*Gears turning*
- Group
- Nation Building
Hikari Takashima
Location: Vanguard Headquarters - Medical Wing, Yuzu’s
Interactions: Deacon (

Mentions: N/A
It seemed like lady luck was on the gang's side that morning. Other than the doc that first stopped them and took at her bad eye, there weren't many other medical staff that stopped the group on their way to the elevator. As the morning progressed and more of the headquarters were roused, so too did the medical wing increase in activity and foot traffic. Doctors, nurses, medical technicians and the like walking by and weaving in and out of the many doors that lined the otherwise sterile and lifeless halls. Everyone was either too busy to care what the group was up to or, like the first doctor they encountered when getting there, didn't want to get themselves involved with filling out whatever mountain of paperwork that Hikari is bound to cause.
The ride itself up to Yuzu's own personal containment floor was as eventful as you could imagine a typical elevator ride being. It wasn't all bad, a little lull every now and then was welcome. As the elevator doors opened to Yuzu's floor they revealed what was quite possibly one of the best indoor view of the city on the base. What twisted humor someone would need to have to give a room and view like that to a blind person. As they got off the elevator, the big ol' guy was the first to start talking. His concern was pretty reasonable. Why send a guy who can't see, covered in bandages, and bound to a wheel chair on what seems like a suicide mission? But, it's situations like this that the age old saying of "don't judge a book by its cover" should come to mind. Hikari chuckled a little before starting to answer his question. "Don't ya worry ya head about it, Lumberjack Jr. It's just as Miss Abyss Eyes o'er there says. He's ain't the injured lil birdy them white coats think him ta be."
As Hikari directed her attention away from her accomplices, taking more steps towards the lone bed in the room, her attention landed on a familiar looking woman with silver hair and blue eyes "Oh? And who do we have 'ere? Didn't expect to see ya here Snow White, what with how awful quick you were to leave the office back there. Even had 'nough time to go back and change huh?" She said to the woman, though something did feel a little different looking at her. When did she have time to go back and get a change of clothes? Oh well, that probably wasn't important. Hikari walked by the woman and towards Yuzu's bed.
"Wakey wakey Bandages~." Hikari said in a playful and sly tone as she approached his bedside. She gently placed her hands on his arm with all the IV needles stuck into it. “Day just started, don't ya go sleepin on us now~." As she said that, she began to remove the IV needles from Yuzu's arm and released the latches under his bed that chained him to his bed. "What fuckin' way to treat a patient, eh?" Hikari wasted no time in lifting Yuzu off the bed. Perhaps another "don't judge a book by its cover" lesson until one remembers that she waves around what is essentially a giant steel pole with weights on the end around on the field of battle.