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Fantasy 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔤𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔰 (ℑℭ 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡)


Hikari Takashima

Location: Vanguard Headquarters - Commanding Officer's Office -> Hallway
Interactions: Deacon ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz )
Mentions: Everyone else that was in the Office, Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness )

As the commander screened the last recorded footage of the missing squad, Hikari watched on, not expressing much emotion on her face as she did. She was no stranger to death. To her, death was an old friend that was always just around the corner in her youth, paying other poor souls a visit. And while she occasionally sent people to see him when she had to, she did her damnedest to make sure he didn't come visit her next. But to say that even on the inside she didn't feel anything at all while watching the video would be a mistake. Her heart went out to those poor souls in the slums where the rift had manifested. Their lives were hard enough already, many in such a dire state that tomorrow coming was just a distant glimmer of hope to reach for. But with that rift there, even that little ray of light was snuffed out.

If anything, watching that video only solidified Hikari's resolve that she would go on this mission. Not for any superficial "hero that comes and saves the weak" bullshit, and from that video there probably wasn't even people left to save, but for her a much simpler reason: if someone or something hits you or your people, you hit back harder.

As the video ended, more and more voices started coming from behind them. Hikari suppressed a chuckle as she saw the amount of people enter the room. Keep this off the books, my ass, she thought. Nice goin', Commander Ink Canvas!

Turning back her attention to the Commander, she had no interest in brining back some spores, as Mr. Silver Spoon asked about. If they can do whatever that was in the video to slum, why risk bringing it here? As far Hikari was concerned, there was nothing more to be said or asked about the mission, and it seemed the commander was of the same mind as he dismissed everyone. The scarred, tired looking man was the first to speak after hearing. "Ha! Ya can say that again, Sleepy." Having nothing more to say to the commander, Hikari turned to take her leave. "Well then, see ya tonight."

Among the newcomers near the door, one of them particularly caught her attention. "Well goddamn, didn't know they made freshies like big ol' Commander Giant Lumberjack o'er there." She punched the guy's arm, a bit harder than when she punched Yuzu's earlier but still not enough to actually hurt, probably, as she spoke in a quieter volume so that it was less likely that Mr. Lumberjack in question couldn't easily hear her from his desk. Or maybe he did after all, the orange and silver haired agent didn't really care either way. It definitely wouldn't be her first time facing down the barrel of disciplinary action, the mountain of fried electronics from the training hall that HQ had to throw out can attest to that. Not long after, she eyed the Doctor as he rolled Yuzu back to his cell of a hospital room. She let out a sigh. Those white coat guys, always so serious. Hikari turned back to the big fella. "Mind a hospital visit? See if we can't give Bandages an early discharge."



As soon as Sora left the office, her legs carried her toward the elevators. Just a few more strides to go when she heard a voice call out, “Hey—”

Perhaps it was the emotions swirling in her chest—the thought that someone was missing a family member somewhere out there, just as she had. It shouldn’t have unsettled her; loss was a universal truth in Vaelora. Everyone carried the weight of their tragedies, but that knowledge rarely made the burden any lighter. Five years ago, she had lost everything—her family, her home, her future. In the blink of an eye, she had been left with nothing but the will to survive. And now? She was here, an agent of the Vanguard, tethered to life by nothing more than duty and the thin thread of wanting to ensure that no one else suffered the way she had. Her sense of duty was a heavy burden, but one she carried with unwavering determination.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled in a steady rhythm, grounding herself. This practiced routine was meant to keep anxiety from digging its claws into her chest. Just as her breathing steadied, an irate voice echoed down the hallway. Mildly irritated, her azure eyes flicked to the side, where a man in a white coat was scolding an agent in a wheelchair.

‘The medic bay?’ she thought, her eyes roaming over the man's physique as he continued to nag. He appeared to be about two decades older than her, his white coat fluttering as he moved. He stopped suddenly, and his stethoscope gleamed under the cold fluorescent light. The man was loud, and if it weren’t for regulations, Sora would’ve muted him, but there was also the voice she had heard.

This man, whom she had just judged moments ago, now had a name: Yuzu. He had called out to her, and his voice was recognizable, causing her gaze to linger on him even as the doctor retreated with him in tow.

That’s when she began to take note of everyone else in the hallway. A beautiful woman, ethereal in appearance, stood outside the office door before excusing herself. As Sora prepared for the night ahead, she caught a glimpse of another man. Sora focused on Yuzu, the enigma who had her wondering how he would make it to the mission when she had herself to worry about.

While walking in the opposite direction, she heard that same man talking before he unexpectedly fell into step beside her. “Hey,” he said, “Keep that confidence up. Something tells me we’re all going to need it soon.” He introduced himself as Jackson. As Sora continued to walk, she angled a look at him. She estimated he was nearly a foot taller than her—if she hadn’t been wearing her sneakers—and her blue eyes traveled from his shoulders to his head to get a better look at him.

Sora’s lip twitched at his encouragement to keep up her confidence, and she smirked, unsure if she even possessed it.

“Sora,” she replied, “Sora Haruto.” Her voice was light but audible, though the irritation seeped through as she ran her hand through her damp white hair. The memory of what she had seen in the office bristled her as she added, “Anyways, we’ll need more than confidence. There’s something about this mission that doesn’t seem right.” Her doubt, a constant companion, whispered in her ear, fueling her fear of the unknown.

Stuffing her reading glasses into the pocket of her sweatpants, Sora readjusted her gym bag to free up her hands, which she shoved into her pockets.

“If we want to get technical,” she continued, “the bodies we bring back here would be the sample. How would either of them be contained?” She could imagine trying to contain the spores, but she doubted her abilities would be practical enough. Five years of experience hadn’t granted her a sufficient skill set for research, so she exhaled just as they stopped at the elevator. At that moment, impatience swelled in her as she anticipated the rooftop gathering, her mind racing from the events in the office to the agent in the wheelchair and now to the man beside her. Her anticipation was a taut string, ready to snap at any moment.

’I wanted something to do, and now I’ve got it,’ she thought, shaking her damp hair again, flipping it off her neck before letting it fall to her waist.

Not long after she pressed the button on the wall, the closest set of double doors chimed and opened. “What will you do?” Sora stepped into the elevator shortly after the doors opened, tilting her face to meet his gaze. Her cerulean eyes were curiously fixed on him and the contours of his face. “We have time; how do you plan to use it, Jackson?”

mood: anxious
location: Vanguard's Headquarters - Elevator
mentions: Nothingness Nothingness Pyxie Pyxie
interactions: Autumn_Leaf Autumn_Leaf

Last edited:
3c9030871a7b40afcfedca1be4af8a36.jpgEve stood there as she took in the other people in the room. The first person that stuck out to her was this beautiful girl standing next to her. She then noticed another girl with striking white....no silver hair? She looked pretty especially with her blue eyes. There were two muscular guys especially one of them who looked like his muscles would burst through his shirt. Then there was a girl with long black hair who had this very cool aura to her another guy in the room seemed to have a lot of scars. There were others as well and they all stuck out to her they looked like they belonged here one way or another. They all seemed unique in their own way and Eve suddenly felt very plain and out of place. Suddenly Eve got pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Ironwood get their attention. “Alright, I don’t have time for pleasantries, and neither do you. What you’re about to hear is strictly need-to-know. If you’re in this room, that means you’re exactly one of two things: brave,” there was a pause, his following words deliberate, or reckless. Therefore, we require volunteers for a Retrieval Op. Understand that this is not an order. This mission is a choice, and there’s no room for hesitation once we move.”

Eve's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly at that. 'A choice? What a lie. I didn't have a choice. I was ordered to take this job.' Eve thought to herself. If she actually had a choice she wouldn't be here. 'Being here isn't even my damn choice.' Eve could feel herself getting mad but she held it in. She listened to what else Ironwood had to say though as he talked she could feel herself getting hungrier and....scents.....she was starting to notice the different scents in the room. All of them were different, all of them distracting, some more than others. Man, she was starving she wondered what they were serving. Maybe bacon...she could go for some bacon....lots of it. Her brain was completely distracted she felt her mind begin to shift slightly until suddenly she snapped out of it when she heard something Ironwood. She forced herself to listen.

“Moving onto more pressing matters. I expect you all to come to the rooftop later this evening at 2000 hours. “This mission entails a matter of discretion and a sense of urgency. You have less......"

Eve began to space out again. Her breathing began to change ever so slowly and her fangs started to grow ever so slightly.


"Huh?" Eve snapped out of it again not hearing anything Ironwood just said. Whatever it didn't matter it was probably stuff she already knew. She needed to get out of here she was starving and she felt like she was going to lose it any minute and everyone's scents....their so overwhelming. Eve quickly left the room and started to make her way through the hall. She pushed passed anyone that was in her way. A small growl left her mouth as went by one of them and she went straight to the stairs hurrying down them. She then quickly made her way to the mess hall. When she made it she noticed they were doing a buffet type of breakfast. She wasn't sure if this something they always did but it didn't matter. Eve grabbed a tray and started piling up the food on it and then sat down at a empty table and started eating.

Deacon remained at attention, his hands folded behind his back, as the commander spoke on the details of the apparent mission he had walked in on. Though it was the tail end of the briefing, he managed to soak in enough to understand the nature of the op. His jaw tightened, rolling his neck slightly as he realized it was a retrieval mission. Such tasks were always messy and unpleasant, but it was work someone needed to do. If not for a moral reason, then at least for a professional reason. Fallen agents deserve to be brought home, no matter how infested or dangerous the location is. A slow breath left his nose as the Commander dismissed everyone, but Deacon remained, just next to his office door as others began to file out. As the agents passed him, his eyes flicked to them individually. The first to leave, a white-haired woman, Deacon caught quick a glance of her eyes, spotting a faint wetness to them. She did well to hold her emotions from her face, her stoic expression airtight, but the look was familiar to Deacon, a steely determination driven by something. As to what, only that woman knew.

His attention would soon be grabbed by an odd and rare sight walking past him. Or rather, rolling by him. A man with bandages wrapped over his eyes and bound to a wheelchair making his way out the door. Deacon found himself curious about the man, silently wondering what his role was here. Was he an agent? Or did he perform duties around the HQ? He seemed to be able to make his way around on his own despite the bandages around his eyes, but his legs... Deacon didn't want to judge a book by its cover, but he couldn't help but remain curious about the odd individual.

The next to pass him was a seemingly laid-back man, though his relaxed appearance didn't match the amount of scars covering him. Deacon's eyes hardened, silently imagining what type of encounters could cause such lasting damage. As he passed him Deacon caught his gaze and heard his muttered comment. An amused huff escaped his nose but kept his face clear of a smile, though he could feel the urge to tug at his lips. He couldn't help but notice the tired look in his eyes. Experience was all Deacon could describe it as. Perhaps he'll be good for tips. Though Deacon thought of himself as competent enough after a year of being a part of the Vanguard, more tips and tricks will only help him grow.

The appearance of a silvered-haired and orange-haired agent was next to take his attention. Deacon arched a brow, surprised by her casual comment, a ghost of a smirk briefly on his face as she gave a solid punch to his bulky arm. It didn't seem like she was at all concerned about getting in trouble with the commander. He wasn't sure if that was a positive or a negative, not yet at least. He took note of her eye patch, seeing a scar peek just from under the patch. Again, Deacon found himself wondering the story behind that injury.

