Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)

Draco narrowed his eyes further "You little witch....who thinks I'd ask the likes of you for a favor?" he sneered in frustration, before Harry was interrupting and trying to not only calm the situation, but keep himself calm as well. Thankfully Myrtle had at least finally distanced herself from him, which did help calm him down, albeit by a very minuscule amount. Sighing with frustration, he rubbed his temples "I swear to merlin...." he mumbled under his breath while Harry was trying to handle the situation, but in reality, it seemed he had just ended up making it even worse.

Trying to calm himself and keep from blowing a nerve, he glanced to Harry when he mentioned they should part for now, and about meeting up later that night. He hesitated a moment thinking about his availability and getting away from his friends before nodding his head with a smile "Sure....preferably somewhere more private" he muttered in disgust with a glare towards the toilets where Myrtle had last disappeared with a giggling echo.

Shaking his head of the anger, there was nothing he could do of it now. Looking back to Harry, he smiled and grabbed his hand "The Room of Requirement then, I suppose? Whoever finds it first can send a note to the other where it is" he suggested, gently running a thumb over the back over the others hand he was holding in his own, simply enjoying the small, warm bit of contact from the other that seemed to be able to easily calm him down.
Harry chuckled, as he expressed the exact same thought. The dungeon bathroom just wasn't doing it for him and lately he had become more and more attached to the little private room they had. One day someone might be using it, but he was glad that for now they were getting a lot of use out of it.

"Yeah. Sounds good." Harry smiled. Draco appeared to have calmed down, even after the incident with Myrtle. The redness in his eyes had gone down, and unless anyone looked very closely they wouldn't be able to tell. He hoped that was a good enough reason for Draco to leave the bathroom now. And also, hopefully, the anxious and overpowering feeling from earlier had subsided somewhat.

Harry was sure dinner would be over, and students would slowly be filing out and back to their dormitories. Still, he liked the feeling of their hands connected and he waited a bit longer. But he heard muffled voices down the hall and eventually, reluctantly pulled away and headed to the door.

"I need to grab some things from my dorm. I'll be there as quick as I can," He called over his shoulder before exiting the bathroom.
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Draco nodded his head with a small smile "Don't worry about it. I have to do a few things first anyways" he said to the other, assuring him there wasn't a rush - not that he didn't want to see him again. As he could hear the distant sound of laughter and feet walking through the hallways, he reluctantly let go go Harry's hand, before letting the male leave. He watched him leave before sighing and turning back around to face the mirror. He made sure there weren't any traces of his crying left behind, splashing some last bit of cold water on his face, before he too headed out of the bathroom.

As he left and headed back to his dormitory, he couldn't help but think back to Myrtle's departure. It really bothered and unsettled him. And while her finding out had a less likely chance of her getting everyone else to hear the rumor and believe it and know about Harry and him, it was still likely, even if it was less than another student seeing.

Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his disheveled hair as he walked back into the Slytherin dormitories and into the common room, only to rolled his eyes and mentally curse Merlin in his head as Pansy happened to be in the common room - along with Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle. The others he didn't mind, but it was Pansy he couldn't stand. And of course, upon seeing his entry, she had jumped up right away to greet him. Damned wench.
Harry didn't think that he could put off his homework any longer than he already had, considering their professors had a horrible habit of assigning papers due on the same day. And he would have started it, really, except that there was Quidditch and the incident at Hogsmeade, and Draco, and all took up a rather large portion of his time. Just in case he tossed it into his bag to bring along to the room. Also, if anyone stopped him to ask what he was doing outside of the dormitories so often, at least he would have an excuse of studying.

It was funny how tiny and cramped the Gryffindor common room seemed after spending so much time in the Room of Requirement lately. When he first arrived in first year, it seemed so big and inviting, and still in some ways it felt like home but a home with too many others in it. Honestly, it was starting to get a bit stuffy and crowded. At least with Katie back a lot of the students crowded around her, and the attention had been shifted away for the moment. He thought again of Draco, and his expression after seeing Katie in the hall. And then, he thought of what might happen if news of the failed incident reached Voldemort...

