Seska Academy

Faith peered out a window into a courtyard as she walk and spotted a couple kissing. she looked away and continued to walk. a light pink painted her face. oh people shouldnt do that in public..... she thought shyly. for her, even approaching a guy was difficult. she frowned at her timid nature.

Emerald finished playing in the gym and took her soccer ball with her. she didn't really have many friends at this school since she didnt have the etiquette and manners. she was more like a normal public school teenager then a rich families daughter.
Adam felt her warm soft lips against his and melted. He gazed in her eyes, lingering on her every word. " Well I was never much one for rules. You aren't married yet are you? If a man cannot provide for his female, she is entitled to seek love elsewhere. Outside philosophy, that means i dig you and totally accept your terms," he kissed her passionately. " What will your ' fiancee' think?"
She liked him he didn't care for rules like her."my husband to be is a timid Tim...but I dilike those who my parents send my way." she laid back relaxing thinking about tim."he is more like a cute brother that should be taught about girls.." looking at him pulling him to her she whispered her shirt was far more revealing laying down."feel free to wander the forbidden body that is mine. I matured far more faster then most and my taste swings both ways.." giggling Merina placed his hand on her thigh the other in her long white wild hair.

"wow he does great work..what does mine looks like.." speaking cooly in front of his guards who reported to his dad and mom. Once the elvator closed he sighed leaning on it her outfit looked cool."that awesome Lill I love it on you like he took my vision from my dream and made it real." the music he hummed again looking at her to see how she react the elevator opened. Music played reaching their ears the band was perfecting it."my eyes are like jewels pluck them and see thru my eyes.." he sang as they walked taking the box in his hands moving about,"new moves for your song."
Adam felt that feeling he gets in the bottom of his heart he gets when he meets a girl he's fallen for. "Trust me, there's nothing timid about me." Adam lied next to her seeing her in her full beauty, her breasts looked so soft. Adam hesitated, looked to see if anyone was watching. He had a paranoid complex, since he was twelve, Nicaraguan Spec Ops had a thick file on him. " Is there anywher more," he gave a sexy smile, "more private? I'm not sure you're allowed in my dorm." He gazed at her, he couldn't ruin it, "nevermind" he said. Adam pounced, he kissed her neck, grabbed her full soft breasts. After kissing her neck he kissed up her neck, stopped at her ear a moment, then to her soft lips. He pryed her lips open with his and slid his tongue into her mouth. After finishing his kiss, Adam looked at his new mutal toy and new love, "thats enough exploring for being in public."
Lily rolled her eyes at Itous behavior, he seemed only to act like this in front of others, which she didn't mind and said "Like my costume?" she did a twirl for him showing of her dress to him "Grace finished yours here it is" she handed his costume to him and heard the music "was that our song?" she asked excitedly


Jewlery:,r:11,s:78,i:359 in Wonderland by Swarovski Cat.jpg&w=400&h=580&ei=A54oUIiuMM6fiAfXnYHAAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=536&sig=100486775262645590956&page=3&tbnh=161&tbnw=111&start=35&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:35,i:213&tx=81&ty=103,r:4,s:0,i:85&tx=93&ty=69

I am so sorry, My bro deleted it, i was fixing links.

Lily blushed and said "thanks" then laughed and said "Nice, dancing in an elevator, classy." she laughed some more "Why were you . . . different infront of the guards?" she asked him there had to be a reason, right? she then heard the music and jumped up and down, she looked like an exited puppy. "Is that our song? It sounds just like I wanted it too!" she grinned jumping up and down, smiling all the time.
Merina was taken back by his boldness feeling a strange sensation come over her. She could use this boy she thought wondering his true intentions."good I hate shy people I get bored fast and end up leaving in a weeks time.." she arched her eyebrow giving off a hesitant yet sexy look of question."are you up to the challenge?" looking at him sideways her hand resting on her hip as the other held her head up looking rather sexy n irresistible. She thought of a place but before she could think he pounced on her. Feeling his hands wander to her breasts she felt a shiver of excitement. His kiss. His toun. She wanted more. Her hands wandered around his chest wrapping her hands on his head softly as he kissed her neck. Their toungs intertwined soft moaning noises came from her. When he stopped she pouted her shirt tracking a tad bit more her arms holding her up now a sly look spread across her face,"I say let the public glance but as I see it there is a bush over there.." taking his hand she ran for it landing on him with hungry eyes kissin with a burning passion. "you are my toy..I'll be pissed if you touch other girls." she said softy warning him

