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Fantasy Second Wind (OOC)

Hm tough call, I imagine there might be people like this but I feel like you'd have to have a really good reason why (and how) they travel freely on land with everyone else.
Hm tough call, I imagine there might be people like this but I feel like you'd have to have a really good reason why (and how) they travel freely on land with everyone else.
firstly,considering that real jellyfish breathe by oxygen molecules passing directly from the water into the internal organs and the carbon dioxide molecules pass out of the body in the same way which is somewhat similar to how a octopus breathes but instead they receive the oxygen they need through their skin. and considering that what we are looking at here is a humanoid like jellyfish, just by carrying some human like traits it would be safe to assume his body would have similarities to both sides. where as his breathing would either come from a special set of lungs or he'd breathe through his skin or both. as for why would be simple reasons like curiosity,bonds,things that catch their attention,or maybe they were caught and taken far from the ocean's shore
firstly,considering that real jellyfish breathe by oxygen molecules passing directly from the water into the internal organs and the carbon dioxide molecules pass out of the body in the same way which is somewhat similar to how a octopus breathes but instead they receive the oxygen they need through their skin. and considering that what we are looking at here is a humanoid like jellyfish, just by carrying some human like traits it would be safe to assume his body would have similarities to both sides. where as his breathing would either come from a special set of lungs or he'd breathe through his skin or both. as for why would be simple reasons like curiosity,bonds,things that catch their attention,or maybe they were caught and taken far from the ocean's shore
uh sure thing
Alright I'll probably have the first post up within the hour, if you're still working on your character or if you come in late, feel free to insert your character wherever you need/want to
Oh, I initially made Lin with the intent of having her be at the academy? Sorry f I don't make that clear in her bio. >_< Or did she get excused from combat training or something? Festivals are good!
Oh, I initially made Lin with the intent of having her be at the academy? Sorry f I don't make that clear in her bio. >_< Or did she get excused from combat training or something? Festivals are good!

"No beastfolk allowed"
Oh, I initially made Lin with the intent of having her be at the academy? Sorry f I don't make that clear in her bio. >_< Or did she get excused from combat training or something? Festivals are good!
oh sorry! i'll fix that!
They could be one of those people who are friends in class but once class is over they're strangers until they are in class with each other again---
First post draft:

221st Erylon Penal Battalion, the Dreaded

Hearthwood Town Gates


The current actors of this scene are Sir Waldemar of Vaughan, Sir Ruvani of Hevans, Sergeant Gutham, Magus Wulfes, Magus Grahn, Guardsman Voleck, Guardsman Acka, Guardsman Alvas, Guardsman Hord, Guardsman Halleck, Guardsman Godfrey, Guardsman Lauretta, Guardsman Armita, Guardsman Kerman and Guardsman Ermingard.

In total there is one knight banneret, one knight bachelor, one sergeant, two battlecasters and ten guardsmen.

On January the 21st of the year 1130 CE, the first Great Mage Council and the legendary Mezzan Marica mustered 300 battlecasters to defend the city of Calderas from the tyrannic Duke Malachi of Tamanna and his force of 2000 men. On that day, the Duke had run out of supplies for his army and he was surrounded by enemies out on the countryside. With nowhere else to go and with his options severely limited, the Duke decided to stage one last desperate attack on Calderas. It was one of the most pathetic battles in the history of Savanna, and many wondered if it could be called a battle at all. To most people, the battle of Calderas was just a one-sided slaughterfest.

The Duke's men had traveled hundreds of miles deep in enemy territory and now they were sick, hungry and exhausted. Their supply lines had been cut off long ago and they had to live off the land. The locals saw them as invading foreign devils and decided to harass the ducal army at every given opportunity. The wells were poisoned, the crops were burned and all the animals were killed before the army could make use of them. And just when things couldn't get any worse, it did, a rare skin disease had infected a quarter of the troops which caused their entire body to bleed once their flesh was torn up.

The disease was named Giacamould, after the village where they got infected. At first, the men would complain that their body was burning inside them and they would be confined to bed for a week. Afterwards, the burning sensation would fade away and the soldiers thought they just ran a high fever. Suddenly, boils would burst out of their skin accompanied by an almost manic desire to scratch it out. And as they clawed the swells that formed away a gush of fresh red blood would seep out and they would die of bleeding. If one managed to keep himself from scraping his

And by the time the Duke arrived with his army of 2000 men, most of them were already suffering from the late stage of this disease. It was a hideous sight, for everyone According to Reinhold, one of the defending citizens of Calderas, he thought they were being attacked by an army of corpses.

So why didn't these men just surrender? That was because their pride never allowed it. Never in 500 years have the Erylons ever surrendered to an enemy and they weren't break that record now. Surrender in Erylon was punishable by death and their offender's family was going to be stoned to death for having brought the Erylon kingdom to shame.

The battle was lost before it even started and everyone knew it. This went down in history was one of the most pointless conflicts ever.

The Duke launched a frontal assault on Calderas by sending in his strongest men with several battering rams to pound the wooden gates so the army could pour into the city. They were supported by archers and crossbowmen that fired a wave of arrows and bolts at the citizens and battlecasters on top of the walls. The defenders responded in turn by shooting their own wave of arrows and bolts combined with a furious barrage of different magical spells. Streaks of lightning cut through the massed formations of the army like a hot knife through butter.

Interaction with magical and non-magical peoples. The introduction of mages into the Erylon army. The Erylon army wants to

To the Savannas, this day heralded the birth of a national hero by killing a villain. To the Erylons, it was the death of a national hero killed by a villain

The Erylons believed that the Savannas were their rebellious subjects that hated order and justice.

The Savannas thought it was a tragedy. The Dukes were so stubborn and they refused freedom even if it could benefit the human race.

They celebrated this day every year not just to celebrate their independence but to celebrate the freedom they enjoy now. Now, after 391 years of this horseshit, the Erylons finally had the Savannas

On January the 21st of the year 1521 a celebration was held throughout all Savanna commemorating the founding of its country 391 years ago. It was on this day the first Great Mage Council marshaled their forces together against the oppressive Duke of Tamanna to fight for their independence as a democratic state. The Council and Ducal armies clashed together in the city of Calderas

Today is January 1st, of the year 1521. It was both a New Year and the exact day that Savanna was founded long ago by the mages of the ancient past 595 years ago.

Two months had passed since the 221st Erylon Penal Battalion was sent in the middle of nowhere to garrison a small town in Savanna. It was a Every guardsman in the unit questioned why were they selected to pacify the peaceful freedom-loving Savannas when the ordinary Erylon soldiers might have been the better choice. After all, the 221st Penal Battalion was composed of Erylon's worst war criminals and it had a reputation for routinely violating every principle of military law. Never in the battalion's history have these guardsmen gotten along with anyone,

It had been two months ever since the 221st Erylon Penal Battalion was sent to garrison the town of Hearthwood and already they had sensed that there was trouble in the air. It appears that the freedom-loving freaks of Savanna had enough of licking the boots of the Erylon and a secret revolutionary movement was about to start another revolt soon.

Eleven guardsmen stood watch near the town gates, each of them were carefully scanning the people entering Heartwood

There were eleven bored guardsmen standing watch near the town gates, carefully scanning the people entering Heartwood and making sure everything was in place. Generally, almost everyone was allowed in the town with the exception of known criminals and those catlike beastfolk.

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