In the Slytherin common room, Blaise was stretched out on the green armchair near the window looking out at the lake, pointedly ignoring another sixth-year girl who seemed intent on conversation with him. Pansy rushed up in her usual fashion and crooning voice. Her bored expression and her homework left behind as she saw Draco enter the common room. "Draco, did you enjoy those pastries I left you?" She asked, voice syrupy sweet and hopeful.

(Wasn't sure if you wanted to play Pansy or not, I figured she was one of our shared minor characters. If not, let me know~)
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(I don't mind, it makes no difference to me. You play her quite well to haha, so I like it. I had the same assumption she was a shared minor character, so it's fine )
Stepping into the common room, Draco tried to refrain a groan of annoyance as Pansy jumped up instantly from whatever she had been doing and was by his side in an instant, and asking about some pastries or something. He was mildly confused for a moment, since he hadn't eaten any pastries, but then remembered that he had given them to Harry.

Of course, he couldn't tell Pansy that, so he just shrugged and smiled "They weren't bad I guess" he said, giving an answer he knew would appease her hopeful heart for a compliment, but at the same time, wouldn't give her too much of an ego so that hopefully she wouldn't make them all that often - or at all, really. Since regardless of if he had his appetite or not, he likely wouldn't eat them. He almost smirked to himself just imagine the sort of expression Pansy would have if she were to find out he'd fed her homemade pastries of love to Harry Potter. Or better yet, if she found out about the two of them and their relationship. He couldn't help but let out a light snicker to himself aloud, before Pansy questioned him on it and he just shook his head "oh nothing, just thought of something, thats all" he said with a smirk.

"Anyways, I've a lot of work to get done" he commented, pushing his way past Pansy and up towards his dorm where he gathered some homework, going to use the excuse that he needed to go find study materials in the library if any of his friends questioned him on his whereabouts.
Thanks! xD Never played her before. But it's sort of fun to play unusual characters. Also, she's a horrible person but for some reason that makes it interesting.
Pansy lit up at Draco's words, however blasé and half-hearted they would appear to anyone else. She had hoped they would entice Draco the slightest bit, at least enough to get him to eat something. It was plainly obvious he had lost an unhealthy amount of weight, and though everything was kept secretive and well hidden, clearly the Dark Lord expected a lot out of the Malfoy family. And while it must have been a great honor to serve him, she did worry about Draco's health this year.

As it stood, she didn't know about his interactions with Harry Potter, and if she found out no hex in the world would have been sufficient enough to sate her anger. She simply looked confused and mildly curious at Draco's slightly strange behavior and snickering to himself. But it seemed that, as well, was a secret that he couldn't share with her. He didn't share anything with her. And while Blaise was a mildly decent companion, Crabbe and Goyle were hopeless gluttonous oafs that weren't bright enough to carry any kind of conversation. She sighed dramatically as Draco pushed past her and up to his room. "Again, already?" She pouted as he disappeared.

Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and slipped out of the common room. While he did get a few questioning looks and comments, they were becoming fewer and fewer lately. It was a common sight now to see him duck out of the dorms and disappear. Thankfully, Ron and Hermione seemed too wrapped up in their own personal relationship to really notice or at least to follow him. He stopped on the seventh floor corridor, thankfully empty, and once the door appeared he slipped inside.
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hahah yeah i find she's can be fun to play because of her annoying personality lol
As Draco managed to escape from Pansy's grasps, he sighed a breath of relief as he got up to his dorm room. And thankfully it seemed Blaise was too busy trying to shake off the girl who was obviously flirting with him and vying for his attention, that he wasn't all too aware of Draco coming and going at the moment. This morning had felt a bit stiff with the other, and he'd been asking a lot of questions. Maybe he was just being a good friend, or maybe Draco was just becoming too paranoid.

Shaking his head, he went to his bed and gathered his supplies to get some work done while he hung out with Harry. Part of him was a bit tired of all this sneaking around. He already had to do enough of it with his assignments from his father and voldemort. Now he had to do even twice as much, just to get to spend time with Harry, not putting up a front as his rival or anything like that.

It wasn't that he regretted it or anything. It was definitely worth it, getting to see Harry and spend even the smallest bit of precious time to themselves together. However...he really wished that he didn't have to sneak around about it. That it wouldn't be an issue if people knew about it. His father would have an aneurism if he knew about their relationship....he wouldn't dare to have a son who was gay....let alone, attracted to Harry Potter, of all.

