SCP Foundation Center [Inactive]

Alice stood in front of Alek "I will not kill him." she turned to him and looked at him "I might simply make him my lover..." she winked at him, showing him it was okay. She hugged him softly and whispered "Just play along...not yet though..." she then turned back to Rose "I do indeed wish to see the sun. But if you werent such a threat, maybe you would be able to see it. Buuutt you're a threat."
Jack was generally a very happy and carefree child, even in confinement, but she was just that. A child. List saw a man's head implode on itself and cataloged every little thing he could see, because he couldn't help it, his eyes wide and expression stunned. Jack saw a man's implode on itself and started to scream as if it had been her.

Oslin, invisible to the world still, screeched in response, long and piercing and so loud List had to cringe away and cover his ears at the onslaught. Even as the owl being continued the sound, Bart took off running towards the sense of danger - Rose, and to a slightly lesser degree her 'partner'. Outside, the ground shook with Tempest's large feet pounding against the earth, slamming slowly but repeatedly down in his distress at being stuck outside, unable to help. Her three 'friends' had come into being to protect her, after all. It was what they were here for.
Tokeru smiled, and looked at Rose. "Such a heartwarming thing don't you think? But I feel like it needs more fun." He punched through the wall and hit an xmen in the head, his head melted into nothing. Tokeru laughed, and moved away from the whole he made. "I love the feeling of flesh and bone melting into nothing at my hand." He looked at Rose. "I should get going, shouldn't I? We don't want to be late."

((ooc: replies might be late because I'm a little busy with somethign right now.))
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((I forgot what Bart was, so I don't know whether if he's large enough for people to feel his movements))

Alek understood quickly and kept the plan sealed up in his mind. Rose wouldn't be able to control Alice with the mere tease of sunlight, and for that he was thankful. It was a reassurance to know he could act instead of succumbing to the actual seduction power. He remained quiet, a bit of fear carefully placed onto his face to fool Rose.

"Yes, you should. Time is key of the moment." Rose spoke to Tokeru, making him a safe passageway through the line of security with a flick of her wrist. Then, she addressed Alice with a sickly sweet smile and her hands balled tightly into fists by her sides; knuckles white and trembling with anger. "Isn't that generous? A lover. He would probably like it since men are lowly pigs. But tell me Agent, what would your daughter say if she were to find out her daddy was pleasing a woman who was a possible threat to her life? Of course it's understandable since it is against your will, but you wouldn't be the hero type anymore now, huh?" It was amazing how she could feel the delicious hot red of anger filling the man's mind in a matter of seconds. She reveled in it before turning back on Alice. "I am going to see the sun, Alice. Unfortunately for you, your decline to my gracious invitation won't deter my plans."

Raising a hand, Rose focused herself on the duo when a scream shook her of the action. It sounded like a little girl. She whipped her head in the direction of the sound and saw the source. Two children: the girl crying out and a boy covering his ears, staring horrified at the scene; at Rose. How could she? Allowing to innocents to watch a scene from a fright film unfold and she was the monster to blame. In favor of her previous actions, Rose turned her attention onto the young ones. She used her mind to create a barrier around the children and fill the area with fairytale illusions to distract their view from the gruesome scene before them. Children shouldn't be able to watch these types of things. After all, they were innocent.
Alice spoke "Even if I am a threat to man kind, at least I fight along side them!" she bravely stood up to her, once Rose's attention was off of her and she quickly moved, taking her sword and slicing down her back. She then jumped back in front of her agent "Go, Alek." was all she said, clearly ready for battle. Dispite how dangerous Rose was, she was going to fight up against her. Her eyes narrowed "Maybe being on my level, or a SAFE. You'll be able to do things the Higher ranks cant."
When Rose was struck, her barrier went down momentarily. This allowed Alek enough time to grab the subjects and move them to a safe location; the other staff members did the same.

