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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School


Maya left class, she made her way towards her locker, she deliberated going home or not, she closed her locker and walked down the hallway​
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane followed behind her with his hand on his pockets. Alexandra huh? That was a common name, always hearing outside of school. "Shane Emil but anyone can call me by either name." That was his usual greeting. He didn't care if they actually considered Emil a female name, just as long as they didn't say it to his face. @mymartianromance
Kurt laughed at the two making fun of him. "Ha-ha-ha. I appreciate the thought but it's not Sundance. It's Kurt." @WinterSoul @Talon

"And oh hey, any party tonight DJ?"
Ember raised an eyebrow,"Sundance is not his name, idiot. It's what I have chosen to call him because I can." She smirked. Something entering the room caught her eye, it was a girl obviously from Everson. "Holy...Hey sundance who is that? I feel like I've seen an angel." She pointed at the girl.

@mymartianromance @Talon @rbshinichi
Evan turned to look at the girl who had come in. "remember to get her number" he thought.
His words hit Kurt like lightning. "Start a party..." he liked the sound of it. And a mischievous grin was visible on his face. His thoughts were interrupted by Ember. "Who? That?" he looked at the girl she was pointing at. The girl was familiar. "Hmm.. that's Gab, Gabrielle Jones. One of the Jones sisters. And an angel? You don't want her hearing that. She's got one scary pair of eyes when angered." @WinterSoul @mymartianromance
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Evan laughed at kurts comment. "how much you bettin i can get her number?¿?¿" (btw my dude is clean shven wears a tshirt and has no visible tattoos hes just a party animal nd has never gottn arested which is extremely rare for a tenage partyanimal ;)
Ember ran a hand through her hair and brought a hand to her chest,"In all my 17 years I've never seen something so breathtaking." She exaggerated, leaning her head back onto the back of the chair. @mymartianromance @rbshinichi
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"i agree Em shes pretty hot... betcha shes straight though. if so then to bad for you" @WinterSoul
"Whoa whoa there." Kurt put his hands in front of him as if gesturing them to stop. "I know you guys like trouble but this one's a hell lot of worse. She's like the demon personified. Hmmm, just from what I heard of course, never tried proving it. But looking at her now, I kinda agree with you." nodding in agreement to himself. "Okay, let's see who she gives her number first. The resident DJ or the hot blooded male dressed in a chic's body."

"10 bucks she won't give you two the time of day." he smirked. @WinterSoul @mymartianromance
Ember glared at Evan,"Nothing that can't be altered with a little...persuading. But god damnit she's so hot." Ember looked over at Kurt,"Nah, sundance I ain't one for playing that kinda game. I don't have a chance anyway, she most likely staright as hell." Ember groaned, bringing a hand to her face,"I always am so damn attracted to the straight ones." @Talon @mymartianromance @rbshinichi
"Boo-hoo-hoo." Kurt laughed at the excuse Ember made. "Well, I gotta admit she's kinda hot. But I prefer her sister even more. Now, that's an angel, innocence all over her face." he said dreamily. @WinterSoul @mymartianromance (The subject is currently away I think. hahaha)
"hehe i could win ez. but theres a couple other chics i got my eye on." He then turned to ember.

"persuasion?¿?¿ any chance i could be around for that? if shes been to a party i played at she aint innocent no more. you shoulda seen last night... mini orgy in the corner. it was excrutiatingly painful to stay at the turntables" @WinterSoul @rbshinichi
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(I go AFK for half an hour and everyone and their mother needs me.)

Gabrielle Jones

Gabbi noticed several people staring at her, like she was some kind of freak. Her the freak, have they look that themselves in the mirror they are the freaks. "Yo, what are you looking at?" She said to the two boys and girl. Hoping that none of them think they are allowed in her pants, that region is off limits especially to the female. @WinterSoul @rbshinichi

Alexandra Jones

"Emil. I think I've heard of a TV Chef having that name. I've seen him on tv once in a blue moon." She said, she checked the time on her phone. "Oh crap I gotta get to class. Maybe, I'll see you around?" @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane took out a card from his back pocket and tossed it to her. "Call that number if you need someone to talk to." Why did he have cards with his number on it? Because his old boss forced him to get many cards and it became a habit after many months of doing it. He wasn't popular but people liked to talk to him. @mymartianromance
Evan grinned at the girl gabrielle. "we were making a bet on who could get your number first." he said not caring how embarrasing it might be. he wanted to test her limits. "im Evan by the way." @WinterSoul @rbshinichi
rbshinichi said:
"Boo-hoo-hoo." Kurt laughed at the excuse Ember made. "Well, I gotta admit she's kinda hot. But I prefer her sister even more. Now, that's an angel, innocence all over her face." he said dreamily. @WinterSoul @mymartianromance (The subject is currently away I think. hahaha)

Name: Carter and Paige

Location: Hallways leaning on the lockers

Carter and Paige talked for a while getting a bit bored. As they heard a girl yell across the hallway they looked to see what it was. They noticed the familiar boy and girl they had talked to in the glass. But they didn't know the other girl. They looked at them for a while and raised their eyebrows. Carter sighed and mumbled " This is school can be weird sometimes". Paige heard her and they both started giggling

(mentioned @mymartianromance @rbshinichi @Talon @WinterSoul )​
Ember dropped her head into her hands,"I was not involved in that, shut up, creampuff." What was she so damn embarrassed? This was not like her, nope. Something was wrong, something was totally off. @Talon @mymartianromance
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Evan laughed."creampuff?¿?¿ sounds like a nickname for your lover!¡!¡" he gasped in mock surprise. "wait are you secretl straight and have a secret crush on

me!?¡¿!?¡¿" @WinterSoul @mymartianromance
Kurt smiled awkwardly at Gabrielle. "Ah, that..." he grabbed Evan and his snide remark towards Ember. "He's just joking Gab. We wer just admiring how beautiful you are..."and right on cue his eyes fell into Ember's flustered face. Beautiful. He had never seen her act like that before, so lady like. So damn cute. He was lost for words and stared blankly.

@WinterSoul @Talon @mymartianromance

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