School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]


One Thousand Club
This is a place where all your little unknown or unbelieved in creatures go to learn to master their powers and learn to blend in with the human world. Monsters, demons, or over all unknown beings have been part of this world since the dawn of time. How have the managed to stay hidden for the most part though? They go to school to learn to master their creature’s skills.

Keep in mind just because one learns to fit in with the humans doesn’t mean they learn to get along with them or not harm them. It’s more . . . they learn to cover their tracks in case they do decide to go down that darker road. It is highly frowned upon to do such darkness by the school and isn’t allowed while you’re a student but they can’t stop you once you graduate.

Saying that, some creatures get jobs making sure their myths/stories stay alive, all the while not getting caught. There is a wide range of needs/jobs for such beings, and they keep the world turning in ways even the most humans could never imagine.

What goes to this school: Things that go bump in the night, aka monsters, but this RP covers most magical creatures as well. In this school you can be any type of being within reason. Don’t go overboard with powers (so no gods). Yes even Japanese monsters are allowed, aka Kitsunes and such, even aliens.

The school grounds have dorms and all, (to make it simple it’s kinda like Harry Potter’s setup there). The unknowns aren’t allowed to leave school grounds without permission and usually an escort of some sort. Off and on there are field trips to special areas, or even to human locations. These trips usually have strict rules though that must be follow and guidelines that must be met. For example if going to a human location one has to be a sure master of the human disguise before being allowed to go.

Over all this is a pretty open role-play for people to come and go in. Just something to sit back and relax in, maybe even create your own plots.

*Remember you’re here at this school trying to learn and master your powers and weakness’ to best benefit you. In other words you will be a bit slow at using them as a first year and closer to having them down packed as a 4th year.


1: At least 3 lines per post.

2: Characters much be approved here first.

3: Teachers/staff must be discusses in private with Alexina first.

4: Try to keep OOC chatter out of the main RP thread, chat all you want about your characters here.

5: Most powers have a related weakness, for example vampires have super strength to an extent and agility but also are weaklings if not dead in the sunlight.

6: If you’re a monster with a non-human form you start out mostly in that non-human form. You learn to use a human form of sorts by around the end of the 1st year.

7: High-school base so try to use around high-school ages unless you’re staff then of course that ranges.





(1st – 4th : First being beginners freshmen, 4th being seniors)

Unknown Type: (Faye, dragon, vampire, etc. Can even make something up.)

Skills/Powers: (once more vampire super strength and agility at night)

Weakness: (for vampires stuff like sunlight maybe or garlic, each monster can be made for your own interpretation but balance the powers fairly with weaknesses, as well as if you use a traditional monster try to keep the powers within some research or aspect of that monster.)



Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance: (monster etc like form, some won’t need this if their monster form is human enough)

Human Appearance: (semi has to look like the monster form like matching hair color or eyes within reason.)

RP Link:

This sounds interesting so I filled out a form~

Name: Rose

age: (currently unknown) but looks around 15-17

Year: 2nd

Unknown Type: Living doll

Skills/powers: Can't feel physical pain (that doesn't mean she can't die) Increased strength, immortality and unnatural beauty

Weakness: if injured instead of bleeding or an open flesh wound she get's cracks in her skin that spread unless she injects herself with another dose of her medication, if that dose is not given she will crumble into dust

Personality: Appears sad and emotionless, but if you talk to her she is a very outgoing and happy person who tends to think outside of the box. Although sometimes she can get to caught up in her own emotions that she tends to forget about how other people may feel.

Background: She was created by a scientist way back in the 1800's she has known of others like her and has seen 3 of them crumbled and die before her own eyes. She wishes to find others like her and help them anyway she can.

Anything extra: N/A

Unknown Appearance: skin gets porcelain like and her eyes become clouded, she won't talk and her joints tighten, causing doll like movements.

Human Appearance:

View attachment 7476
Name: Kira

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year: 2nd

Unknown Type: Kitsune

Skills/Powers: Agility, speed, camoflague to the point where she is nearly invisible, climbs well, has pointed canines. She can also communicate with animals.

Weakness: Even though she can climb very well, she's afraid of heights. She also cannot swim. She is very hot headed sometimes and it gets her in trouble. She is very quick on her feet but is a klutz.

Personality: She's very sweet and caring to those she loves, but will either stay quiet or become agitated around strangers. She's terribly opinionated and boastful, and often her remarks will get her in trouble.

Background: Unknown

Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance:

Human Appearance: Same
Name: Reginald ‘Reg’ Carmine

Age: Looks 17 in human form Around 600 in actuality

Gender: Male

Year: Music Teacher

Unknown Type: Male Banshee

Skills/Powers: He is able to produce an ear piercing and perhaps fatal screech and even the softest melody. Has an air of death and often is around when someone is about to die or dying, which is useful when rooting out students that which to cause harm to other students...think of it a Death Sense. In his Unknown appearance he is able to move through solid objects and turn invisible, and just as ghosts can posses bodies of which he can do the same when in his corporeal form…which puts a new meaning to first hand experience to students that ask for help.

