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Realistic or Modern School of Unfortunate Superheroes (OPEN AND ACCEPTING)


Totally Right Brain
You are a superhero.

Not just any superhero, though. A hero with powers.


Your powers are silly/dumb/useless.


The power to sing and make people spontaneously burst into epically awesome dance moves. Or the power to turn into an inanimate object that can be found on your normal business desk.


You think your powers are useless, which is why you applied to Skatter's school for the gifted, or as most of the students call it....

The school of Unfortunate superheroes.

It's your basic high school, except for the fact that most of the powers that the people have here are kind of.... Well... Silly.... But what the heck, you need to learn how to make your powers useful in some way.

Why not start here.
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Jazzy ran down the halls as fast as she could, her electric guitar slung over her back and hugging her bag to her chest. "You alright, Alexander?" She said, lifting the flap of the bag.

A small turtle poked his head out and made an adorable croaking noise, then nodded.

"We can't be late," she said, closing the bag flap. "Room J-111, right?"

A croak from the bag and she skidded into the classroom, , gently taking out the turtle from the bag and placing the seat next to her. There was a *pop* and a boy with green hair appeared in place of the turtle. His hair was messed up and he straightened his glasses. "Can we never do that again...?" He said woozily, his head plunking down on the desk as he groaned.
Jerome yanked out his earphones and sat up in his seat. "Woah, man! You can turn into animals? That's awesome, what are you doing here?" He said to Alexander from across the room. @sitanomoto
Derek walked up to the front of the school, a bit hungover from last night. He vaguely remembered arm-wrestling somebody and winning $50 which was tucked away in his pocket. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose and walked inside to see a plethora of other people inside, all scurrying about to make it too class. He pulled out a piece of crumpled paper that smelled a little like Whiskey and saw the words "Room J-111". He tucked the piece of paper into has back pocket rather neatly and made his way towards the classroom. He found it and saw only three other people so far; One girl with what appeared to be an electric guitar slung over her should, a kid with his face on the desk and another one with earphones in his hands. He saw that there was a seat next to the one with the earphones and walked over quietly, taking a seat. He placed his notebook, pencil and pen down neatly and in an organized matter. He groaned a bit as his head was still hurting from the hangover, but he'd live.
Reaper said:
Jerome yanked out his earphones and sat up in his seat. "Woah, man! You can turn into animals? That's awesome, what are you doing here?" He said to Alexander from across the room. @sitanomoto
Alexander looked up, still seeing stars from the bumpy ride. "Not all animals..." He said, gulping and brushing some hair out of his face. "Just turtles...." He cringed.

Jazzy pulled out her paper from her bag and her blue pen.

Then Alexander knew what he was missing. "Uhh... Jazzy?"


"Can I uh..... " He looked rather sheepish , and he scratched the back of his neck.

Jazzy smiled. "Say no more. I got you covered, big guy." She took out a green pen and a few pieces of paper for Alexander and put them on his desk.

"Thanks Jazzy."

"Anytime, Alex."
"Oh... Well, I like turtles." He said as he walked over to the two and sat by them. "My name is Jerome. I can... Talk to plants... I'll bet you appreciate your turtle power more now after hearing that." @sitanomoto
Derek saw that the three people were getting to know each other better, which seemed nice and something that he should start to do. He got up and walked over to them, the sting of the hangover still clinging to his head and said in a polite tone, "Nice to meet you three, my name is Derek. I reckon that it's your first days here as well?" Derek finished his sentence with a warm smile, doing his best to be polite.
"It is mine. Nice to meet you, Derek. Are you... Feeling okay?" He asked, noticing he seemed to have a headache to say the least. @The Haygor
Jazzy looked at Jerome for a moment before breaking into a wide smile. "That. Is. SO. COOL!" She said.

Alexander shrugged. "Your power could be a lot worse, like talking to rocks." He said, speaking honestly. "You're lucky that you can actually talk to a thing that can grow." He smiled sheepishly at the new boy, who smelled faintly of whisky. "Hi. I'm Alexander...."

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Jazzy said. "Guys, I'm Jazzy, and this is Alex. And yeah, first day here for everyone, I'm sure."

Alex blushed, happy that Jazzy was taking charge.
Derek chuckled, a little at himself and mostly at how much he was apparently still hungover. He then looked to them and said, "Ah yes, I am alright, it's just that my liver has not yet removed all of the ethanol and toxins from within my body, making me dehydrated as well as giving me an annoying headache..." Derek rubbed the bridge of his nose, saying, "The small...celebration was a lot more then I thought it would be. In any other case, it was still quite enjoyable, despite my current state." He was pleased to know their names and said, "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you all. From what I've heard, you can talk to plants and..." He pointed to Alex and Jazzy, "What about you two, if you don't mind my curiosity?"
Alex looked at the ground. "I can... Uh.... Turn into turtles..."

