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Realistic or Modern secrets of emerald hills - character apps


OC Tormentor
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

roleplay title


application info.

full name. (this would be the name of the character you are applying for!)



reputation in emerald hills.



tiffany wilde


Tiffany is a former aerobics instructor who has made her fortune from fitness video tapes. Bubbly, energetic, and upbeat (sometimes annoyingly so), she's become a household name with her catchphrase, "It's time to fight the fat!"

heather jackson


Heather is the founder and CEO of a cosmetic catalogue company. Her best-selling product, Dream Frost lip shimmer in "Call Me Coral", can be found in the makeup bags of women all over the world. She built her company from scratch and managed to hold her own in a boardroom dominated by men. There's no love life for this workaholic, she's married to her job.

amber fox


Everyone knows her as just "Amber" and she is the hottest new pop sensation. With her music videos on constant rotation on MTV, her latest album is set to go platinum. She's dreamt of stardom since she was a little girl, practising in front of her mirror with a hairbrush. Ambitious and single-minded, she has the looks, the talent and the drive for world domination.

annabelle weathers


Annabelle is a domestic goddess and devoted housewife. Her wealthy husband aspires to a political career and is away frequently on business, so she's made it her duty to keep an immaculate home. A self-confessed perfectionist and neat freak, she can often be found polishing her silverware or rearranging her Tupperware.

eugene baxter


Eugene is a tech genius and inventor of the popular "Robot Chase" video game that has just sold out in shops for the second time this year. Ignored, bullied, and ridiculed as a nerd in his teenage days, he's enjoying the perks that his newfound fame and fortune has given him.

christian easton


Christian is the only child of an incredibly wealthy London family. Never having worked a day in his life, he's spoilt and has a strong sense of entitlement. He splits his time between the golf course and the tennis club, all the while attempting to swap pager numbers with the city's hottest supermodels. He mostly fails at the latter.

steven idol


Steven is the country's number one ranked tennis player and is fifth in the world. Having just won the prestigious Hart Cup, he's raking in the sponsorship deals - everything from breakfast cereals to the Walkman, sunglasses and double glazing. With this new influx of money, he's looking to leave the tennis court behind him

keith malone


Keith is an actor in a daytime soap. He's considerably lacking in the talent department, but with his youthful good looks, he more than makes up for it in swoon-ability. A constant fixture on the covers of teen magazines, there's hardly a girl's bedroom in the country that doesn't have his posters plastered on its wall.

extra information.

Hello there! If you are seeing this, you have made it to the character sheet portion of my first ever RPNation roleplay! Here is how I plan to do this. For starters, you can only apply for one character. The names are non negotiable, but everything else can be toyed with at the very least. Secondly, the deadline will come as follows. I will start working on my sheet at the same time as everyone else when this goes up. Once I have posted my finalized character sheet, I will set a final deadline for a week later. After that week, applications will close and I will go over any and all applications I've gotten and make my final decisions from there.

I wish you all good luck, and most importantly, try to have fun!

♡coded by uxie♡
full name.
steven idol
twenty six


kim sunwoo

steven is for lack of a better word, a celebrity. ever since his tennis career took off, steven has been in the spotlight. not many know him personally but his face is everywhere. it was more surprising for steven to encounter someone that had never heard of him before than someone that had. on the outside, he seems perfect. perfectly behaved, extremely humble, and the type of guy father's wanted for their daughters to marry. that came from the public relations training that his management team had put him through over the years. nobody knew the true steven idol. truthfully, steven hadn't been in it for the fame; the fame had found him. he had started with just a love for tennis. the real steven is flawed, heavily so. for starters, he is certainly not as sweet as he portrays himself on camera. nor is he as smiley or joyful. generally, steven possesses a lot more sass and attitude. he's the type to roll his eyes when something is bothering him. due to how much energy tennis practice and being a public figure takes up, he is often exhausted. that exhaustion leaves him with a bad attitude. not that he's outwardly rude, but he doesn't put as much effort as he should in being kind to others. he can be a diva to work with and has a short fuse. that being said, his public persona isn't a complete facade. he deeply cares about those close to him. he's a loyal friend and once you're in his good graces, he'll treat you right. however, he is relatively cold or indifferent to strangers. he figures that he has to put enough energy into his career and into his friends that he doesn't have any left for others.