Weakness: Due to their opacity in their unknown form, they have to concentrate to do more strenuous physical activities when in that form, even if they are not currently opaque...his many years have made this vastly easier however. Can not stand incompetent individuals, especially when they do not even try to improve themselves.

Personality: Somewhat short-tempered with those that seem to be ignorant, highly intelligent due to his long life span, deep in thought most of the time, hard to earn his trust, callous to those that have irked him in the past.

Background: He was the result of a female banshee growing to love a human man, back somewhere in the 1400’s. Due to his mother being not of human decent when he was born he was ostracized with his mother, them simply fading away from the father’s sight one fateful night. Reg has strong resentment toward his father because he did not stand up for his mother, him simply sending her off with a new born child. Because his mother gave birth to a half human banshee and it being a male, she was also ostracized out of the banshee fold. Reg simply bounced around for six hundred years with no path set before him, which caused him to grow a bit cynical to say the least.Recently-this is going to be his first year teaching here-he has found himself teaching at the school, currently in the Music department...which he enjoys for the most part.

Extra: Nothing I can think of at the moment.

Unknown Appearance:

View attachment 7477

Human Appearance:

View attachment 7478

And also...

Name: Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Glistel

Age: Nineteen years of age

Gender: Female

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Lycanthrope (Therianthropy)

Skills/Powers: When transformed she has enhanced strength and agility more so than when she is in human form, albeit in human form she is still stronger and quicker than humans. She has enhanced senses in human and in her unknown form, Ie: sight, smell, hearing…etc. The transformation is triggered by anger and or similar strong emotional tendencies, rage/anger are the chief cause of the transformations though. This is not to be confused with those humans that revert into a wolf form under the light of a moon, (be it full or not) those are the shape shifters that can not control their transformations…but the misinterpretation is understandable, they are alike in many ways. Lycans have the ability to communicate with dogs, wolves, and canines of similar kinds which is why you seem to see lycans surrounded with wolves and so on.

Weakness: Short tempered but is working on it, her transformations can happen and cause an injury to those around her that provoke her anger. Rancid smells are more attuned to her, causing an inherent distaste to pungent foods and similar rotting items such as cheese and dead bodies. The same can be said about loud noises, it causing migranes and the such.

Personality: Protective of those that she would call friends, prone to aggravation when dealing with situations that annoy her, inquisitive, occasionally shallow when need be, other times thoughtful, sort of a comedian which helps her anger problems.

Background: She was born from two lycans both of them being born just as she was, which has been the way since quite a while. The wolf-which is somewhat akin to lycans-is a pack centered creature for the most part, so her family is close to her heart. Since she was born into the fold she was not changed and therefore didn’t have to flip a coin to see if she would be able to change at will as her family has always been able to, werewolves being the ones that can not change of their own free will them being changed through a bite from another werewolf or a lycan who can change freely. Unlike her pack she has not been of this world that long, as of right now only a mere nineteen years. She has been to the school for two years and this will be the third year, her transformations becoming easier and more cohesive with each year. Her family is full of warriors, which in turn obviously means that she has inherited their battle sense and had received training from an early age from them.

Anything Extra: Her family has a friend ship with other Therianthropes-Ie: metamorphic transformations into animals-the same is partially said toward those that are half human and half animal (Theriocephaly) which they have similar friendships with the more well known families.

Unknown Appearance:

View attachment 7494

Human Appearance:

View attachment 7496

Name: Kibeth Yoshi

Age: 24 in appearance (age unknown like most monsters)

Gender: Male

English Teacher

Unknown Type:Baku (dream eater) -

Skills/Powers:Can eat dreams/nightmare it is said that if a Baku eats your dreams you will be given good luck for awhile sometimes for a whole year. It is also claimed that it can take away all of one’s hopes and dreams. Slight ability to shape shifts his monster form only. He can walk in other’s dreams and even change them about like a sandman. Enhanced Immunity and Strength, sometimes can enhance the healing ability of sleep in others.

Weakness:He seems to be always tired and or a bit sleepy. He tends to fall asleep at the most random times.


Kibeth had always been eccentric in his own ways. He has been rumored to eat books or writings from times to time. Not really insane . . . just weird all around, and not always all there.


Kibeth has been with the school for some time, and is the type to be considered a hard worker. Well when he’s awake that is. Keeping him on as a teacher has been hard and troublesome because of his ability to fall asleep during his own lectures at random. The fact he cares deeply for his students though and does his best for them and to get them to learn keeps him an important part of the staff never the less.

