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Realistic or Modern School of Unfortunate Superheroes (OPEN AND ACCEPTING)

Myla sighed slightly, writing about liking to read and thinking for a second before adding her powers. She signed her name in loopy writng before leaning back in her chair, already bored.
Gins mismatched eyes lazily drifted to the ceiling. Carefully he made grapes drop from the ceiling and he caught them almost effortlessly in his mouth. "Maybe this won't be so bad..." he muttered after swallowing the grapes.
Myla placed her completed book back into her bag, wishing she had brought more with her. She had been in a rush though, and had left all the books she was reading stacked next to her chair. She sighed once again, hoping that she would have time to grab a few more between this class and the next one. The rest of the day would be boring if not. She tucked her legs under her in the chair, sitting how she normally did in her room, waiting for the teacher to say something.
Lockjaw walked into the room, EXTREMELY late. He looked around, and sat in the back of the room. He had no intent on actually doing anything, but he came to class anyway.
Myla looked up as the new student entered the room, and smiled in welcome. She hoped this teacher was forgiving, or this kid would have a hard time. Even the most easy going teachers she had would likely have shouted at a student if they turned up this late.

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He looked up at the teacher. He tilted his head, and the teacher smiled. And, of course, he smiled back, as an effect of using his powers. (Read his CS...... You'll understand.)
Jack sighed as he pushed the class room doors open, and pulled off his headphones. Just his luck to be late to school, it wasn't really his fault, he had gotten lost on the way here. Silently, he slipped into the classroom hoping no one would notice him if he took a seat in the back. Jack tip toed over to an empty desk, but must have missed stepped, because next thing he knew he was flying threw the air, and face planting into the floor with a loud thud.
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The teacher ignored Jack, still focused on Lockjaw. Both of their faces went back to a monotone expression, and the teacher went on with what he was doing.
Isaac Kato looked around the room. "If you haven't finished, this'll be your homework assignment, as the period ends in about five minutes." He said.

Jazzy had finished her work and sat back, looking at her shoes and thinking.

Alex finished his paper too, and poked Jazzy's shoulder. "Hey, Jazzy?"

"Yeah, AL?" She said, looking at him with a soft smile.

"You got my snack, right?"

"Of course I did." Jazzy took out a small paper bag and reached into it. She pulled out a small package of fruit snacks, handing them to her friend. "Here ya go."

Isaac saw Jazzy hand Alex something and cleared his throat. "I hope you don't leave any trash, miss....."

"Johnstone." Jazzy said. "Jazzy Johnstone." She giggled inwardly, immediately thinking about Bond. James Bond.
Jazzy gasped. "Oh my goodness," she said, getting up and kneeling down next to the Fallen boy. "Are you alright?" She asked, holding out her hand.

PotatoandWombat said:
Jack sighed as he pushed the class room doors open, and pulled off his headphones. Just his luck to be late to school, it wasn't really his fault, he had gotten lost on the way here. Silently, he slipped into the classroom hoping no one would notice him if he took a seat in the back. Jack tip toed over to an empty desk, but must have missed stepped, because next thing he knew he was flying threw the air, and face planting into the floor with a loud thud.
Jack let out a nervous laugh. "I'm okay," he said taking her hand and pulling himself up. "Just, uh, lost my footing I guess.." He wiped the dust off of his jacket before glancing up to the girl. "Oh! Ummm, my names Jack by the way," He introduced himself with a small smile.
Jazzy smiled back. "Jazzy Johnstone." She looked the boy up and down, but not in a judging manner. Her guitar was slung accross her back and it changed color from a splattered blue to a purple design that resembled her feelings at the moment. "You... Look nice in that jacket," she said. Genius. Of all the things you comment on, it HAS to be his jacket. Brilliant move, Jazzy. A+.

Dennis looked over at the boy who had fallen. He stood up and strolled on over. "Smooth." He joked. He smirked and cracked his neck.
Jack threw a glare towards Dennis before turning back to Jazzy. He felt a small blush rise up to his face, calm down Jack it's just a complete, he told himself. "Haha, thanks it one of my favorite jackets." He then noticed the guitar on Jazzy's back changing colors, and moved closer to examine it. "Whoa," he muttered, "That's a pretty killer guitar, you play?"
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He sat down on the nearest empty desk. - On, not in - "I Was kidding, jeez....." He mumbled. He sighed and slid into the chair.
Myla began to pack her bag, considering asking to leave early so she could get more books. After a few seconds she stuck her hand in the air and called out "Sir, can I go? I need to get something before next period."

PotatoandWombat said:
Jack threw a glare towards Dennis before turning back to Jazzy. He felt a small blush rise up to his face, calm down Jack it's just a complete, he told himself. "Haha, thanks it one of my favorite jackets." He then noticed the guitar on Jazzy's back changing colors, and moved closer to examine it. "Whoa," he muttered, "That's a pretty killer guitar, you play?"
Jazzy reddened a bit herself, and took it down. "I dabble," she said, shrugging.

Alex rolled his eyes at Jazzy's "I dabble" comment. "You dabble? You dabble?! For God's sake, Jazzy, you're the best player I know!" He was absolutely supportive of everything Jazzy did, and he hated seeing her downplay herself.

Jazzy reddened further and smiled sheepishly.
Lockjaw stepped out of the desk and looked up at the clock. Still got a little bit........ He thought to himself. He walked into the corner of the room, took out a pen, and started drawing on the walls.
sitanomoto said:
Jazzy reddened a bit herself, and took it down. "I dabble," she said, shrugging.
Alex rolled his eyes at Jazzy's "I dabble" comment. "You dabble? You dabble?! For God's sake, Jazzy, you're the best player I know!" He was absolutely supportive of everything Jazzy did, and he hated seeing her downplay herself.

Jazzy reddened further and smiled sheepishly.
Jack laughed looking over at Alex then back to Jazzy, "Haha, I guess your pretty good." He ran his fingers though his hair as he continued, "I'm a big fan of the guitar, you'll have to let me here you some time." He smiled as he leaned back against a desk.

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