Deacon was snapped out of his thoughts though by a little blond blur that zipped by him and out the door. He managed to catch just a tiny glimpse of the blur, making out a young girl with a... hungry look on her face. Maybe even a little drool on her mouth. The small speed demon was far from what Deacon would describe as professional, or even experienced-looking, but he figured everyone here was a part of Vanguard for a reason. Though he could swear he heard a growl from outside the door. "What in tarnation...?" he muttered under his breath, glancing out the door. A deep voice clearing its throat snapped him back and he returned to standing at attention, seeing Commander Ironwood finally laying his eyes on him. Deacon swallowed, no longer paying attention to any other agents and just to his superior. Ironwood stared at Deacon for a moment, his stern and hard expression making Deacon tense for a moment. Finally, he held up a finger, gesturing for Deacon to approach his desk.

Deacon was quick to respond, hurrying over to the side of the Commander's desk and standing at firm attention. "Deacon Godfrey, correct?" the Commander questioned, his voice stern and professional. Deacon nodded, his folded hands behind his back tightening around each other. Ironwood nodded, picking up a file from his table and opening it, his expression unreadable. "Transferred from Rules unit from the western HQ, squad three? Served within the army for roughly five years and in Vanguard for about one year?" he asked, his gruff voice oddly becoming cold. Deacon swallowed, nodding.

"Yes sir..." he replied, a chill running up his back. "I believe it should all be in ma-"

"It is," the Commander interrupted, tapping the back of his two fingers on the file. "All from your life out in the country on your family farm and up to your achievements in Vanguard. All here," he assured him, closing the file and setting it down on his desk. "So, believe you can explain something to me?" Deacon furrowed his brow, confused.

"Explain what, sir?" he questioned, shifting slightly in his stance.

"Explain to me why a young man who is accustomed to living on a repeated and specific schedule of time has failed to report to my HQ, and barely makes it in time to catch the tail end of my briefing of a very, very important mission," Ironwood clarified, his gazed locked onto Deacon. "I believe your orders were very specific on the time and place you were supposed to report in, yes?" Deacon swallowed, still standing at attention and holding back the urge to sweat bullets.

"Sir I uh... ma roommate unplugged his alarm clock..." he answered. "And yes the time to report in was clearly detailed, sir..." Ironwood's expression remained unreadable, and now that he was closer to the Commander, it finally sunk in just how taller he was than Deacon. It was an unfamiliar feeling, having to look up at someone when speaking. Ironwood tapped his finger on his desk, staring at Deacon for a moment before closing his eyes.

"I will let this slide today, due to it being your first day here and taking account of the recommendation sent by your previous superior. But I want to make it clear Godfrey, you are under MY roof now. You will conduct yourself as such and take into account that the rules under my command are to be followed to the T. I have seen your record, and it is very impressive, commendable even, but do not think that will be enough to have any leeway here. Am I understood?" Ironwood said, his voice steady and firm as he looked down on Deacon. Deacon straightened his stance, his broad chest puffed out, chin high, and hands firmly folded behind his back.

"Understood sir! I will not abuse the opportunity and honor given to me and ensure I earn ma place here. I'm here to get the job done, plain and simple, sir!" Deacon replied, his gaze locked upwards with Ironwood's, a fierce determination shining in his eyes as he stood firmly in front of the towering Commander. Ironwood stared at him for another moment before nodding.

"Then get settled in your room and accustomed to the facility. And if you're truly so ready to get to work, report to the roof tonight. There will be plenty of it," Ironwood stated, his tone and gaze less cold towards Deacon. Deacon gave a firm nod before saluting and making his way to the door, scooping up his duffle bag as he exited the office. Once he was a bit away from the door a long sigh escaped him, his once tense shoulders finally relaxing.

"They weren't kidding, that man is no joke," he muttered to himself, his previous comrade's stories and tales of the Commander now ringing true to Deacon. Even with the intensity though Deacon felt a slight buzz of excitement run through him. A certain feeling in his gut told him he'd get what he'd been wanting here. He took a deep breath and was about to start making his way to the living quarters, but paused as the sliver and orange-haired agent spoke up to him. He arched a brow, catching a glimpse of the wheelchair-bound man being rolled away by a doctor. From the way she spoke, he could tell she was thinking of something perhaps not to... good. And he didn't want to get any further in the Commander's sights. But... Deacon was curious about the man in the wheelchair. After a moment he glanced down at her with an arched brow, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder. "What ya have in mind?
Cassia "Cas" Grimm
An euphoria of various sentiments crept over her skin. Or rather, they pirouetted with the ensigma within her veins. The very essence the rifts have offered her despite all their wrongdoings. At least she had gained something from them. Cas remained in the corner she had taken. Half the sermon of the old man passed by her. Moreover, her interest caught on the wall of emotions seeping from the other agents. Quite a mixture of… everything. Cas could only indifferent the fervent sentiments of those around her. Irritation. Willpower. Her eyes flickered to those who left first. The old man- as sure as he had stood in front of her for all of those years- remained quite apathetic to each word he had said. Perhaps he held such useless speech for his own consciousness in the end. They existed to be exposed- soldiers, fighters, those who keep the weak alive. Or at least, Cas supposed, this was said in the training and probably stood in the prospect at some point. Yet, not even the commander could obscure himself in such a manner. Cas saw it first hand after all: Emotions were a consistent factor of a person. Even if someone claimed to have shut them off, they lurked in one’s shadow. At some point, may it be underneath the veil of the night, they bit deep and hard. Commander Ironwood, in her mind, laid awake at night, spent one thought about the people he sent to death and remained eating his biscuits whilst going over reports. It likely patronized him to keep his peace if he threw in the illusion that he had given them a choice. Perhaps at some vague point in their life, they had a choice. Cas rolled her eyes at his self-served showmanship and took a mental note of the only thing of importance: Meet-up at night on the rooftop, collect some freaky samples. She wanted to follow the first ones out as another wave crashed against her vines. Tension. Dismay. It originated from… Cas held her hand against her lips, trying to stifle her small chuckle. Out of all the people she ought to fear Ironwood, it had to be the bulky latecomer who stood before the commander like a child. She arched her brows at the scolding. He had given her multiple laps around the training grounds for each minute she had been too late. At the same time, Cas had never really bothered to follow his exact words. All she needed was to move along the fine lines of his nerves- which more or less had worked. Her ears perked at his accent. Hadn’t the woman before him had an accent as well? Cas swallowed her own scowl. She usually had to assign certain attributes to the agents if she ended up working together with them. For this mission, Cas supposed, it became an inevitable outcome to start learning some names. Cas moved after them, catching the last bit of the woman’s idea. She leaned out of the door, glancing after the self-assigned know-it-alls and the boy trapped in his wheelchair. The only interesting thing about the mission’s agents was exactly him. There must have been a reason why the Vanguards kept him around. Was it his own abilities? Those he drew from the rifts? Impatience drummed against her head. So many ideas and theories! It’d be quite a hassle if she had to ask him directly. The joy laid in puzzling the pieces together. If he wouldn’t be on this mission… “You wouldn’t be planning on breaking the boy out of his little prison back there, would you?” Cas hummed as she stepped into the hallway to the burly farmer boy and the pirate lady. At least something to kill the time with, she supposed. Nico should have been already on his way to his own mission.
Code by Nano
Locations: Vanguard Headquarters - Mess Hall
Interactions: Eve | animegirl20 animegirl20

Just as Garth committed himself to the mission, something he was still wondering why he did, several more agents entered the office. It seemed that all of them were here for the mission briefing. Garth thought that perhaps with all these agents possibly working as a squad, they might not need the reinforcements that wouldn’t be provided.

Recognizing several of the new agents by appearance if not by name, Garth realized that he was definitely the rookie among the group. But Garth thought, that even though he lacked mission experience, he should be good by teaming up with these more senior agents. Though he was still worried about the spore creatures seen in the video. Commander Ironwood would then dismiss the assembled agents.

“Agent Arcwright, would you please wait outside my office,” said Ironwood, “I wish to discuss something.”

Garth would nod, exiting the office alongside most of the other agents, stopping against the wall next to the office door. The other agents would disperse, some heading toward the elevator, others toward the medical wing. From outside the office, Garth could hear a conversation between Ironwood and a fellow agent, one that was getting heated.

Garth did his best not to listen, not wanting to be rude. But there was no ignoring the shouting going on, Garth fidgeting as he wondered if this aggression would soon be placed on him. Eventually the conversation would tone down, the agent then exiting the commander’s office.

Figuring that was his cue to reenter the office, Garth would find the commander rubbing his head, clearly stressed. He would then notice Garth, a more professional look overtaking his face, becoming strictly business again.

“Agent Arcwright, I’m glad you waited,” said Ironwood.

“Yes sir. What is it you wanted to see me about?” asked Garth.

“It’s about your status as an agent. To my knowledge you’ve never been on a mission before?”

“Yes sir. Though I’m completely ready to go on one.”

Garth’s words, while trying to seem strong, quivered slightly as he spoke them, his inner fears threatening to burst out of him. Ironwood seemed to realize as much, his stare pretty much piercing through the facade Garth was putting up.

“I just wonder if this is the right first mission for you?” wondered Ironwood, “Due to its nature, I cannot guarantee your safety.”

Garth would pause for a few seconds, struggling to find the right words, “I was aware of the dangers when I signed up for the Vanguard. I’ve been through training, so I’m ready to deal with whatever the Vanguard needs of me.”

Ironwood would not say anything, instead looking Garth up and down. The agent would feel as if he were naked, his whole self on display to Ironwood.

“Very well. You will be assigned to this mission,” stated Ironwood, “You are dismissed.”

Garth would salute before rushing out of the office. Anxiety had overtaken the agent, fears of what would be happening later today. And yet somehow Garth had committed to it, even when the commander gave him a way out. Garth would wonder if he was an idiot, or just had a death wish.

By now there was no one left in the hallway outside the office, the other agents seemingly going on with their day. Garth would then think that perhaps it would get easier for him after he got a few missions under his belt, since the others seemed to exude confidence.

Not sure what to do know, considering getting his gear ready, Garth would decide on a next action when his stomach began to grumble. Pulling out his phone, Garth would see that he had been in the office long enough that they were now serving breakfast.

Making his way to the mess hall, Garth would enter to find a full on breakfast buffet waiting for him. For some reason the food was inconsistent at the Vanguard headquarters, varying in quality from day to day. Garth thought that maybe it varied based on what chef was working that day.

Grabbing a tray, Garth would fill a plate completely with the traditional breakfast. Now holding a mighty stack of eggs, meat, toast, and fruit, Garth would look for a place to sit. Glancing over the mess hall, Garth would spot a blond haired girl taking a seat. Recognizing her as one of the agents who were in the briefing, Garth would decide to sit with her.

“Hi, I saw that we’re going on a mission together,” said Garth, “So I figured I’d introduce myself. I’m Garth.”

As he introduced himself, Garth would sit down in the chair across from the other agent. With his best smile on full display, Garth would do his best to endear himself to her.
𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐧𝐠

Location: Vanguard Headquarters -- Hallway
Outfit) Perfection~: (Click)
Interactions: Deacon ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ) & Hikari ( Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic )

Tara stepped out of the commander’s office, the weight of the mission settling over her shoulders like a familiar cloak. The briefing had been intense, but nothing she couldn’t handle. If anything, it had only fueled the spark in her chest—missing Vanguards, unknown dangers, and the promise of a fight? Right up her alley.
The mysterious, yet cocky aura Tara emanates tends to intimidate .. and or annoy the people around her. What if she is unable to work with others? Seeing as she has only ever been on solo missions, due to her ability being able to work from a further range, she never really thought about how she would be with other people. She brushed her hands across her skirt, having a hard time controlling the dampness of her hands when overcome with anxiety. Tara thought about the idea of people not wanting to work with her, leaving her in the dust during the middle of a battle. It truly frightened her, dying by the hands of people you trusted. But she would never tell anyone that.

