School Days [RP]


Auburn Mystery


In the small town of Freedom, California many adventures can happen at any time. From the board walk on the coast with many shops and cafe's, to the tier and its small carnival it has running 24 hours a day, to the skate parks and mall's towards the rear of the town, to the fleeting forest as you leave the town. Freedom has nearly everything anyone could conceive to be humanly fun, and some things not so humanly.

In the center of town is the towns prestigious Academy known as Freedom Academy for Advanced Students (FAAS). This school houses students from around the world and of all ethnicity's. Overall the town is small with a mere 45,000 count for population. Half of that is vacation go-ers that live there during the summer, but for the rest of the citizens it's a place one never needs to leave.


There are three sets of dorms.

The first and finest is the dorms located on campus. These dorms are as nice as the rest of the school but are limited in many ways. They have set hours, and same sex bedrooms. Girls on the fourth and fifth stories, Boys on the second and third stories. First story has cafateria, lounge rooms. This is the only place boys and girls can spend time together, once in the room dorms, cohabitating is forbidden. These dorms have anything you need to live.

The second are the apartment complexes down the street. These are like apartments, anyone lives in them, though some of them are rented by parents for their children. These have the standard of do anything that doesn't disturb others. You have much more freedom here.

The third set of dorms are abandoned for the most part. They are on the outskirt, nearly 25 minutes from school. These grounds are forbidden from students but that doesn't seem to stop them. People have said these to be haunted.

Land Marks:


Freedom has a Walmart super center for everything you could ever need. Attached to this is a mall of epic proportions. They have anything else non generic you could ever want. Food, clothing brands, games, and tons more.


The tier is a fun hang out for teens and families. It's your go to carnival. Below this is miles and miles of beach.

There is also another park a few blocks from the school. This is a skate/bike park.

If you exit to the back of town and travel a few miles, you find yourself deep in the heart of a thick, lush forest. Here there are camping spots, hiking trails and even a few caves from time to time.


The school is large. They have many class rooms and many aged kids. There is a gymnasium, cafeteria, large swimming pool, dorms, three fields of huge proportions. One for football/soccer, one for baseball/softball, and with a few tennis courts and mostly grass beyond that. There is a fountain at the entrance to the school and you are allowed anywhere on campus as long as you do not leave school except during lunch.

EVERYONE ALWAYS HAS THE SAME CLASSES. This limits people from having to post as a class alone.


Any clubs anyone participates in let me know via chatbox or something and i will update this. That way people can interact easier.


If you wish to add something specific that others may want to follow you to, simply put it in red text with a note and i will add it to this list. As we go we can make this town our own.


There is no human/yokai realm. Monsters have been living with humans forever. Some learn to coexist while others learn to just blend in. Remember this rule. It may have negative effects if you do something to insane.

You are to remain in your human form at all times. Period. If anyone catches you in your monster form in school you will be "taken" by the monster patrol force. Choose wisely what you do.

There is no senseless slaughter except for adventure purposes. As in you may not do the killing. Monster or not. You guys are still kids in comparison to other monsters.

No monster has the ability to sense another monster in any way. Assume everyone is human. As such you would be very secretive about your identify. Most monsters do not take lightly to revealing themselves to anyone, human or not.

Be careful with your powers. Some are easily used in plain sight while other's aren't. Another note for powers are that no one is immune to anything. Monsters can be effect by other monsters powers. The only counter is if the skills are similar. EX Succubus would notice if someone was trying to seduce her. (only example i have)

No race rules over another and all races are equal in power, one way or another.

There is no acting out classes. This part is boring and everyone hates it. Anyone can be in class or not. Remember there is a ton of stuff to do in school.

Standard RPNation rules apply.

Enjoy. The RP starts off two weeks into the school year. You basically know where everything is. And where to have fun. People may now each other.

It's in the morning about 3 hours before school starts. GO!

Joshua was sitting in his room at the Apartment Dorms. Before him stood a collapsible,portable,book stand. In his hands he held a beautiful violin of mahogany,with a bow of rosewood. On the stand stood a collection of papers,written upon them the beautiful,and timeless language of music. The language spelled out the masterpiece of Richard Wagner's crowning achievement, "The Ride of the Valkyrie". Joshua had always been considered a prodigy of sorts for the violin. At the age of six,he displayed an interest and talent for the violin,and by the time he was ten,he mastered a Schubert sonata. He was hired by a local orchestra at Freedom City,because of his raw talent. He was hailed by music critics to be the next great classical musician.

