School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

@ Lost_In_Paradise

I’m so sorry I just notice you mentioned a teacher now. I been running a touch wild the last two or so days. Although classes haven’t started yet, most are just getting settled in. From what I can see Lily‘s character is by the lake out front free and needs someone to chat with and Thesmashbro‘s character is in the hallway listening to music by the library.


Easiest way to join a rp guys is seeing who’s open and have your character react to them. xD Or go to someone who is already posting and react that way.
Name: Axel Navir

Age: appears to be 17, but actually 165

Gender: male


Unknown Type: skinwalker

Skills/Powers: can transform into animals, can make animal, and human sounds, super strength, and enhanced speed.

Weakness: white ash

Personality: Axel is incredibly morbid often scaring people away from talking to him, and the ones wo are brave enough to still talk to him he'll usually scare off with stories of stuff he had done to others. He's the type who thinks other peoples pain is funny, and seems more cynical then a maniacal monster who had ripped the skin from humans, and other monsters. However he does have unnatural bond with others like himself, or any animal as he'll talk to them, and accepts them as his brother and sisters.

Background: Axel was born in the year 1846 with the rest of the Navajo Indians, and was constantly on the run with them as their land was forcefully taken, and over the years he had grown strong, and hard from the things he had seen. By the time he was 10 he lost his parents in a raid that the Americans had planned. Axel survived that night by pure luck as he was out with the rest of the children saying their prayers while the parents were hunting. That night hardened him to the core, and sent Axel down the path of learning witchcraft. All he wanted was his parents back, and the farther he went down this path the more he lost his humanity, until all that was left of him was a empty shell devour of all emotions except hate. By the year 1863 he had mastered witchcraft, and had been using it to protect his tribe, and one night as he said his prayers to the Gods he had a premonition of great death that would strike his tribe tomorrow, and without his intervention they would all be wiped out. So without and resistance Axel gave himself over to witchcraft, and was granted strength, and speed beyond his wildest dreams. He used these powers to run out to meet the General Carson, and his regiment in battle. Axel fought like a demon out of hell as he massacred the army. He killed 300 of the soldiers before his body started to wear down fromwear, and tear. Axel had bullet wounds all over his body before he finally passed out seemingly dead, and instead of desicrating his body General Carson buried it. Years later Axel awoke from his slumber as if everything was normal to find the world completely diffrent.

Anything Extra: N/A

Unknown Appearance: View attachment 7700

Human Appearance: View attachment 7701
Name: Remy.

Age: Undetermined/Timeless.

Gender: Male

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Sandman


Powder Generation;

This ability enables him to generate a mist-like powder that resembles sand that can forcibly affect the sleeping functions of others.

Required for sleep manipulation.

Sleep manipulation;

> Sleep inducement; the ability to force another to sleep.

This ability allows the sandman to manipulate the level, depth and length of the target's sleep, putting them under and/or preventing it altogether. Upon waking the target remains in a state of lethargy until the 'sand' is removed from their eyes.

Dream Manipulation

> Fear manipulation; Able to manipulate and amplify the target's fear through the creation of nightmare.

> Dream Walking; The ability to enter target's dreams.

> Sub-conscious Manipulation; relating to his own dreams/mind.

> Memory Manifestation; Capable of manifesting the memories of others.

> Shape shifter; Can take the shape of another.

The ability to enter, project/create, modify, suppress, influence, detect and observe the dreams of others.

Both the target and Sandman must be asleep to use this ability*.


His abilities favour youth, those who are older can more easily resist/see through the Sandman's guise in dream.

General; Sleep Inversion, lethargy (reduced/delayed physical/mental response), prone to flu like symptoms, (high fever, headaches, sore throat), water (unknown form).

Powder Generation/Sleep Manipulation; Dizziness, double vision (uses his own energies).

Dream Manipulation; Immediate inducement of a coma like state.

