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Realistic or Modern School of Unfortunate Superheroes (OPEN AND ACCEPTING)

Myla grinned at the cool powers that everyone else had, before deciding to join in as well. “I’m Myla,” She stated, slightly quieter than some of the others had been. “My powers are memory and changing my hair and eye colour.” As a demonstration she blinked her hair dark purple, before returning it to it’s normal colour, her favourite.
Derek was glad, if not a bit confused, at the girl's extreme happiness. He saw that her rather morose friend step forward and say 'Gin", which Derek assumed was his name. Before he could even say anything and before he even knew it, the girl had a banana and was already eating it, talking with her mouth full. Derek couldn't quite make out what she said, but he gave her a smile and said, "Well, it's quite nice to meet the both of you. I'm certain you'll both fit right in." Derek walked back over to his desk and listened as everyone shared what their powers were. Seeing as his own power dealt with alcohol, he figured he'd keep quiet about it, considering the type of atmosphere they were all in. He sat there in his desk, admiring all of the people and hoping he could become friends with them.
Gin scowled a bit more , but slowly began to relax a bit. At least they weren't picking on her intentionally...that tended to happen. "hmm yeah i suppose so, just don't let it happen again...she's really sensitive about her chest man." he mumbled gruffly , making sure his elder sibling was to busy skipping off to go say hi to that one guy to hear him. Gin sighed. "it's going to be a long year..."


Bouncing over to the guy she origonally met, she plopped down on top of his desk. her little legs swaying about. "yo! i'm Minimi! it was really nice of you to come greet us like that! and don' worry 'bout Gin, he's pretty grumpy in the morning without his sixth cup of coffee!" she babbled. an easy smile on her face as she continued to chatter about absolutely nothing. then suddenly she gasped "oh! i forgot, what's your power again umm....?"
BlackSwan said:
Gin scowled a bit more , but slowly began to relax a bit. At least they weren't picking on her intentionally...that tended to happen. "hmm yeah i suppose so, just don't let it happen again...she's really sensitive about her chest man." he mumbled gruffly , making sure his elder sibling was to busy skipping off to go say hi to that one guy to hear him. Gin sighed. "it's going to be a long year..."

Bouncing over to the guy she origonally met, she plopped down on top of his desk. her little legs swaying about. "yo! i'm Minimi! it was really nice of you to come greet us like that! and don' worry 'bout Gin, he's pretty grumpy in the morning without his sixth cup of coffee!" she babbled. an easy smile on her face as she continued to chatter about absolutely nothing. then suddenly she gasped "oh! i forgot, what's your power again umm....?"
"Farting..... I have the ability to make gas of what I ate .. Like if I ate apples... Then my gas would smell like apples." He replied with a smile. "But brocoli messes all that up." He added.
Alex grinned slightly at the girl. "Turtles." He said, "I can turn into any type of turtle." Just to show off. He turned into a baby loggerhead seaturtle, and looked at the girl adorably, hoping to impress her.

As Derek relaxed and gained his calm exposure, the girl that had recently walked in had suddenly plopped down on top of his desk and made herself comfortable. His pencil and pen were knocked to the floor and she was more or less sitting on his notebook, but he didn't mind so much as worry when she suddenly asked him his power. Derek chuckled nervously as he was afraid that this would happen sooner or later and did his best to answer by saying, "Oh don't worry about it all, Mimi, it's just nice to see other people! As for your friend, I felt just like him about 3 hours ago, not wanting to deal with people and so on." Derek stammered a bit, nervous about revealing his power to others, as well as her. "W-well, my power is something others might consider deviant, if you catch my drift. I have to partake in a certain liquid to use my own power. I do hope you understand my reluctance to just say it out loud as others might find my habit unsavory." He finished with a bit of a coy smile.
Myla watched the introductions around her, smiling. She was glad that everyone seemed to be getting along, as it would not be a good thing if they would have to deal with people fighting all the time. She noticed, however, that one of the boys was frowning, slightly messing with the happy atmosphere. She tapped him on the shoulder, before asking, “Are you ok?”
"Aww.." Melissa bents down to see the little turtle, feeling the urge of petting his head, she didn't hold back. Melissa petted his head slowly with her delicate fingers, she blushed at the cuteness. she stopped petting his head and got up "My turn." she smiled and started spinning her figure was beginning to blur while spinning, Melissa was slowly getting smaller and turned into a lilie.

