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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

(Ah, okay! Maybe want to skip to when she figures out how to guide the horse around herself?)
Shane smiled happily as she guided Zimbabwe over to where Michael was standing, one hand on the reins and the other surprisingly not gripping the horn of the western saddle like she had been when she first started. "This feels amazing! Think I could go any faster than a walk?" She asked with a chuckle, the chestnut gelding underneath her bobbing his head a few times, apparently liking that idea as well. The walk must've been boring to him!
"If you think you are ready, cupcake," he smiles and watches her from the fencepost, where he was sitting.
Shane shot him a quick glare. Perhaps she had to remind him that that fire was still burning inside of her. "I know I am now," she told him, a beat of heat in her voice.
"A-Alright," Shane said a bit shakily before turning Zimbabwe a bit and giving him a cluck, slightly squeezing her heels in his side. The horse was more than happy to oblige and sprung into a forward trot. "Yikes!" She exclaimed. Heck that was bouncy!
Michael watched from the fence, "Careful cupcake! Don't fall!" he shouts to her hoping to light a fire under her to get her focused.
"Shut up!" Shane yelled at him taking the reins in both of her hands and giving a short jerk back on them to get the horse's attention. She then sat back, pulling gently, managing to get him to relax without slowing to a walk again.
"You are doing great! You enjoy riding him and putting him back, I have some things to attend to!" He shouts and hops off to go set up the picnic. His parents were going to a baby shower that night and they were taking the baby so they would be alone all night that's why michael asked about going to watch the stars.
Shane was surprised he was leaving her alone, but she simply nodded and shouted back,"Okay!" She would enjoy riding and taking care of the horse, that was for sure, but she wasn't so sure she was up to a date with him.
He set up a blanket by the river with a basket full of mini sandwiches and crackers and cheese. he even stole a bottle of wine from the kitchen!
Shane, when she noticed how the sun was moving in the horizon, eventually got off of Zim and led him back into the barn to untack and groom him. They were both sweaty!
There was still some time left before he was supposed to meet her so he just sat on his truck watching the sky.

(maybe she can go take a shower lol)
(Yeah, good idea xD .)

Not used to smelling like horse hair and being covered in sweat, Shane entered the house and went up to the bathroom, grabbing a fresh set of her edgy clothes before hand. She hopped into the shower, wanting to at least be presentable.
Michael waited still, the time was nearing where she should be coming out. It would be really awkward if she didn't show up since they lived together.
Shane took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh before she started out. Glancing at the sky, she started to where they would spend some time together.
"Hey shane over here!" he shouts and hops off of his truck to walk over to her to lead her to the river. He was hoping she would enjoy the picnic he made for them.
Shane looked in the direction the voice came from. She didn't walk over to him since he was already on his way over to her. When he reached her, she asked,"So where are we headed?"
"Well why don't you just close your eyes and I can lead you there," he smiles and offers her a blindfold. He was excited to show her what he had set up.

( :D Yay you are sort of back :) )
Shane was hesitant about letting him blindfold her and lead her somewhere. While she knew that he wouldn't do anything bad, she was still nervous about giving him his trust. After a while, she nodded and said slowly,"Okay..."
He walks her to the old creek at the edge of their property and sat her down on a blanket with a basket containing the sandwiches and snacks he made. The wine bottle was at the bottom of the basket. "Ok you can take the blindfold off now," he smiles and stands next to her.

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