*He has been known to perform this ability wide awake though it is accidental such as influencing/gate crashing a daydream and no where near the scale or potency of when he is asleep, he is simply an observer/visitor within the dream. This induces a catatonic like state (unresponsive, dulled response to pain, waxy flexibility etc. that can last for hours, even whilst his visit into his targets subconscious may last only several minutes).


Observant and an introvert he can be rather subdued and prefers the realm of dreams where his body is free from the ailments that seem determine to plague his human form (In which he becomes more inclined to interact with others).


Sleep is a vital to humans, dreams an awakening of our sub-conscious. But what of the sandman with the capability to manipulate these dreams? The story goes that he sprinkles sand into the eyes of reluctant children to induce sleep. The story goes that he removes the eyes of his victims and feasts upon them. The story goes that he guides us through our sub-conscious. All of this is of course an inherited history, the compiled chapters of subsequent beings. The truth however is something less romantic, rather it is an inherited skill set, it’s purpose, existence and usage dependent upon the user.

Anything Extra:

He possesses a fascination for eyes, finding them to be a most appealing feature and prefers dry/arid conditions. He also has few, if any real connections, and due to regular visits to the infirmary his is not a very well known presence except to those whom he shares his classes, although there are always rumours.

Unknown Appearance(s):

He is capable of shifting into a new form when stepping into another’s dream so as not to alarm or alert. This form is most commonly determined by the dreamer themselves; someone they know/have conjured from memory (the eye colour of these individuals is always the same shade of blue; refer to human appearance-, which if you know the Sandman and his abilities may give him away). His facial skin begins to warp and twist like wet sand, morphing/reshaping the skin/body to reveal his human form upon settling as the dreamer becomes more aware or the sandman actively reveals him self.

When performing any ability and/or upon retaking his human form in a dream, his skin retains the sculptured appearance surrounding his left eye. This shifts slowly in a constant state of flux, as though the human skin he wears is one he has unconsciously adopted to retain solid form.

Ref (metamorphosis); Ka-lick

Human Appearance: Ku-lick
AllHailDago said:

Name: Syrus Varen

Age: Real age: Unknown Appears and acts: 17

Gender: Male [most of the time]


Unknown Type: Shifter

Skills/Powers: Can transform into any living or non-living thing you can possibly imagine, as long as he has seen it before.

Weakness: Incredibly weak in terms of mental defenses most of the time as his mind is in constant flux. He also gains a partial second personality of whatever he transformed into after he goes back to normal.

Personality: He doesn't have any one personality as he is a shifter, a race so old it is said to predate this planet, and has gained small aspects of many creatures and things. One aspect that normally appears is that he has a thing for being chivalrous, most of the time. But you can't count on his personality being the same all of the time.

Background: Unknown

Anything Extra: He is quite attracted to redheads

Unknown Appearance: Anything he transforms into. Anything.

Human Appearance:
My main RP characters looks... xD
Name: Wylie

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Year: 4th

Unknown Type: Faun

Skills/Powers: Wylie can instill fear into any nearby target. This is mostly used as a defense mechanism to protect herself or a place. The fear is strong at first though it varies depending on the will of the person. The fear begins to ebb over time and as they are farther from Wylie.

Wylie has a strong sense of direction and can guide her way through any woodlands or forests, even in complete darkness.

Wylie also has a strong bond with woodland creatures and can call upon those nearby to aid her.

Weakness: Wylie gets scared around fire becoming skittish and can cause serious problems if not calmed down quickly. Wylie also physically weak as well and quite easy to harm. She is susceptible to cold climates and can get sick fairly easily. Also does not do well when enclosed in a small area.

Personality: Wylie is a friendly and sweet girl, although she is shy around strangers and easily nervous as well. She tries hard to impress people, but can be obnoxious and pushy as well. Wylie does not like jerks or rude people, but is a pushover as well and has trouble standing up to people. She is always willing to lend a hand to those in need and has trouble seeing the bad in orders. Wylie is very optimistic.

