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Realistic or Modern School Vs. School

Evan held up a finger, slid his heaphones down around his neck and then grinned. "hey maya, pretty fancy place huh?¿?¿" he yawned and stretched. "im kinda tired from the end of summer party last night."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.f1329cf6905ebfdde9014b42ba81fd11.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.f1329cf6905ebfdde9014b42ba81fd11.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ember gave Evan a small smile when she noticed him, and waved,"Hola, Evano." She greeted jokingly. Turning back to Maya she made an exasperated face,"Can you believe her nerve? I already hate this place, and the last thing I need is some bitch who thinks she's better than the rest of us trying to get at me."

@Talon @Tsiwentiio



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Shane Emil Reeze:

God dammit, he was being nice yet no one wanted to answer him. He facepalmed himself before walking outside the school. He had been nice yet they had the audacity to just flat out ignore him except that one girl, was him being tall some kind of problem or what? He kept on walking and sitting under the school bleacher, if this how the school was gonna be, he was just gonna skip the whole school day until the end of the school day. "Why the hell didn't I just stay home?" He asked himself. It was the first day and he was already starting to get super annoyed, not even the stupid teachers answered him.
Arabella Aquamarine Jupiter

Arabella moaned, tossing her eggshell duvet onto the floor and rolling onto her stomach. Without a wink of sleep, Arabella had practically stayed out all night, jumping from party to party. Around here, everyone seemed to know her, so getting into parties wasn't much of a problem. Having possibly the worst hangover in recorded history, Arabella opted for a simple hoodie and lazy sweats.

Cameron Hunt Jupiter

"Ari," Cameron yelled, holding his head in his palms. He too, had e worst hangover ever. In commemoration of their asses landing in the place they hated most, they had partied all night yesterday, coming home fifteen minutes before their alarms rang. "Get your fucking ass down here, unless you want to walk bitch!" Cameron screamed, tossing his keys impatiently at the wall.


A minute or so later, Arabelle strolled down the stairs, her hair looking more like a lion's unkept mane. "Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm here calm the fuck down," Ari replied, rolling her eyes.


After a long drive, they had arrived at Everson. Giving each other a desperate look, they sighed, welcoming themselves to hell.
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"And you didn't invite me" she teased him, she rolled her eyes " none of these bitches know who they are dealing with, I ain't afraid of her" she gave Ember a devilish look then looked back at Evan "Trying to not get arrested"​

"hey i dont invite i just mix up the beats and try to get a girl but no one likes the dj unless hes at his turntables it seems." he winked. "arrested!¡!¡" he held his hands up in mock surprise. "who would wanna arrest 2 hot chicks like you?¿?¿"

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-3_0-21-19.jpeg.3faa18ae206dd1e76e90d195920f7be1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-3_0-21-19.jpeg.3faa18ae206dd1e76e90d195920f7be1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Matthew smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Loosen up. I'm not gonna kill you." He chuckled lightly and shoved his hands into his pocket, watching as the Everson and Makinley students mingled. Most Everson students tried to avert themselves from the transfers, others were just sitting, smoking, pulling out a flask, or anything they would be doing at Makinley. Matthew did his rebellious acts in private though.

"I'm Matthew." He held his hand out, waiting for her to shake it.




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Ember rolled her eyes at Evan's remark,"Now see, this is why I have a preference for that of the female gender." She laughed, light heartedly. "I never said I was afraid of her. I'm not afraid of anything..." Ember puffed her chest out,"except for ducks, those fucking things scare the hell out me."

@Tsiwentiio @Talon
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Easton made his way to his first class occasionally stopping to talk to some people he knew, he walked into his history class he sat towards the far right in the middle of the row, he unlocked his phone hoping there wouldn't be any crazy drama already



Maya laughed at her comment " I ain't afraid of anything or anyone" she said confidently " being arrested twice does that kinda thing to you" she said looking at them​

@WinterSoul @Talon
Evan chuckled at embers comment. "to bad too, you sure you cant do bi?¿?¿ and as for ducks... they go quack thats all i know" he looked around. "sooo is the bell gonna ring or nah?¿?¿" @WinterSoul @Tsiwentiio
TuffBbg said:

View attachment 244794

Matthew smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Loosen up. I'm not gonna kill you." He chuckled lightly and shoved his hands into his pocket, watching as the Everson and Makinley students mingled. Most Everson students tried to avert themselves from the transfers, others were just sitting, smoking, pulling out a flask, or anything they would be doing at Makinley. Matthew did his rebellious acts in private though.

"I'm Matthew." He held his hand out, waiting for her to shake it.

She shook his hand and smiled gently. "I'm Lian, not the most familiar name but it should do..." She noticed a few others behind/around him. "I'm guessing you need to get back with your friends..." She voice drifted away.


