School For The Exceptional

Dear _______,

We are very much please to congratulate you in your acceptance to the highly selective Lindley's School for The Exceptionally Gifted. This acceptance clearly entails that you have been chosen and stamped with the word "exceptional".

Our students, we are proud to boast, are of the most successful teens and young adults in this world. They go off to be actors, singers, directors, photographers, dancers, artists, writers, scientists, mathematicians and graphic artists. This of course means that you will be held to the highest standard. This school will push you and force you to your limits. We would not have sent you this letter if we did not believe that you could handle it.

Our behavioral rules are stricter than many boarding schools, and much will not be tolerated. But you will find that our codes are more lenient that others by far- dress code will not be applied, students will be allowed to room with people of the opposite sex, if they so desire, and there is a loose campus lock down. The front gates will be closed at midnight and not opened until seven AM. Between those hours, you may come and go freely. But also note that tardiness in the classroom will not be tolerated. In the rooming application enclosed, select the option for "Female Roommate", "Male Roommate", or "Either". Remember that roommates will not be shuffled or changed after school has been in session for fourteen days. The application, you will find, also has you give us information about yourself. This is because our selection process, as you will recall, did not utilize wealth, race, gender, or nationality. This will create a fair option. We do not believe in people being accepted based on such things. There is a reason we only select the best.

We have also enclosed a contract, of sorts. We ask that you read through it thoroughly before signing it and returning it in the envelope we have provided-no postage required. If you do not wish to attend this prestigious academy, you need not respond at all. If money is a conflict, check that box and we will immediately (upon receiving your envelope) dispatch a financial adviser for you to meet with. He/She will be permitted to write down exactly where the conflict lies and write checks. Scholarships, of sorts. We will provide plane tickets to those who are in distant places and money to fund transportation for people nearer. We have campus cars and drivers who can be sent to pick you up.

Lindley would love to have you attend. We are grateful for your application and we hope to see you in September.

Our best regards,

The Lindley Panel.


Christopher Mathias Lindley

Dean of Lindley

Student Application (Profile):

Name: (Please print your entire name)

Age: (You will be between the ages of 15 and 22)

Are you a first year?:

--If not, what year are you?: (There are 6 years)


Please enclose a photograph: (Real, please)

Tell us about yourself: (Personality)

What is the talent you were selected for?: (May be up to 3)

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [ ] Either ((You can say who you would like to room with, if you'd like))

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [ ] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on? ((This does not necessarily mean that you will end up with this person))

Lindley's Conduct Code

We will not tolerate rudeness or brash behavior

We expect you to perform to your best ability

Acceptance one year does not entail another acceptance the next. Your behavior may or may not greatly affect this.

Treat others with respect.

Nothing is beneath you; treat no one and nothing as such.

We reserve the right to expel those who do not display good propriety or refuse to preform as they are told.

Suspension will vary based on the occasion.

Note that your teachers will be permitted to have you removed from their classes.

You will be treated as adults in the school environment; act like it.

My Bio:

Name: Margaret Marie Todd (Maggie)

Age: 18

Year 3

Nationality: American

Please enclose a photograph:

View attachment 10606

Tell us about yourself: I can be reserved and quiet at times. It typically takes a little while for me to be drawn out. I've always been considered a 'super star'. When I'm performing, I shines. Once you become my friend, I'm a delight to be around. I'm bubbly but kind; I'm a listener. I've never been big on making everything about me. I detest lazy people. I'm incredibly bright, but a little oblivious. I can be considered naive a lot of time. I'm an optimist and I always sees the best in everyone. It's difficult to not be my friend once you've gotten to know me. People who don't bother to get to know me, though, can have a tendency to dislike me because I'm a teacher's pet. If you don't know me, it is hard to like me because I have a perfect poker face that can come across as cool or haughty. I'm a perfectionist and my appearance can show it. I can be seriously competitive and if I dislike someone, I'm not going to lie about it. But I'm also not one to spread gossip.

What is the talent you were selected for?: Dance, song, piano

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [ X ] Either

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [ X ] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on? Open

Basically, this can be formed into a Two Person or can remain a multiple people RP. Have fun with this; it can go wherever you'd like it. Please utilize proper grammar, though. I don't mind curse words every now and then, but don't get crazy. Umm...I really don't have any other rules besides that, and those are hardly considered 'rules'. Please join?