Background: Wylie grew up in a large forest. From a young age she lived along, wandering and living her life. She met humans a few times and those who did not run, allowed her to help them make it through the woods. Wylie was never afraid of them as most believed she was not real. Wylie had to move at one point when a group of hunters terrorized her home, but she later returned to take it back.

Wylie went to the school due to her desire to connect more with humans though she claims she randomly stumbled across it in searching for a new home after her old one burned.

Anything Extra: Wylie has an odd addiction to chocolate as she dislikes sweets and prefers bitter tasting food

Unknown Appearance:

Human Appearance:

Just a few things, if he’s that old why does he need to come to the school to learn his powers? @.@ Also his powers start out weak and grow stronger as he goes year by year in the school since part of it is learning them. That’s just a heads up. OH! And no hurting teachers or students . . . he may want to but he can’t. :P IF anyone gets to hurt the students it’s the teachers. *snickers* Also, what’s the background on the character?


Same question about age for your sandman, he has to be semi young or just growing into his powers when he joined the school at least. Plus all the other basic stuff he will learn, math/history/science, etc . . . if that’s fine for you I’ll let you leave the age as is. Just realize he’s starting out like the rest of the students with knowledge levels. I was also thinking the sand can be removed by others form the eyes although this process is harder. Like you remove sand with eye washes, luck, and so forth, all of it must be removed though for the effects to leave. It’s usually just more effective to allow the sandman to remove it since they can with ease. (Part of a failsafe since he’s still learning his powers lol)

If that is all okay Remy is approved.


Feel free to join the rp if you wish. But unless it’s chats about this rp please keep it elsewhere. As well as just because you use the picture a lot, unless you drew it anyone else can as well. :P There is no dibs or claims. He posted it first in the rp it’s his character.


Name: Mitchell Hart

Age: Undetermined // appears late 20's, early30's

Gender: Male

School 'Nurse' / Health advisor

Unknown Type: White Stag


Spiritual Symbiosis

Quintessence Force (Life force generation); is able to generate and control life force energy for a variety of means (including the formation of defensive barrier constructs and emitting offensive energy blasts.).

This ability enables him to manifest the pure, near limitless spiritual energy of the white stag and apply it in a variety of ways to the benefit of himself and others.

Required for all abilities except astral projection and those marked passive.

Astral Manipulation

> Mediumship; Is able to sense the presence of and communicate with the spirits of others (passive).

> Astral Vision; is able to see those creatures that hide in plain sight on unseen, overlapping planes of existence (passive).

> Astral Projection; is able to separate his spirit from his physical body.

> Astral Trapping; prevents unwanted spirits entering his body*.

The white stag is capable of controlling and manipulating astral energies.


He is able to call out to and communicate with the mind/spirit of another being (living, dead and from another world) and is capable of drawing it into his own. This enables him to share information, replay memories or events and draw out specific aspects of another to aid in their focus/recovery (such as confronting an emotion or thought via channelling).

Flawless Restoration

> Restorative touch; Can heal another via touch.

> Astral Projection; Can enter another body and aid in its recovery.

> Self-sustenance; Greatly reduces the stag’s physical needs through continued restoration (passive).

> Age manipulation; Removes the effects of time/aging (passive).

> Self Restoration; He is capable of rapid restoration and is immune to virus and foreign substances.

This ability allows him to heal all inflictions including physical, emotional and mental damage through various means and restore the target’s body to its original state*, such as lifting mental barriers, trauma and emotional pain, healing wounds and spiritual scars and purging the body of harmful substance.

Cannot heal the negative effects of spiritual symbiosis.

Aura Manipulation

Aura Reading; Can read the general health of another through their aura (passive).

Calm Inducement; The stag possesses a calm inducing aura that affects those within close range (passive).


General; Sudden memory/empathic/sensorial recall, can be touched by ghosts.

Spiritual symbiosis; Can severely harm the physical body if used over a long period or energy is channelled to quickly as the physical body is not designed to withstand such power. Can temporarily reverse/prevent the personal effects of flawless restoration and prevent the healing of others.