As she walked down the hallway, the usual sterile scent of the headquarters mixed with something sharper—antiseptic from the medical wing. Her heels echoed softly against the polished floor as her gaze flicked ahead, catching sight of Yuzu.

The white-haired Agent sat in his wheelchair, his face unreadable beneath the bandages covering his eyes. A doctor pushed him forward at a steady pace, guiding him down the hall. Despite his current condition, Yuzu’s posture remained relaxed, almost annoyed, as one would be, as if he weren’t the one being carted off like damaged goods.

Tara’s lips twitched. He never let anything shake him, did he?

Just past him, standing at the far end of the hall, was a very pretty woman, with an eyepatch covering one eye and—oh.

Deacon Godfrey.

Tara’s pace slowed instinctively, her stomach giving a stupid little flip that she would never admit to.

He stood with his usual intimidating ease, all sharp angles and effortless confidence. And—yeah, no, that was an unfair amount of muscle packed into one person. He looked like he could fold a grown man in half without breaking a sweat.

Tara was convinced the Vanguard higher-ups had genetically engineered him in a lab just to test the limits of human physique.

The silver and orange-haired woman stood beside him, she watched her eyes glisten with mischief, their eyes both watching Yuzu get wheeled down the hall by an overly eager Med-wing doctor.

With a smirk, Tara backed up a few steps before smoothly inserting herself between them. “Did I just hear the words early discharge? Because that sounds like a conversation I definitely want in on.” She purred, adjusting the bright blue hair on her shoulders and fanning it down onto her back.

Tara kept her expression easy, her usual playful edge slipping into her voice. “I mean, We’ve got a mission coming up—seems only fair he gets to be a part of it.”

coded by archangel_


Hikari Takashima

Location: Vanguard Headquarters - Hallway -> Medical Wing
Interactions: Deacon ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Cas ( JJae JJae ), Tara ( Tub2 Tub2 )
Mentions: Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness )

"On a scale from pay cuts to court martial, how're ya feelin?" Hikari gave Deacon a slap on the back as she answered his question with one of her own. "C'mon it'll be fun~. They ain't as bad as ya think they are once ya have enough of 'em." The silver and orange head let out a sly chuckle. There's something funny about seeing a guy who was that bulky be scolded like that by Commander Lumberjack. But what she said was the truth though, kinda, as long as you didn't catch the commander in a real bad mood. They aren't that bad once you get used to them, but as for what "they" refers to... well, where would all the fun be if she told him?

That's when she heard another voice emerge from the office. Looking over revealed one of the agents that entered the commander's office in that mass influx of agents to this supposedly "off the books" mission. "Ha! Prison is right, but don't ya worry ya pretty head about it. I ain't no stranger to breaking outta shit." Looking into the woman's eyes was like looking at a pair of onyx gems... or into a dark abyss. Hikari was more inclined to feel the former was the more apt description, at least for now. Looking into those dark eyes of hers took her mind to time when she first gazed into similar pair of black eyes, not as dark as the woman's before her but certainly.

Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 2.55.03 PM.png

A sigh escaped the girl walking through the back alleys as she counted the money in the wallet she "liberated" from some bloke in the crowd. Evidently, it wasn't a wallet that belonged to some of the wealthier merchants coming through the city. "Barely enough for a loaf of bread huh..." As if on cue, her stomach let out a rumble. She was about to go back into the crowd at the next alley exit when she heard a commotion further down the alley, her curiosity pushing her to follow the noise.

What she as she peered around the corner saw made her blood boil. A frail blonde girl, about a few years younger than Hikari from the looks of it, on the ground being ruthlessly kicked by 2 guys. They didn't look like police officers and the way they dressed looked like they were part of a much higher tax bracket than both Hikari and the girl, but given that they were actually doing something physical they probably just worked for someone that was rich.

"Hey!" Hikari stepped out into the open. Her eyes met the blonde girl's on the ground, blank, unfocused, and looking at Hikari as if she were a mirage, as both her and the 2 guys kicking at her turned to look. "Hey! Girl! Ya wanna live?! Get yer ass up!"

"Well, well. Looks like we have another rat to take off the streets. Don't worry about your friend here, you'll be joining her soon enough."
One of the guys said before kicking the girl in the stomach.

To say Hikari saw red in that moment would be an understatement. "You... bootlickers... better get yer asses outta here if ya know what's good for ya..." Hikari's voice was trembling, not out of fear, but because she's just barely able to contain her anger.

As one of the men met Hikari's charge with one of their own, she grabbed a nearby wooden plank, dashed towards the guy and the guy's knee caps hard, causing him to fall to the ground with a thump. Hikari wasted no time and, without a second thought, stomped on his neck, hard. He stopped moving.

"Y-you bitch!" The second guy was sent into a panic, evidently not expecting this urchin to be able to put up a fight. He tried to get his bearings together and charge at Hikari. Too late. Hikari was faster, hitting him over the top of the head with a brick. He was sent to the ground, but Hikari wasn't done yet, bringing that brick down on his head a few more times for good measure until he, too, stopped moving.

Hikari walked away from the bodies of the two thugs and approached the girl. The girl's eyes, once empty and devoid of emotion now filled with one: fear. She tried to crawl her way away from Hikari with great difficulty. "Oi, easy! Easy now!" Hikari rushed over to her and knelt down beside her. "Gonna hurt yerself more if ya do that."

Hikari looked back at the 2 guys behind her on the ground, motionless, and then back at the girl. "No point in stayin 'ere. C'mon then, 'fore the law or whatever pig these guys work for comes." Hikari extended a hand to the blonde girl to which she instinctively flinched and backed away from. Hikari let out something that was a mix between a sigh and a groan as she let her hand fall to her side once more. "Relax will ya? I ain't gonna hurt ya. Ya got a name?"



"Y-yumiko... A-Aikawa..."

Hikari grabbed Yumiko and eventually got her onto her back to carry her out of that forsaken alley, Yumiko groaning in pain as her own adrenaline began to wear off and bring back her ability to feel pain. "Ya just hollon tight up there, Yumiko. The folks back at the big house should get ya back on yer feet." Another stomach rumble would be heard, but this time it wasn't Hikari's. "And... tell ya what... I'll get ya a loaf of bread, my treat."


Snapping her out of her thoughts was the entrance of another female voice into the fray, this time between herself and Deacon. It didn't help that whoever the voice belonged to was in her blindspot, otherwise she'd have noticed them sooner. By the smirk on the blue haired woman's face and the tone of her voice, it seemed like she and Hikari were of the same mind. Hikari returned the woman's smirk with her own. "Aye, but with that helicopter parent of a doc, he's more likely to keep Bandages in a cage just like the bird he thinks him ta be. Unless we have a say in that." Hikari capped off that statement with a mischievous little laugh before making her way down the hallway in the direction of the Medical Wing.

"C'mon then, let's not keep ol' Bandages waiting in his cage for too long. Should be a piece of cake. Keep 'em distracted long enough while someone gets Bandages outta there. One of y'all can do the talkin'. If talkin' don't work, I got a pretty good distraction myself." A small spark of electricity could be heard as an arc of electricity could briefly be seen going between a gap in Hikari's hair. If she still had both eyes working, she would have given the group a sly wink too, but alas now that was just called blinking for her.


Interacting w/ Kornelius
Located @ Vanguard HQ: Medical Wing (Kornelius' Office)

Through the serendipitous train of thought did Eulalia eventually hear a familiar voice call out to her. A gentlemanly, kindred voice that always meant it was time for Eulalia's hormonal shot. The very shot that allowed Eulalia to remain as she was, but a large part of who she was involved scientific hypothesis. Through numerous chemical compositions meant to not only aggravate but change the behavior of ones' endocrine system to allow for the individual to better live as the person they wanted to be. Yes, that was her estrogen shot which allowed for Eulalia to live as, well... Eulalia.

"Yo, girly." Kornelius approached Eulalia with the same eager smile, "I got a new batch today. It's more potent, so I think you will not have to receive another one for a few months!"

Eulalia glanced over at the man, and a smile crept upon her features. Her smile had always been described as angelic during these moments by Kornelius, though he did not foster any particular emotion for the girl. He was, after-all, a man of science.

With an enthusiastic nod, Eulalia tilted her features and nodded - then turning to face him as the two decided to make their way to the medical wing.

Upon arrival, Eulalia noticed the appearance of virtually all of the other recruits save for a couple and the Commander. They were practically trailing after the man in the wheelchair. An interesting man, and one that also drew the curiosity of Eulalia. Yet she decided to remain to herself. It had seemed that everyone else also took the path of the man in the wheelchair. Likely a lift - but Eulalia and Kornelius opted for the stairway.

It was ironic they still arrived at a likewise time, but Eulalia was guided by Kornelius over to her own room - the very office of Kornelius. He never hid his research either. Though he was a mad-man, his office was quite organized with strange machines decorating it - and since he was known to teach students, he simply had an audio system to speak out of with transparent glass.

Save for when an experiment was to be operated on or injected with something far more curious that was relevant to the current happenings, a simple shot was just fine for him to administer here.

Eulalia sat on a stool - similar to that of a barber stool. But with a flick of a button it raised a few inches until she met the height of Kornelius. Next was her shot. An easy administration into her muscles, from which she twitched after Kornelius flicked the needle point. Yet after, he gently, with gloved palms, rubbed the spot of the injection and then stepped back. He liked to observe if his concotions made any reactions from Eulalia... yet she had always been quite receptive to his injections.

She blankly glanced over to him, as he preferred eye contact so he could observe any subtle changes... but, so far, so good. For now, the two silently sat and watched each other.

Created by Uxie, Edited by Deluna
Last edited:

*this will have taken place a little bit after everyone has left the commanders office I just really want to post - sorry about messing up the continuity*

Commander Ironwood let out a long, heavy sigh as he flopped back into his chair as the last person left the office. He would have been sat there for some time, feeling the start of a headache as he began to actually think about the number of people in this mission. He rarely trusted people himself and had concerns about the group that would be going on the mission. People would be furious at him if he didn’t get extra help, and he looked at his phone, leaning forward slightly now and reluctantly picking up his phone, scrolling through his “a” contacts to see the name Archbishop. He groaned a little before tapping the call button and putting it on speaker, setting it back on his desk, and getting up, letting it ring a few times before it was picked up.

“Solarius speaking,” the voice on the end said.

“Commander Ironwood. I need you to see in an extra personal. They will move into HQ effective immediately. I want to bring in a healer for a mission at 2000.”

There was silence on the phone for a few moments that felt like an eternity, and Commander Ironwood would have gotten up and started pacing a little.

“Ah, Commander, right. A healer, you said? You are in luck. They are new, but their talent, I believe, would help you. Though I’m not sure if he has been trained long enough…no it should be alright. Their name is Giovanni; I’ll send them over.”

“Good, have them meet me in my office, they will have time to move in. Much appreciated.”

Commander Ironwood was quick to hang up and sat back down in his chair, not a big game of the Archbishop, but he knew there was a talented healer. While he doesn’t care much for everyone returning in one piece, he needed at least one to return in one piece.

