School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

@Thesmashbro approved just remember to run any other powers he has through me first before using and he has no clue about the other character's post what they read forth wall wise. For example Deadpool who also has this power wouldn't know the script written for the other characters in the comics.
Name: Thaan

unknown, but looks around 17

Gender: Male

(1st – 4th : First being beginners freshmen, 4th being seniors) 4th

Unknown Type: (Faye, dragon, vampire, etc. Can even make something up.) Unicorn

Skills/Powers: (once more vampire super strength and agility at night) Healing, purity, plant growth.

Weakness: (for vampires stuff like sunlight maybe or garlic, each monster can be made for your own interpretation but balance the powers fairly with weaknesses, as well as if you use a traditional monster try to keep the powers within some research or aspect of that monster.) Darkness, anything evil or maleovent.

Personality: He is very naive and pure, eyes usually wide and doe-like. He is very girly and pretty, for a guy, and he isn't ashamed of it. He loves nature and animals, keeping plenty of houseplants and small animals in his room. He is very shy and socially awkward, although when he can get passed his shy-ness, he loves meeting new people. He doesn't speak any vulgar language, ever, instead substituting the cuss words for cutsey curses. (ex. Gosh darn it!)

Background: He has lived in the forest for most of his long, long life, so he isn't accustomed to modern technology or electronics. He has lived for a very, very long time, so although he is naive, he is also very wise. He can sense if certain people are 'impure' (read: have had sex) and he usually stays away from them.

Anything Extra: He might be, possibly, slightly gay. Maybe. (Meaning he is homosexual.) Also, although he can appear in a humanoid form, he still retains his horn, hooves for his feet, horse-like ears, and a tail.

Unknown Appearance: (monster etc like form, some won’t need this if their monster form is human enough) View attachment 9150

Human Appearance: (semi has to look like the monster form like matching hair color or eyes within reason.) View attachment 9151

@invaderscribble OMG I love the setup, post whenever you wish, Heads up I'm trusting you here xD the powers are vague so not sure what you mean by them but you're set up is done so nicely I have a sense you know what you're doing. As for healing etc etc don't go BAM you're healed have side effects, he gets tired when doing it or what not and he can't heal those who wish not to be healed. Leave drama in the school, after all drama is what makes a rp fun.

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