Name: Cindy Kim

Age: 16

Are you a first year?: No

--If not, what year are you?: 2nd year

Nationality: Korean

Please enclose a photograph:

Tell us about yourself: Cindy was born in Seoul City in South Korea. Her father owned an international business and the money never seemed to cease it's endless flow. Receiving everything she, her older sister and mother wanted was a dream come true and she never thought it would go bad. Halfway through her happy life (age 8) she found out her father was cheating with her mother for the maid. Her father had tried so hard to cover his tracks that it seemed like no one would ever find out, and that's when her perceptiveness and IQ level was recognized by every one living close by her. Many said it was a gift and that she was a lucky girl but Cindy thought it was a curse. If maybe she were a bit dumber her mother wouldn't have been so damaged, the money wouldn't have stopped coming to her and her sister wouldn't have started cutting herself. The 8 year old was ashamed of herself and ignored many of the bad things she noticed about other people. In order to do this she had to alter her personality completely, hiding behind a shell of bubbly, energetic optimism that most would think was idiotic. Sometimes she even sang in public and many people stopped to listen to her. She decided going to this school would mean she could stop hiding, but will it really be easy for her to kick the habits she forced herself into 8 years ago?

What is the talent you were selected for?: Perceptive thinking, singing

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [X] Either (I would love to be your roommate Nichole... or Yullen-Chan)

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [X] No

----The side of Cindy that is bubbly and happy would love a boyfriend but the other side says she doesn't want to hurt someone accidentally ever again.
name:Nichole Lashay Lowe


are you a first year:yes


please enclose photograph:(gonna post soon also having technical difficulties)

tell us about yourself:Nichole was tiny when she was born she only weighed 15 ounces shes shy and quiet. she loves reading writing drawing and animals.

what talent were you selected for:music,writing, and drawing

roommate:female, cindy (if you want to be my roommate that is)

will you need financial help:yes

do you have a crush:no
::May I join?::

Name: Matthew Dean Evans

Age: 20

Are you a first year?: No

--If not, what year are you?: 4th year

Nationality: American

Please enclose a photograph: View attachment 10935

Tell us about yourself: Matthew is a pretty laid back guy. On an average day he can be found clinking away on the piano or upstairs in the loft reading a book. He is kind of quiet and reserved but he also has a fun side. He is witty and charming once you get to know him. Matthew likes to work on computers in his spare time-which he only has when he is not at school. He has worked much of his young life to be able to afford to make it to this school on his own without the help of his parents or any school aide. Around campus he is often seen with a hand held video camera and or sitting down and jotting things in a notebook. He is the only one in his family to have attended this school.

What is the talent you were selected for?: Piano, writing and movie directing

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [x ] Either

Will you need financial help? [ ] Yes [x ] No

Crush: He has a secret crush on Maggie whom he is sure that she has no idea that he exists
Name: Rose Hidyae

Age: 17

Are you a first year?: no, second year

Nationality: Korean-Japanese

Please enclose a photograph:

View attachment 10936

Tell us about yourself: I’m quite and somewhat aloof. I like solitude, but I don’t mind being near people. I consider myself to be an enigma, almost always giving cryptic answers or responses. I tend to think a lot, so much in fact I get lost in thought. I’ll often run into wall or objects when I do get lost within my mind. The thinks I like to do are drawing, read and brooding, or thinking. I’m often seen with a book in hand, either reading it or just holding it. The things I can’t stand are people who are extremely witty people, pears and apples and ice cream. In class I’m somewhat diligent, but at times I tend to space out.

What is the talent you were selected for?: Art and history

Roommate: [ ] Female [ ] Male [x ] Either

Will you need financial help? [x] Yes [ ] No

----Do you have a crush? If so, who would you prefer to have a crush on? No crush
((Thanks so much! So room mates will be Nichole and Cindy, and then Maggie and Matthew, because Nichole asked for Cindy... And then Rose we can either create a single or have a roommate TBD))

Maggie grew more and more at ease as she drove closer and closer to the school. She pulled into the long driveway to the parking lot, smiling slightly. She loved going back. She was only a third year, but this place was like her home. She parked and got out of her car, looking around idly before grabbing her luggage and allowing one of the workers to grab the rest of her bags from her car. She gave them her name so that they knew what room to take them up to before heading to the front hall so she knew where she would be rooming this year. She remained quiet as she saw more people beginning to show up, going inside and looking over the papers posted to the massive bulletin board. She found her name and dorm assignment before leaving the front hall before everyone could start crowding her. She waved to a friend of hers before walking towards her dorm building, glad that it was the closest one to the main building. Her first year, she had been the furthest.
Sitting in the back of a taxi, Rose stared as his application for his new school. He looked at all of the details he wrote down. He gave sigh in the thought of changing schools, but it soon disburses when she reached the school. He thanked the taxi driver and paid before he opened the trunk of the car and retrieve his luggage. He did have much, he didn’t bring much. His luggage consisted of casual clothing, two sets of school uniform, art supplies and a few books to read. He looked at the entrance of the school as the taxi drove away. He heaved another sigh before entering the school.