Running a hand over his face to shake the stress from it hopefully, he slung his bag over his shoulder and back out of the dorm rooms, trying to sneak out past the common room and outside. Of course, Pansy had to see him again, though. He just brushed it off with a shrug "Professor Snape wanted me to get some stupid book from the library for an assignment" he said, which Pansy seemed to buy easily enough. He just hoped Blaise was still distracted and didn't hear, since, the male was smart, and, they had that same class with Snape together, so, if he heard, he was smart enough to probably figure out they didn't have any book assignments right now.

With Pansy accepting the excuse, he made his way for the door, and out of the Slytherin common room, towards the room of requirement to meet Harry. It didn't take him long to arrive there once he got out of the common room, and the door easily appeared for him, allowing him inside as he stepped through the door, letting it shut behind him as he glanced around, smiling as he found Harry already there "Hey" he greeted softly.
Harry was reclining against the table in the room, arms crossed as he looked at his books. He had gone as far as pulling them out, but honestly he was having a hard time getting into the productive mood. But their professors were brutal, and the amount of course work couldn't be put off for too long unless you wanted to fall behind. The room had shifted again slightly to accommodate their needs, offering a large study table and chairs, quills and pots of ink, and slightly brighter lighting. It still had that nice lounge atmosphere that he was becoming quite fond of.

Snape was still forcing them to learn non-verbal spells with increasing difficulty, and although Defense Against the Dark Arts had always been Harry's favorite and best subject, he was finding it difficult to learn very well with Snape as a professor. And then there was Slughorn, who thought Harry was brilliant with potions when it was easily his weakest subject. He did feel a bit guilty about using the book, but not guilty enough to give it up like Hermione had suggested. It was becoming difficult to keep up with the homework though, since he felt he had to meet the expectations of his professor.

He still had his assignment from Dumbledore to find out what Slughorn knew, too. Harry wasn't sure at this point how to do that. It was just that lately he had been antsy and impatient, especially with Draco and the incident with Katie. If he could do something, anything to stop Voldemort then he wanted to do it soon.

He looked up when Draco entered the room and fell into an easy smile. "Hey. What took you so long?" He asked, lightly teasing. He was also sort of worried that their new relationship might get found out. He knew that wouldn't end well. Sure, there would be a lot of teasing and a lot of arguments, but there would also be the looming threat that Draco's father or any of Voldemort's followers might find out. After all, there were students in his dorm that had Death Eater parents.
Finally stepping into the room of requirement after it appeared for him, Draco instantly felt himself become a bit more relaxed, now away from his peers and any wandering eyes. Shutting the door behind him as it disappeared into the wall, Draco headed over to the large study table as Harry teased him about taking a while.

He just rolled his eyes "Pansy and the others were hanging out in the common room" he commented as he sat down in the chair across from Harry at the table, setting his bag down in a chair beside him as he began pulling out some book assignments and parchment to write on. The room was considerate enough to provide several quills and pots of ink.

"Oh yeah" he spoke up again as he recalled, send a smirk to Harry as he continued "Pansy asked me if the pastries were good" he chuckled softly as he set a few pieces of parchment before him and opened up one of his books to the assigned reading. "I swear she's getting clingier and clingier lately" he muttered with another annoyed role of his eyes, running a hand through his hair as he glanced to the other "We're you waiting long? Mummy and Daddy didn't ask any questions this time?" he teased, of course referring to Hermione and Ron as Harry's Mum and Dad like he had been referring to them lately, this year particularly.
Harry made a face after hearing Pansy's name and mention of the pastries. They weren't bad, really. But the thought of who had placed them and for what reason almost made Harry laugh. Well, as long as she believed Draco had taken them she could continue living in her fantasy world. He almost felt bad for her, maybe a tiny bit, that her feelings weren't reciprocated. At least they didn't seem to be. But his jealous side sort of outweighed any feeling of sympathy.

