School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

Will do. And its fine. But.... can you explain to me how exactly I am supposed to start and such? I have been reading over it a little, but I am still confused. Sorry, sort of new
@kinadra So far it's simple, kids are just showing up at the school grounds, exploring, getting settled again. Teachers are in the teacher lounge planning some ipenning events for them now. Find someone and post to them. She would basically be coming back to school. I think the cat Character Blake is alone if you want to try to chat with that one.
Name: Zed Ryker

Age: Unknown; Physical Appearance - 25

Gender: Male

Year: History Teacher

Unknown Type: Angel

Skills/Powers: He was an Angel of Death who decided to reside on Earth. Due to his inherent status as an Angel of Death, he is quite powerful, but not overly so since he isn't connected to Heaven. He can fly with his wings, of which there are six. He is abnormally strong, fast, perceptive, perhaps to a little greater degree than some of the students due to his advanced age. But, his true power is his intellect. He is a Genius with an incalculable IQ. He is wise and street smart as well. He uses all these powers in tandem to keep the students in check, as he is a strict teacher. He chose history because he was interested in the human fascination with it.

Weaknesses: He is a little arrogant, and he doesn't accept failure. There are sigils that can be made in blood to repel him. He also doesn't enjoy sunlight (not like a vampire, he just prefers to be in the shade).

Personality: As stated, he is arrogant to a certain degree. However, although he doesn't accept failure, if it occurs, it compels him to try harder, which his immeasurable IQ allows him to do. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares for, and he cares for those who have the values he prizes: integrity, courage, and, interestingly not intelligence, but curiosity to become more intelligent. As a teacher, he is strict, and isn't afraid to get physical. But, he is greatly enthusiastic about his class, so most students in past years enjoyed his class. His age also predisposes him to use older, more chivalrous language and actions.

Background: He roamed for a long time after falling to earth. He lived through the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Great Depression, etc. As such, he is very knowledgeable on his subject. Eventually, he was taken in by this school, so he is fiercely protective of his colleagues, especially the headmistress due to her acceptance, and the reputation and integrity of the school means a lot to him.

Unknown Appearance: Imagine the picture below, except the man has curly golden locks that fall down to his eyes. He wears dark suits and black shoes most of the time (casual is a dress shirt and tie). However, his angel form loses the suit and rolls up the sleeves of the dress shirt. He gains the six wings, but they are black to signify his position as an Angel of Death. He is muscular, but no bulging. The form glows with a radiance that can be blinding at first and the release of the form causes a small whirlwind around him. True form release induces a brief moment of fear and awe in all who are watching.

Human Appearance: Same as the Unknown Appearance, just without the wings and with the suit.
@Gabriel Ryker

Approved after some discussing. ^.^ His Angel form has a fear/awestruck effect player's choice how it effects their character.

Gabe, (if you don't mind me calling you that) Auzzy (Eris) and Gemini I trust in this rp, so if you have any questions and I'm not around go to them. They have background and such to the RP pretty well down packed.

I've decided to make another character.

Neru Vulpes

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Year: 2nd

Unknown Type: three-tailed Kitsune


Fox-fire Manipulation: User is able to generate and manipulate fox-fire which is a mixture of fire, electricity and light. He can only control the elements he generates, and not fire from a lamp or lightning from a power cord.

Pocket Realm: The user can create a realm in any space and access it at any time. He created a realm in his subconscious, and can access it during sleep.

Self-sleep Inducement: The user can make himself fall asleep, or wake up, at any time.

Flight: The power to fly or otherwise move through the air.

Weakness: Fear/hatred of dogs. He has mastered flight only to the point where he can levitate, and great heights would make him have trouble balancing. He can sleep walk and won't remember anything that he did while sleep walking. Because he doesn't know when he is sleepwalking, he won't wake himself up because of it.

Personality: Very laid-back and lazy. Usually asleep most of the time, which can lead to a lot of sleepwalking.

Background: Came from the same area Blake Felidea came from.

Unknown Appearance: A three-tailed fox.

Human Appearance: Average height and weight. Wears a yellow sweater and light-blue pants. He has tan skin, three fox tails, and fox ears on his head. His eyes, if you ever see them open, are dark blue. His hair is blond.
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION]: done. I replaced dream manipulation to pocket realm and self-sleep inducement, as well as pointing out the fox-fire thing, just like we discussed. (I also put sleep-walking as a weakness)
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] : Meaning no one knows the gender of the character. It's gender is hidden. Is that allowed?
[MENTION=2954]DarkHost[/MENTION] Ah but it has one, yeah that's allowed. Only a few things, no harming students or staff (basically keep to the rules of the site) and it's unknown form *will probably call it a him because I usually name things I don't know the gender of male so heads up* Tengu is a crow/blackbird creature/monster/whatever so just to show wings in the unknown seems a bit weird. Also seen as the monster with sharp claws teeth and all red with the big nose. Be a bit more fair on the unknown appearance and it's approved.
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] : Yep it does have one and Kay I got it.

May the pic be a anime of what the Tengu looks like in it's unknown form?
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] : Yay~ thank ya very much.

Name: Senri Takuya

Age: 19

Gender: [ Trapped ]

Year: [ 4th year ]

Unknown Type: [ Tengu ?? ]


?Able to Warp or Shatter objects that come within a 5 feet away

?Moving instantly from place to place without using their wings.

