Sector 6-10 Squad

Imatree said:
Oh I was ignored/blocked once. What did I do? I made a alt account and went back on that post and trolled her.
Good times.

This site has a lot of cool features tho.

What else is there?
Sadly, until you explain to me your backstory and why you're a traitor, I wouldn't accept your character.

I imagine you would prefer to do it in private, but since you just joined, you don't have access to the PMs yet.

This chatroom is only for tree and I.

Imatree said:
Okay, Im almost done making the character.
This is my first attempt to a roleplay character so dont judge.
I kind of have to judge. This is a detailed role play, so I have to verify if you qualify.
Imatree said:
I finished the character.
Sorry this is a detailed role play. Perhaps, you can try in a more casual or simple role play?

There are certain requirements you haven't met in the character sheet, and I cannot accept your character.
Imatree said:
So where is this character requirement sheet?
All the instructions are in the character sheet you edited originally.

But, honestly, I don't feel comfortable with you joining as a traitor until you discuss details with me.
SachiGrl said:
All the instructions are in the character sheet you edited originally.
But, honestly, I don't feel comfortable with you joining as a traitor until you discuss details with me.
Well you have to hand it to the guy, at least he's better than the last one xD

He is reading stuff, and he's got a good start.
Alstromeria said:
Well you have to hand it to the guy, at least he's better than the last one xD
He is reading stuff, and he's got a good start.
Yeah, but I told him I wanted to talk about his character first, but he hasn't yet.
This character hates androids. The captain of this group is an android. He thinks this android is gonna destroy another planet like he did last time and make his squad do it. Matthew is a spy for the enemy because the enemy he works for does not believe of use of androids. They want him gone.

What last one?
Some inexperienced dick decided to show up round this time yesterday, mouthed off to sachi and tried to insist his character was in his profile. Didn't even copy and paste the code. Based on the drawing, i'd think he was a bored, mediocre 12 year old who got ahold of his parents computer over summer break.
Imatree said:
This character hates androids. The captain of this group is an android. He thinks this android is gonna destroy another planet like he did last time and make his squad do it. Matthew is a spy for the enemy because the enemy he works for does not believe of use of androids. They want him gone.
What last one?
An other guy before didn't provide enough detail and I told him the same thing as you.

I had length requirements in the character sheet. You didn't follow some of them.

Okay, so do you plan to assassinate Captain Andro? What's your character's goal? Spying isn't enough of a reason to be a traitor. There's not going to be a any missions revolving around Andro except for gathering upgrades for himself.
To kill all androids. He will kill the Captain by...IDK. We'll discover on the way.

Jeez, cant you have a little fun? Not everything needs to perfect.
Imatree said:
To kill all androids. He will kill the Captain by...IDK. We'll discover on the way.
Jeez, cant you have a little fun? Not everything needs to perfect.
I put a lot of work into my role play. This role play took me days to make.

I worked really hard for this role play.

Plan with me, so we can make your character work.

Let's plan a mission when you'll revolt against me.

If that's too much, then thanks for trying.
Alstromeria said:
Some inexperienced dick decided to show up round this time yesterday, mouthed off to sachi and tried to insist his character was in his profile. Didn't even copy and paste the code. Based on the drawing, i'd think he was a bored, mediocre 12 year old who got ahold of his parents computer over summer break.
You don't know how right you are about that statement. That is exactly it.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]You don't know how right you are about that statement. That is exactly it.

Heh, i read well xD
Imatree said:
Cant we just do it along the way like every other rp?
Bruh, sachi's right. If you want your character to be a MAIN part of a MAIN plot element, you need to plan.

She's just makin sure she has everything all planned out and all the stuff is set in order before we launch this thing because lemmie tell ya, she's really outdone herself with this RP, she's worked her ass off. And in order to have something set in stone when you have a character in mind, shit needs planned in order for it not to be a train wreck.

If this was me as GM, i wouldn't even let you in. I don't like people in my RP with little to no time on this site because they have a nasty habit of de-railing things. And we don't have any other examples of your writing to see if you're good or not. So i mean, at least she's giving you a chance, man.
You know...

Maybe I should stick to causal rps.

Or maybe I should just ignore these awful people.

I am Fuzziestudios.

Im surpised you havent put the clues together.

Now let me answer some questions.

1: The reason I didnt copy the bbcode code was because 1. I didnt know what that was at the time 2. I was on a PHONE.

2: Why I called Sachi an asshole? Because she was a lazy bitch who had strength to make this rp but didnt have enough strength to view my FUCKING profile. Wow, is that lazy.

This isnt a roleplay. This is a book with many authors. Rps are suppose to be made along the way. It makes it a surpise. Its not fun if you actually know what's gonna happen. Its like reading the end of the book first. Its not gonna be fun.

Fuzzie is Matthew in the mech suit.

Im not an FUCKING idiot. You are the guys who are ruining the fun of rps. I wanted to fun but you gave me none of it. A rp doesnt need to be perfect. Your suppose to have fun!

Sachi, did you have fun making this rp?

If you didnt, you didnt do it right.

My drawing of Fuzzie is better than stealing something from Google Images. It's ORIGINAL.

Also, dont just 12 years like theyre fucking 7! I have my own computer and phone. I dont sleep in a god damn cib.

BTW, Im 13.

You are just like Richeal from another rp I wanted to be in. You dont even give me a chance because Im "a young idiot".

Fuck you.
Imatree said:
You know...
Maybe I should stick to causal rps.

Or maybe I should just ignore these awful people.

I am Fuzziestudios.

Im surpised you havent put the clues together.

Now let me answer some questions.

1: The reason I didnt copy the bbcode code was because 1. I didnt know what that was at the time 2. I was on a PHONE.

2: Why I called Sachi an asshole? Because she was a lazy bitch who had strength to make this rp but didnt have enough strength to view my FUCKING profile. Wow, is that lazy.

This isnt a roleplay. This is a book with many authors. Rps are suppose to be made along the way. It makes it a surpise. Its not fun if you actually know what's gonna happen. Its like reading the end of the book first. Its not gonna be fun.

Fuzzie is Matthew in the mech suit.

Im not an FUCKING idiot. You are the guys who are ruining the fun of rps. I wanted to fun but you gave me none of it. A rp doesnt need to be perfect. Your suppose to have fun!

Sachi, did you have fun making this rp?

If you didnt, you didnt do it right.

My drawing of Fuzzie is better than stealing something from Google Images. It's ORIGINAL.

Also, dont just 12 years like theyre fucking 7! I have my own computer and phone. I dont sleep in a god damn cib.

BTW, Im 13.

You are just like Richeal from another rp I wanted to be in. You dont even give me a chance because Im "a young idiot".

Fuck you.
You are being a really salty john, and yeah, I knew you were Fuzzie, I just wanted to see how long you'd keep up your charade.

I know you come from Miiverse, as did I, but you have to know, those "RPs" aren't what actual RPs are. Those "RPs" are just a bunch of kids doing nothing but spouting nonsense hoping to god that someone, somewhere, will just roll with it. RP's are exactly as you described in your post, stories with many authors that collaborate to create a grand adventure and have fun while doing it. It's kinda hard to have fun when you thought up an intricate plot where everyone can have fun in, and some guy shows up and does some random garbage that derails everything, burning the OP's creation they worked so hard on to create to the ground. Go back to Miiverse until you learn to control your temper and actually get some writing skills, scrublet, we don't serve your kind here.

Also, apostrophes are a thing.
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