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Fantasy Second Wind (OOC)

*sees that a lot of the characters don't have second winds*

Say, how comfortable are you guys with PC deaths? ;)

(jk jk. . . maybe)
Oh, how big is Savana, roughly? And a discord would be alright.
oh geez uh i'm not great with sizes but as a rule of thumb

Miraqi is a rather huge expanse with a lot of people
Erylon's mainland is more compact, but they control many other territories
Savana covers a lot of sparsely populated ground
It can be at any time, but it typically happens when people are dying or have very recently died

Wait a minute, if one is well and alive, and receives the second wind, does it mean the other person's life adds up to said one's original life, as destiny bid it?
Need cannon fodder? Kai. Need someone to check the ground for traps? Kai. Need someone to feel out the absolutely crumbling bridge? Kai. Need someone to scout a certainly hostile region? Kai. Need a test dummy? Kai.

Are ya sure? I think Hilde might want some excitement @.@
Wait so you can force someone to second wind you or do you mean you can second wind someone without asking them?
Yep, you can pretty much force it on someone. Not that most people would do that willy nilly, since I figure most people don't want to die for no reason. . . ;)

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