Alex closed his eyes as Melissa stroked his head and he leaned into it. His jaw dropped as a turtle, and there was a pop as he turned back into a human as he looked at the lily on the floor. He smiled. "That's amazing," he said quietly. And beautiful he thought, but he didn't dare say it for fear of being rejected.

Jazzy's song changed from September to Holiday still by Greenday.

She began to sing the lyrics in her head.

Hear the sound of the fallin' rain,

Comin' down like an Armageddon flame

A shame the ones who died without a name...

Hear the dogs howlin' out of key,

To a hymn called Faith and misery

And bleed, the company lost the war today.

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

But this is the dawning of the rest of our lives.....

On holiDAY!

The representative of California has the floor...

Sieg Heil to the President gas man

Bombs away is your PUN ISH MENT!

Pulverize the Eiffel towers

Who criticize our GOV ERN MENT!

Bang bang goes the broken glass and

Kill all the flags that DONT A GREE

Try them by fire setting fire

Is not a way that's MEANT FOR ME!

Just cause.....

Just cause because we're outlaws yeah!

She thought. Her eyes were closed and she was nodding her head and tapping her foot to the beat. No words were coming our of her mouth, but she looked like she was in her own little world.
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Marth Sighed. "I'm just gonna sit down..." The teen murmured as he went to a desk and sat in it. 'That's nice.' He thought, noticing his bag.


Minimi tilted her head to the side, confusion evident on her face. Her apple red eyes gleamed as understanding finally set in. "oooooh! you got drink alot of water and you get super cool powers! that's soo cool!" she cheered. completely absorbed in the person in front of her. "i can make stuff grow, i think it's pretty cool, but the big top super here's said i needed more 'training" she pouted. "me an Gin work pretty well together but...sometimes it's a little difficult for him to lift the stuff i make big..."


"hmm?" Gin Hummed, his mismatched eyes flickering over to the girl and then back to Minimi. "yes i suppose...just a little worried about the teachers gonna say...cuz you see.." Gin paused, misery and resentment in his tone. "we have this class second period...not first." he sighed. His eyes closing in defeat as a hand ran through his crimson hair. "she just got so happy i didn't have the heart to tell her..." he groaned.​
Derek chuckled, a bit relieved she didn't get what he was saying entirely. He then said, "Well, I have to drink a lot of something, yes, you are correct. As for your powers, it sounds quite interesting. The only reason I am here is because my father is so caught up within his own work being a hero that he doesn't have much time for me. Not that I hate him or anything, I just like to have my own bit of fun, you see."
“I’m sure she won’t mind!” Myla said, smiling comfortingly. “I don’t technically have this class at all, but I just kind of joined it and the teacher never noticed. They generally won’t, even if you miss a lesson.” When she said this she looked down, ashamed. She had missed lots of lessons, but sometimes she simply forgot she had a lesson. She recovered quickly though, and returned to her closed eye smile. “Whats your name?” She asked

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Minimi nodded in understanding, her apple red eyes serious and almost nostalgic for once. "I get you. My dad wasn't around alot either...but he passed away when we were little, so I never really had time to do anything like that in between taking care of Gin." She mumbled. A far off look glazing her eyes. But no sooner had it come about did she shake it off. "But that's ok right? I mean you gotta do what makes you happy! " She beamed and accidentally put a little more force on the desk than necessary. Which of course caused it to grow to twice it's original size..."eh?! Oops sorry!"