Cora scoffed at Maya's remark, only to be ushered away by the teachers. "Ms. Fitzpatrick, please control yourself." they whispered in her ear. She knew what that meant. Another phone call to daddy, another doctor visit, another new drug prescription. She shrugged off the girls, giving everyone the bird as she stormed off to the bleachers outside. She took another swig of her flask and lit up a smoke. I'm not going to classes today she decided.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.7a1ad5a2c953338a9c33d77b899e7646.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.7a1ad5a2c953338a9c33d77b899e7646.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Dude! They fucking chase you all like, give me your damn bread or I'll eat you!" Ember scrunched up her face and held her hand up like a duck bill. "I was traumatized as a child." She sighed, dropping her hand,"And I have no idea, but honestly I'd be perfectly fine if it didn't." She shrugged.

@Tsiwentiio @Talon



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((I am tired as fuck, so I am going to bed. Goodnight people of Earth, or whatever planet you're all from!))
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"haha gimme your bread ya i guess." he shrugs. "I wanna pull a prank." he said matter-of-factly. @WinterSoul


"fuck class" she said crossing her arms, she could care less if she went plus she didn't really know where the class was anyway, "screw it" she said walking towards the door​

Evan shrugged and said bye as the girls walked off. he continued walking down the hall waiting for the bell to ring. @anyone
Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil took out his lighter while placing a cigarette on his mouth. He didn't give a damn if he got caught outside here on the bleachers, he did whatever he wanted and no one was gonna stip that. He lighted the cigarette before taking letting out a puff out. "Fucking people not knowing how to give out directions." He called out with as he continue smoking. Lucky him that the teachers didn't search his bag or else they would had found some of his alcohol.
Matthew Jones

Matthew walked into the school following his two sisters. It was the day that the Juvie kids will be joining their school. He pulled down his left sweatshirt sleeve to cover up his left hand. He silently moved through the halls hoping not to be noticed by the mod scene of students running around. Animals. This looks like a zoo. He mumbled underneath his breath when he got to his locker.

Alexandra Jones

Lexi walked through the door with her ponytail swinging in the wind. She was happy to make new friends with these kids. After all they can't be as bad as everyone says. She walked through the doors with a big smile on her face, because smiles let everyone know you're open to friendships. She wondered if she should have brought baked goods to break the ice even more.

Gabrielle Jones

Gabbi knew these kids couldn't be good. She just hoped they don't mess with her siblings, or else it'll get physical. She gave a bitch face while walking through the hall to know don't mess with her. She doesn't understand why these kids are even allowed outside of prison let alone in her school, where proper teens go to learn and be successful in life. Wild animals like them belong far away from a perfect learning environment.
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Adira Jung


"Make me, make me impressed, make me, make me obsessed..."

Adira's pale hands swept through her pinkish red hair, dark eyes eyeing the school in front of her with disgust. Everson, the one place full of enough prisses and pansies to make Adira puke. The female's ear buds were blasting out music, her high heeled boots click clacking on the marble floors as Adira strode down the hallway, several students turning to see the 6'1 girl walking down the hall with confidence and poise, hands in her hoodie as Adira towered over everyone.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh here we go, walkin' talkin' like you know I want that pretty little psycho."

Adira smirked at the music, walking towards her temporary locker, but as she walked, there was a girl, a girl shorter than her of course shooting everyone bitch faces. Adira glared at the girl, growling slightly with her signature 'Scary' look. Priveliged idiots.

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Kurt knew that it was the day that the fellows from Makinley join them at Everson high. He woke up early and got to school early. Excited as he was he jumpily made his way to the rooftop of the old science building. It was deserted and it was just adjacent to the main building of the school. From there, he could see the gates and the lobby clearly.

He sat on the edge of it as he was watching the time ticks away on his wrist. He was waiting for the new students to arrive and have a glimpse of them. "At last, true blooded delinquents. I never thought I would have the chance to mingle at them here at school." he said to himself.

Students started coming in through the gates and crowds were starting to form across the school grounds. His attention was focused to the students gathered in an area. It seemed to be a mix of Everson and Makinley students. A grin crept up on his face and he found it hard to control his excitement. He wanted to jump right in from where he stood.
Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it once he was finished. He had some time to spare and staying on school wasn't something he wanted to do but he still walked back inside the hallways. "God dammit, where the hell is that stupid Global history class?" He asked himself with a growl. Maybe he should do something to make everyone on the school come out but that would too troublesome. He continue walling not really caring where he was going on. @anyone
Ember cocked a brow at Maya as she took off, away from the school. With a shrug she turned around to find Evan gone as well. "Well, was a pleasure to talk to the both of you." Ember remarked to the air. Upon glancing around the hall, she spotted the tall blonde guy from before. She could tell he was from Makinley, you could tell students from the two schools apart from a mile away. "Hey, yo, tall and blonde wait up!" She yelled after him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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