Anything Extra:

Unknown Appearance:Has been at the school long enough that only a few teachers have seen his monster appearance and some of their descriptions seem to counter each others.

Human Appearance:


Name: Syrus Varen

Age: Real age: Unknown Appears and acts: 17

Gender: Male [most of the time]


Unknown Type: Shifter

Skills/Powers: Can transform into any living or non-living thing you can possibly imagine, as long as he has seen it before.

Weakness: Incredibly weak in terms of mental defenses most of the time as his mind is in constant flux. He also gains a partial second personality of whatever he transformed into after he goes back to normal.

Personality: He doesn't have any one personality as he is a shifter, a race so old it is said to predate this planet, and has gained small aspects of many creatures and things. One aspect that normally appears is that he has a thing for being chivalrous, most of the time. But you can't count on his personality being the same all of the time.

Background: Unknown

Anything Extra: He is quite attracted to redheads

Unknown Appearance: Anything he transforms into. Anything.

Human Appearance:
Dingo: Just making sure of a few things. Only can transform into one thing at once? and they can never be as strong as the thing they transform into if you're going to claim powers as well please at least limit that to 50%? Also for fictional characters the best you can do is some guy in a costume, or if it's a real person on tv them.

Muse: You're so in. ^.^ Love the banshee picture and set up.
Yeah he can only be one thing at a time. Even if he is only doing a partial transformation like his foot or something he can only be one item or being at a time, though he can switch to another in a fairly short amount of time somewhere between ten seconds and a full minute depending on the size difference from the next form and his current one. On the power note, would 75% be ok?
Dingo: Someone just mentioned it says fictional characters as well. Most you can do is reflect the real people playing those characters. So if it's like Godzilla a guy in a lizard outfit, CGI not working. And I'll give you the 75% if you promise not to abuse it. If so I'll send something that can go invisible to kick him into (Gemini's terms) a black hole. Haven't rp'ed with you yet so I'm not sure on how much a power play user you are or not it's why I'm being careful sorry.

(( Name: Francis Alexander

Age: He has been a vampire for 35 years, but remains in his 17 year old body that reflects the age and appearance of when he was turned.

Gender: Male

Year: 2nd

Unknown Type: Vampire, Daywalker (immune to sunlight. May also be referred to as a 'American vampire' )

Skills/Powers: Mindreading

Weakness: Can't control what he hears when he's mindreading or when it happens, though he's trying very hard at it. He MUST feed nightly, five pints at the very least or he experiences a version of dehydration and starvation that will lead to his death.

Personality: Francis is a quiet young man who likes to read, Shakespeare being one of his favorites. He will talk to you, and is a good listener. He enjoys watching television and cannot sleep. It's not that he doesn't get tired and rest, he actually cannot sleep and hasn't done so in 35 years.

Background: Francis was turned by a vampire he met that was passing through his home town. He doesn't like to talk about her, and mostly just replies to questions about her that she has died. In general Francis' doesn't talk much about his past.

Anything Extra: (When interacting with my character please PLEASE post your characters thoughts as well or else his mindreading power doesn't work. So if you say you're fine, but you really aren't, you have to post what's going on in your characters head. )

Unknown Appearance: Francis is pale and blond with shining gold eyes, he is somewhat tall at 6'7". He's lanky and his hair is forever shoulder length, cutting it just ends in it appearing back moments later.

Human Appearance: To cover his abnormal eye color, Francis wears blue contacts. ))
AllHailDago said:

Name: Syrus Varen

Age: Real age: Unknown Appears and acts: 17

Gender: Male [most of the time]


Unknown Type: Shifter

Skills/Powers: Can transform into any living or non-living thing you can possibly imagine, as long as he has seen it before.

Weakness: Incredibly weak in terms of mental defenses most of the time as his mind is in constant flux. He also gains a partial second personality of whatever he transformed into after he goes back to normal.

Personality: He doesn't have any one personality as he is a shifter, a race so old it is said to predate this planet, and has gained small aspects of many creatures and things. One aspect that normally appears is that he has a thing for being chivalrous, most of the time. But you can't count on his personality being the same all of the time.

Background: Unknown

Anything Extra: He is quite attracted to redheads

Unknown Appearance: Anything he transforms into. Anything.

Human Appearance:
This version approved.

Deck: Approved just be careful with the mind-reading since it comes and goes. Does he have vampire strength or hypnotism or anything else or just the mind reading? If it's just the mind-reading have fun. xD If it's more give me a heads up on what else.
Alexina: OK, and thank you. No need for an apology I understand, and if I seem to be power playing through a pm my way so I can adjust because I am new at this and need a bit of constructive criticism to learn. Thanks.

NotaFullDeck: Ummmm, what should I post for my character as he will be having many, many voices in his head from all of his transformations?
Oopsies, I just noticed I put Kira as a 16 year old first year. That was supposed to be second year. It should be fixed now, though.
lol You must have overlooked by mistake.

