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Realistic or Modern School of Unfortunate Superheroes (OPEN AND ACCEPTING)

"I honestly don't know..." Marth replied. "I'm Marth Flames. And yes... I'm related to Alex And Mason Flames." Marth sighed, looking at the ground instead of Jazzy.
Eliza walked the school grounds, a crumpled up piece of paper in her hand, with poorly written directions, and "j-111" scrawled on it. She repeted the room number to herself as she walked. She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the strums of a guitar. She followed the sound to its origin, inside a nearby room. She walked inside, oblivious to the other people there.

"Who's playing that?" She asked with a curious tone in her voice.
Mylar rushed from her dorm room, her bag slung hurriedly over her shoulder and Crystal at her heels. Her hair was still slightly messed up, but she was late for first class, something that would not look good. She sprinted to the class, feeling the strong urge to cough up her lungs when she arrived.

She almost slammed the door open, frantic to get there as quickly as possible. "Is this j-111?" She asked, picking Crystal up as he sat next to her.
Jazzy laughed. "I'm the one playing the music. Do you like it?" She said, then, without ceasing her fingers on the strings, she looked at the other girl who looked like she was about to cough up her lungs. "Easy, you don't want to die on your first day." She said.

Alex couldn't stop staring –and blushing– at the new girl. She smelled amazing, like a flower, and her eyes....

"Wow." He said aloud. Then he blushed harder, realizing what he had just done.
Myla nodded, almost falling into a seat with the puppy sitting in her lap. He was well behaved, and sat quietly due to lessons being normal for him. She pulled out a thick book about world history after WW2. These sort of things were almost normal for her now, so she could almost recite the book from heart. The plastic chair dug into her back, and she found herself missing the chair in her room, which was so soft and large that it almost swallowed her.
Melissa looked at him enchanted as she thought 'So cute' a few minutes she looked at the others "I am Melissa. Melissa Ashworth." 'a great opportunity to make friends, and I think I found my first friend here' Melissa thought. she looked back at him and smiled warmly, she left her bag in the second right of the seat near the front, she aproached him "Hey." she said smiling.
"Huh....yeah, I like it, I knew people who played before. Pe-" she cut herself off. Just then a small bubble formed above, and somewhat behind her head, though it barely had time to show anything before being swatted away by Eliza's hand. "Sorry about that" she blurted out. She felt a little bit embarrassed, but that's nothing she hasn't dealt with before, so she chuckles to smooth things over.

"Anyways... Anybody know where room..... J-111 is?"
KPnightmare said:
Melissa looked at him enchanted as she thought 'So cute' a few minutes she looked at the others "I am Melissa. Melissa Ashworth." 'a great opportunity to make friends, and I think I found my first friend here' Melissa thought. she looked back at him and smiled warmly, she left her bag in the second right of the seat near the front, she aproached him "Hey." she said smiling.
Alex blushed harder. "H-hello...." Alex said, giving a tiny wave to her. "Alex my name...Name Alex is.... . I mean..." Stupidhead! Pull it together!!! "My name is Alex."

Jazzy laughed a little bit and shook her head at Alex and then turned to the girl. "You're in J-111. The teacher should be here soon," Jazzy said.
Derek was still a bit dumbfounded at everything that had just happened. He was shocked that the seemingly small child covered himself in what appeared to be some sort of box. Before he could say anything though, the others seemed to have calmed him down. Still holding the back-pack, he watched as the others diffused the situation. He saw another woman walk in and he flashed her a warm smile, tilting his head in acknowledgement.