Flawless Restoration; *any spiritual/mental inflictions that have/are being caused by the target’s own abilities/unknown form cannot be healed in this way, the stag can only support and aid their recovery until the target’s mind/spirit becomes more receptive.

Evocation; could suffer mental damage, loss of control (temporary possession).

Astral manipulation; may portray characteristics of those he has recently possessed, *is open to temporary possession if the spirit is elsewhere (the healing energies of his own spirit banish the possessor upon return).


Earthy and relaxed, he is the type to tell it with a straight face and has a unique sense of humour that is somewhat of an acquired taste. Empathetic and understanding, he is non judgemental of others and takes an unbiased stance.


A deity of the forest, he is a symbol of that which eludes us and remains just out of reach, moving forward the hunt; mankind’s eternal spiritual quest. his is a powerful affinity for purity and peace, a messenger of the other world, a bringer of great change to those who have the fortune to encountered him, the effects of which can be witnessed in the great kingdoms of old and the vast metropolis’ we live in today.

He became tired of the hunt, of the message being lost and the anger and fighting that is born from his ‘protection’. He has been at the school for several years now, his abilities and talents put to use on the next generation.

Anything Extra:

The white stag is renowned for its ability to evade capture. His gaze also possesses a 'see through' quality.

Unknown Appearance: Symbiosis // Astral

Human Appearance: Physical

Approved . . . just don't over do it, and you're banned from the catacombs. :P

Than and he has no powers to banish ghost. I know you didn't list any but stating that clear here as well.
Not really what to say regarding the background of a jackalope....

Peter Ferre

Age: 18 human years.

Gender: Male

Year: 4th

Unknown Type: Jackalope

Skills/Powers: Lagomorph Physiology, Shapeshifter, Voice mimicry, Self-regeneration.

Weakness: Though he wields more control now than he once did, his powers are keyed into his emotions (he is highly likely to shift when under pressure/stress, and subconciously mimic the voice of those he is talking to.).

Personality: Reserved though excitable he is a curious being and somewhat of a daydreamer, slow to react on a mental level even as his body has already taken flight.

Background: An ally of the forest and those creatures that reside, he spent his former years in her embrace and travelled the expanses. His curiosity is what first drew him to humans and the death that followed them and their hunt. He began to learn their words, mimic their calls and shouts to lure them away from their pray until eventually he fell pray himself, a rare and elusive creature. A fitting prize for any hunter's wall and he has a scar on his left thigh to prove it where the bullet grazed the skin.

He was initially flighty upon leaving the forest, unsettled and easily scared by loud sounds, sudden movements and in general by the human world though he has calmed during his years in the school, now in his fourth year though being around humans still makes him uncomfortable.

Anything Extra: A vegan, he is prone to sickness when he eats anything meat based. Multi-lingual (His gift academically is a natural affinity for languages and he is fluent with both human and mythical allowing him to communcate with a wide array of beings). He can tell whether a creatures heart is filled with good intent. He sheds his antlers seasonally. Though not recognized as a power he has been known to be favored with good luck.

Unknown Appearance:

Name: Nirinae Minu

Age: looks about 15-18, is much older

Gender: female

Year: 1

Unknown Type: Vampire

Skills/Powers: Vampiric abilities such as enhanced speed, strength,

intelligence, etc.

Weakness: Dislikes sun, and that is powerless in the sunlight,

but it doesn't harm her.

Personality: Shy but sweet, and hates crowds, is feisty and not afraid to speak her mind.

Background: She was not bitten, she was born this way. Her mother a human,

and her father's DNA altered by a demon. The child, Nirinae,

is thusly a first-born vampire. She aged slow, and

stopped aging around the looks of a 15-18 year old, but she never

cared to keep track of how much time passed. She never really took much thought into humans

besides them being food, despite the time on her hands. Considering the changing

times, she decided it was time to quell her thirst and learn more

about human behaviors.