After this call, Archbishop Caelum would be in his own office and would stand up gently, looking out a large glass window that looked down upon a lush green courtyard where he could see Giovanni.

Gio was in the courtyard, kneeling on the ground, staring at a beautiful basil plant with a gentle smile, carefully plucking off a few leaves, taking one up to smell. Then, a shadow covered the light and Gio looked up, head leaning back as another temple member had approached him.

“Good morning Sister Lilian, there should be breakfast prepared-”
Gio started to but was cut off by a small chuckle.

“Thank you, Gio, but that will not be necessary. The Archbishop wishes to speak to you, that is all.”

Gio was then left alone once more, and he looked up to the window that he knew looked into the office of the Archbishop, to see him standing there, looking directly at Gio, causing them to jump a little and scurry to their feet. They bowed a little and quickly made their way up to the office.

The temple was calm and beautiful. It had many windows to let in natural light, and he found himself going up a large spiraling staircase into a tower, appearing infront of large ornate doors decorated with the sun and gold. This was not their first meeting with the Archbishop, as the two met when Gio transferred, but it was their 2nd time, and even more nerve-racking than the first.

A small knock and Gio paused, hearing a soft response to come in, and he pulled the door open and bowed deeply.
“Brother Giovanni, Father of the Grand Flame,”
Gio said softly.

“Raise your head young flame, come, step closer.” Gio looked up and saw the Archbishop motion for Gio to join him at the window, hesitantly, they made their way over, going around a desk piled with papers, unfinished work prayers, and who knows what else. Gio looked out the window, stunned at the view for a moment.

“Beautiful, isn’t it? You can see the sunrise from here. You know, I picked this window to be built here so that I can see our holy simple raise every day. This is a reminder that a new day has arrived with new opportunities. Tell me, Giovanni, why did you continue your training here?” Gio gulped, maybe a bit too loud as their hands came together, picking at their nonexistent nails and skin as he looked down to where they knew the basil grew. “There is no wrong answer.”

“U-uh. Fam-family. My family joined first, and I ended up following. So much suffering in the world and…and I want to bring people comfort…somehow,”
he managed to get out, their voice soft but timid, unlike the gentle calmness of the Archbishop who had power behind the calm.

“What a wonderful thing to wish. An opportunity has arisen. Your abilities are needed. I understand it's only been a few months but you have grown your skills tremendously. I want you to go to the Vanguard headquarters meet with Commander Ironwood and join a mission. There will be many people and, your food will be needed to keep them energized. Pack your things and be prepared to move in.”

Their eye went wide, and their head snapped to look toward the Archbishop, mouth dropping open as he attempted to stutter out an argument against it. Gio barely felt they were ready, that their skills needed much work still, and many recipes to perfect and new recipes to work on. And who would run the soup kitchen Gio started? Panic must have been on their face as the Archbishop placed a reassuring hand on their shoulder turning to fully face the other.

“Breath now. I understand you must be worried. However, I have only heard good things about you. The sun must be shining on you brightly, the commander requested aid, and you and I both know, this is unlike him. It must be important and I truly believe that you are the right person for this job. Now, off with you, Latom.”

Gio was then gently turned and pushed back to the door, and in a blurry haze, Gio stumbled out of the office and back down to where Gio once formed, and news had started to spread already like wildfire. Gio, who normally spent time alone, was soon swarmed by many brothers and sisters of Sol, surrounding the small figure who carried an empty look on their face. Gio’s mind was running a mile a minute, trying to process not only what the Archbishop had said to them but also the comments, questions, and farewells people were saying to them. They attempted to push forward towards their room, and it wasn’t until a larger female came in with aloud booming voice.

“Brothers and Sisters! Please, Gio, must prepare, you're going to trample the poor thing!” Gio looked up to Sister Sylvia, as she pulled Gio out from the swarm of people and helped them the rest of the way to their room.

“Sister..thank you. I just… can't believe what has just happened. I left the main headquarters 'cause, it kinda scares me,”
Gio said softly, and Sylvia laughed.

“I am not shocked by that. You’re so tiny I’m afraid they would eat you up!” She said and stopped at Gio’s room. “However, the Archbishop I heard chose you specifically. So he must have a lot of faith in you. You will be missed, though.” Gio was pulled into a warm embrace, and awkwardly, Gio would hug back. “Good luck, Brother Gio. Latom.”

Gio would respond back, pulling away and ducking back into their room and preparing to leave.

Then, just like that, Gio would have gathered his belongings, his knives, pots, dishes, predried herbs, and such, most of what he carried being things he cooked with, not so much weapons or clothing at all. The journey itself was short and sweet, the only thing that caused Gio to pause was to stop in at a bakery to grab themself a treat before they were at the entrance of the headquarters.

Staring up at the large building, Gio could feel the sense of dread fall over him, feeling frozen in place with his items, most of them lugged in a large rolling suitcase. His hair fell out of the bun it was in, sloppily put together in the first place and people simply moved around the small frame. However, it seemed he was idling too long as someone decided to approach them.

“Excuse me…did you need something? Are you looking to join?” Gio pulled out of their thoughts and looked up at the man who approached him, eyes wide, and slowly, they shook their head.

“N-no. Sorry. I..I’m here to meet with the uh…commander-commander. I’ve been sent over from the Holy Sol Temple-”
Gio started, looking down at their feet and their voice trailing off as the other took Gio’s arm.

“Oh! Perfect! I was sent out to look out for you! You are a lot…smaller than I expected, but follow me!”

Gio was then whisked off and practically dragged behind the taller male toward the commander's office. They knocked, the two went in, and suddenly, Gio was left alone with the commander staring down the shorter person with a judging eye.

“Are you just going to stand there? Speak.” The commander said, almost coldly.

“S-sorry, sir! I’m…Giovanni Robello-Cugini. The-the Archbishop sent me over…”
they said softly and looked down at their feet again, thinking they would feel better so long as they didn’t make eye contact.

“You have healing abilities, yes?”

“Yes..yes sir.”

“I have a large group going on a retrieval mission, and since the first group already went missing, I need someone who can heal them so at least one of them can return back and inform me what is going on. This is dangerous, and I do not expect everyone to return…in one piece. Are you sure you are the best one for the job?” Gio dared to look up, meeting the eyes of the commander, and felt as though they were being ripped to shreds, the harsh eyes digging holes into Gio, seeing nothing of value or worth.

“I shall do what I can, sir… I was told to come and provide support and that I would do it. Whether you think I can or cannot is not something I can convince you or anyone else of.”
They tried to sound confident, but there was not enough power from behind it but, it seemed to be enough to cause the Commander to ease off.

“We will meet at 2000 hours on the rooftop - do not be late.”

With that, Gio was quick to duck out, turning around as fast as they could and was out the door, running into the same tall man from before.

“Oh! It's you again, small one. I came back to show you to your room!” He said way too enthusiastically, and before Gio could protest, the male would innately begin to lead Gio away, eventually leaving Gio infront of a room, and once again, Gio would be all alone.

They stared at the door, waiting a few moments before opening the door to the blank dorm-like room, and started to drag shit into their room.

giovanni robello-cugini


♡coded by uxie♡

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tags Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Pyxie Pyxie
Location: Vanguard Headquarters -- Medical Wing

Yuzu Sakai

The commute to the medical wing of the headquarters was mostly silent between Yuzu and his supposed 'caretaker', both knew that once Yuzu would be returned to his hospital room, surveillance on him was going to be much tighter after they had allowed him to get free once already. While the thought of it no doubt bothered Yuzu, what was he to do, it wasn't like he had any of his gear to try and brute force his way out of the room, and even if he did, then it could possibly label him as a threat to be terminated; so, instead of taking any form of action, Yuzu simply sat there in his wheelchair as he was pushed through the halls.

As the duo drew closer towards their destination, the scent of the familiar atmosphere soon hit him, the sterile cold chilling air, the hum of the air conditioning systems practically on blast to keep the area clean and the light distant sounds of monitors beeping in each occupied room. As Yuzu was pushed passed each of the hospital rooms, the sounds of numerous injured agents groaning and moaning in agony from their previous missions filled Yuzu's sensitive ears, their pain caused him to grip and clench down onto his shirt over his heart, all these men and women, they fought to protect the innocent against the enemy and yet now they laid there in these rooms suffering and yet the Vanguard did nothing more than attempt to treat their wounds before sending them out onto the battlefield once more, unsure to whether or not they would survive their next mission.

"They treat us like cattle..." The words spilled from his lips in a mere hushed whisper, yet it was loud enough for Aiden to overhear him.

The doctor would not respond to Yuzu's comment, instead he continued on his way through the halls of the medical wing, passing by nurses and other doctors; whom when they had seen the returning patient would stand from their seats or stop whatever they had been doing to follow after Aiden. "Doctor?" One of the female nurses spoke up as though she had been waiting for an order from the man that pushed Yuzu forward. "Double his dosage. That'll keep him docile for the rest of the day at least." With the instructions given to the one nurse, Aiden proceeded to step into the elevator followed by two other nurses beside him. "Get the straps ready. Apparently, he got some sort of mission from the Commander, knowing him, he'll try to get out later tonight to go on that mission, am I right, Yuzu?"

Even when Aiden questioned him, Yuzu kept silent, knowing full well the man knew the answer to his own question. His own thoughts were jumbled as he began to question the integrity of the Vanguard, his thoughts had been all over to the point that he hadn't even noticed that the scent in the medical wing had been different due to one of the agents from earlier had been present in the area as well just before he was rolled into the elevator.
The elevator ride was swift and short as they were lifted up to the 11th floor, from there, once the metallic doors opened, it revealed a large open room that had the back wall of the room being the entirety of window that overlooked some of the Capital City. The room had one hospital bed and across the way from it was a flatscreen television, on either side of the bed were medical equipment, one side had a two-hook top pole that had one large bag filled with IV-fluids while the other had a bag similar in size filled with some form of blueish-purple liquid. "Welcome home Yuzu..." As Aiden spoke while he rolled Yuzu over to one side of the bed, it took the help of one of the nurses and the doctor himself to lift him onto the bed before both nurses proceeded to pull leather belt-like straps from underneath the sides of the bed to strap his legs and lower body down to the bed, of course it would've been done after they had pulled the blankets over his lower body to give some form of 'comfort'.

Throughout the entirety of the time that the nurses strapped him to the bed and sank the IV needle along with the strange colored medication into his arm, Yuzu remained completely motionless, showing no signs of struggle other than the deep exhaled sigh that would soon follow from the pinching sensation one the needles punctured his pale skin. Next were the electrodes, patches were placed all over his chest under his shirt followed by wires connecting onto each pad, following this was a pulse oximeter that was put onto his index finger on his hand that did not have all the needles in his arm. Moments later, the light sounds of beeping began to fill the room as a monitor just behind and above Yuzu's bed displayed his vital signs such as his blood pressure, heartrate, and oxygen levels.

As expected by Aiden, Yuzu's heartrate was slower than average but with the medication starting to flow through his veins, steadily it began to go back up.

"Alright Yuzu, you know what to do if you need any help with anything. As usual, just press the red button on your remote and someone will be up to help you with whatever you need. Now, forget about that mission and get some rest. We've got plenty of agents that are more than qualified to take care of whatever it is the Commander had planned." With that said, Aiden and the two nurses proceeded to take their leave from the room, returning to the elevator and heading back to their usual routine duties.

