local tired fool
- Seasons Under The Harvest Moon Character Sheets
This is the character sheets / application thread for Seasons Under The Harvest Moon! The first tab is the landing page, and the second is the roster. There is a hidden scroll on both tabs! Click on a character's name to go to their information.
Once your character receives a reaction, they've been accepted! If there are any issues, I will reach out to you. Let me know when you're finished!
Here are some rules as a reminder.
- I and any other admin/contributor have the right to reject your character or remove you from the thread. If you repeatedly make people uncomfortable or cause problems, you will be kicked.
- Anime styled faceclaims only - Credit your sources and faceclaims please.
- No AI generated faceclaims please. I'd just rather... not. HOWEVER, as stated, your own art, as well as picrews and other characters creators are free game.
- Run all major plots through me and any other admins/contributors first, please.
- There is no character limit, but for now there's a limit of one pre-written role (minus farmer and resident) per person (please see the interest check to see which are available!) One farmer per person as well.
Here is the required information for your applications. Feel free to add on any information, use a pretty code, and ask questions!
BIRTHDAY: (A year is four months, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, and each month is 31 days!)
FACECLAIM: (if applicable)
If it's a bit hard to copy on mobile, here's a pastebin link!
Coded by AnemoVictorious