Anything Extra: N/A

Human Appearance:


Can you explain this a touch more? " Ergokinetic abilities such as energy manipulation,

and the ability to interact with spirits."

And the duel personalities kinda hyde and jeckle or . . .?
Name: Chaos

Age: 15

Gender: Male


Unknown Type: Demen

Skills/Powers: A demen doesn't really have skills or powers, just the ability to not die totally until his "host" or Agreii is dead.

Weakness: His Agreii.

Personality: His personality is spread into three parts, when he has fits, when he goes completely insane, and when neither of these is going on, when he's normal, but he's jittery because the slightest bit of pain, discomfort, or anger would send him either into a fit, or a moment of insanity, either murderous or just staring at people with a wide grin across his face. So he is constantly paranoid, looking behind him, rubbing what used to be his eyes, grabbing his arms.

Background: Demen live in a plane with nothing but soot falling from the sky, burned buildings, and nothing more. Chaos came from a tear in his world, but at a price... at going through the tear, his eyes were torn away from him, punishing him for leaving. He, knowing nothing of what just happened, cried out in pain. He passed out from blood loss and awoke at a hospital, where he was treated. He was incredibly frightened and managed to escape. Nothing else is known of him.

Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance: Sharp teeth, black nails, black tape over his eyes, short black hair, slightly tanned skin, black and white earrings, the black one in his right ear and the white one in his left ear, black and white checkered wristbands on both wrists, black and white high-top sneakers, slightly torn jeans, a chain necklace with a silver crow skull as a pendant, and a black jacket.

Human Appearance: same, but with more rounded teeth and shades.

I meant interact with spirits in the way that, she can see them, and hear them, talk to them. Simple stuff like that.

Ergokinesis is the power to manipulate all forms of energy with the mind. One with this power can keep energy as potential or cause it to release itself sporadically. One with this power can negate potential energy, thus keeping oneself and others in continuous motion. One with this power can even generate energy perpetually, and thus have peak stamina and/or release the excess energy to fly or shoot bolts, blasts or rays. For a beginner, probably all she could do is take some energy as an alternative to blood, since all people have their life force energy that is a good source to take from. All it would do is make them tired. And she could, at this skill level, make simple constructs from psi balls. Constructs are made from balls of energy(psi balls), and they do simple tasks, the higher the skill level, the more complex the task.

Yeah, kinda hyde/jekyll. Vamp side is more outgoing, other side is shier. Vamp side at night, ergokinetic side during day.
@kinadra I'm going to ask you to pick one, vampire and that set up or energy set up since well I've been worried about the students being over powered as is. If it's the energy one keep in mind she's learning so concussions and such may come if you try to go too far with that. IF done with energy can't effect others without the player's permission (not characters). That and ghost interaction wouldn't be part of the energy or vampire. Just due to some of the ghost students and such their ghost powers are to hide and those with powers to interact with ghost seems silly unless it's to null that hidding fact. Ghost can interact with whoever they want in this rp, they just have to want to interact.
@kinadra Approved, just make sure to run by me any of the 'etc' powers first. I do this since I know there is a wide range mattering the monster and you never know. Sorry I didn't notice/click sooner about the edit.
Name: Raevum Aerlen

Age: 16 (He is mortal, but has a elixir his old 'teacher' was working on for extended life but not immortality. He hasn't taken it and isn't sure if it even works.)

Gender: Male

Year: Second

Unknown Type: Elementalist

Skills/Powers: Telekinesis- Using the air around himself rather then around the object Raevum can lift most smaller objects usually around 10 lbs or 4.5 kg, larger as well, but it requires much more energy to not only maintain control of the air but to lift objects (He also has to be able to see the object to use his telekinesis on it). Weaving the air through movement of his arms he can make a more controlled and condensed pocket of air, usually used for heavier objects or combat for defense or offense.