Jackson Voss
The Stonewall
The S.S Infinity

Interactions: SCP-0029 SCP-0029

"Sora," she replied, her voice edged with something unsaid. "Sora Haruto." Jackson’s faded blue eyes tracked the motion of her hand as it ran through her damp, icy-white hair. The gesture, paired with the subtle strain in her tone, carried frustration—one he recognized all too well. She was right. Something about this wasn’t sitting right.

It wasn’t just the commander’s tight-lipped handling of the situation. It was the thing itself. What they saw out there—if that even came from the Rift in the first place. "Yeah, you’re right." Jackson exhaled, a slow, measured breath that did little to mask the irritation twisting in his gut. His hands slipped into his pockets as his gaze flicked to the side, scanning for eavesdroppers.

Bringing that stuff here…” he muttered, shaking his head. “After seeing what it did to them?” His jaw tightened as he sucked in his teeth. “We ain’t no research team. But the Vanguard loves its research more than our lives, apparently.” His voice dipped lower, edged with something bitter. Sure, the commander called it a choice. Take the mission or don’t. But was it really? If they refused, then what? Would it just sit there until someone else was forced to do it? Choice. A polite way of dressing up inevitability.

The elevator doors slid open. Jackson turned back just in time to catch the last flicker of movement as Sora stepped inside, his eyes unconsciously drawn to the way her mouth moved as she spoke.

"We have time. How do you plan to use it, Jackson?"

The question hit like a storm. His mind had been locked onto tonight—the rooftop, the mission, the weight of it all. He hadn’t even considered how to fill the space between now and then. And yet, the question had a weight beyond the immediate. It gnawed at something deeper. The path that led him here. The choices that stacked like dominoes, consequences trailing in their wake. The hourglass might run empty, but the clock never stops ticking.

A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he stepped inside, settling beside Sora with a lazy ease, his back pressing against the elevator’s railing. “Don’t make me think too hard now. I’m still waking up.” His tone was playful, but exhaustion coated the edges—not of the body, but of the mind. His gaze flicked up to the elevator display, as if to look for an appropriate answer.

I’ve got options. None of ’em will be enough to drown out everything we learned today, though.” Then, a shift. Subtle but real. Like a spark catching dry kindling. His posture changed—just a fraction, but enough to notice. A flick of his fingers. “You know what?” His words carried the tone of an invitation. A test. “We’re gonna have to work together. Why not figure out what we’re made of?” His eyes flicked to her, gauging. First time really talking, first time feeling out the ground between them. He was working on nothing but air. "Could go for a light spar," he added, the edge of anticipation creeping into his voice.

"Would definitely wake me up a bit."

Code by Serobliss
Deacon Godfrey
Interactions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic JJae JJae Tub2 Tub2

Deacon adjusted the duffle bag slung over his shoulder, his gaze dropping to the patch-wearing woman as he listened to her nonchalant words. He raised an eyebrow, smirking at her casual dismissal of pay cuts and court-martials. Her confidence was telling, especially her assurance that he'd get used to it—clearly, she’d been down this road before. It wasn’t in his plans to stir up trouble on his first day, but her words planted a seed of doubt. He drummed his fingers on his thigh, glancing down the hallway where the bandaged man had been wheeled away. Curiosity gnawed at him.

Deacon had always played by the rules—mostly. In his years with the army and his time at Vanguard, he'd mostly stayed on the straight and narrow. But was this situation different? It didn’t feel malicious, at least. Plus, he’d be working with this woman in the future. Might as well socialize. After a moment of thought, his curiosity won out. “Ah, what the hell. Might as well check on the kid,” he muttered, rubbing his chin and scratching at the stubble he’d forgotten to shave that morning. “Not every day you see an agent in a wheelchair around Vanguard HQ.”

Before he could ask her plans, a woman slipped out of the commander's office, her presence immediately drawing his attention. Dark eyes met his, and for a moment, Deacon was caught off guard. He smirked again, finding her interest in joining the mission amusing. In his time with the army, there was little room for goofing off. But since joining Vanguard, things had been... different. There were still rules, of course, but it felt like less of a leash. He’d struggled with that adjustment, especially since it had only been a year since he left the military. But with the prospect of troublemakers like her and the mystery surrounding the man in the wheelchair, the temptation was hard to resist.

He chuckled, glancing back at the patch-wearing woman. “A magnet for troublemakers, huh?” he teased, his smirk still firmly in place as he adjusted his duffle bag.

Another woman entered the scene, and Deacon froze. Tara Hsiung. His surprise was almost palpable. She was the last person he expected to see here. He watched her quietly, his smirk shifting into a grin. He remembered her well—after the incident that left him with a scar on his shoulder, she and her team had taken down the Inferno that had been rampaging through the motor pool where he’d been working. They’d been good friends ever since, though they’d lost touch after he joined Vanguard. Now, here she was, as energetic and thrill-seeking as ever. He couldn't help but feel a buzz of excitement in his gut, finally able to work with her as equals.

His thoughts snapped back to the present as the patch-wearing woman spoke again, mentioning a distraction. Deacon chuckled, stepping forward. “Well, if you need someone to talk someone’s ear off, I’m your guy,” he said with a grin. “Pa always said I’d win a blue ribbon for how much I can flap my gums.” He glanced over at Tara, his grin widening. “Still eager to dive into trouble, huh, Tara?”
Cassia "Cas" Grimm
Cassia’s face split in two. The prospect of anything near troublemaking had her drumming her fingers against her thighs. She enjoyed the lady’s train of thought- what was it again? Being not unfamiliar with breaking things out? The hallway flooded and ebbed with the agents who had been in the office moments ago. Some, as she absently noted, took off to follow their own path. She bet none of them had such a promising first task as this little come-together. Cas inclined her head marginally as her eyes met the only working one of the woman. She couldn’t quite taste what spiked in the her head as she fell into the void of her gaze. Perhaps something akin to remembrance? The lady had gotten lost in her own head as her posture relaxed for just a second. A contrasting color to the otherwise plain hallway gained her attention, snapping the other one out of the forest of her heart. Another woman joined their tiny circle, though she made a beeline towards the larger guy instead. Did these two know each other? By the quite startled expression from the newcomer, he did not expect to meet her here. “A reunion,” Cas chirped to herself before running a hand through her hair. It became clear their little group would listen to the woman with the eye patch before it even happened. Someone else to make those calls, to craft a small scheme. It quite fit in her day and life to simply drift along. She sizzled with the thrill their tiny side-mission offered. Quite literally, as Cas saw the spike of electricity in her hair. What a woman, no? Cas quietly noted it down, as it may come in handy to know her abilities later on. A distraction and the big man wanted to keep them talking. “That sounds like a plan to me,” Cas hummed, bouncing from one leg to another. “But they will notice him gone. We probably need to hide him in the end.” A grin like a fox’s spread on her lips. “Or perhaps, we establish a deal with them? Get them off our backs? The boy is a Vanguard after all, can’t let him rot away because of some tests and numbers on paper, right?”
Code by Nano

Interacting w/ Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness )
Located @ Vanguard HQ: His home?

After awhile, it had seemed apparent that the injection was quite the success. Kornelius made an L-shape with his index finger and thumb, and stood erect in his posture with resounding confidence. He quietly chuckled, and then stepped forward with an apparent grin spreading ear to ear. He pat Eulalia's back - albeit with quite the brutish force that caused her to nearly gasp from the sudden impact.

"A success, heheh!" He chimed while turning once more on his heel and jotting down notes on a notepad he previously left laying out before bringing Eulalia into his offer. Scribbling down quick notes, Eulalia's attention swayed outside of the office. She saw the same man in the wheelchair from before. The strange, eluding presence that she would often see coming in and out of this laboratory. She had been curious prior - hell, even through Kornelius' own ranting did she even know the floor to get to.

She hopped off of the exam chair, and turned once more to Kornelius who continued to jot down notes. he then wandered to his seat, pulling up to his desk while gleefully smiling up to Eulalia.

"You're good to go, girly," he politely dismissed her. "Remember to stop by or text me if there are any changes, yeh?"

With a subtle nod, she turned and paused at his door. With her eyes still staring down at the door handle, she began to think once more of the strange man. The other ominous presence that carried the strange hair color even she had. Her curious eyes shifted to the elevator that led to his... room. His home, as Eulalia had her own on a separate floor given how often she was here. Just like him, she was but another experiment. A weapon deemed useful by the Vanguard.

She silently left the door and wandered over to the elevator. Glancing to the busy-bodies in the laboratory and nurses paying complete mind to their "patients," no-one, as per usual, seemed to pay any mind to Eulalia. She often wandered alone. This was a strange sentiment, now on a mission with a bunch of other experiments and strangers...

But a tug in her curious heart strings caused her to press the button to open the elevator. This elevator was only designated for employees... not one the approaching Vanguard, unbeknownst to Eulalia, would be in now. Whoever had just arrived at their floor might catch a glimpse of Eulalia entering the opposing elevator. Or not.

She, now inside, allowed the doors to close. She stood there silently staring at the floor buttons. Her fingers wandered to "Floor 11," and there she went.

Once opened, she was now in a strange room... and in the strange room was the strange boy. She held her chest, balling up both of her palms as she felt she was intruding. But, she was about to work with this... person. He seemed lonely... quiet, perhaps? He seemed like... Eulalia in some ways.

She exited the elevator and quietly walked up to the strapped down man - with bare feet on the clean floors and her dress swaying in the blue-light, any too ignorant of Eulalia might mistake her for a ghost or poltergeist. The machines he was hooked up with monitoring his various bodily systems. Strapped up and helpless, like an injured stallion waiting to be put down. This was nostalgic, dipping ever so aggressively into her own memories of when she first developed her own powers.

She simply stood, perhaps in awe- examining him from a respectful yet close distance before she said to herself, not too silently...

"They treat us like cattle..."

With that, she started to feel her eyes turn glassy. She could feel her tear ducts swell as she glanced up at the many monitors once more. This person, like Eulalia, was just another experiment. Not a person, a number. A tool to be utilized. But one that has been trained to be docile. Was this, too, the fate of this man? Even standing here, now - was rebellion for Eulalia.

Her eyes returned to the man, and she tilted her head. He was reminiscent of a porcelain doll. Hair so pale, eyes bandaged up how it was... he was strangely beautiful to Eulalia, but that was not what drove her curiosity here. She was to work with this man, and understanding how powerful experiments are treated - she was more curious than anything. Yet she seemed to entirely forget the restrictive nature of his room in this very moment and she wanted to speak up, but hadn't the words to find but to simply stare.

Eulalia was never much of a social person. She was always one to down-play her abilities... but she was chosen, and so was this man. Both puppets on a string. Strange to the Vanguard, but not to each other - or at least from Eulalia's perspective.

Created by Uxie, Edited by Deluna
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Hikari Takashima

Location: Vanguard Headquarters - Medical Wing
Interactions: Deacon ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Cas ( JJae JJae ), Tara ( Tub2 Tub2 )
Mentions: Eulalia ( Pyxie Pyxie ), Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness )

"My name ain't the most common one y'all will see on facility damage logs for nothin'." Hikari chuckled as the group continued making their way to the Med Wing. For many normal people within the military and indeed within the Vanguard, you would think that such a record wouldn't be something to be proud of, but when your attitude towards hierarchy and bureaucracy could be summed up with the phrase "fuck it, we ball" as with Hikari, your perception of such a record would be a little different. Where others see a line that you probably don't even want to get too close to, Hikari sees a tightrope to walk to see how much shit she can get away with. And the sly smile and the suggestion from the woman with the onyx eyes told Hikari she, too, was one to walk the tightrope. This was shaping out to be quite the gang that had assembled.

