School Of Stars | Fight To The Top

sunshine and whiskey

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here we shall discuss important plot points, relations and among other things. :)

I have a quick question, can we make two characters, or are we only allowed to make one?

Thanks for the clarification.
JujuBee said:

I haven't listened to him a lot recently, but I LOVE his Acid Rap mixtape. I'll have to give both songs a listen.

Anytime. :)


You posted your character sheet on the wrong thread. Please copy and paste it to the Character Sign-Up thread and delete it from the In-Character thread. Thank you. Plus, I suggest you follow my character sheet format if you want to be accepted. :)

Hello everyone! Hope you guys are enjoying your day today!! :)

I will critique characters tonight and accept or not accept them. :) I am looking at starting the roleplay by Wednesday night.

Any objections?
Yeah Im sorry I just make my own character thread most of the time so I forget sometimes people require there own format ill get to it though
@Sidewinder & @Dlabell9

Once you guys make the necessary changes to your guys characters, do not forget to tag in this thread whenever you are finish. :)

Alright, I'll change that bit of background. I wasn't aware of that, but maybe it's how it works in your country. Over here, schools such as this only worry about your skills regarding the course you're looking to do. :P E.g, to go to an art college we need to get a certain grade, just in art.

Really? Maybe I should come there and go to a school. Haha. Wasn't trying to be offensive there, just saying. :/ But thank you for making the changes, I shall take a gander at them now. :)
Sorry, I haven't actually had a chance yet. I'll get to it after school. xD I wasn't offended, just pointing that out. x) So don't worry about it.

She would not be accepted to Grandell Heights just because she can write well. The school is too prestigious for that. Might want to pick something else, please. Also, remove your OOC comment from the Character Sign-Up thread, please.
There fine removed well what the heck else is there to do the one thing I want to do is already taken and aside from piano the only thing I could think of is writing but I wont do screen writing because its already taken and I would just much rather prefer not to
Well I know but I just want to be my own person its always been my thing I always hated picking something everyone else picked because I just thought I was just going with the crowd I want to be special so I would always choose something no one else has

:/ There is going to come a time when someone picks something that you want but you cannot let that stop from picking the same thing, just make it into your own. Two writers, including myself, choose dancing, but we've added our own dynamics to it. All three of them specializes in ballet but two excluding one specializes in Hip-Hop as well.

Makes sense?

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