Deck: Approved just be careful with the mind-reading since it comes and goes. Does he have vampire strength or hypnotism or anything else or just the mind reading? If it's just the mind-reading have fun. xD If it's more give me a heads up on what else.
Name: Flynne

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Unknown Type: Unknown, assumed some kind of undead

Skills/Powers: Mad Science: Genius level IQ and the ability to twist the laws of physics into moebius strips. Annoying Students.

Weakness: Unknown

Personality: Arrogant. Distant.

Background: The first teacher hired to the school, still going strong even if he/she/it does have a strange smell of embalming fluid all the time. He/she/it's outlived students, most of the staff, even if noone has ever seen him/her/it, only the corpses h/s/i uses to move around in. Teaches shop, occassionally substitutes in science when h/s/i thinks the teacher isn't worth teaching, and they have gotten into a fight in the staff room.

Unknown Appearance: Unknown

Human Appearance: Varied, depending on state of decomposition of spare parts, and which body he is using at the time.
This character is powerful for a reason. She isn’t used power wise much and is there to keep players in line if they go overboard power wise. Basically she’s the black hole they’re fed to.

Name: Carmen Thisbe

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Year: Head Mistress (aka principal, owner of the school)

Unknown Type: STRONG poltergeist

Skills/Powers: Ever watch those haunted movies where the house seems to be alive, or blood comes from stuff, or things flies and walls open that’s her. She has total control of the school grounds. She and the school are one. Can be visible, in fact no one but some of the older teachers know what she even looks like.

Weakness: Strong powers are limited only to the school grounds. She can leave them but the more she is away the weaker she gets to the point of truly passing on. She has basic ghost powers off school grounds. Takes energy to go visible since she is a ghost.

Personality: Strict, Cold at times. She tends to think rules need to be followed and she is especially against vandalization of school property.

Background: Unknown.

She was a siren before she died but all powers with that are lost since she is unseen and her voice is a bit ghostly now. More may be added here later.

Anything Extra: All the students know her as is a voice. Even if they are sent to her office that’s all they hear. She doesn’t even hang a picture of herself along with the staff. Her photo is basically an empty chair.

Unknown Appearance:

Human Appearance:

I assumed that anyway. They can also be stored easily in broom closets.

Name: "DD"

Age: Looks about 30

Gender: Male

Year: Groundskeeper and comparative religion teacher. Also teaches necromancy to those inclined

Unknown Type: Zombie

Skills/Powers: A zombie with a mind of its own, and practitioner of voodoo. Necromancer.


Xina knows this, your character probably doesn't.

Personality: Wordy, intelligent, open, psychopathic.

Background: As a young man, DD studied necromancy at the Roger's academy, before setting out to learn more beyond it. He returned two decades later. The blood splattered straightjacket he was wearing for the job interview didn't slow him down. He had had a slight accident in Haiti involving a knife and a wide scar over his heart is proof of it. He is seen more often than not in jeans and a vest, but he does his job well keeping the building from falling down around their ears.

Anything Extra: He is cannibalistic, and keeps some of his favourite food below his shed. He also has a twenty three foot long snake of some kind, but he assures us its a constrictor and follows his every command.

Human Appearance: View attachment 7482
Looks good Auzzy. Once more remember site rules and we're here to help the students not hurt. Unless they're pains in the butts then we get to cause REAL fun.
Name: DeMo #4058

Age: Technically 3 months, although DeMo has the build and mind of a 17 year old.

Gender: DeMo appears female, but no one really knows.

Year: 3rd

Unknown Type: Android.

Skills/Powers: She has strength beyond what is considered super-human.

Weakness: Her weakness is water; it stuffs up her circuits and she malfunctions, but not one where she goes into a rage. She shuts down on the spot she's hit. DeMo had been trying to alter her appearance with a skin like coating, that may actually help with that predicament. Also, screwdrivers and anything that could mess up her programming.

Personality: DeMo isn't cold and emotionless; the world in which she was made was far more advanced than Earth, therefore, already being able to give robots emotions. She is caring and compassionate... most of the time. She has an altrustism factor built into her, she is extremely intelligent, but only when it comes to rational and logical thinking and acting. DeMo is quiet, although when she's angry it's best to evacuate.

Background: Her home; Flectogyr was amazing, they were advanced in technology that Earth would only dream about. Her creator was named Mirage; a female scientist focused on changing Earth's perspective of 'aliens'. Mirage programmed DeMo to only reveal where she was from and what she truly was when she knew she was accepted by humans.

Anything Extra: She wouldn't hurt a fly. If she would, then she doesn't think she'd be allowed to keep so many in her house.

Unknown Appearance:

Human Appearance:

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