"What kind of hex do you think she'd come up with if she found out?" He knew girls could be scary when they were scorned or jealous. He honestly didn't want to find out. He took a seat at the table, pulling out the assigned text books slowly, as if putting it off would make it easier or if inspiration would suddenly strike him.

He pulled out his quill and spun it between his fingers as he thought about his friends. "They've been...weird lately. Really worried." Harry furrowed his brows as he recalled their last line of questioning. He wasn't sure why they were worried...well he could, if he thought about things from their perspective. But they also couldn't understand what he was going through. They didn't know about the other side to Draco like he did. Honestly, this year had been the most uneventful in a while.
When asked what Pansy would likely come up with he just let out a soft chuckle and shook his head "I have no idea....lets hope we wont have to find out" he said with a small smile as he let his heavy book toss to the table with a loud smack from the contact of the heavy hard backing of the book and the wood table.

He really was glad to see Harry again...honestly it hadn't even been in incredibly long since they last saw each other. But Draco was glad to have this time with him and was finding himself becoming more and more depending on these rare moments he got with Harry, and the peace of mind that it would often bring to him, as though magically washing away whatever stress and anxiety that was looming over him that day. It was as though Harry preformed some spell of sorts every time he saw him. And Draco was becoming more attached to Harry than he may like to admit, due to sheer embarrassment of the fact.

After asking about his two closest friends and gaining the response he had, Draco merely shrugged his shoulders "Maybe because they've actually admitted their pathetic feelings for each other, it just changes things?" He suggested then made a slightly apologetic face for how he had referred to his friends as pathetic "Er, sorry..." he muttered as he sighed "I'm trying, I swear" he assured with other with a sheepish smile. It was difficult to try and act civil about people he'd always considered enemies, or ones he strongly disliked. It was kind of ironic though...he had no trouble being friendly and affectionate, even, with Harry, who had previously before this year been just the same as Ron and Hermione to him. In fact Draco found himself longing for the secretive smiles or brief touches they got to share.
(Scene change music)

The weekend couldn't have come fast enough for Harry. Classes were getting really tough and the assignments were brutal. You spent time in the library whether you wanted to or not. Although he tried to squeeze as much time in with Draco as possible, he would always have to leave and sneak off to his dorm in the end. And he was pretty sure a few people took notice of him coming back after curfew. It wasn't like he got caught, so the weird looks and whispers sort of just agitated him. Seamus teased him, positive he was sneaking off to see his girlfriend. Ironically, aside from the girl part, he wasn't wrong. But Harry had a feeling the teasing wouldn't nearly be as lighthearted and friendly if he knew the truth. So in a way, that particular rumor worked in their favor and Harry just brushed it off instead of denying it.

It didn't really explain the weird looks from other students outside of his house. He got a funny look from a Ravenclaw heading to breakfast, and a first year Hufflepuff on his way to the field. It was starting to agitate him a bit. He looked over to Ron, who was acting weird and stuffy in his own way by giving one-word answers and shrugs to Harry's questions. And all this before his first match as a captain did nothing for the nervous twist and turns in his stomach.

"Ron, instead of sulking around you could tell me what's on your mind. That might, you know, help solve things," Harry opened his locker and looked over at Ron who was pulling out all the keeper equipment. Which was a lot.

Ron made a noise which was halfway between a grunt and a sigh. He looked over and Harry wasn't sure if he was going to clam up or shout after the remark. Surprisingly, Ron actually sounded sort of offended. "I thought we were best mates, Harry. If you have a girlfriend why didn't you say anything?"

For a split second Harry was struck silent with surprise. And then, when it registered, he almost wanted to laugh. "Ron, that's not..."

But the sounds from the field and the testing of the commentator's wand from outside cut him off. They would have to enter the field pretty soon and Harry didn't think now was the time to explain anything, so he quickly undressed and threw his quidditch robes on. His heart was still pounding and he still felt waves of nervousness, but he was also excited to play against Draco. Instead of an intense rivalry, it would be more like a fun competition like quidditch was supposed to be.
Weeks seemed to be flying by not only with overwhelming pressure and amounts of work, however also with little time to even get to see Harry. While they would occasionally make time to meet up at the usual place, in the room of requirement, neither of them really had the time for it. As the weeks of the semester were progressing, it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of assignments and classes, let alone meet with Harry. Not to mention all the letter from his father and side tasks he was being assigned almost every week, if not every other week.