(Sorry for the delay, my alerts weren't showing!)
Trey ockerson arrives at the school, since his alarm had not gone off like it was set to do. "Stupid alarm." He muttered as he entered the school, and he felt hungry. "Excellent.... Now I can eat the fruit mom packed for me." He said as he went into the classroom everyone was in, sat in an empty seat, and started eating apple slices. "Thank god mom grows mean apples." He said in bliss. @sitanomoto @pridedzoey @everyone else
"Oh wow!" She said aloud. " I guess you guys are my classmates, awesome " she crumpled up the paper she had the directions on, and tossed it randomly towards where she thought a trashcan would be, the paper lands in front of the door. "Nice to meet you all, I assume introductions can wait until later....though... We aren't in much of a rush now." She starts to mumble a bit as she goes towards an empty desk, hops up and sits on the table part.
Derek walked over to an empty desk and put the boys; now teenagers; backpack on top of it. He looked around and saw a plethora of people all talking and getting to know each other. He would love to join in and talk to others as well, but his hang-over was still nagging him. He walked over to his desk, sat down and sighed as his headache still rang through his head.
pridedzoey said:
"Oh wow!" She said aloud. " I guess you guys are my classmates, awesome " she crumpled up the paper she had the directions on, and tossed it randomly towards where she thought a trashcan would be, the paper lands in front of the door. "Nice to meet you all, I assume introductions can wait until later....though... We aren't in much of a rush now." She starts to mumble a bit as she goes towards an empty desk, hops up and sits on the table part.
"Who might you be? I am Trey Ockerson, and my power is a GAS." he said, chuckling at his pun. "No seriously, my power is farting..... And you will all smell the goodness of apples in a minute." He said, chuckling as he ate his apple slices. @pridedzoey @sitanomoto @Everyone else.


Minimi skipped gleefully down the halls, her book bag swinging from her left hand . Behind her Gin trailed at a more leisurely pace, lazily taking in the other kids they passed in the hallway. out of the corner of his eye Gin watched Minimi hum and skip along. a small genuine smile peeked out from his normally creepy pedo smile. "Hey sis...do you know where we're going?" He called airily. His hands shoved into the pocket of his black jeans and his head bobbing along to the beat of his red and white headphones that went well with his white button up polo. Minimi smiled back at him brilliantly "Nope! not at all, but that's ok! cuz ma powers are tellin me...are class is riiiiiiight HERE!" she giggled, striking a dramatic pose and pointing at the door that read J-111. Gin smiled and laughed slightly under his breathe, fondness for his older sibling picking through in his soft smile. "you do know that- " "cmon! lets Jump right in Gin the class is waiting on us!" Minimi inturrupted, and with that she snatched up his hand and jerked him into the room. "GOOD MORNING!"
As Derek started to relax, the door was suddenly flung open by what appeared to be an extremely cheery girl and some guy. Derek 's headache was just about gone until the girl had yelled good morning to everyone, bringing the throbbing, ringing pain back into his head. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, making a mental note to never drink AGAIN before a school night. He got up and went over to the newcomers and said, "Welcome, fellow class-mates, how're you two doing? Also, good morning to you too!" Derek finished his sentence with a bit of cheer and enthusiasm.
sitanomoto said:
Alex blushed harder. "H-hello...." Alex said, giving a tiny wave to her. "Alex my name...Name Alex is.... . I mean..." Stupidhead! Pull it together!!! "My name is Alex."
Jazzy laughed a little bit and shook her head at Alex and then turned to the girl. "You're in J-111. The teacher should be here soon," Jazzy said.
Melissa chuckled softly "Nice to meet you and you too." looking at the girl next to Alex, and then looked at Alex again "As you may have noticed my powers are flower related." she said a little uncomfortable. Melissa jumped and looked at the two persons "good morning..." she said quietly 'Wow so cheery.. that's good I think..?' tuning back her attention to Alex "and yours?" she asked smiling.


Minimi blinked. And then blinked again. slowly a smile began to creep up on her face. "hello! I'm doing super ok! Thanks! " she beamed at him. Before she could get another word out, Gin stepped foward his creeper smile back on and his mismatched eyes flashing. "Gin." he said as way of introduction. giving him another not so friendly look, he tugged Minimi along. whilst simultanously pulling a banana out of his pocket and passing it to her jus t as Minimi began to protest. "hgphm hpmnice pho phmeem phou!" (it's nice to meet you!) she called back, her mouth filled with yummy potasium. swallowing and tossing the banana peel away, Minimi grinned back at him "we're gonna be great friends i just know it!"
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Eliza laughed at the sheer absurdity of the guys power. "Well, if I smell something funky I'll know who to blame then eh?. The name's Eliza, and my power is..." She stopped for effect, and drew an arc over her head with her hands. "Imagination"

@Steel Zinogre
pridedzoey said:
Eliza laughed at the sheer absurdity of the guys power. "Well, if I smell something funky I'll know who to blame then eh?. The name's Eliza, and my power is..." She stopped for effect, and drew an arc over her head with her hands. "Imagination"
@Steel Zinogre
"Nice! How does it work?" Trey asked as he passed wind silently, the room filled with the aroma of apples and cinnamon. "Ah.... SWEET release." He said, making another pun. "Sorry... Do continue." He said with a smile as he continued eating till three slices remained.