One could immediately tell when you had arrived in the medical wing. Sure it was still all hallways, but you know you're there when the word you would use to describe the long halls went from "drab" to "sterile," not to mention the fact that the smell of industrial cleaning products always hung in the air to mask the scent of blood and perhaps the occasional death. As soon as the group walked into the med wing, they were greeted by one of the medical staff. "Oh, agents! How can I- oh..." The initial warm welcome from the staff quickly faded as he got a look of exactly who was in the group of agents. A hefty sigh escaped him as he pinched the bridge of his nose before making eye contact with Hikari's one good eye. "What is it this time, Agent Takashima?"

"What? Can't just swing by and say hello anymore?"
With her fighting style being as aggressive and borderline reckless as it was both on the field and in the training hall, it would come as no surprise that Hikari would spend her fair share of time in the Medical Wing and give the medical staff there a bit of a headache while she was at it.

"You never come here without some sort of injury."

"Oi! Ya never know! Could come in one day to get the patched eye fixed up."

With another sigh, the staff took out a penlight from his pocket and approached Hikari. In one motion, he lifted Hikari's eyepatch and shone a bright light onto the right side of Hikari's face. Beneath the patch were 3 long lines of scar tissue coming from just above Hikari's eyebrow, going over her eyelid, and tapering off right near her cheekbone. They were unmistakably claw marks left by a beast.

The memory of that day was still burned into her mind. A drive around the countryside turned into a slaughter in a matter of moments. No amount of fighting in the street or digging through the pockets of merchants could prepare you for the moment you were caught lacking by an Aberrant. It was nothing more than sheer luck that Hikari had managed to flee back to the relative safety of the city with a gravely wounded, yet still breathing, Yumiko on her back like they were back in that fateful alleyway.

Yet even while they were spared a visit from the reaper, it seemed fortune didn't favor the pair equally. Her eye was Hikari's only real long lasting injury, but Yumiko... She had lost the opposite eye that Hikari had lost along with the arm that wasn't on her new blind side, not to mention the amount of blood she lost. Hikari couldn't begin to count the days and nights she spent on Yumiko's bedside until the day she awoke from her coma, but by the time she had to leave for the Vanguard all those years ago, Yumiko was still in her deep slumber. There rarely goes by a day without the thought of Yumiko's well being crossing Hikari's mind.

After a few seconds, the medical staff member turned off the penlight and put back Hikari's patch where it was. "Nope. The fact that you didn't even show a hint of discomfort at having that a light that bright that close to your eye is telling enough. The medications we have here aren't that good."

"Well damn, real shame there ain't some freak white coat obsessed with eyes around."

"Look, if it's Doctor Castor you're looking for, he's a very busy man. He just got back with one of your pals and- Hey! Where are you going?!"
Hikari didn't even let the staff member finish his question before making her way down further into the medical wing.

"I told ya the first time, I'm just here to visit. That ain't a crime, not my fault yer hard a hearin!" She shouted back without giving another look behind her, her eyes locked forward as she made her way through the halls, her. Walking through those halls, patient rooms on either side as she passed by, it reminded her more of a prison more than a supposed place of healing. It didn't help their case that they practically dedicated an entire floor for the """"care"""" of exactly one guy. She paid no mind to whatever goings on were happing in those rooms as she passed, her eyes were fixated on getting the gang to the elevator and up to Yuzu's floor.

"C'mon. With any luck, we might just catch them lackin."


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
tags Interactions: Pyxie Pyxie [Eulalia]
Mentions: N/A
Location: Vanguard Headquarters -- Medical Wing

Yuzu Sakai

Silence, that's all there was. That's all there ever was. Trapped in a prison that was meant to 'help' him, all he ever had for company were the four walls around him and the occasional visits from numerous doctors and nurses whether it was to check on his medication or to bring him food. Conversations, if there ever were any, were light and quick, always asking something along the lines of how this new medication was treating him or if he had felt any side effects; answers would always either be simple nods or shakes of his head to confirm or deny the questions. Without his vision, he couldn't even look out the large window in his room, it almost felt like some sort of machoistic joke that they would put an entire siding of the room to be a giant window view for a patient that could not even see.

Minutes passed as Yuzu laid there, listening to the soft beeps of the monitors behind him. Eventually bringing himself to sit up in his bed before running one of his hands down along the straps that held his lower half of his body to the bed. As expected, the latch was underneath the medical bed so that Yuzu wouldn't be able to reach and release the restraints, though the material was strangely made of what seemed like simple leather, if he concentrated, he would've easily been able to burn through the straps. While he questioned as to why the staff would put such simple materials to hold him down, the sound of the elevator running would soon catch his attention. The fact that someone was using this specific elevator when there were plenty of others in the med-wing had him puzzled, were the nurses already going to be checking on him after they had just put him down.

With his attention glued to the elevator doors, soon the sound of the elevator reaching its chosen floor filled the room. Someone was coming to check on him; though, as the metallic doors slid open, the scent that came from the individual was not one filled with the usual sterile tone, this was different, yet familiar. Due to the heavily medicated scents that filled his room, even if a normal individual wouldn't really distinguish it as anything abnormal for a medical room, to Yuzu it masked many of the usual familiar scents that he would normally be able to pinpoint out easily without the need for focus. As he had been expecting one of the staff members to be coming to check on him, when he found that it was someone else, Yuzu would soon raise a brow toward the individual.

"Can I help you...?"

As he questioned the stranger, his curiousity had soon gotten the better of him, to the point that he forgone from questioning the woman about her identity let alone asking her to repeat what she had just said due to the hushed tone she had spoken moments after she had arrived in his room.


Silence, that's all there was. That's all there ever was. Trapped in a prison that was meant to 'help' him, all he ever had for company were the four walls around him and the occasional visits from numerous doctors and nurses whether it was to check on his medication or to bring him food. Conversations, if there ever were any, were light and quick, always asking something along the lines of how this new medication was treating him or if he had felt any side effects; answers would always either be simple nods or shakes of his head to confirm or deny the questions. Without his vision, he couldn't even look out the large window in his room, it almost felt like some sort of machoistic joke that they would put an entire siding of the room to be a giant window view for a patient that could not even see.

Minutes passed as Yuzu laid there, listening to the soft beeps of the monitors behind him. Eventually bringing himself to sit up in his bed before running one of his hands down along the straps that held his lower half of his body to the bed. As expected, the latch was underneath the medical bed so that Yuzu wouldn't be able to reach and release the restraints, though the material was strangely made of what seemed like simple leather, if he concentrated, he would've easily been able to burn through the straps. While he questioned as to why the staff would put such simple materials to hold him down, the sound of the elevator running would soon catch his attention. The fact that someone was using this specific elevator when there were plenty of others in the med-wing had him puzzled, were the nurses already going to be checking on him after they had just put him down.

With his attention glued to the elevator doors, soon the sound of the elevator reaching its chosen floor filled the room. Someone was coming to check on him; though, as the metallic doors slid open, the scent that came from the individual was not one filled with the usual sterile tone, this was different, yet familiar. Due to the heavily medicated scents that filled his room, even if a normal individual wouldn't really distinguish it as anything abnormal for a medical room, to Yuzu it masked many of the usual familiar scents that he would normally be able to pinpoint out easily without the need for focus. As he had been expecting one of the staff members to be coming to check on him, when he found that it was someone else, Yuzu would soon raise a brow toward the individual.

"Can I help you...?"

As he questioned the stranger, his curiousity had soon gotten the better of him, to the point that he forgone from questioning the woman about her identity let alone asking her to repeat what she had just said due to the hushed tone she had spoken moments after she had arrived in his room.
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𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐧𝐠


Location: Vanguard Headquarters -- Medical WIng // Hallway

Outfit) Perfection~: (Click)

Tags: Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness ) Hikari ( Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic ) Deacon ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ) Cas ( JJae JJae )

Tara barely had a chance to steal another glance at Deacon before he spoke, his voice carrying that smooth, low timbre that always managed to send an annoying little shiver down her spine.

"Still eager to get into trouble, huh, Tara?"

She tilted her head, a slow, knowing smirk tugging at her lips as she walked beside him. “Oh, Deacon,” she purred, placing a hand on her chest like he’d just paid her the highest compliment. “At this point, I am trouble. But don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”

She winked before turning and following behind Hikari. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, the bright blue catching the light of one of the fluorescent lights above.

Hikari led the way toward the medical wing, her silver-and-orange hair catching the dim lighting of the hall as they walked. Cas followed closely, her deep black eyes flicking between them, likely already thinking up a backup plan in case their little rescue mission went sideways.

The medical wing smelled like antiseptic and quiet suffering. Tara had never liked hospitals—not because she was afraid of them, but because they were a reminder of how fragile even the strongest could be.

A doctor stepped into their path, their sharp gaze immediately locking onto Hikari. Tara only half-listened as they exchanged words, something about strain and recovery, the usual you-shouldn’t-be-doing-this spiel.

Tara instantly zones out, for some reason finding 0 interest in the conversation going on in front of her. She stares out a window, watching the dew flow through the rays of sunlight. That is until she snaps back in, looking over and watching the doctor lift up Hikari's eye patch. woah.
Tara winces at the somewhat grotesque scene, she felt bad for almost physically recoling at the site but she couldn't help herself.


The word slipped out before she could stop it.
She blinked, then quickly schooled her expression, lips pressing together as she frowned. “...Sorry,” she muttered, somewhat trying to stifle a small chuckle.

After the two where done speaking, well, more like after Hikari was done talking to the doctor, they all made their way down the hall towards the elevator that would inevitably bring them to yuzu's room. Tara's heels clicked against the tile, the sound of movement and the silent hum and buzzing of medical equipment was all the could be heard, or at least for Tara.

Upon reaching the elevator, Tara instantly reacher her hand out to press the button. "Sorry.. I really like pressing the buttons." She muttered before catching herself and readjusting her appearance. She wipes her hands, yet again, over the hem of her skirt, while also slightly puffing her chest out.
"Okay so are we gonna get in? or?..." She spoke, watching the elevator door open with the slight *Ding*.

coded by archangel_

Tara barely had a chance to steal another glance at Deacon before he spoke, his voice carrying that smooth, low timbre that always managed to send an annoying little shiver down her spine.

"Still eager to get into trouble, huh, Tara?"

She tilted her head, a slow, knowing smirk tugging at her lips as she walked beside him. “Oh, Deacon,” she purred, placing a hand on her chest like he’d just paid her the highest compliment. “At this point, I am trouble. But don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”

She winked before turning and following behind Hikari. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, the bright blue catching the light of one of the fluorescent lights above.

Hikari led the way toward the medical wing, her silver-and-orange hair catching the dim lighting of the hall as they walked. Cas followed closely, her deep black eyes flicking between them, likely already thinking up a backup plan in case their little rescue mission went sideways.

The medical wing smelled like antiseptic and quiet suffering. Tara had never liked hospitals—not because she was afraid of them, but because they were a reminder of how fragile even the strongest could be.

A doctor stepped into their path, their sharp gaze immediately locking onto Hikari. Tara only half-listened as they exchanged words, something about strain and recovery, the usual you-shouldn’t-be-doing-this spiel.

Tara instantly zones out, for some reason finding 0 interest in the conversation going on in front of her. She stares out a window, watching the dew flow through the rays of sunlight. That is until she snaps back in, looking over and watching the doctor lift up Hikari's eye patch. woah.
Tara winces at the somewhat grotesque scene, she felt bad for almost physically recoling at the site but she couldn't help herself.