the prodigal child, steven was his immigrant parents' sole goal. they wanted to give him new opportunities in the big city. they had immigrated from seoul when his mother discovered she was pregnant. he was born in london and grew up speaking english and korean. his parents pushed him to try many different activities such as painting, violin, and many others. soon, his parents realized that steven's calling was tennis. from the age of four, his parents enrolled him in tennis lessons. they had a restaurant and poured any and all of their spare money into finding the best tutors that they could. as a child, steven had been too young to understand or realize the sacrifices that his parents were making for him. as he became a teenager, steven began to feel the pressure to succeed. after all, his parents had given up so much that he knew he couldn't let them down. that burden placed an immense amount of pressure onto him and he grew to resent his parents for it. he finally got his big break when he won the hart cup. it was the biggest achievement of his life and proof that all of his hard work had paid off. from there on, his life became a whirlwind of brand deals, photoshoots, interviews, everything one could possibly think of. not only had he won the hart cup but he was a marketable attractive young guy. the "prince of tennis" as his team liked to call him. he didn't want all of the fame (the money was quite nice, though). he saw how happy it made his parents and he felt that he owed them for their sacrifices that got him to his first place win. for that reason, he said yes to everything that was thrown at him. deep down, he is ready to step away from it all and enjoy all of the money that he has made from all of the sponsorships. understanding the lives his parents lived in order to pay for his lessons, steven wants to pay them back and do whatever it takes so that they never have to feel that way again.
reputation in emerald hills.
steven is well known in emerald hills. he's the number one tennis player in london and has come off of a huge win. he's known to be quite charming and very sweet. most see him as an immigrant success story of how hard work paid off. steven is fairly well connected due to his rise into the spotlight but is still fairly new to the scene of the elites. while most see a young guy who is just happy to be there, if you look closely, there is certainly more to him than meets the eye.

steven is known to be a little bit of a flirt. his favorite color is red.

mr. malone






full name

keith malone






cisgender male



closeted bisexual









skeet ulrich

  • secrecy.

    the action of withholding information from others or the state of being kept secret.

♡coded by uxie♡
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former aerobics instructor.

but the old me is still me and maybe the real me, and i think she’s pretty.

  • requisite.

    full name

    tiffany anne wilde.


    twenty nine.


    cisgender female.


    bisexual, biromantic.


    former aerobics instructor.


    july twentieth.



    height + weight

    5’5, 135 lbs.

    hair colour

    sandy blonde, with light gold highlights framing her face.

    eye colour

    crystalline blue, small flecks of sea foam green and baby blues burst around her irises.

♡coded by uxie♡
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classified suspect classified suspect classified suspect


Name: Heather Jackson
Age: 27
D.O.B: December 22nd
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer of Reminisce Cosmetics

“All beauty has a little of tragedy.”





hair colour

blue grey

eye color

ear piercings

body mods

emerald hills


kathryn newton


In the past, Heather was known for not being afraid of trying new looks. Although she has never had the guts to dye her hair fully in any wild colours, she has had streaks of all the colours of the rainbow. In the present day, she tends to stick to a shade of blonde, though naturally, she is a brunette. Her hair is naturally wavy, but in the true style of the 80's she often curls and teases it to be even larger while damaging the ozone layer with several cans of hairspray. Heather has blue eyes that sometimes come off a bit grey depending on the light. Although she has been looked down on for only standing a mere 5'5", she makes up for it usually being found in a pair of chic heels. For someone who owns a make-up company, she is often found in softer more natural make-up looks, but isn't afraid to add a pop of colour when she wants to spice things up.










Heather is someone who typically knows what she wants and will do what she can to get it. However, Heather's ambition can get in the way at times. Her company is what she is incredibly passionate about, but tends to absorb her at times causing her to forget other details about her schedule. Many would describe her as a workaholic who just can't get enough, but also believe if she stops working then she will fall apart. Although she can be a tad prickly and struggle to let you in, she will if you give her the time. Due to some former relationships, letting people in isn't the easiest. So typically, she stays away from anything serious. There just isn't enough time in the day!

Once you get to know her, Heather is someone fiercely loyal and ready to be with you every step of the way to succeed. At the same time, she will also tell you when you're out of line. She holds honesty above everything, but sometimes to a fault with how blunt she can be. Heather is independent, but if you look closely, there is a sense of loneliness that follows her. She prefers to keep even her closest friends at arm's length in fear of them leaving. Not that she would admit. If she likes you, Heather loves to tease, throw some witty remarks at you, and just show her appreciation for you sticking close by her side. As you crack through her tough exterior you will find she is extremely kind-hearted, loyal, and a secret nerd.

chaotic neutral

sketching, meeting new people, fantasy and science fiction books, dancing, nice warm cup of coffee, vinyl records, night time walks, stargazing, pop music, etc.

cinnamon, people trying to tear her down, large dogs, being treated like she’s stupid, ghosts/idea of ghosts, mornings, etc.

thunderstorms, getting abandoned, small spaces, getting her heart broken, her company falling apart, etc.