The sword connected to Rose's skin, the slice stinging down her backside. She hissed, making her mind the block the pain and keep the skin together. She placed an invisible blockaide over the area as she spun on her heel at Alice. "I don't need to be on your level! I'm on my level and already can do things above the higher ranks!" She spat, anger radiating off of her in heated waves. She formed a dagger in her mind and sent it straight into Alice's shoulder. It may have not been as effective as she was hoping, but at least Rose inflicted some damage.
Alice looked at her shoulder where the dagger sat. She lifted her other hand and pulled the Dagger out "..That doesnt hurt.." she said, her expression blank as she looked at Rose. With her emotions blank and blocked, she doesnt have any hesitateing movements or pain. "You're selfish. Acting as if you are better then everyone." she knew this would only piss Rose off, but hey, she needed to learn some things."I do not know why you plan to leave this place. Out in the world, humans are cruel. going out there and hurting them will only make matters worse for us. Stop this nonsense"
Tokeru ran, and made his way to the EUCLID part. "Room 442..." He looked around, and walked up to the room. "I think this is it..." He put his hand on the door melting it. The more things he melts the stronger he gets, he always loved that. "Hello?" he said looking into the room.
"Nonsense?" Rose repeated, a forced grin pulling at the corners of her mouth. "Why, I'm only paying a visit to those who left me in a life-long sleep. Yes, humans are cruel, but weren't we considered human once as well?" It took most of her self control not to shout at the girl in front of her. Keep it together Rose, she only wants you to get angry. And it was working. It surged through her body in white hot pulses; trying to rip out of its container like static. A few more heads around Rose exploded as she tried to calm down. She couldn't give in to her emotions so easily. It would ruin the plan. Rose looked straight into Alice's eyes; linking the blonde's mind with hers in a death grip.

"I am selfish. Selfish for believing that the world was good and that I could ever be a normal child. Selfish for mulling over thoughts of revenge for myself than for anyone else. Don't forget you're a prisoner here, too, Alice, and that your 'precious' Agent can turn on you any second." Rose extended her pale hand out to Alice. "You can save yourself from the hurt. I will only repeat myself once: join me, Alice. Please."
Alice tore her eyes from Rose's as she continued to talk "If he were to turn on me, he would have shot me right now." she simply said, smirking "If you want to go out into the world, you need to become a safe. And to become a safe, you need to calm your ass down." she looked at Rose's forehead, not making direct contact. But Rose might have thought so. "I rather gain then to kill others to get what I want. Even if I am a middle class. LEts say im both good and bad to the humans. Obviously, you're bad to them."

Her face went blank "What if you were in the human's shoes. Think of it that way, Rose."
Jack, being a young child still, took immediately to the illusions thrown around her. Something nice and pretty and soothing was so much better to think about, after all, and she went rather quickly from screaming and crying to smiling and trying to touch the things around her. When she calmed, so did Oslin and Bart, and Tempest as well. The crashing from outside stopped just as quickly as Oslin's screeching and Bart's charge had, and they came slowly back to her to settle close.

List, on the other hand, tended to hold more tightly to traumatizing memories. Beyond that, his eyes saw everything, and when the illusion was cast around him it was like he was seeing two things at once - what was really going on around him, and what his brain was wanting him to see. The effect was confusing and disorienting, and before he could decipher the two images and decide which was the right one, someone had grabbed him and he was being pulled away.

List staggered along, focusing on that guiding force and the heartbeat and heat signature he could see attached to the arm that tugged him, catching sight of Jack's similar signatures out of the corner of his eye. The illusions were shattering and familiar hallways were coming back into view, the sight of the little pulses belonging to his own erratic heartbeat frankly a little alarming. Jack was crying again, but hadn't tried to stop Alec, and List let himself be guided wherever they were going, as quickly as he could run along with the others. What if he could help? Would he? He'd never had to face that sort of a question before.
"I was in the humans' shoes, Alice. Their not that different from us- from me- as you would think." Rose kept her emotions at bay, matching the other girl's blank expression. "We both kill. We both hurt others in order to reach our goals. Humans are monsters as well. So, don't go spouting bullshit about how humans don't deserve this. For god's sake, humans were the ones who put us in this facility in the first place!" Her voice grew louder with each word. The last note hitting the top of her lungs.