The word slipped out before she could stop it.
She blinked, then quickly schooled her expression, lips pressing together as she frowned. “...Sorry,” she muttered, somewhat trying to stifle a small chuckle.

After the two where done speaking, well, more like after Hikari was done talking to the doctor, they all made their way down the hall towards the elevator that would inevitably bring them to yuzu's room. Tara's heels clicked against the tile, the sound of movement and the silent hum and buzzing of medical equipment was all the could be heard, or at least for Tara.

Upon reaching the elevator, Tara instantly reacher her hand out to press the button. "Sorry.. I really like pressing the buttons." She muttered before catching herself and readjusting her appearance. She wipes her hands, yet again, over the hem of her skirt, while also slightly puffing her chest out.
"Okay so are we gonna get in? or?..." She spoke, watching the elevator door open with the slight *Ding*.
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As their conversation unfolded, Sora found herself fixated on a particular moment. Undeniably, this was a surprise, for hearing Jackson—a man of his stature and confidence—admit that she was right was a rare occurrence. It was a sort of revelation that piqued her curiosity and left her wanting to delve deeper into his thoughts the longer she spent time in his presence.

There was no mistaking the bitterness in his tone when Jackson said earlier, “We ain’t no research team. But the Vanguard loves its research more than our lives, apparently.”

Sora didn't just hear frustration; no, that was an experience—the kind of thing one says when one has already seen the cost firsthand. Sora had reservations about the Vanguard, how they operated, and how they assigned value to things and people. Listening to Jackson talk, it was as if a tempest lingered in the words he had said so outright, so casually, like a storm brewing off the coastline. That was why she had prompted him with a question about how he planned to spend his free time. It was a test, genuine curiosity, for he had to have been a seasoned agent talking to her—an agent with double her experience. If her assumptions were correct, then this was unexpected.

As Sora's deep blue eyes scrutinized Jackson's features, she couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in his body language. His casual movements as he entered the elevator and how his grey-blue eyes met hers all hinted at an underlying curiosity. The tension between them was palpable, and it only added to the anticipation of the spar that lay ahead.

Scoffing, Sora thought, ‘I’d been on the receiving end of his curiosity since he approached me.’

Sora knew a challenge when she heard one.

She took a moment, letting his words settle, feeling the intent behind them. He wasn’t just talking about a spar—he was gauging her, reading the air between them like she had been doing to him. Her grip on her gym bag slackened, shifting the weight to her other shoulder as she tucked her hands into her pockets. “You like keeping busy, huh?” she mused, tilting her head up slightly as she angled to face him. “Is that how you deal with it? Keep moving, don’t look back?”

A question for a question. If Jackson wanted to feel her out, she’d return the favor. Her smirk was faint, but there nevertheless as she repositioned herself to observe his reflection through the metal doors.

Eventually it wasn’t long before the elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, and Sora stepped out first, the heels of her sneakers tapping lightly on the polished floor. Jackson followed, a couple of steps behind her, his movements purposeful but relaxed—his posture still leaning into that casual confidence as he matched her stride. She had only caught a fleeting glance of him in the reflective surface of the elevator doors, noting how he carried himself, the weight of experience in the set of his shoulders, and the stature of his person. Those long legs of his suggested he could outrun her, outwalk her, and yet here he was still matching her pace.

Objectively, a spar with Jackson would likely end in her defeat. His strength and experience were undeniable. Yet, the thought of overcoming him, of proving herself, was a tempting challenge. If she could win in this spar, she may be able to carry herself with a bit more confidence since the triumph would come from her taking down someone with more experience—in theory, at least. However, there was a lot to consider; for instance, he was nearly a foot taller than her. If they were to grapple, she’d have to get creative, and the thought alone made her body thrum with anticipation for each step it took to pass the pool, the locker rooms, and eventually coming to a stop at the gym doors.

mood: curiosity & anticipation
location: Vanguard's Headquarters - Elevator
mentions: None
interactions: Autumn_Leaf Autumn_Leaf

As their conversation unfolded, Sora found herself fixated on a particular moment. Undeniably, this was a surprise, for hearing Jackson—a man of his stature and confidence—admit that she was right was a rare occurrence. It was a sort of revelation that piqued her curiosity and left her wanting to delve deeper into his thoughts the longer she spent time in his presence.

There was no mistaking the bitterness in his tone when Jackson said earlier, “We ain’t no research team. But the Vanguard loves its research more than our lives, apparently.”

Sora didn't just hear frustration; no, that was an experience—the kind of thing one says when one has already seen the cost firsthand. Sora had reservations about the Vanguard, how they operated, and how they assigned value to things and people. Listening to Jackson talk, it was as if a tempest lingered in the words he had said so outright, so casually, like a storm brewing off the coastline. That was why she had prompted him with a question about how he planned to spend his free time. It was a test, genuine curiosity, for he had to have been a seasoned agent talking to her—an agent with double her experience. If her assumptions were correct, then this was unexpected.

As Sora's deep blue eyes scrutinized Jackson's features, she couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in his body language. His casual movements as he entered the elevator and how his grey-blue eyes met hers all hinted at an underlying curiosity. The tension between them was palpable, and it only added to the anticipation of the spar that lay ahead.

Scoffing, Sora thought, ‘I’d been on the receiving end of his curiosity since he approached me.’

Sora knew a challenge when she heard one.

She took a moment, letting his words settle, feeling the intent behind them. He wasn’t just talking about a spar—he was gauging her, reading the air between them like she had been doing to him. Her grip on her gym bag slackened, shifting the weight to her other shoulder as she tucked her hands into her pockets. “You like keeping busy, huh?” she mused, tilting her head up slightly as she angled to face him. “Is that how you deal with it? Keep moving, don’t look back?”

A question for a question. If Jackson wanted to feel her out, she’d return the favor. Her smirk was faint, but there nevertheless as she repositioned herself to observe his reflection through the metal doors.

Eventually it wasn’t long before the elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, and Sora stepped out first, the heels of her sneakers tapping lightly on the polished floor. Jackson followed, a couple of steps behind her, his movements purposeful but relaxed—his posture still leaning into that casual confidence as he matched her stride. She had only caught a fleeting glance of him in the reflective surface of the elevator doors, noting how he carried himself, the weight of experience in the set of his shoulders, and the stature of his person. Those long legs of his suggested he could outrun her, outwalk her, and yet here he was still matching her pace.

Objectively, a spar with Jackson would likely end in her defeat. His strength and experience were undeniable. Yet, the thought of overcoming him, of proving herself, was a tempting challenge. If she could win in this spar, she may be able to carry herself with a bit more confidence since the triumph would come from her taking down someone with more experience—in theory, at least. However, there was a lot to consider; for instance, he was nearly a foot taller than her. If they were to grapple, she’d have to get creative, and the thought alone made her body thrum with anticipation for each step it took to pass the pool, the locker rooms, and eventually coming to a stop at the gym doors.

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3c9030871a7b40afcfedca1be4af8a36.jpgEve sat there chowing down on food completely in her happy place. She didn't notice the looks she was getting. Some people sound it strange this small blonde was eating half her weight in food. She was so absorbed in her food that she didn't notice someone had walked up to the table she was sitting at until they spoke.

“Hi, I saw that we’re going on a mission together. So I figured I’d introduce myself. I’m Garth.”

Eve looked up at him. "Oh!' Eve smiled at him. "Hi it's nice to meet you, Garth." Garth sat down across from her. "I'm Eve." Well, she hadn't really expected to speak to anyone until the mission so she was glad she was at least meeting one of them. Eve continued eating but she slowed down. She was definitely feeling much better than she was earlier. She wondered if she should have a set up for breakfast to be delivered to her in the morning to avoid getting testy in the morning and accidentally snapping on someone. After a few minutes of silence Eve decided to strike up a conversation. "So have you been here long at the Vanguard?"

Interactions: Lost Martian Lost Martian

atsuma fujiwara

preparations, part 1

int. vanguard headquarters -- mess hall

Atsuma is wearing a black tank top, cargo green tactical pants and black combat boots.

interactions --
Lost Martian Lost Martian
animegirl20 animegirl20

mentions -- Nothingness Nothingness

hans zimmer


Atsuma Fujiwara tore his gaze away from Ironwood, his attention shifting toward the door as the agents in the room began to file out. His eyes were distant, clouded with thought, his mind still struggling to process everything that had just been briefed about the mission. The sudden change in directive, choosing to study those things rather than eliminate them, didn’t sit well with him. As far as he knew, Vanguard had always preferred the "elimination first" approach when dealing with unknowns. Then again, perhaps that was just human nature.

"The oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

Atsuma shuffled on his feet, forcing himself back to the present. He pursed his lips before turning on his heel, making his way out of the office. As he stepped into the hallway, his gaze briefly lingered on the blindfolded, white-haired man in the wheelchair. There was something about him that piqued Atsuma’s curiosity, though he had no time to dwell on it.

His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the buzzing of his phone in his pocket. Pulling it out, he picked up the call as he walked, his pace quickening down the corridor, paying no mind to those around him.


"Mr. Fujiwara, I was just informed you’ll be on a mission tonight?"

Atsuma instantly recognized the voice; it was Dr. Alamari, his private physiotherapist. The man was responsible for his weekly check-ups, ensuring his body wasn’t suffering from the strain of his Aspect Ability. Atsuma respected him for his skill but found his caution excessive. The doctor was always worried that one day, Atsuma would push himself too far and either end up brain-dead or, worse, flattened under his own spatial pressure.

"If this is another—"

"No, Atsuma. You were already hospitalized the last time you pushed Convergence to its limit. You’re not—"

Dr. Alamari cut him off, his voice firm, laced with unmistakable irritation. Atsuma wasn’t sure if that was just how the doctor normally sounded or if it was reserved especially for him. Either way, he wasn’t eager to find out.

"I’ll be careful, I promise. Look, I’m going with a team this time. I’ll do support as much as I can, okay?"

Even as he spoke, Atsuma didn’t fully believe his own words. His voice carried a telltale uncertainty that Dr. Alamari had undoubtedly picked up on. The truth was, Atsuma had a tendency to be reckless in the field. His self-preservation took a backseat to completing the mission, a strange contradiction given his usual preference for solo operations.

"I’ll take your word for it."

And just like that, the call ended.

Atsuma lowered his phone, staring at the screen for a moment before sighing. His hands clenched the cool metal railing of the stairwell as he descended. The space was well-lit, yet eerily quiet, the lack of movement unsettling in contrast to the bustling corridors he had just passed through. Running a hand through his hair, he made his way down.

Upon reaching the ground floor, Atsuma headed toward the Mess Hall. He rarely ate there—he wasn’t particularly fond of the food—but today, he decided to make an exception.

Grabbing a tray, he kept his selection minimal: a few pastries, an apple, and a black coffee. As he stood in line, his gaze drifted across the room, scanning the semi-busy hall. His eyes eventually landed on two familiar figures seated at a table. He recognized them from the earlier briefing.

Standing there, tray in hand, he hesitated. Should he sit alone, as he always did, or…?

Atsuma let out a quiet groan to himself, already regretting his decision. He attempted a smile, but all he managed was a barely perceptible twitch at the corner of his lips. Steeling himself, he made his way toward the table.

