Seska Academy

Faith nodded as Fuyu left the room. She pinned and cut materials and began sewing. After a few hours she had managed to finish the dress. She noticed there was a slight flaw, and went to fix it. As she did, she jabbed the needle in her finger, which she quickly yanked away. "Owch!" She yelped, putting hefinger to her lips to take care of the blood.

Emerald turned and saw Sy, giving him a slightly embarrassed look. "Er, I hope you don't mind me dropping by so soon. I don't really have much to do today." She scuffed her green converse against the pavement as he unlocked the door.
seeing her reaction made him smile devilishly for a split second then looked to the maid serving karu,"bring her some pain killers.." he said softly taking her to her seat, there was soup waiting for them both. he would have to think of a reason as to why she didn't recall itou but his leaving could be cause for trying to forget him. it was the perfect plan his leaving was purely coincidence. he looked at his twin and he had a blank stare sitting there," happened again didn't it...i don't recall anything...itou is gone isn't he...who is this?" the girl sitting there made his head hurt but then again he was use to it. his band mate sy and itou he always was fuzzy on, relying on hikaru to remind him. hikaru fed some soup to lilly as they awaited the pain killers,"this is my girlfriend silly karu remember..." karu looked dazed and then it hit him,"oh how could i forget.." he chuckled as the pain stopped. "lilly had a small stumble so im taking care of her. we have practice with Sy later..." he hoped that they would start acting moer human soon, the meds would be kicking in more so soon enough and then they would be completely brain washed by morrow, with some headphones as they slept. it made him laugh inside. i always get my WAY....

fuyu had spent the time sending and receiving papers, the show had always something to do. "yes we want them gold with pink hues in the fabric! its part of the theme idiot!" he was talking to the head of decorating and setting up, they have brought the wrong fabrics for the seats. "please just get it done!" he hung up massaging his head, glancing at the time he called for a bot,"is everything set and ready we leave tommorrow...there has been a change in plans." the bot looked at him the replied,"everything packed and waiting in the cars for tommorrow sir..shall i let the small miss know?" he nodded and wrote down a small note then watched the bot leave he turned and faced the window. running all this was tiresome..but at least he had some good news for once...he would take this girl under his wing and keep her away from that bad father. yet he was a good mentor it tormented him so. "..."

sy sung the door open and a bot greeted them both,"hello Sy and guest, there is food in the dining hall please eat before anything esle.." Sy smiled and dropped his things by the door excited,"Oto can you analyze this message seem like a prank but i want to be sure.." it beeped and sped off as Sy ran to the dining hall his mouth watered,"dam this looks good...Hey come and join me make yourself at home!" he shouted to her as he helped himself, in the back of his mind he was pissed at itou and worried a bit about lilly.

in the home of Itou there were bots packing up lilly's things erasing any traces of her presence there as instructed. it was a empty home with a vacant sign that they had placed there. "...this is all..lets go.." one bot said in his monotone speech and they were gone after they sent a message to master hikaru's cell.

on a plane to england itou saw the city of london and sighed,"..." staring at him was his now future...5 months away as planned then back in time to graduate.
Lily smiled amd nodded at karu, taking soup he fed her and giggling sslightly she quickly took the pain killers the maid handed her and she smiled as the pain slowly faded, she started eating and when she finished she stretched and yawned "you know th funny thing, all i can remember is m-my dad beating me up" she said shaking at the memory and a maid brought in her stuff and she asked "I im gathering he kicked me out um where am i staying?"
"That's right we all were so scared after the shocked us all when saw him do that.." He handed her the spoon and ate himself, all the while karu made a face at them two and pleaded for the maid to feed him,"come now feed like it." Hikaru laughed at the sight and looked at the clock. "Your with me now in my room remember Lill.." Karu's eyes were wide for a moment the words echoed in his mind but shook off the feeling acting like a baby"..nurse Maid feed me.."
she nodded and blshed a deep red, it was a little awkward for her, shring with him even if they were a couple sh was a little scared. "oh, okay" she said hiding behimg her long thick hair. she remembered the twin carrying her somewhere afterwards, she supposed here, but really wasnt sure. she shook her head and finished he dinner and waited for hikaru to fimish as well.
Hikaru finished and stood,"shall we go walk around the garden," he held out his hand and smiled. Karu was eating his steak slowly,"I wanted the maid to feed me.." He pouted makin faces as he ate.
Lily smiled and stood she took his hand and giggled "Your brother is silly," she told Hikaru before walking out to the gardens together. She thought it was cute, but she couldnt say that out loud especially if hikaru was her boyfriend,
hikaru led her out to the garden,"arent the flowers pretty...I love coming here and laying in the grass forgetting all my troubles.." he stood and smelled a rose as he did he seemed content and relaxed, very unlike himself and fell to the grass smiling,"join me...we dont have to be at practice for awhile.."
Lily lay carefully next to him there was at least a foot betwwen the two, lily felt uneasy for somereason . . she didnt know why though. she shook th feeling of and rolled her sholders nodding " it is beautiful here"
Emerald followed Sy sheepishly into the dinning room. "well, im glad you dont mind." she said suddenly feeling a nervousness that was unlike her. she was in someone elses house, not to mention someone she had just met.