All of this was really starting to take a toll on Draco, too. If he looked bad in the beginning of the semester, just after summer break, then he was certainly looking worse for ware. And he was getting a lot of weird looks from his peers as well, even Blaise. While most of the time Draco was able to play it off, or just say it was due to how busy he was getting not only with classwork but other assignments as well - his closer friends knowing of his connection with the Dark Lord, and his father too obviously. Due to that, not many people bothered Draco. Though even Blaise lately seemed to have this weird look or air about him whenever he was around. Maybe he'd question the male about it later, or something.

Shaking his head out of his thoughts of overwhelming work and assignments to get done, he just decided to look forward to this match, knowing it would be a good stress reliever, and also should simply be fun. He was looking forward to playing against Harry, and with their new found relationship, Draco presumed it would be more fun and light-hearted than before.

Finishing changing into his uniform game robes and everything, he headed out to the field with the team, carrying his broom - as per typical, only the newest and greatest, as gifted by his father. As the mic was being tested and a roar of audience chatting amongst themselves in the stands just before the game starting could be heard, both teams made it out to the field, where they all got on their brooms and got ready, and before long, the bell was sounding off the start of the game.
Harry had always loved the feeling of flying. There was nothing better than soaring through the air, high above the ground. It sort of felt like he was leaving his cares behind and below him. His hands gripped the handle of his broom as he looked around the field. He was pretty sure he had given his team a good strategy against Slytherin. A lot of the players didn't exactly play fair, but he was also really confident in his choices for Gryffindor. Even Ron, who looked slightly less nervous than he did at tryouts defending the goal.

Quidditch was great for getting his mind off of things. Schoolwork, exams, Dumbledore, and Voldemort... all of it disappeared from his mind as he focused entirely on the game. He heard the commentary from the stands, and watched with a grin as Ron managed to stop a near goal with the back end of his broom. Ginny zoomed past him.

"Falling asleep there, Harry?" She teased as she dodged a bludger and turned her broom quickly to chase after one of the Slytherin team with the quaffle. They all had nice brooms, he noticed.

"Hardly," Harry shot back as his eyes scanned the field for any sign of the snitch, just to keep an eye on it. It was still early in the game, they were tied 10-10 but the points racked up fast. Out of curiosity, he glanced around as he circled the field, looking at the green robes zooming past and searching for Draco.
As the bell signaled the starting of the game, team members were suddenly flying every which way, defending their own positions and trying to score goals, working cooperatively to either trick the gryffindors or keep the quaffle from the opposing team. Draco on the other hand steadied his broom to the side of the field. While his primary job was to find and catch the snitch, he didn't want to be so focused looking for it in the center of the field, where he was even more of a target to be hit by someone flying by, or Merlin forbid, the bludger.

Granted, he still had to look out for that nasty bludger that had it's own mind. But at least staying to the sides - until he spotted the snitch - he'd have to watch out for less obstacles, such as the other team members from both teams flying back and forth. He gripped his broom, eyes scanning the field as he searched for the tiny flying golden ball. Suddenly, he heard a familiar humming buzz past his ear. At first, he instinctively flinched, first reaction to duck and not get hit, as if it was the bludger or something. However recognition soon passed his mind as he spun his broom around and followed after what was soon identified as the snitch.

As he was chasing after it though, his job on the team suddenly became very real and hard, now that he had his eyes on it, he couldn't lose it, for it'd take forever to find it again. And now he also had to divert his attention to watch out for obstacles while chasing it, not only other team members, but the bludger as well.

Speaking of, just as he was catching up to the snitch, that bloody bludger was suddenly up ahead, and heading straight towards his face. Cursing, he quickly dove low to the ground, looking above and over his shoulder as he watched it head to the other side of the field, and letting out a sigh of relief. It didn't last long though before he was soon focused back on following in the direction of the snitch.
Harry heard the sound of shouting behind him and he just barely glimpsed over his shoulder to catch sight of one of his new teammates fumble the quaffle as they were slammed into by one of the larger Slytherin players. Harry winced, and the Captain part of him wanted to say something and challenge it, but a glimmer of gold caught his eye and he whipped his head around as the snitch whizzed by, a mere blur of gold. Right now the most important part of the game and the thing he could do most for his team was to catch it. At least, he had faith he could rely on his teammates to keep the bludgers at bay, and the rest of it was just sheer luck. He found the adrenaline of the somewhat dangerous sport one of the best parts.

