School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

He doesn't have superstrength or anything but he is stronger than the avrage human, a tad faster too but he's not like superman or anything. And mindreading is the only special power.
Deck: Flight? And sounds good. xD I ask ppl to list powers because so many types and versions of monsters out there. Like a day-walking vampire it wasn't an 'American' thing it was a clan thing in away if you go back to the good old vampire rp game Masquerade.
Name: Elrilinde

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Unknown Type: Swan Maiden

Skills/Powers: Has the ability to turn into a swan to return to human society, the rest to be researched and decided upon xD

Weakness: if someone were to take feathers from her in swan form then they can extract a wish. also if someone were to take her feathered cloak, that which allows her transformation into a swan, she would be bound to them until they return it.

Personality: Elrilinde is a soft spoken girl with a kind heart but a fierce nature when it comes to protecting her friends. She isn't generally a violent person, but more rather a timid girl with the tendency to hide in the shadows and watch from a distance rather than get involved with anyone, friends or the like.

Background: She doesn't remember much of her past before turning up at the school. She's only been there for a year and she's only just learning to master her human form. The only thing she remembers before being found by someone who knew of the school was being trapped when in a swan form, and put in a cage. She woke up shivering in her valkyrie form and an old woman sitting opposite her. She couldn't remember the reason she'd passed out but she thinks it had something to do with the bullet wound in her side. Why someone would shoot a swan is beyond her though.

Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance:

I was looking up info and i guess someone got it crossed, but there were a few sites that have those characteristics
Yeah, sometimes swan maidens are also claimed to be angels mattering the religion and all. Valks though are very Norse and very women of battle field and death in ways.

Name: Scarlet

Age: 17



Unknown Type: Water Nymph.

Skills/Powers: She can manipulate water and use 'suggestion' Which is like hypnossis, she is still working out the kinks

Weakness: Fire, and emphaths (they can tell, unless she gets really god, if she is using suggstion)

Personality: She is a happy and social person, she can trust a little to easy and hates her suggestion. She is kind to everyone untill they are unkind to her. She is social and loves to flirt, but can be completely un aware if someone likes her.

Background: Scarlet was named, because of Irony and born in the nile river, which is where her family has always been bound to. They can leave, the nile, and send the kids of to school and then they come right back.

Anything Extra: The side effect to her 'suggestion' I s they cant do the opposite after she orders them to do somthing. To use suggestion she foccuses on the order like 'sit down' and they do.

Unknown Appearance: None

Human Appearance: (Without the makeup)
Lil’s approved with these limits/power adjustments:

*can't control the element if it's in a living or undead body in ways.

I also am going to say it's not steam it's not ice it has to be water in that form. As well as stuff like you can't pull it from sinks if the sink isn't on well until closer to graduation.

The closer to graduation the more she can control it and easier. As for the hypnosis only way I'll let you have that is if it's suggestions which means a strong willed person doesn't always listen and can ignore such if they wish.

I don't want it working on teachers in other words :P for most students I don't care as long as it's not abused.

If the students don’t play along with it as much we can always add a rule that each student has to roll a 1d6 (2nd) or 1d4 (3nd) or 1d3(4th) shoot a dice verse their year and if they get a 1 they don’t have to do it if they get any other number they do WITHIN reason. First years don’t have as much training to resist.

*Things that are unhealthy or may danger or kill a student can automatically be resisted.
Name: Yin and Yan

Age: ~16

Gender: Female

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Emere

Skills/Powers: Can travel between the spiritual and physical world at will, power of seduction, skillful liars

Weakness: Joyful events can cause them harm (more so the traditional/ceremony type)

Personality: Yin is the more passive and feminine of the twins, she keeps most things inward aside from her creativity via writing, which reflects her cold or dark side; sometimes even you may see a longing for something if you managed a glimpse of her works.

Yan is the louder and more active of the twins, somewhat masculine if you will. She’s always striving for something and has the strength and vigor to make it happen. She is also viewed as the more kind and warming of the twins with her friendly ways and her creative outlet of choice is music.

Background: They were raised by their mother and have of yet to meet the elusive father that sends money and gifts each birthday yet doesn’t have the audacity to show up and come around them, at least not in their memories. As different as they are, Yin and Yan grew up quite close and share a strong bond true and tested, even if certain traits annoy the heck out of one another.

Anything Extra: The twins have a special bond; one might call it esp.

Human Appearance:

Name: Kenji Aimora

Age: ~15

Gender: Male

Year: 2rd

Unknown Type: Shadow deamon

Skills/Powers: Can manipulate shadows. (change their appearance, morph into objects, shadow walking)

Weakness: Shadows cannot exist without light, the shadows have a mind of their own and if misused or attempting to take on more than he can control they can work against him.

Personality: Bright and always trying to calculate the next step ahead, some may call Kenji smug or arrogant. If you asked him he would just say that he believes in himself and his abilities.

Background: Third born son with nothing to lose and everything to prove, he is actually quite competitive with his eldest brother(Ryker), who happened to be a top student years back when he was in attendance. He was used to being treated a certain way and was in for a shock when he wasn’t as doted upon at entrance to school like he had been at home. A year later he now understands, somewhat, how the teachers and staff work and treat students and has decided to prove it to them as well as the accumulating list of others that he is better than this contrived notion of himself.

Anything Extra: Kenji happens to be light sensitive, who would expect?

Human Appearance:
Same rules for seduction I gave lil's suggestion.