Rose wandered around, searching for any sort of map. The place was quite large. He wondered if he would be able to find his room in the place. He looked left. He looked right. He tried finding anything that could give him any directions. Rose isn’t very fond about asking for help, so he didn’t bother asking the people around him. Rose continued wandering, in search for directions.
Nichole sighed grabbing her bags getting off the plane. she found her taxi and ran to it. she was curious about the school. flashback she was sitting in her room drawing when her mom busted in. she jumped in surprise. her mother said''Nichole you got accepted!'' nichole said''got accepted where?'' her mother said''to the school for the exceptional!'' Nichole said''i don't remember signing up!'' her mom said''i did it for you!'' nichole said''you did what?!''
Matthew drove quickly to the school. He found a student parking section and parked his car. He ran around to the trunk and pulled out his video camera. He didn't want to miss the excitement of the first day of school; especially capturing the first years. He motioned for one of the helpers to his car so that they could get his things to the right dorm.

"I'm Matthew Evans," he said to help them find his place. He walked carefully trying to steady his camera and zoomed in on the school's main building. He zoomed out and dramatically swept his camera around to see the entire front main lawns. He replayed it and with a satisfied sigh he walked into the front hall to get his rooming assignments. For his first year he was with a guy who was in his 5th year. It was a little intimidating. For his second and third years he had managed to snag a single. It was a little lonely at times, but he liked it for the most part. This year he had opted for having a roommate of either gender. It made him a little nervous, but he figured the chances of having a female were slim, since most preferred to either be alone, or be with their girlfriends. Matthew wandered up to the table and found his name. All the paper said was that he had a roommate.

Great. Leave it all up to the imagination, he thought. He was glad though that it was prime location this year. Matthew took out his video camera again and stood a little ways off to get students checking in. He turned and walked out of the hall and back out into the light. His camera freaked for a second with the light adjustment but focused finally on a young woman. He squinted down at the screen and then his heart raced when he realized that he had Maggie on his camera screen. He panicked and quickly turned himself away. Smooth. He silently cursed himself for being such a pansy. He was old enough to be brave around girls. He sighed and wandered off to get some more first day action before going to his dorm room. He knew his things would arrive safely and he had everything he needed for now.
Maggie opened the door for her room, shifting slightly as she looked around it. She was grateful that it was a bit larger than most, and held its own private bathroom. She walked over to her luggage and decided to just take the left side of the room, so it would be easier for whomever was her roommate to get to the door without falling over her bags. She pulled out her bed set and started to make it, making sure that it was perfect before moving onto her photos and other things.
Cindy sat in the taxi with her chin resting on her hand, idly playing with the strands of her newly dyed hair as she listened to music. She had not gone back to Korea at the end of last year and, with her newfound freedom, she found a way to change herself one more time. Her taxi driver must have said something because he was staring at her with icy blue eyes in the mirror. Cindy plucked an earbud out of her ear and hummed her confused response. She couldn't help but think that he must get this a lot by the way he looked at her but refused to let herself assume anything more about him. Even though she was only in this school for her keen sense of awareness when it comes to little details she pushed down this talent. It was the same thing that had tore her family apart at a young age. "We're here." The man repeated gruffly and Cindy looked out of the window across from the passenger seat. Action, she thought. Time to be bubbly old Cindy again.

"Uwaa!" Cindy squealed and climbed out of the car quickly. She ran to the back and opened the trunk, grabbing her duffle bag before the man driving her could even get out. Cindy reached into her pocket and made sure to pull out more money than was needed, as a little thank you for dealing with her this long. He took the money gratefully and drove off without so much as a goodbye. Cindy didn't mind, it was time to go back to school and (try) to be herself, even though this other side of Cindy continued to pop out unexpectedly. Cindy ran into the school and the crowded hallway. The rush of so many kids always made her feel better, because even she couldn't make out every single detail in this large group. She made her way to the huge billboard slowly this time and squinted, standing on the tips of her toes to see over the crowd of kids. Many walked past her cheering over their roommates or wringing their hands together nervously. Cindy walked away as one of the latter, finding out that she was going to be rooming with a new kid this time and not the boy she had been roommates with last year. To get her mind off of the idea that she wouldn't be with someone who knew who she really was Cindy searched for people that looked lost. She was one herself on the first day of school and received such little help that she vowed to make friends this way next year. After a couple minutes of walking and shifting her duffle bag from shoulder to shoulder she finally found someone. He didn't look lost but he was filming the school with a video camera. Cindy, curiosity taking over, pulled out the other earbud and stuffed her hands into her pocket. She speed walked to get to him and leaned in so her head was in the camera's way. "Nice video camera." She said, her voice containing it's usual slight rasp.
Nichole grabbed her stuff and ran looking for her new room. she crashed into someone hard. she said''i-im sorry!'' standing up. she saw a guy with a video camera and said''what's the camera for?'' she was still kinda mad at her mom. she picked up her scattered lyric book sheets.
Cindy looked at the second girl with a sort of distaste, crashing in and stealing her question. She swallowed down the feeling though, sensing the anger in her eyes and the jerkiness of her moves, knowing the girl must have been going through something at the moment. She kneeled down to help the girl collect the sheets without taking her eyes off of the boy with the video camera, making it obvious to him that she was still expecting an answer.
Rose final found the room he’ll be staying at. Standing outside, he stared at the closed door. He slowly places his key into the door, giving it a firm twist. The door opened, revealing the small room. Two beds and desks, and a window were all the major features of the room. Is someone going else going to be here? He thought. He walked in to the room, pacing his steps to look around his new home away from home.