Draco was going for it too. Harry had seen him dodge one of the bludgers just a moment before, a very near miss with the enchanted ball. But at least it wasn't following anyone around this time. Harry spaced out for just a moment watching because green really did look good on Draco and the wind had put a little color back on his face, making him look healthier than he had in a while.

But it was just a moment before Harry snapped back to reality and realized his broom had slowed.

He felt the usual flare of competition surge up inside of him, although this time he was grinning instead of glaring. His newly developed relationship with Draco still didn't mean that he wasn't a boy, and a Gryffindor at that, and the thrill of challenge and competition was natural to him. Besides they were playing the same position, and striving for the same goal in this instance: victory for their team.

His hands tightened around the handle of his broom and he raced forward, wind whipping at his face. He leaned forward, body pressed close to the handle of his broom for the best speed and movement. He steered just slightly down and to the right, vision and thought focused entirely on the little golden winged ball that was flying through the stadium, past players and around the goal posts and closer to the stands...
After nearly missing the bludger that had been in the same path as Draco, the blond had looked over his shoulder to be sure it was going off elsewhere and not still in a dangerous range of hitting him. As he glanced over his shoulder though, he noticed Harry, who was headed for him now. His silly mind had grown confused, and worried, wondering why the other was suddenly coming over to him in the middle of a match they had again each others houses. Why was he trying to meet up to him and talk to him now?! Not only had they agreed they couldn't really meet in public, but in the middle of a match for bloody sake?

It was then that logic hit in though. Harry was a seeker as well. Bloody hell, Draco cursed to himself. He was always too preoccupied with desire of seeing Harry and talking with him that he'd forgotten they were in the same position after all. Quickly regaining himself as he now recalled they had the same goal in mind, chasing after the snitch, Draco resumed his quest after it. Despite enjoying quidditch and the game bringing some life back to Draco's face, Harry was still healthier than him right now and in better shape, meaning that the gryffindor was catching up to him. Glancing over his shoulder at his secret lover, Draco smirked "Don't think you'll beat me that easily just because circumstances have changed, Harry" he teased with a challenging smirk as they were both then back on their quest.

Eventually though, Harry had caught the snitch, causing the match to end and making Gryffindor's the winners of the match. Of course, the Slytherin team wasn't very happy, grumbling and complaining amungst themselves. And while Draco acted as such too to fit in, he actually felt happy inside, and despite having lost, had thoroughly enjoyed the match and rather friendly competition he had with Harry, rather than their previous rivalry competition.
The feel of the tiny, winged ball against the palm of his hand always felt amazing. Although admittedly, he wasn't sure which of them was going to reach it first. It had been a fun game, and he was proud of his team and maybe the fact that he had helped put them all together. He was still grinning even as Ron continued with a play-by-play of some of his saves, having forgotten their entire conversation from earlier. Or at least, Harry hoped he had. Right now, all Harry could focus on was riding the high of the game, although there might be some playful teasing in the future for Draco.

Leaving the changing room, Harry looked around for any sign of the blond. He had lingered a bit as the other guys left, although Ron was still talking. "Ron, I think Hermione wanted to talk to you. Maybe er, go on ahead?" Harry pushed a hand though his hair and nodded towards the emptying stands.

"She did?" The redhead's expression changed and he looked over towards the stands. "Right then, I'll see you back at the common room for the celebration!"

Their relationship gave him whiplash sometimes, but he also envied the fact they could be open about it. There was no way he could ever mention that he was dating Draco Malfoy.

As he left he noticed that for some reason, there seemed to be a lot of weirdly hostile and judgemental stares directed his way as he left the changing rooms and headed off the field. Everyone seemed to keep a weird distance. It wasn't exactly the reception he expected after they had just won the game. Every time he would look up and meet their eyes though, they would look away.
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