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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School

Evan grinned mischeiveously. he walked ot of the guys bathroom and highfived a girl he knew coming out of the girls bathroom. they had both put ketchup and mustard packets under the toilet seats so if someone sat down... splat. big mess. the 2 seperated and Evan wandered around.


Maya didn't get far, typical style they had police outside,and they made her go back inside. Not really in the mood to argue she went back inside, she walked around till she found her classroom. She sat down towards the back and put her feet up on the desk in front of her​
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane looked over at the girl who called out to him before waving. "Yo." He said while holding out a peace sign when she came closer. That was usually his response when he met someone and greeted them. He blinked when he realized what she had called him but shrugged it off, not like it mattered anyways. @WinterSoul
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Evan entred his first class of the day. math. "yippee..." he thought as he took a seat at the desk in the far back right next to the window. he slippd his headphones on and leaned back, closed his eyes, and enjoyed some Stephen - Crossfire. («« thats a really good song!¡!¡ <3)
((Sorry about the length of my posts at the moment, in math and my teacher is like right beside me. xD ))
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shook her hand with a nod as she told him her name. "Shane Emil Reeze, nice to meet you." He greeted casually. He wasn't one to greet others so it was a change of pace if someone greeted him. "Call me Shane or Emil, which ever fits." He told her. He didn't care what he got called, just as long as it was one do those two names. @WinterSoul (it's alright xD been there before)


Cora sat on the bleachers, drinking, until the cops came by and "escorted" her back to her class. Opening the door for her, she stormed in and sat in the back, crossing her arms and legs. She slammed her books on the desk and violently opened her book, giving an obnoxious fake smile to the police as they left. She sighed heavily, now forced to sit through a class.​
"Cool, I think I'll call you Emil cause I like it. Most people call me Em, but you can call me whatever." Ember shrugged, glancing around the hall at the numbers lined on the walls next to the classroom doors,"Ah, I think this is my class. What do you have first period?" @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane nodded at that before looking at his schedule again. "Global history, no idea where the classroom is at." He shrugged at that. If he couldn't find it in the next 20 minutes, he was just gonna leave the school or skip classes. @WinterSoul
Sage and Sarah stood glaring at each other in the hall way. " So you and your delinquent friends are here at my school. " Sage growled out. Sarah scoffed do you think I want to be here where stuck up bitch's like you rule. " Sarah shoot back.
Evan sat in his math class. he looked at his phone, only 13 mins left and then he had physics.

Sleepily, Fable rubbed her eyes and yawned, making her way out of bed early to the familiar sight of her giant bedroom. She grabbed her clothes, put on some basic makeup and made her way downstairs to enjoy breakfast with her family, listening quietly to her brother's rambles about the Makinley kids who were coming to join their school that day. She didn't understand why her brother was so unhappy about them, but, then again, she didn't get much about her older brother. He drove her to school after breakfast, and she smiled as she saw all the new faces. They all looked pretty intimidating, but you can't judge a book by it's cover.


After a 'satisfactory' full English breakfast prepared my his family's chef, Blake took his sister to school with him in his big black car that he loved to show off at every opportunity. He checked his hair in the mirror before he drove off; it was soaked in hairspray. Enjoying how good he looked, Blake smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth. When they arrived, they were faced with a rather crowded hallway. Rolling his eyes, Blake tried to avoid the disgusting Makinley peasants to try and find his friends in the crowd.


Typically, Lyra woke up quite late, and she rushed to put her clothes on and do her hair and makeup well. Her first day at Everson was today and she had mixed emotions but her overall plan was to never talk to one of those Everson snobs and to stick with her own crowd. She didn't need any hassle from them. She ate a bowl of old cornflakes and drove to school in her worn out van that used to be her Dads. Despite it being in terrible condition, Lyra adored it. Arriving at school, she stuck her earphones in and tried her best not to make conversation with anyone. She hoped she could find her first class alone.

Gabrielle Jones

Gabbi noticed the girl give her a face like she was trying to scare her. So that'll be a kid that needs to keep her distance from my siblings. She thought, while continuing on her way through the hall. She went through a group of students throwing around the f-bomb and acting like total idiots. Jeeze, what on earth is wrong with these kids, they're never going to survive in the real world like this. She wondered where her brother and sister had gone off to.