Faith put a bandage on her finger and continued her work. she was nearly finished when a bot came in and told her the news. "alright then. im just minutes away from completing this, would you please tell Fuyu? i would like for him to know." she had a sudden serious appearance. though a trip to paris would be fun, she knew this was her chance to show everyone what she could do. she wanted to make Fuyu proud, the way her mother had always been. she frowned, but shook it off and got back to work. she was really starting to miss her mother. she wasnt use to city life, it was noisy and crowded. hopefully the trip to Paris would help.
"Come closer my dear..what wrong you feeling okay?" He felt her forbear as he sat up, she was fine then her cheeks. "You nervous for our practice? You were shining as Alice..I was proud of you." He smiled warmly in his mind he would let know that the maid should put more medicine in her drinks from now on. Karu was done eating and practinng his guitar looking at he chessr cat outfit,"...I did good.." He hummed trying to recall but it hurt his head a bit and stopped.

sy sat down rather in mannerly and grabbed food looking up at her,"come eat! Surly you need to build up what you lost in water..mine has special vitimins so I stay healthy." He took off his shirt and wiped his face hair was wild and his shoes were off socks on a chair next to him as he declothed somewhat. A robot came back with his findings,"sir we have come to find that miss Lilly is no longer at the home it has been marked empty. Her voice had high patterns and shows honest fear...we recommend going to find her at the twins home.." He left leaving the papers on he table, he stopped and looked serious.

Fuyu had taken his glasses off, laptop closed and papers he would need and such in his carry on. The bot came in and stood before him he turned and looked at it,"yes what she say.." THe robot beeped and spoke,"she is minute from being done and would like you to know.." It zoomed away and took the carry on Fuyu's room. He left his glasses on he desk looki g more like a teenager he was dressed more casually as the night sky shown through. He was glad he made the discussion to build it this way. He silently walked to his creation room and stood there watching her create, it made him smile somewhat. " have raw talent faith..."
Lily shifted closer to him , after alittle debate resting it on his uppr thigh as he said and shook her head, shetried to think of how to explain it and she finally found the words "No, I feel fine, I-i just dont remember anything and i have all these what ifs running through my head, i dnt remember you, i feel guilty and unsure" she admitted her head lturned not facinv him she was lookinv at the green grass on the left side of him, so he couldnt see her face
He softly looked a bit saddened but of course deep down he was rather happy she forgot it all, now he can fill her mind with what he wanted and needed. The tiniest thing could tip her off in her head and chose his words carefully. Eyes rolled the flowers as he spoke quietly and with great pain in his face, the sky didn't seem as blue to him. "When your father hurt you the medicine they gave caused you to have memory were out for so long it frightened me I might never hear your laugh or beautiful voice." Looking at her back he wanted to touch her but held back,"your Lilly part of the band Yor you are the lead singer and my partner here at this school. Your dad didn't approve your singing..I helped you confront my fault your like this.." He held his head wanting to cry but held back. "...I'm's all my fault...I'm sorry.." He kept saying as he shook.

karu finishing his sets was quite happy about his performance sat on his bed thinking about nothing really.
She listened to what he said her life was .. . . . and it all seemed to match up. she thought about her role in the band and smiled, she rememberdd a little of the perfromance, her singing the solo bit, but not any more than that, she kust have done great. his compliments regestered in her brain and she smiled "your so sweet." she said, still not looking at him but Lily looked at him as he begun to shake and she sat up and hugged him tightly, rocking him side to side, her legs got sore from the possition she was in so she sat on his lap, being rather more 'touchy' than usual, she was big on comfoting people who needed as she never was and she knew what that could do to a person, the only comfort she was familiar with was physical. she ran her hands through his hair and kissed his cheek "It wasnt your fault, you didnt know, heck I didnt know he would get violent, it wasnt your fault" she contiued to whisper comforting sentances in his ear, while playing with his hair or sroking it, he was clearly on the verge of tears. She kept doing this untill he stopped shaking
he looked up at her, in his mind he was grinning but his face showed hope and a warm fuzzy feeling. he rested his head on her chest and waited till he calmed down. out of the corner of his eye he saw Karu's window and smiled to himself but it lasted only for a moment as it was replaced with a false sense of sorrow and disbelief. "...i such a weak man..showing you this side of me.." showing ones emotions to a girl was something he NEVER did but when it came to acting he didnt mind so much, she smelled nice and he could do what he wanted, ans she would NEVER know the better.
Lily shok her head and said "Your not, it's just trust . . . I guess" she didn't remeber being this close to him but yet again she didn't remember him,, but to her it still felt a little awkward she cradled him a little and yawned cutely, but didn't move or show any other sin of being tired. She had slep a lot over the past couple of days but the drgs tired her out, not that she knew they were there, and would set in completely tomorrow. She unwound her arms from around his neck and said "Weak isn't crying it's anger and taking it out on other people, especially innocent ones that is weak" she sad a stern look in her eyes
karu saw them in the gardens and then the time, his eyes widened. "practice..." he ran down rushing past maids cleaning and shouted hikaru's name. he looked away and at karu he seemed fine and in his mind was smiling wickedly."yes karu what is it?" he was panting and looked up at hikaru,"we got practice do we not ar Sy's place right?" he again saw lilly and thought how he wanted a girlfriend top. "lilly you ready?" he recalled everything and how lilly was hikaru's girl and the concert the put on for everyone was a huge success.
Faith smiled bashfully, "well, its not all that was really just a hobby until now." she said humbly. she was not used to being praised. she was excited about the trip to France, as well as being able to share the clothes she made with other people.

Emerald looked over at Sy, "is something the matter? if theres something going on i can always leave." she offered, wondering if she shouldn't have come. she felt a bit awkward. she shuffled her feet, not sure what to say next. she looked down, with a quiet sigh.
Lily smiled and nodded getting up and hiding behind Hikaru somewhat "um .. . i may not me good caus i cant remember anything and ." she looked down blushing slightly a red tinge to her tan skin "Do either of you have a mp3 or somthing with our songs, i remember the dance and that one song but that is litterally it.

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