with a deep azure blue before fading to violet and then a light sage green towards her pupils. She has a circlet of amazonite gemstones and a necklace tat is an amazonite lily flower, her ears are pierced and she wears a set of earrings that are red and blue. Her outfits are navy blue (almost black) and black skirts with slits as well as leggings and a tight-fitted top that is mainly a tank top. She does have a dark green and navy blue embroidered cloak that she wears too - her nickname the Ruby Wraith mainly comes from her copper hair.
    ⬩ ⬥ ❖ ⬥ ⬩
    Bodies and words should be for understanding each other but they’re used to probe one another, wearing each other down.
    Saphielle is a bit on the unusual side. She is fiercely protective and loyal of those she cares about. She can be a bit cold and distant as first glance though. Overall, Saph is super kind and sweet-tempered once you get to know her honestly. She is a kindred soul to many. She has a true desire for peace, but when it comes down to it she views the truth behind the royals as a fake lie. Saphielle is honest, and patient to an extent but has some very bad trust issues. Cautious of literally anyone, gaining her trust takes time and patience. She is shy, quiet, and oftentimes nose-deep in a book or enjoying the outside. She is patient and is adaptable. She will just go with the flow most times. She is a motivated elf who will always provide advice when necessary. She isn’t overly outgoing and dislikes any attention whatsoever honestly. She is an optimist and realist mix.

    While definitely has some decent bonus sides to her, she is wary in regards to royals. She prefers to help those in need and oftentimes her vigilante work allowed her to really help those common elves under the royal reign. She thinks that her family views her as dead ... not that her family ever really cared about her anyway. She has a hard time trusting others and prefers to work alone overall. When in teams she tends to be the voice of reason and the quiet one. She is exceptionally intelligent and stealthy on her feet - that is the reason she is known as an assassin within the group.
code by Nano

WIP - will finish her later on tonight or tomorrow
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