Alec could hear Rose's shouts pierce his eardrums, but he continued to run. He had to get the others to safety. He found a secure spot and pulled the two SCPs close to him as he fiddled with his gun. "Damn." He cursed, looking around the corner. "There's still one on the move." Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair. Alec turned to the younger subjects, fishing a handkerchief from his pocket, and handing it to Jack. "Are you kids, alright? We'll try to getthis all settled soon." At least, he hopes. 
((Sorry everyone! I'm moving cross-country and hopefully will be able to reply regularly again soon!))
Alice sighed slightly "Look. I will spout out what I want, Rose." she stared her down "WHy dont you give the humans a break. The only things they have is guns. They dont have powers like some of us do. Apparently you havent noticed that yet." her eyes narowed, gripping her sword in her hand "Humans are like children compared to us."
Rose matched her stare with her own heated one. "That may true, but why do they lock us up when they use experiments to try to be like us? Their pretty gadgets and chemicals that can give them 'super powers'. If they were like us, they, too, would kill for freedom."
"They only keep failing, Rose. They're never going to match our power. They lock some of us up cause some of us could hurt the other SCP's or the humans here. Just like you did with the X-men here. Thats why they lock you up. You're the biggest threat to them and thats what causes you to become the worst SCP."
Rose knew these words were true. Deep down, she knew. However, some part of her filled with the bitter revenge wanted nothing more than to wreak havoc on the earth. Roselynn, you need to stop. Please.

But I can't....

That part now muffled by the white hot anger that flooded her mind. It's been built up for so long that she couldn't find the silver lining anymore. Please. She needed to hold onto Alice's words they were true.

"Well, then, let me be the worst I can be."
Alice instantly went on her guard "I'll have to kill you if thats the case. You can be on the same level as me. You'll be able to go outside. Sure, it isnt running about free, but it is nice to see outside. Forcing your way out will only hurt the humans and some of the SCP's here. Just like you did with the children SCPs." she knew she wasnt going to get far
"No! That's not true!" Rose defended, all anger turning downward into some sense of denial. "I would never harm the children. I make sure of that. I didn't know that they were right there. That was a ,mistake." She admitted.
"And that mistake could keep happening. They're scarred for life now because of what they had seen." She shouldnt be denying this! Its truth. Knowing me, i'm not the one to talk "Harming human children is just like hurting these children. You want revenge but yet we're safe from the world. We're safe from getting hunted down. Even if we are locked in rooms, its better then nothing and being hunted down."
Jack let herself be pulled along to hide in a corner, only sniffling a little and looking up when Alec offered something to her. She managed a quiet, watery little 'thank you' when she took the handkerchief to dry her face and just sort of hid behind it, both hands pressing it to her head to hide everything from view. Bart was pressed up close to her side where Alec wasn't, and Oslin was keeping watch nearby. She was sort of safe here, but - but that other man wasn't, and it was scary and terrible.

List recovered a bit faster, though his eyes were still registering a bit of fear and disgust when he looked up towards the ceiling. He raised a hand, checking on where Rose still was and deciding he could keep that view at the back of his attention because the other SCP seemed to be keeping her at bay for now. He frowned as he tapped into the nearest security line and raised his other hand a bit to flip quicker through the camera feeds until he located where Rose's partner had gone. "Room 442." He paused, swallowed faintly, and looked at Alec. "What's in room 442?" He looked down a bit, at Alec's hand. "If you don't want your gun to jam, take the bullet in the chamber out and let another slide in." That one had loaded wrong, he could just see it from the way the gun's pieces weren't moving quite right.
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