Alexandra Jones

Lexi continued to wander through the halls flashing her smile to everyone, hoping someone will notice her. She wondered if she dropped her books then some cute boy will come over and pick them up for her. She noticed a tall boy wandering through the halls, looking like he's lost and wondered if he needs some help. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Matthew Jones

Matt had one mission, get out of this loud and crowded hallway to his first period before he panics, especially since his sisters are out of his line of sight. He tries to move as quickly as he can before anyone can see him. He hates having the spotlight on himself so he tries to stay on the perimeter of the halls.
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Sarah had began to walk away only to walked into ã unknown man. Sarah whimpered in pain as she stood up at and looked up at Matthew. " Sorry anout that big guy. " Sarah said as her eyes trailed over Matthew's body. " Tell me about yourself. " She asked.
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Matthew Jones

Matt looked at Sarah and starting trembling. His sneak to class failed and he's now looking at this woman. Big guy? He's barely 5'6 he's short compared to everyone else. He noticed her eyes had trailed over his body, hoping that she didn't see his left hand, that's an awkward way to make friends. He felt warm standing here in this girl's presence. "Uh, hi... I'm uh, Matthew." he stuttered hoping she'll walk away so he can make it to class without anymore issues. @djinnamon
Kurt looked at the time on his wrist. "Darn it. It's this late?" he gathered his things and hurriedly went down. Fixing his tie while running and avoiding people in his path he made it to his classroom for the first period. He saw a familiar face talking to a student from the other school. The guy was a blonde with long hair, yep, definitely a delinquent. The familiar face was Ember, a girl from his class too.

As the girl was about to come in, he called out to them. "Hey, Em!" he walked up to them as he waved his hands, partly panting from the run he just made down the corridor. "oh, just in time."

Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil walked away from Ember and the new guy, and went back to continue looking for his next classroom. He ran a hand through his hair while frowning, he hated when he had to attend new schools, he always got lost on new place. He stopped when he saw someone looking his way. @mymartianromance
Ember waved at Emil as he walked away and turned to Kurt,"Hey, Kurt." She smiled, shifting on her feet awkwardly. Ember hated standing up for long amounts of time, it made her feel queasy. She hadn't seen Kurt in quite a while, the whole rival schools thing kinda made that hard. But honestly she never quite understood why he wasn't at Makinley like she was. "Good to see you, dude." She ran a hand through her hair, her dimples appearing again when another smile formed on her face.

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"Good to see you too." he answered before dragging her to their seats just right by the window. "Hey tell me, do you know that guy? He was from Makinley right? Those delinquents right?" his eyes filled with excitement and his words trembling of it. "Do you think they're strong in fist fights? Do you think they would let me in in their circle?" @WinterSoul
Ember jumped at Kurts bombardment of questions,"Woah! Slow your roll Kurty. First of all I am also one of those delinquents, so watch your mouth there. Second of all his name is Emil, just met him surprised I hadn't seen him around at Makinley while we were there. Third, their group is not a thing. Half of us don't even know each other." She huffed, sliding down in her seat and glanced out the window. It appeared like it was close to raining, now there was something she liked, rain.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot you were one of them." he buried his head into his palm. He knew Ember from outside of the school, when Kurt occasionally hang out in the arcades or in the park. He would join other students from other school to hit the mall and just trash some place.

"But don't sweat about it really, I say delinquents in a good light you know. I'm one of you too. Though I still have to keep that from my folks." has there even been a good side of becoming a delinquent, he wasn't even sure, but he liked the sound of it. "I'm surprised though, didn't think we were on the same grade. Thought you were older than me." Kurt laughed at his own joke. "Anyway, anything going down tonight?" @WinterSoul
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Ember shrugged and turned her gaze back to Kurt,"I don't know, I'll have to ask Maya she usually knows that kinda stuff." She tapped her pencil idly on her desk, "Or Evan, maybe he knows about a party." She balled up a piece of paper and tossed it across the room into a trash can. "I'm not one for parties though." Ember turned completely side facing in her seat,"We should hang out some more now that we're in the same school. Maybe you could introduce me to some hot Everson girl." She smirked, Ember was known to be an open person, not really caring about what those around her thought.

"Ooooh, there's a lot of hot chicks here, though most of them are stuck up...well you know..." lowering his voice while looking around "b*tches..." he straightened up his posture back on his seat. "Well to tell you honestly, I don't really know most of the people here. Except of course the top achievers. I'm one of them by the way." he said flicking his nose with his index finger.

"I think you might want to visit the gymnasium after." he said looking out at the window. "You know, cheerleaders and stuff." @WinterSoul

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83a2128a_th(1).jpg.dc329eadd49b1e6991bbf4f339f1bd5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83a2128a_th(1).jpg.dc329eadd49b1e6991bbf4f339f1bd5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carter Mason

Location: Arriving late with her sister at school

Interacting with: No one

Carter smiled small and looked at her lovely school. She loved this place. She turned around to look at the rich kid school and flipped it off. She chuckled and started walking through the doors. Her and her twin sister walked side by side down the hallway and got notebooks out of her locker.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83a395dc_th(2).jpg.4a5925a4a66b8d81d5e5ee5dc9f7d270.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83a395dc_th(2).jpg.4a5925a4a66b8d81d5e5ee5dc9f7d270.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Paige Mason

Location: Walking in the school

Interacting with: No one

Paige had seen her sister flip of the school and she smacked her playfully on the shoulder.As she walked she looked around the place and smiled. Yeah, she has been here for a couple years but she still treated like everyday was her first day. She walked down the hall with her twin and of course the got a couple stares by people out of how much the were alike. The walked the same way with the sway of their hips. They always seemed to be so confident.​



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