Or at least,this is the story the world knows. In reality,Joshua Gills is a statue,brought to life by unknown forces. He hides it well,by avoiding conflict and using humour to keep people from getting suspicious. In reality,Joshua had been animated for nearly fifty years. During this time he practiced the violin almost ceaselessly. It was his passion. It is true,that he joined the orchestra and is hailed as the next best musician,but that's neither here nor there.

What truly mattered to Joshua,was the music. He played the score,over and over,demanding nothing less than perfection. With this piece,he thought,I will prove to all that I am the greatest musician to ever exist.

He played for two hours,doing nothing but play the notes of the Valkyrie's anthem and perfecting it. But when he finally put his mahogany angelsong in its proper place,Joshua still couldn't help but feel that he didn't perform as well as he could have.

Joshua sighed in resignation,and gathered his things for school.
Sean, wakes up from his long sleep ready for today, his parents bought him a fancy shmancy appartment. He tried to talk them out of it so he didn't look like a rich kid, but the insisted. He never liked being a rich kid, te only friends he got were the ones that only wanted his money, same with girlfriends, they only wanted his money, deep deep down he wants to be poor. Just like every goblin is, but no Sean's faamily are shape goblins, his family could only shape shift to three things, and Sean doesn't even remember his thrid shape. Sean sight and sat up from his king sized bed. and walked into the kitchen and made some cereal. At least he has good food. Junk, junk, and more junk. He shapeshift in to his nigh cat form a had a quick cat nap, with is realy refessing. He shapes back to human form gets dressed, and grabs his school stuff, and leaves the appartment.
Simon was enjoying his morningsmoke in his dorm when he felt a coughing fit coming up ... ' In the name of BoBo, Krusty and the Holy IT.. why do I always smoke in the mornings when I know it will only end up in me coughing up a piece of my lung! ' He thought to himself, before pushing the ciggie out in the ashtray and lifting himself up from the bed.

He picked up his 3 colorful juggling balls and started juggling them quite proficiently, it's something he likes to do when he wants his mind to wander. He thought about how school was going to start in a few hours, how it would be and if there was a designated smoking area in the school. After a while his mind started to wander towards the darker side, how he would react towards his enemies, if he would make any.

He stopped juggling and shook his head causing his dreads to fling wildly around the back of his head. Simon quickly showered, cleaned himself up and all the basic things every 'person' does, before making breakfast and eating it while listening to some reggae. In particular the song from Seeeed - Ding always made him smile, the voice and beat were happy and upbeat and were just the thing he needed to start the day off the right way.

He leaned back far in his chair and stretched out...' Ich muss sing: tingalingling, you pretty thing! 'he sang softly.
Lloyd slowly, and grudgeingly awoke. He never like mornings. At all.

He sighed, getting out of bed and thinking what the use of it all was. He didn't feel like doing much of anything, ever, let alone get up to go to school.

He pulled on the school uniform, rather plain and black. He liked it. Simple, elegant. This way, he looked just like everyone else. He looked like he belonged.

I'm just your average kid.... He thought. I'm just a normal, everyday 12 year old. With the mind of a university proffessor..... He thought with a bit of pride.

Indeed, his smarts were the one thing he could take pride in, knowing that in at least one area, he was better than some people. This proved his existance, proved his worth.

He sighed, like he even cared. The little bit of pride he got from that was nothing to him in reality. He didn't care.

Lloyd grabbed a piece of bread in his average apartment, feeling normal. He smeared some normal peanut butter on it, and walked out the door, ready for a normal day.
Serena yawned rolling out of bed and hitting the floor with a thump. Not that noise mattered, living in a place where people where few and far for tenants, it didn't really matter how much noise you made. Besides, the dorms around hers where all empty, abandoned. She knew that she shouldn't even be boarding there but it worked for her. And the thought of it being haunted, well, that just made it even better.

Moving up to a sitting position Serena glanced at a purple clock she had hung on the wall. "Ai. Not cool." She muttered standing up and darting about her dorm, pulling out her uniform, combing her hair, pulling out snack bars, her normal morning routine. Slipping on her flats and doing up the lace per normal she stepped out of her dorm, locking the door and putting the key in the base of her shoe.

"So, I should have enough time to get there and play a couple round of tennis without worrying about being late." Serena said as she set off towards the school munching on one of the snack bars.
Simon put on his costume, which was much too monotone for his liking. Simple black, no colors whatsoever, no originality nor happyness emitted from the costume. It didn't bother him too much but he generally disliked boring items and people. He packed up his juggling balls, pack of cigarettes, lighter, a can of Red Bull and his mp3. ' There, now I'm just like a real life boy ... Guiseppe ' He thought to himself and he walked out the door smiling, on his way to the school.

After about 20 minutes of walking he got bored and put on his mp3, first song he heard was Jah Jah City by Sizzla feat. Capleton, although he disliked Sizzla as a person, he respected him as an artist.