Fireball- Using himself as a medium, he can absorb the surrounding heat and transform it into emotional rage and internally extend the energy to his hands to form a fireball. Or use his rage to extend into a firball without using the external heat, slightly more difficult since the energy source is not external. He can usually mantain fair accuracy of his fire ball in a 23 ft. or 7 meter radius.

Ball of Air- If used in combat a ball of air is usually only dangerous if within 10 ft or 3 meters, the distance concept is the same as the fireball. A condensed ball of air is usually within the use to knock someone down or drive the air from their lungs, if attempted use is to be fatal it requires more concentration and with the required use of two hands, as well as the only allowed fatal distance.

Shield of Air-By condensing the air infront or around himself Raevum can creat a shield made of air. Can also weave the air through use of his arms to make a more condensed shield. A shield of air isn`t best against fire, but can make small exceptions through his lesser ability to use water and condense the moisture in the air to fend off heat, to at least a certain extent.

Life energy- With the concentrated energy of the elements air, heat, and water small plants like flowers, berries, small crop, small weeds, ect. can be aided in growth with a mild form of life energy considering that his water manipulation is poor. The mixture of each element proves difficult at his current level of magical prowess and isn't used often.

Weakness: He is usually stationary when he uses his abilities, prone to weakness if the opponent is too fast for him.

-Using elemental energy from himself takes his own energy, like his stamina or he can get cold if he uses too many fireballs from a 'internal source' (about 3 fireballs will make him cold enough to start shivering since he isn't the best in fire manipulation).

-Absorbing abilities has a negative affect on his body if he does it too much, he can get a fever if he converts too much heat into physcial energy or a cold with air.

-Long term affects of energy conversion is the energy turning in on himself, however much he absorbed takes that much more out of him after he's done using it, bad on his stamina, sometimes making him pass out.

-He isn't a good fighter and can at best be an amateur boxer, not exactly the type to engage someone up close and personal. Also his manipulation of the other elements is very little, practically non-exsistent.

-Drawback of using life energy is his hair will turn gray for a set amount of time, usually a day. His manipulation of life energy is poor at best and straining at worst.

Personality: Raevum has been very intent on learning how to control his abilities. Not taking into the account of limits, which sometimes got him hurt in his previous year, like a cold from too many fireballs or passing out from using too much energy. The only problem was he experimented by himself, too scared of being judged by others, but leaving him at the mercy of his on actions. He usually kept to himself, trying to spend time with teachers more so since he felt like he wouldn't fit in if he spent time with other teachers. He respects people and their boundaries, not sure how he would go about making friends if he ever had to.

Background:Raevum hadn't a clue about his ability until someone revealed his trait to him, showing him his elemental affinities. After showing him enough to at least know he could control air he was told of the school he was at now. Trying to learn of his abilities but while being mortal. He knew people lived many live compared to him so he got the idea to work hard, but since he was shy he was the quiet kid that read books by himself but tried to impress his teachers. He didn't distance himself from others, he simply didn't communicate with them. He grew up an orphan with a nice simple family that showed him his great love for the outdoors, maybe it was also because he was a elementalist but that was before he knew about his powers. He used to spend alot of his time in the woods living alone, especially after he learned how to build snares.

Anything Extra: Not really anything I can think of right now.

Unknown Appearance: N/A

Human Appearance:
@Raevum I've been pondering over your character awhile trying to figure the best way to put this. This place is more a school to learn how to control your magic/natural monster abilities. You're character seems more fit for a harry potter roleplay. And I'm sure there are magic schools in this world too for the humans so it seems a bit weird to accept one into a school for monsters. Monster him up some? And no abilities that easily kill other students. >.< Well unless you're a teacher xD and one of the few teachers I have selected to help run the rp at times.

*Side Note: This has nothing to do with what I said above, but I do have a slight pet peeve when people use their usernames for their characters.
Don't worry about it, I messed up and should've known better. Helps me to make sure I know what I'm doing wrong, although I admit I feel really dumb for making him too tough. :P Just a learning step as far as I'm concerned.

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