'Tch...idiot. who does he think he is?' Gin grumbled mentally. sighing he plopped down into a seat next to some girl and pulled his elder sibling to sit next to him...except there was a guy already sitting in it. Eye brow twitching with annoyance, Gin turned and offered his 'best' smile. "excuse me...but, i kinda need that seat your sitting in..." he paused, closing one eye to leave only his golden one, his smile still in place. "so, do you mind?" he finished.

@Steel Zinogre @pridedzoey
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Nice! How does it work?" Trey asked as he passed wind silently, the room filled with the aroma of apples and cinnamon. "Ah.... SWEET release." He said, making another pun. "Sorry... Do continue." He said with a smile as he continued eating till three slices remained.

Considering the room was starting to get the stench of apples it wasn't a stretch for the bubble to appear above her head depicting an apple hanging from a tree. She pointed at the apple. " well... It goes a little something like that" she said with a cheeky smile
BlackSwan said:


'Tch...idiot. who does he think he is?' Gin grumbled mentally. sighing he plopped down into a seat next to some girl and pulled his elder sibling to sit next to him...except there was a guy already sitting in it. Eye brow twitching with annoyance, Gin turned and offered his 'best' smile. "excuse me...but, i kinda need that seat your sitting in..." he paused, closing one eye to leave only his golden one, his smile still in place. "so, do you mind?" he finished.

@Steel Zinogre @pridedzoey
"There are plenty of other seats. Does this one have your name or your brother's? If so I will be happy to move off." He said as he looked at gin. "You know what you need..? You need to have a gas. Lay back a bit." He said as he ripped the air, the air now smelling of bacon and eggs. "Sorry... That was last night calling." He said as he looked at the apple from her head. "Wow... That is cool... Sweet indeed." @pridedzoey @BlackSwan
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'....Br...other?' a pickle fell from the ceiling. "br..other?! " suddenly Gin lept to his feet, "Minimi is a girl! how could you be so ignorant you-" a couple slices of ham popped into existence. Minimi frowned. "ne, i'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, right Mr. Gas Guy? and sides i can sit in front of you like this! " Minimi intervened. smiling a bright close eyed smile at the both of them

Gin glared for a moment, before taking a deep breathe and falling back into his seat. "yeah whatever...just dont let in happen again. Capeach? " as if on cue (and it probably was) a peach fell from the ceiling and landed with a dull 'bop!' into his hand.​
BlackSwan said:


'....Br...other?' a pickle fell from the ceiling. "br..other?! " suddenly Gin lept to his feet, "Minimi is a girl! how could you be so ignorant you-" a couple slices of ham popped into existence. Minimi frowned. "ne, i'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, right Mr. Gas Guy? and sides i can sit in front of you like this! " Minimi intervened. smiling a bright close eyed smile at the both of them

Gin glared for a moment, before taking a deep breathe and falling back into his seat. "yeah whatever...just dont let in happen again. Capeach? " as if on cue (and it probably was) a peach fell from the ceiling and landed with a dull 'bop!' into his hand.​
"The name is trey. Trey ockerson." Trey replied "and yeah.... I misunderstood ya. But hey... I could tell we might get along well... Since you make food appear, and I make gas out of it.... What a perfect combo.... Just don't make broccoli appear.... It will make everyone run for the hills." He said as he looked at minimi. "Sorry about calling you a guy.... I just assumes food grump here had a male sibling.... I assume that with everyone."
"Well...that was interesting" she said as she picked up the apple from her thoughts, and a slice of ham that appeared. She took a small bite of the meat and casually tossed the apple up and down in her free hand. "Hmm..tastes good man.... I think we can become great friends!" She said confidently as she took another bite

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