Jazzy grinned. "My power is spontaneous Dance Inducement. That, and I can play any instrument thrown my way." She took her guitar and held it in her lap. She smiled at Derek and said "That must've been one hell of a party."
Derek was intrigued and delighted to hear their powers. He chuckled and said, "Turtles, you say? I absolutely love those little reptilians. And spontaneous Dance Inducement, as well as a natural musician? Well, Jazzy, you'd certainly be quite the talk and life of any party I ever went to!" Derek rubbed the bridge of his nose once more and said, "As for the party, yes, it was quite fun. Even won some money from it, from what I recall." Derek patted his pocket, feeling the money tucked safely away. He then said, "So, is it just us three, or are there more delightful people on their way to bless us with their presence and company?"
"There should be more." Jerome said. "Apparently we have at least five people in here. They might be late or somethin'"
Marth was wandering around, completely lost. The door of the classroom swung open and a rustleing noise was heard as he walked in, dragging a bag three times his size behind him. "i'm wost a-an is dis woom j-111?" the tiny child squeaked out adorably as he tried dragging the bag into the room some more. His eyes had tears in them and he seemed on the verge of wailing. on his back, there was what appeared a seathed sword that was fake but at the time, you couldn't tell. All anyone knew was that there was a tiny kid with a huge bag with him and he was about to bawl his eyes out.
Derek immediately turned his attention towards the seemingly small child that wandered into the room. He saw that the child seemed confused and lost, so much that he appeared on the verge of crying. Derek rushed towards the child and picked up the bag for him and, looking down at him with a warm, triumphant smile, said, "Yes, little one, this is room J-111. Please now, do not be upset, for you have nothing to fear from others who are just like you. If you require any other form of assistance, please, do not hesitate to ask."
Marth looked up at the man infront of him and noticed the smell of alcohol. Then he started to shake. and then he sniffled before he clapped his hands together once and he touched the ground. With a sudden burst of light, a mixture of concrete and carpet formed a box around him. And finally, in the box, the child cried.
Jazzy's heart went out to the little kid immediately and she immediately stood to rush over—

To her utter surprise, Alex was there first. "Hey, Kid," he said softly, knocking on the concrete box. "Wanna come out? No one's gonna hurt you." Out of all of the people here, Alex most likely understood the boy. Hiding from things was another one of his not-so-many talents, and he knew the best way to get accross to the boy was by coaxing him out gently.
Hearing the soft voice, Marth sniffled before he decided to come out, the box vanishing away. "I'm scawd..." The child whispered as he looked up at the big person infront of him. He still shook, and a single tear ran down his cheek slowly.

Jerome cocked his head. "Am I the only one that thinks it isn't likely that this kid has been dragging around that bag all day? The straps are have room, as if someone bigger than him has been carrying it. Are your parents around here?" He asked, curiously as he stood. @GoldenChari
Jazzy nodded. "I was about to say the same thing." She said, putting her finger to her lips in a pondering way.

Alex, who wasn't listening at the moment, nodded to the boy. "I know you're scared, but no one out here is going to hurt you. Okay?" He held out his hand for the child to take it. "I'm Alex. What's your name?"
"I Mawth. Mawth Fwames!" The kid blurted out, tiny cat ears then sprung from his hair and a tail popped out. "Yew seem nice mister awex." Marth sheepishly smiled. "Mommy and Daddy are sweeping." The kid responded when his parents where mentioned.
Alex smiled. "Nice ears," he said.

Jazzy grinned. "Well would you look at that. Shy Guy made a friend." She said. "Not every day you see a turtle and a cat making friends." She giggled. She took her guitar in her hands and began to play (not sing, for she knew if she sang everyone would start dancing and she didn't want to do that to the people she just met) "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Greenday.
Marth blinked at the guitar and he coughed. Suddenly he became older after a popping sound and he shook his hand getting rid of the smoke. "God damnit..." Marth sighed. "I musta been stuuuuh...." The boy trailed off when he saw others by him. "Who are you all?" Marth questioned, reaching for his sword, his fingers wrapping around the butt of it as he stepped back a bit.
After a long walk by the school Melissa came in, with confusion in her green eyes "Excuse me, is this the room j-111?" she looked around she still confused already had been in the wrong class twice, and did not want to do it again, 'I hope they don't mind that I smell like lilies' Melissa thought as she waited for the answer.
Alex looked to the new girl and his heart stopped. He paled, then blushed cherry red as he stood, nearly completely forgetting about the new kid who was now a teenager. "Yeah..." He said, his voice cracking.

Jazzy giggled, then turned to the new boy. "What happened there, Marth? Is changing ages your superpower?" She asked, still playing her guitar. "I'm Jazzy, by the way, Jazzy Johnstone."

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