Liars are give and take of course mostly the teacher can see past but not most students.

blah blah most discussed in aim both of course approved.

@Lily @AlwaysChaos

and anyone else with suggestive or seductive or powers that fall under stuff like that.

Keep in mind the head mistress is probably the one who specializes in that stuff at that school which means you guys get taught by a voice off and on. Also the school teaches guards against such things hence the rolling. Have fun otherwise.
Name: Layla Rosewood.

Age: Unknown. But looks 18 years old.

Gender: Female.


Unknown Type: Banshee.

Skills/Powers: She can create a high-pitched, sonic scream that can kill a person at close range. Other than that, she has extreme strength as well. (She gains most of her powers at night.)

Weakness: She absolutely hates sunlight and daytime. Since she is a Banshee and practically lives on shadows, she has to stay in darkness. Which is why she mainly comes out at night.

Personality: Unknown. But some say she is very mysterious and doesn't talk very much.

Background: Unknown.

Anything Extra: During the day, she may just look like a normal girl. But at night, she becomes a monster. She almost looks like a skeleton, but a little bit more flesh on her bones. Also, she has a dog that was sent with her to protect her. His name is Teja, and he is the same as her. He becomes an undead creature at night.

(Teja's normal appearance:

Teja's at-night appearance:

Unknown Appearance: (At night..)

View attachment 7550

Human Appearance: (During the day..)

View attachment 7555
I'm sorry but I kind of don't want to RP the Roger's Academy. It was a splendid Idea, but always get writers block when I'm looking at it which makes me unable to post anything >.> I didn't put anything on the RP so it's easy to act like I wasn't there. Thank you for accepting me though~

Only problem I see is the scream of death, at most she would be allow is to deafen the kids for a few days to a week.

Sorry trying to keep all instant deaths and such away from this high school just in case.
Name: Janet/Helena C. Gemini

Age: 16


2nd year

Unknown Type:
hyde and jekyll

Skills/Powers: The power is basically the ability to switch between two fully thinking human beings. Like two parts of a whole person sharing one body that seem to be opposites for the most part. Janet: Extremely smart. Helena: Extra strong and agile and quick.

Weakness: They don’t have any clue what the other has done; it’s like a blank space when they aren’t in control. Almost like going in a deep sleep or parts of your life going missing. They are also in the mist of trying to learn how to control the shifts.


Janet is such the book worm, shy, gentle, kind, always willing to listen to others as well as help. She’s easily used and pushed around in ways or would be if it wasn’t for Helena. Janet is pretty much the goody two-shoes, and would never hurt a fly. She is also very into geeky stuff as well like super heroes and video games.

Helena is wild, open, bold, arrogant, and not afraid to let you know how she feels. She loves to party and get out. Painting walls and playing pranks seems to be something she tends to get carried away with at times. She is also not afraid to throw a punch or two if she feels it’s needed.


They didn’t even know about each other until their first year at this school. Thanks to the help of the staff they started to communicate with each other through notes, or text messages and other weird random things.

Human Appearance:

Name: Ryker Aimora

Age: ~22

Gender: Male

Teacher ( First year Ethics and History)

Unknown Type: Shadow Deamon

Skills/Powers: Shadow manipulation(animated shadow, cloaking, shadow walking, shadow influence) and able to visit the actual shadow realm

Weakness: Shadows cannot exist without light, the shadows have a mind of their own and if misused or attempting to take on more than he can control they can work against him.

Personality: Cold and calculating, much like his brother except he has the charm and appeal to pull it off and still attract others to him.

Background: First born of the current Aimora clan and their prodigy, eldest brother to Kenji and fresh graduate.

Anything Extra: Dachi

Unknown Appearance:

this roleplay looks interesting. can i join?

Blake Felidea

Age: 17

Gender: male

2nd year

Unknown Type: Neko

Skills/Powers: Claw retraction, enhanced agility, enhanced dexterity, night vision, and chance manipulation (being a black cat).

Weakness: Easily distracted by dangling string, laser lights, and catnip. Also hates water.

Personality: Shy, quiet, and mostly keeps to himself.

Background: Used to live in a town where 'half-breeds' like himself were not treated very differently from any other human, but that town got destroyed. He moved to the School for the Unknown afterwards.

Unknown Appearance: A black cat that is indistinguishable from other cats.

Human Appearance: Average height and skinny; wears an orange T-shirt and light brown pants; hair, tail, and cat ears are all black, even though his skin is tan. the only cat-like attributes he has his his ears, tail, and green eyes. (default appearance)
Name: Rhys Grieves

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Merman

Skills/Powers: Rhys can breathe underwater like any normal merman, he can communicate with any kind of sea creature, he has a slight control over water, able to navigate waters fairly easily

Weakness: Has a poor sense of direction on land, dehydrates easily, slow on land and clumsy as well, can get very hurt from fire, even without touching it

Personality: Rhys is usually quiet and doesn't talk much as he tends to ramble a lot. He is a dorky type of guy and gets awkward pretty fast in a social situation. Rhys is kind of defensive as well and doesn't open up a lot. He is sweet and cares about others though. He is also sensitive about his past and can come off aloof at times.

Background: Rhys was born under the ocean and lived a pretty common merman life. His family moved around fairly but stuck to one Merpeople community. Rhys was out playing one day and managed to get caught in a storm that landed him on land. He found that he could change to human, but was confused. For a while Rhys went back and forth but has remained on land long enough to try and understand humans and found the school.

Anything Extra: Nope!

Unknown Appearance:

Human Appearance:

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