?Able to hardened its wings to the point it almost unbreakable.

? Able to not feel pain - can feel it to a degree of a a small cut.


? Senri has to see the object right at the moment of its activation of the power. It has to be focused on a part of the persons body to have any physical damage to it.

? Their is a limit on how many time Senri can move instantly from place to place. Senri can move about 7 times but it has exceeded to 10 however, because of the multiple times of moving Senri loses its half it's sight. If used to much Senri can lose its eyesight permanently.

?Senri's wings are almost unbreakable however if drenched in water it will be useless.

?Even though Senri can't feel anything -Senri doesn't even know when to stop because it's body can't feel pain. If Senri doesn't stop it will eventually kill itself by not healing.

Personality: Senri 's personality comes out nice, formal and uniquely hidden. Inside is what you would see in the dark. Nothing. Cold air and the solitude of darkness is what you see. Having a quiet demeanor, Senri tends to be very warped and twisted deep inside. Having this cover of a different personality gave it to close up and be safe inside. So it would not have to think of anyone or see anyone. It would see them as a little spec of something that was smudged for Senri. Senri holds nothing dear to it, Senri is what it is. A person without a dream or passion to live. It only speaks half the time only meaning half of what it says. Its face says it all. A beautiful yet haunted expression that made you get chills down your spine. It doesn't know why it doesn't go against the way it lives.

Background: Senri was born in a wealthy family heir of the Tengu Clan. Ever since it was born it was cared for and loved but it looked liked it was being abused and haunted by a demon. Nobody in the household could understand Senri most were frightened because of the rumours of ever looking at it directly will be killed. Leaving Senri with no understanding why it was brought into this world. Senri was like this because of what happened when it was 5 years old. Senri's powers at its age were still wildly unstable and because of that Senri had caused many "accidents". Causing misfortune for the clan, Senri had unintentionally killed 3 members of its clan. Because of this Senri was treated differently and was never treated anyone as a equal.

Anything Extra:


? Being restrain-Tied up

? People who get to close--Try and figure him out.

Extra : Deaf

Unknown Appearance: (The mask is truly what it looks like )

Human Appearance

[MENTION=3756]Cold[/MENTION] Somehow your post for your character sheet vanished though can you repost it though? I like having access to them off and on when needed.

OH and Don't over do the winter powers. @.@ I approved in hopes that they were be used sparingly and understanding of being equal to most the other students.
Yes, I can redo. And don't worry, I wish not to. Though the reason she is attending the school is because she cannot control them.

Name: Cold

Age: No actual age, but looks to be in her late teens.

Gender: Female

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Doll

Skills/Powers: Possession of wintry elements. Mainly snow, frost, ice.

Weaknesses: Warmth, fire, intense physical force that could break her shell.

Personality: As her name states, she's a very cold and dry person. Acts in a superior attitude while keeping a dead calm, composed manner.

Background: None really know how Cold came to be. A soul trapped within the body of a beautiful, mobile doll. Confused upon her own creation and ability to manipulate wintry elements, Cold strives to learn a better way to harness and possess her abilities while finding her creator along the way.

Anything Extra: Cold speaks in haiku unless a short worded answer is in order.


View attachment 8668
Name: Ashia Lore Ferris

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Unknown Type: Half were-cat, half Venus fly plant

Skills/Powers: Sharp teeth, can change into a cat like creature but has like flowers and leaves growing out of it. Has a antro and a plant form as well. Has the ability to control/speak to plants. Doesn’t quite have as much agility as were-cats but still has above average agility so like a very agile human.

Weakness: Cold (like snow cold)

Personality: Sneaking, Wise cracking, likes to tease and play around but isn’t one to hurt people on purpose.

Background: Comes from two very loving parents who seem perfect for each other. It can be hard for her though since most seem to frown upon some of the types of monsters mixing. She in away won’t ever be accepted into either world.

Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance:

Cat like shape but with a few vines and flowers coming off the back as well. Black fur ears and tail, with white body and black markings like an Egyptian Mau.


Human Appearance:

Name: Ryoko Jigen

Age: lost track several millennia ago.

Gender: male

Year: gym teacher

Unknown Type: dimension walker


Dimensional Travel: The power to travel between different dimensions.

Power Replication
: The power to copy the powers of others. Can only copy one power when he leaves the dimension after finishing the "plot".

Most used copied powers: aura sphere, force push, flash step, flight, and shadow clones.

4th Wall Awareness: The ability to be aware that one's Universe is false, and potentially use this to act in otherwise impossible ways within their false Universe. Cannot use this power to literally read thoughts.

Immortality: The power to never age or grow old.

Weakness: Copied powers are not automatically mastered, and not at full power right away. Techniques used still have the same weaknesses. He cannot leave a dimension until the plot is finished (exception with Hub-worlds).

Personality: Comical. some think he is insane because knows he is in a roleplay.

Background: You expect me to tell you about his countless decades of dimension traveling? Long story short: he studies dimensions and learns new techniques and powers.

Human Appearance: He wears a black long-sleeve shirt that have gloves built into it and brown pants and shoes, which also seem to blend in with each other. His hair is dark grey and in small spikes pointing backwards. His eyes are a bright cyan (light blue).

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