The first to catch his eye was the petite, blonde woman. Something about her seemed far too welcoming for someone in Vanguard. Then again, Atsuma knew better than to judge. Everyone here was formidable in their own way, each with their own story of how they ended up in this line of work.

His sharp, azure eyes met her emerald ones, his gaze carrying its usual eerie coldness before shifting to the man sitting across from her. The fiery-haired individual had a peculiar hairstyle and a presence that stood out even in a place like this.

Stopping beside their table, Atsuma gave them both a curt nod.

"Hey, uh… hope you won’t mind me sitting here."

His eyes flickered briefly across the Mess Hall. There were plenty of open tables. If they turned him away, he wouldn’t take offense. In fact, a part of him hoped they would.

Or worse, what if they just stood up and left like something out of a high school movie?

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Deacon Godfrey
Interactions: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic JJae JJae Tub2 Tub2
Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness Pyxie Pyxie

A slight hum left Deacon, glancing at the dark-eyed woman as she suggested an alternative to talking up the staff of the medical wing. Making a deal. He's always heard rumors of soldiers or other forms of personnel looking the other way if you slip them something, but as to what Deacon had no clue. Shady and under-the-table business is alien to him. "It'd have ta be a decent trade. I'm pretty sure Ironwood keeps a tight ship here, so convincing doctors to turn a blind eye would cost an arm or leg. Maybe an organ for em to use," Deacon shrugged, his voice laced with a bit of amusement at the image. "Besides, I may not get all those tests and numbers they do, but I'm sure they gotta mean something," he added, feeling silly afterward since he was marching along with this small party to smuggle a patient out. A brief moment of second-guessing his decision crawled up his back, but his curiosity again snuffed it out. However, his curiousness seemed to extend to more than just the boy in the wheelchair, but to the patched woman, silently admitting he wanted to see what she had planned. 'It could be a learning experience' he thought as he walked along. Even her comment about her past deeds being documented on logs spurred on a few questions, wondering how she managed to remain here if she'd caused that much trouble.

His attention drew back to Tara, a wide smirk coming to his lips as she showed her familiar air of confidence and playfulness, not too surprisingly taking his comment as praise. Which it slightly was. A chuckle left him as he drummed his fingers along the strap of his duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Even though it's been some time since they've seen one another, it felt as if none of that time apart distanced them. "I think admitting that would put me in a whole heap of new trouble," he grinned as he followed the group, his gaze taking in the passing surroundings with every step, making a mental note of all the hallways and rooms so he could navigate it for the future, though he knew most of it wouldn't stick. It felt oddly familiar though, eerie even since the facility nearly looked just like his old HQ, the only difference being minor details like ironwood's crests and different locations for the rooms. He'd have to find a map later so he could study and memorize the layout of the facility.

After turning some corners and a little more walking, they arrived in the medical wing. Deacon pursed his lips slightly, glancing around the new surroundings. No matter where he's been, it was always the same. The rhythmic beeping of random electronics, the bothersome stench of latex gloves and other medical essentials, and that annoying nearly glowing white sterile walls and floors. It was professional, but it was never welcoming. A slight itch on his shoulder and neck came, his free hand rubbing over the crook of his neck where his scar remained halfway hidden by his jacket as his gaze turned slightly distant. Never welcoming. Luckily Deacon was brought out of his thoughts as one of the medical staff stopped them. He arched a brow, smiling slightly to see the doctor's expression drop upon seeing Hikari. "Seems she wasn't exaggerating," he muttered to himself as he held back a chuckle. His amused smile would falter after she proceeded to lift her patch, revealing her eye to the doctor in what he could guess was an excuse to visit the medical wing.

Deacon couldn't see the old wound fully since he was a bit too far to the side of her, but what he could see made his gaze harden a bit, a tinge of sympathy on his expression. Of course, it was clear from the moment he saw her that it wasn't pretty under that patch, but to see it was different. He even felt a bit guilty, thinking himself lucky to get a wound not as bad as hers. He schooled his expression, trying not to openly pity her. He choked though when he heard a 'Ew' to his right, belonging to a familiar voice. "Tara," he chided quietly, though a ghost of a smile lingered on his face as he saw her try and school her expression. A sigh left him before he looked back, the doctor finishing his examination mentioning a Doctor Castor. Deacon was close to saying something before Hikari suddenly began walking past the doctor and deeper into the medical wing. He hurried behind, looking at the doctor with a small smile and nod. "Sorry Doc, I'll make sure she behaves," he promised, the half-lie feeling sour on his tongue. He wasn't sure he'd be able to control a damn thing this woman does, but it wouldn't hurt to assure the frustrated doctor. Luckily, he didn't give a name for him to report on, though it was not hard to point him out of a crowd.

Following along Deacon glanced into some of the rooms, spotting a few patients in the process of being tended to and staff working. The thought of getting hooked up to those devices and laying in those beds sent a chill up his spine. He pried his eyes away and looked ahead, their small recuse party finally reaching an elevator. As Tara pressed the button and elevator door open, Deacon gestured them forward, his father's taught habits naturally kicking in as he let the three enter first before following behind. As the doors closed and Tara of course had the honor of pressing the button, the familiar rising sensation in his gut appeared as the elevator began its climb to the higher floor. Deacon idly patted his thigh, his fingers brushing along his cargo pants, aware his size was taking up a bit of the elevator. At least the facility had the foresight not to make these things into sardine cans. An amusing thought came to his mind as well, making him clear his throat to suppress a chuckle. Remembering his Uncle, he'd have no doubt the man would let one rip with pride in this small space. Good thing those habits didn't rub off on Deacon.

Soon enough the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, but Deacon tilted his head slightly, taken back. He had expected to see another hallway and more rooms, but instead, it was just one room. A big one at that. Taking a step into the room he glanced around, quickly spotting two individuals. One, an elegant-looking woman that, in his opinion, didn't really look like staff. The other was the bandaged boy, lying on a medical bed, surrounded by medical equipment, and had IVs stuck in his arms. Deacon would glance to Hikari, his earlier doubt creeping back in. "Ya sure we should be trying to get this boy out of here?"

Interacting w/ Yuzu ( Nothingness Nothingness ) + Agents
Located @ Vanguard HQ: His home?

She had nearly gotten lost in the many lights and beeps that seemed to sing in synchrony from the many metrics they aimed to measure of the man that was in front of her. She had thought, at first, that he was asleep. He was so quiet, and his breathing was so peaceful. But he ended up speaking? Gentle yet curious words echoed from his mouth, and with that Eulalia nearly gasped - perhaps startled that her presence was noticed.

Can I help you..?

Both of her palms clutched each other on her chest as she was afraid to look down at the man. Though knowing he was blindfolded, she wondered if he was truly blind. You could never know with the many subjects the Vanguard. She gulped, and her eyes widened with her lips trembling at the thought of being caught - like a child with caught sneaking a cookie from its' jar.

But after a measured and quiet deep breath through her mouth then out her nostrils, she glanced down at the mans' face. It did not seem like he could move much... but what was she to say? He likely did not even know of her existence. Few did within the Vanguard, which was what further surprised her on why she had been assigned onto this mission. Yet she hadn't seen this man much, either, which is what added to his perplexing presence.

"I-I'm... sorry. I shouldn't intrude..." she cleared her throat, words trembling out of her. "I-I just s-saw you i-in... in the Commander's room during his briefing... I can go, now."

With her intent to turn then walk away, she heard the familiar ding from the elevator arriving at this floor. She could feel her skin crawl, hair standing on its' edge. Was it staff? She would surely be punished if it were. Yet, she did not see the familiar uniform out of her peripheral... no, she saw many more exuberant colors.

It was a hand full of the same recruits from the Commander's office, it would seem. A small group of four, including a woman with an eyepatch, a tall, husky man and an exotic looking woman. She raised an eyebrow, and remained silent.

Created by Uxie, Edited by Deluna
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Cassia "Cas" Grimm
Cassia, to her own surprises, had barely anything to say on their way to the medical bay. The floor beneath her shoes gave in, or perhaps she had a way of walking silently. Like a fox on moss. She knew they had arrived before the halls of the medical wing rolled into view. Not only by such distinct smells and noises, rather by the immense wells of negativity coming their way. One of the reasons she avoided this wing unless the wound was fatal. A staff member greeted them, though… as soon as he laid eyes on the lady leading them… Cas chose to observe first. The wound barely surprised her. Why else would someone wear an eye patch? Unless, of course, they had such a deep obsession with pirates and it became their entire personality. She’d laughed at someone like that, to be fair. Her gaze snapped to the other two of their little rescuing squad. Their reactions varied quite quickly. She wondered what the guy was to the girl, as vice versa. They knew each other but how close? Cas shrugged. She had time to figure it out later. Her entire focus laid on how they would get the boy out and pass those high-nosed staff members in peace. They stumbled into the elevator. The boy had an entire floor to himself, apparently. Cas allowed her hands to vanish in the pockets of her joggers, careful not to step too close to any of them. Just in case. Upon the doors opening, Cas was slightly caught off guard. She had expected a floor like below. Instead her group was met with one, large room. It inhibited two figures on sight. One bound to bed- the boy in the wheelchair. He needed such a large amount of medical attention? Cas grinned and patted the large guy at his little nervous streak. “Don’t worry. He’s a Vanguard, no?” She shrugged, her gaze wandering between the three. “Why don’t we let him decide if he wants out or not?”
Code by Nano
Locations: Vanguard Headquarters - Mess Hall
Interactions: Eve animegirl20 animegirl20 | Atsuma Xen6n Xen6n

Garth was glad to dig into breakfast, the happenings of the morning working up a considerable appetite in him. But he figured that he might as well introduce himself to the girl he sat down across from him.

Garth would be happy when the girl smiled at him, introducing herself as Eve. Garth would flash the same style smile at her, doing his best to ingrain himself to his fellow agents. However that decorum would go out the window when Garth began rapidly consuming his food. It would only be when he finished that he noticed Eve looking at him.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Garth would smile slightly, feeling that he had made a fool of himself. Thankfully Eve would break the awkwardness when she asked Garth how long he had been with the Vanguard.

“A few months,” Garth answered, “This is actually going to be my first real mission. A hell of a one I picked to start with.”

Once more Garth silently wondered why exactly he had agreed to this mission, as it would have been deadly for even an experienced agent. But Garth was growing restless being here at the Vanguard headquarters, a need to actually use what he had been taught growing within him.

He longed to get out of this building, his connection to plants severely weakened in this urban landscape. Ever since going through the process to gain an aspect ability, Garth had a psychic connection with all plant life, gaining strength through them. But he had limited use of it here, the only significant plant life around here being a garden the Vanguard has re-purposed as a training room for Garth’s powers.

But Garth’s musings about his aspect ability would be interrupted when another Vanguard agent asked if he could sit with Garth and Eve. Garth would quickly look over the buff agent with the spiky black hair, recognizing him as one of the whole plethora of agents who had shown up in Commander Ironwood’s office for the mission, though he had no clue what his name was.

“Sure,” said Garth, “I’m Garth and this is Eve.”

Garth would then purposely slow down how fast he was eating, not wanting to seem like a slob to another fellow agent. Even still, Garth would be the first one to finish his breakfast, but would politely wait for the other agents to finish as well.

“So do you guys have plans for what to do while waiting for the agreed mission time?” Garth would ask.

In truth Garth had no idea what he wanted to do with the time, so he figured that maybe that other agents had some plans. He was planning to interpose himself in whatever plans they had, hoping to ingrain himself to other agents, something he had neglected to while going through basic training.
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