Placing his bag on the desk and his small luggage on the floor beside it, he walks toward the window. The beds were on opposite side of the room along the walls, and the window was between them. When he reached the window, he saw a tree obstructing any sort of view into the outside world. He smiled and said to himself “So you’d blind others to thrive in this world?” He turned around and made his way to his luggage and begins to unpack. When he unpacked luggage, he stumbled upon an old book bounded by a leathery hardcover. He opens the book. “Ah, my first book” he sighed, closing the book and placing it on his bed. He continued unpacking and began setting up his room.
Matthew moved his camera down out of the way of the girl. He let out a small laugh. Just as he was going to respond to her he was bumped into.

"Whoah!" he said and backed out of the way. The other girl had been kind enough and bent down to help the other pick up her things. Matthew folded his screen into the camera and did the same. He handed her one of her books and a few papers.

"Here ya go, and thanks. It's one of my things..." he said awkwardly holding out the camera in front of him looking at it and then looking at her. He turned to the other girl. He tried to guess what they were invited and accepted to the school for. The thought consumed him for a moment before realizing that he was just standing there. He cleared his throat and turned to the one girl who had dropped her things. "I'm sorry I must have been in your way. Uhm, well I really should get back to video taping. That's one of the reasons I'm here, so I have to keep it up," he said adjusting his glasses on his nose. "I'm Matthew Evens. You two are...?" he asked tilting his head slightly.
Nichole said''thanks..'' she cleaned off her glasses. she said''N-Nichole......'' she looked at a sheet and started tapping er foot. she sang''~we jump we play we jump around all have some fun wanna have fun? just follow me listen to my song! we wanna have fun fun fun. jump and touch the sun sun sun! we can do it you know you can do it! 1 shake your hips like this. 2 do a little groove 3 have fun busting your moves! fun fun fun dancing til we're done done!''
Cindy smiled at the boy. Even she could tell that he was nervous and wanted to let him know that he shouldn't be, but was unsure how to. As a conflict went on in her head the girl who had bumped into them, Nichole, spoke. Nichole? That name sounded familiar to Cindy and she realized with a start that this girl would be her roommate. Cindy tried to tell the other boy her name but was drowned out by the grand singing voice of her roommate. The children in the school for musical talent always tended to burst into song and she listened politely, the happy tune warming her first day jitters. When Nichole finished singing she clapped. "Nice to meet you Mathew." Cindy said without looking at him.
A bit surprised at the singing, Matthew listened to her and joined in the clapping with Cindy when Nichole had finished. Matthew sighed. Even though this was the beginning of his fourth year at the school, he was still sure he would never get over the random outbursts of song that many of the students did. He flipped back open his camera and smiled.

"Well, it was nice to meet you both. I hope to see you around," Matthew said nodding in their direction and then turning on his heels. He wandered around campus some more capturing some pretty priceless moments on camera. By the fountain he recorded a family picture mishap. A young boy tried to climb on his father's shoulders but ended up in the water. Around the corner a guy on his skateboard nearly took out another guy carrying two boxes. By the courtyard next to the benches a little girl ran away from her mother and hid in a box that was then picked up and carried away. He was able to capture hugs and a few tears of the first year students and their families. He loved those shots the most. Matthew walked along the pathway bridge and taped a couple huddled on a blanket together. One was sketching and the other lightly plucking away at his guitar stings. Satisfied with the amount of video he had he closed up his camera and turned it off. He figured it would be time to go and get set up in his room and meet his new roommate.

Matthew whistled as he came up the stairs to his room. He was taking out the key when he realized that the door was already open. He walked in slowly and stopped in his tracks when he realized who his roommate would be for the year. It was Maggie! Matthew quickly back tracked and exited the room hoping that she hadn't realized that he was in there. He double checked the paper he had to make sure it matched up with where he was. He looked at his key for a second verification. Great. He ran a hand nervously through his curly mess of hair and sighed. The universes really did want him to suffer this year. Not that being with Maggie was awful, it would be fine...if he didn't like her. Building up courage he stepped back in the room.

"Uh, hey," Matthew said awkwardly. "I'm Matt," he said holding out his hand for her to shake.

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