Heather grew up in a family with a single mother and three sisters. The status of her father is unknown, but she never really knew him. For her childhood, they all got along as best that they could. Of course, there were fights here, clothes stolen there, but for the most part, Heather has pleasant memories of her family growing up. Some of her favourite memories remain being running off in the playing fairies or mermaids, absorbing everything they thought was cool, doing each other's make up, and just the bond of sisterhood they all had. This all began to fade as they all began to grow up.

One by one her sisters moved away for college. They still kept in touch, but it just wasn’t the same as it once was. They were off beginning their lives into young adulthood and decided to try and forget everything left in their town. All of them urged Heather to do the very same when she was old enough. Even as their mother grew sick. As soon as she could Heather got a part-time job to work after school to support herself and her mother as much as she could. Of course, they had the help of family friends and her grandmother moving in, but all of the responsibility still felt like it laid on Heather’s shoulders.

In her senior year, Heather’s mother passed away. That year still feels a little blurry in her mind. One by one as her sisters came back, there was a slight resentment that grew there. Heather was the one here. The youngest taking care of her, any of them could have come back to help, yet they didn’t- so why were they so sad? This thought caused a fairly large fight between them. A ripple spread through in her family as Heather decided it was her turn to run away from Emerald Hills.

From there on Heather doesn’t feel like she stopped to breathe. She went off to college to pursue her degree majoring in company management with a minor in marketing. During a late night spent in the library, she created Reminisce Cosmetics. Some of her best memories were around playing with make-up looks in the morning, learning from her sisters, and knowing even in the worst of days she still put on a face to get through the day. Just as she was about to enroll in her master's degree, she received a call back from a classmate to create a startup. The planning process from there eventually had the right shade of a Dream Frost lip shimmer get into the hands of a makeup artist of a celebrity on a popular sitcom. After her company received a shoutout, her company took off. The rest was history from there.

present day

From a very young age, Heather always dreamed of getting out of Emerald Hills. She truly believed that she was destined for greatness. That may have been due to her use of escapism into fantasy novels from a very young age. As she worked hard, she just wanted to get out and leave, but responsibilities held her close. In high school, she was the one who went through a few phases of how she wanted to express herself. Trying new looks was fun even if it sometimes caused people to stay afar. Still, she had her small group of friends that got her through it.

During her senior year, she decided to really break out of her shell before running off to university. From her perspective, it was the last year that she could mess around and still be a kid with few consequences and cope with the loss of her mother. It was the only year she really jumped to attend school events, be invited to parties, and experiment with a variety of things. Then once she graduated, Heather just disappeared.

As of lately, Heather spends most of her time in Emerald Hills. The last few months she has stayed home claiming that she needed some more family time. Is this due to working things out with her sisters? Is this really due to the declining health of her grandmother? Did her heart get broken and she needs to recover? Is there something else cooking as her company is looked at with a microscope? Who knows… but she’s back in town.


— Despite the fact Heather is scared it the idea of ghosts, she loves a good ghost story. She likes the history of the stories, if based on true events.

— Heather is actively trying to repair her relationships with her sisters: Jessica, Stephanie, and Lauren. She misses them dearly and is trying very hard to let go of the resentment for them all leaving when she needed them the most.

— Heather's favourite novel is The Princess Bride by: William Goldman.

— There has been the odd fling here and there, but Heather has never been in a serious relationship. She will say she's not a relationship person, but she is actually a hopeless romantic in denial. There hasn't been anyone that she's felt she wanted to go steady with, but hopes to one day. Whenever she manages to settle down.

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the playboy.

full name

christian hunter easton


chris, the playboy, the rich brat




december 1st, 1960


bisexual (closeted)



Christian stands at a healthy height of six feet, two inches.


Christian's hair is a pretty consistent dark brown to mid black sort of color. It is also curly as hell, an untamable curl, as he likes to call it.


This is the part that people challenge him on, and he will never tell anyone what color they are, some people say they're blue, others say they are green. He himself will never prove anyone right or wrong.