@The Haygor
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Gin stared blankly at the girl. For a moment it looked as if he hadn't heard her at all, then "so what your saying is that this school is filled with negligent faculty members and your a delinquent. " he stated bluntly. He stared her down for a moment before a small smile peeked out. "Well I guess that can make two of us...or we'll 3 including Minimi..." he chuckled. Gin glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. A slightly friendlier smile on his face."Gin Rougs Freshman. "

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Derek was caught off-guard when the desk grew, but he was more impressed then anything. He chuckled with a bit of surprise and said, "Well, certainly impressive! And so noble of you to take care of your brother up until this point. It's moments like that that keep people together when they really need it. As for your father, I truly am sorry." Derek was sitting in the middle of the now two-person seat when he finished his sentence and he beamed her one of his signature warm smiles.
"As you heard, I'm Myla. The teachers are slightly silly, but it makes school slightly more interesting, plus it means that the lessons are more interesting." She held out her hand for him to shake, tucking her feet under her on the chair. She was glad he looked slightly happier. She wanted to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible.

As if to speak of the devil, the teacher for that morning's math class arrived. He was a young man, in his mid-twenties, and he was quite handsome. "Good morning, class," he said as he walked into the room with the air of someone who was absolutely confident in what he was doing. "I am your math teacher, Mr. Kato." He sat down behind his desk and took a piece of paper from his drawer. He clapped twice and there was instantly a piece of paper on each desk. "I want you to tell me three interesting things about yourself. We're not doing any math today, just going to get to know each other a little bit." He smiled warmly at the room. "And please make sure to put your name on your paper. I want to know who it is I'm reading about."


Jazzy was impressed with the teacher's informality and kindness, as well as his power. Making objects appear out of thin air? Wow. That was pretty cool.

Alexander was nervous, not only because Melissa was there, but because he was always nervous when meeting new people for the first time. He took the pencil and thought for a moment, then began to write.
Myla smiled at Gin once more, before looking down at her paper. She wasn't entirely what to write, as she really wasn't that interesting. She enjoyed reading, she could change her hair colour. That was it. She stared at her paper, not even writing her name.
Eliza quickly sat down when the teacher made his entrance. She stared blankly at the paper that appeared before her.. Unsure what to really write about herself, its not that she didn't really find herself uninteresting, but more of what exactly she wanted to share with everyone. So she started to just write a bunch of things down, and planned to wing it if she were to actually present her interests.
Melissa sat on her seat, looking at the paper and thinking 'What should I write? 'Oh some people like my smell and....hmm....they sure like my kindness......AH! my non-poisonous thorns, I only like because its my only way to protection..but I like it.' she wrote with a smile. My smell, My kindness and the last one my thorns. -Melissa Ashworth. When she finished, she looked at the teacher with a look saying "I'm done."
Trey wrote down what his interests were, and what he likes to do. But when he wrote down his power, he was unsure of the teacher's reaction. Either he would be labeled immature, or laughed at by those he has not met yet. Once done, he wrote his name, and set his pencil down. He then released some nervous gas, which made the air smell of an apple orchard, with cinnamon with it. @sitanomoto
"I'm Part cat, Love swords and i'm a nobody." Marth blurted out as he stood. Then he snorted and sat back down. He was obviously upset about something.
Gin grunted and softly made a small cookie appear on her desk. He kept his eyes strictly on his own paper whilst doing so. '1. I like music. 2...' he thought when he was finished, he scrawled his name Gin Rougs

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Minimi soaked up his smile like a sponge. Inhaling sharply. Squealing with glee, she leaned foward and captured his hands in hers. "I just knew we were gonna be best friends! " She beamed. Her apple eyes alight with happiness. When the teacher came in ,Minimi slid into the now two person seat with him. "Alright Mr. Teacher Kato let's do this!" She said determinedly. And with that she began to write, speaking quietly ad she did so. "1. I'm 4"10...."

@The Haygor
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