Itou nodded looking at his white rabbit get up. The coat was exactly as he wanted, putting it on with a excited look,"I'm always being watched..have to put up appearances.." he took her and leading her to the door. Stopping Itou pulled her in and softly kissed her hand before opening the door."guys come out here and get your stuff..their badass!"
Lily laughed and said "Of course, I understand" she then walked out of the elevator and sat on a table waiting for everyone the get back from admiring Grace's masterpieces. "I'll tell him you like them." she laughed
The drummer was the cat he looked at himself giving a thumbs up the girl,"nice..welcome to the band.." he made his way to the room drumming away to get use the the outfit. The other guitarist was the mad hatter and the piano was march hair. "welcome.." the said in unison in awe of how itous dream came true on cloth. Itou himself was dancing around and singing the words getting use to his outfit,"join me Alice?"
Lily laughed and nodded "Of course" she said, jumping of the table and walking over to him, thanking everyone for they welcome. She started doing the dance with Itou, doing it more fluently than before and it looke dbetter with costumes too
((Merina left the table to walk the courtyard..she was lookin and saw a boy to play wih coz she's like that haha and yes u can jump in anytime I think the spider is wandering around where she left to have a make out session with that boy xD ))

The way they danced together..looked as if they belonged together doing it for years. " improved..I'm impressed Lill.." he had his hands in the air feeling good about everything,"it's all coming Together great.."
She smiled and nodded "I practiced after all" she said happily, she hadn' noticed much more than it looked better, so was oblivios to anything the bad was thnking about the two dancing. She smiled bigger and said "i can't wait to see the look on my dad's face!" she giggled to herself.
The band was sitting watching them two, clapping they all agree they looked good. "you guys are so annoying.." he said playfully tacking them all. "your right he will be shocked, but before that we need to get you to practice with an audience. It's a totally different experience.." he spoke laying on the floor still in costume
Lily nodded and said "I wonder how h'e'll take it . . . . We could set up in the court yard and do a performance, to see who likes it, it will be loud so . . ." she trailed of she was really exited about this,
She took the words right out of his mouth."oh yes nice and loud record it too.." the other stood in agreement excited."let us take care of the set up." the drummer said high diving Itou as the other two followed,"take them off first you two.." waving they went into the changing room."we should change and head down see if we can scout the perfect spot." running on ahead he was very pumped maybe his parents will accept his music. Ow that he found sub a talented song and music writer like him.
Lilt laughed and nodded "Okay, let me get changed I will use the bathroom." she walked in and got changed, putting her dress in it's box and asking "Ready, Lets go look"

She said holding out her hand or him to take
Itou stood there, a bright future hopefully ahead. He took her hand,"lead the way." the band members making preparations for the concert.

Fuyu was holding a book and listening to his headphones."such a nice day.." his wild red hair was unkept.
Adam lied beneath Merina, thinking she'd be the only girl he'd even want to be with. "I can cater to your needs if you facilitate mine," he said with a huge smile. He kissed her for what felt like forever, feelinf her soft warm skin. Her body was warm, she was perfect.
Lily smioed and nodded she lead him to the courtyard and looked around "so where do you think is best?" sue asked. There whas a step in th middle they could fence off. it was justvone step and then the rest of the courtyardwas on that levrl, untill a wall which they could usevas a backing board
Faith grew tired of wandering. what was she doing at a school like this? till a few weeks ago she was just a middle class citizen. she wasnt even dressed for the part, she wore no designer clothes, just a cheap t shirt and an old pair of her favorite capris.

Emerald found a bulliten board and took note of any sports exibitions she take part in.
merina was breathing a little fast, laying on him she giggled."But of course.." in the back of her mind she found that maybe this would be fun. The sun shown on them her spider had found her sitting there staring at them it sat silent. the wind blew and her scent of roses and lemon filled the air.

Itou looked around the courtyard, surveying the scene."see how everything seems to go to the center of the courtyard.." he had a wild idea to place it in the center. no matter how you looked at it people would find their way to their concert. he had a grin sitting in the grass imagining the people yelling his and hers names as they rocked out in there cool attire.

Fuyu was now laying down by a tree overlooking it all book covering his face as he slept soundly.

(not ver motivated today sorry for short posts >_<)
Faith let out a sigh of releif when she found the library. it was a nice quiet place, where she felt comfortable, out of the way of the unfamiliar rich word she had been thrust into.

after a short break, Emerald decided to go for a jog.

(no worries im lazy today too)
Fuyu awoke the book falling into his lap he looked around then sighed."..oh someone is running..." he saw her run and thought it would be wise to let her know her shirt in the back was tucked into her bra."i would check you back.." he shouted from his tree a slight laugh escaped.
Adam stopped himself, "wouldn't want to give you the whole show in one sitting, besides, I'd like to get to know my food before I play with it." Adam placed Merina beside him and sat up. "Know any fun places? This courtyard is quiet and serene, I hate it."
Lily nodded and said "are you ganna text the band?" she asked and she asked spinnig around on the spot ginnibg she could soo inagjne this

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