Christian is of a technically fine build. It's mostly because he spends most of his time in the golf club or at the tennis court. It takes a certain build to deal in that.

dist. features

Again, his eyes. This boy's eyes have caused debate after debate after debate between people. He could make a living off of them.

body modifications

He has earring piercings that he got at birth, but other than that, nothing.

teen idle




the wasted years, the wasted youth

There's nothing quite like the high life for this trust fund kid.
has always been a spoiled brat amongst the populace of Emerald Hills. One of the many jokes made throughout his life was that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth that he spat out because it wasn't platinum. The truth of that he isn't sure about, he's somewhat of a numbskull in most of that regard, admittedly. But in truth, there's something else under the surface of the pretty boy of Emerald Hills.

He is completely and utterly alone. He has no siblings, no aunts, uncles, or cousins. His father, in his endless wealth, kept his son from ever experiencing any sort of real affection in his life. It's why he chases women like it's nothing, and why there's a hole in his heart that he covers up with humor and masculine bravado. He figures if he can get his father's attention, it's by making indecent choices. He believes any attention is good, even if it's negative, because if his father pays attention to him, that means that maybe he'll start taking care of his only child a little bit more. Christian, most of all, chases not just love, but approval, the approval he will never, ever seem to get no matter how hard he dares to try.


Christian is a big fan of women, tennis courts, golf clubs, fine wines and whiskeys, generally just going on, and all the attention he continues to soak up.


Christian does not talk about his home life, his mother, his father, his stepmother, just generally anything that goes on behind closed doors, do not ask him about.


He always seems to wear sunglasses inside, for no reason. Also, really bad at lying with his lips, but body language wise he's fucking unreadable.



the pretty lies

Christian Hunter Easton was born on a pretty cold december 1st to Quincy Easton and his first wife, Pepper. The two of them had met while Pepper had been working for the Eastons, and the two eventually got married. Christian was described as a miracle child for years, as it was thought that Pepper was unable to have children at all due to a condition she had been diagnosed with in her earlier years. His parents, presumably, raised the boy under their watchful eye, but Christian seemed to want more and more, and he seemed to always be spoiled by both parents.

Unfortunately, eventually, the two of them fell out of love and got a divorce, with Pepper moving back to live with her family and Quincy finding a new wife and mother in a young woman named Chelsea, who worked as a secretary for him. Together, they raised the, at the time, eight year old Christian to adulthood. Eventually, he decided he wanted to move out of the giant mansion, and at twenty six, was offered a place in the gated section of the Hills by Mr. Addington himself. Christian, always wanting more, accepted, bought the house, and has been living in the gated section ever since with the rest of his group.

the ugly truth

Now with the bullshit out of the way, here's what really happened. Christian was never really raised by his parents, who often employed nannies to look after him, nannies who Christian would far too often chase off in an attempt to gain his parents' attention, which would almost never work. His father gave his son basically anything he wanted to make sure he stopped bratting off. His mother, after his birth, sunk into a deep depression, and stopped taking care of herself, apparently leading her husband to have an affair with his young secretary, Chelsea. Once his mother learned of the affair, she threw a fit, threatening to take Christian across the pond. Quincy, however, threatened to take away her funding if she didn't agree to a quick and quiet divorce. To save her son the pain, she agreed, and left, trying and failing to keep contact thanks to Quincy's influence. Chelsea quickly took her place, but was much less interested in taking care of the young boy and more interested in spending her new husband's money. This led Christian other places, mostly chilling at places like the Weathers or other similar locations. By the time he was fourteen, he had started drinking, by sixteen, he'd started sleeping around.

This led to him realizing that he was into guys. The reason? He started seeing one. What he didn't know, however, was that this man was unfortunately quite violent. Eventually, the relationship went quickly sour, with Christian nearly being killed in the process before his father saved him. Unfortunately, Quincy was not pleased, and threatened to not only cut off Christian from any inheritance, but also threatened his life if he ever saw another man again. Christian agreed, slipping into a depression that forced his father to send him off to rehab. Once he returned, his father gave him a choice. Play the good son he needed, or lose out. Christian agreed, but still slipped in and out of tennis and country clubs. His father could disapprove, but he technically wasn't giving the family a bad name. Eventually, two years ago, Christian insisted he could move out to give them more space (mostly to get away from his gold digging stepmother), and his father relented, giving him access to his trust and letting Christian buy his house in the Hills. Christian left, and has been low contact with his father ever since.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend

name here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

what's your reputation like?

Christian is the playboy, the kid you'd never take home to your mother. He's a little funny, if he's honest.

what do you think of your neighbors?

They're... fine. Mostly boring, but still. Well, save for maybe Mrs Weathers. She seems cool.




♡coded by uxie♡

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