He closed his eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the music, while walking but unfortunately he reached a corner at the same time and bumped into a girl who was happily munching on a snackbar, 'till they collided anyway.
Not really paying attention to anything besides the possible matches she might have at the school and putting one foot in front of the other while she chewed, Serena didn't see the guy at the corner until she hit into him. A bit surprised she fell back onto the ground, dropping her snack bar and letting out a small squeak of a noise.

Blinking a few times, Serena looked at the person she had walked into and blinked a few more times, a bit suprised at how he looked before shaking her head. "S-sorry." She squeaked out, bowing her head down as she stood up, brushing dirt off her skirt.
Shaking his head briefly Simon replied: " It's ok, I'm pretty sure it's my faulth. Wasn't paying attention for a sec you see. " Noticing she wore the same colors and style of school uniform as him he continued: " Oh, are you going to Freedom Academy aswell ? " He said, smiling at the cute girl.
Serena nodded her head. "Y-yeah." She said, a bit afraid of doing something wrong again at the moment, still partially convinced them colliding was her fault to begin with. Returning the smile she tugged at a glove, feeling a bit awkward now. "Uh..." She looked at the ground, it would be rude to walk away. Or so Serena kept telling herself to stop herself from bolting away.
Mornings. Bleeecccch. Lilly absentmindedly fondled the opal hanging from her collar as she walked along, half-asleep, not owning the attention span to or indeed interested in seeing the path ahead of her. It was alright, though. Lilly had walked this way before, many many times - the path she took for her morning walk was the same she used to walk down with her mother when they went shopping on their many trips to Freedom. Lillian smiled at the memories, teased them out of the opal. She could have sworn she was walking with her mother right now.

Lilly cared very much for her now degenerate and indifferent mother, but did not want to bother about with school. She was smart, yes, her marks...chaotic. She always got a 60-70 degree average all the same, she always passed. It came easily to her, but it did not matter.

Lilly couldn't stand school, but it wasn't because the classes were boring, or that gym was intolerable, or that she couldn't stand living apart from her parents. No, what really bugged her was that despite her best efforts, despite her worst efforts, even, was that nobody liked her. She was weird. She didn't like makeup, she didn't chase boys around, she didn't get crushes, she never took that stupid necklace off, and she watched reruns of old TV shows.

Lilly sighed, the unreality of the memories beginning to ebb at her mind. It didn't help that thoughts about school were slipping into her reverie, but she wasn't so good at holding memories like that.

What Lilly really, really wanted, more than anything else - was just someone she could talk to without being ridiculed.
Joshua put on his uniform and was about to leave when he spied his violin,in it's appointed place. He played with the thought of taking the instument with him. He decided to take it,but he also taken a chain and two combonation locks;he didn't want to take any chances,because this thing was his ticket to the big time.

But that was neither here nor there. The chain was six feet long,and that's what he needed. He put the chain and locks into his pack,which had paper,pencils,pen,white out,erasers,everything a student would need. He donned his vibrant orange,open jacket,gingerly slid his pack onto his shoulders,and picked up the violin. He strolled out the door,a smile on his face,and a bounce in his step. He locked the door to his appartment,and put the key in the jacket's inside pocket. He whipped around and proceeded to leave the complex,violin in hand. He walked down the street,and arrived at the front gate to the Freedom Academy for Advanced Students.

There were two men at the gate. Obviously,they need some way to keep the rabble out! Joshua walked to the gate,and cheerfully said,

"Hello,gentlemen! It's a wonderful morning,isn't it? I'm a new student here,Joshua Gills. May I pass?"

The men looked him over,and with a tired nod,one opened the gate with the push of a button on the frame. "Welcome,Master Gills. Please enjoy the time you spend here." The man wasn't exactly convincing.

Joshua wasn't convinced. He returned sunnily,"I will! Now how about you do,too? Lighten up! It's a beautiful day!" with this,Joshua gestured up to the sky. When the men looked back down at Joshua,he was already walking away,waving over his shoulder and saying "Have a good one,gentlemen!"

Joshua knew it would be a while before people arrived. He entered the Academy's main foyer,and examined the directory there. He looked it over for nearly five whole minutes,committing it to memory. With a smirk,he placed his violin down,and taken off his pack. After a bit of rustling,he extricated the locks and chain.

Joshua wraped the chain around his ankle once,and locked it in place,and then done the same to the violin case's handle. After which,he retrieved his violin and bow from the case,leaving it open in front of him. I need to make some change if I want to seem normal.

Joshua brought the violin to his jaw,and pondered on what to play. Decided,he began to play a lively jig,deciding people could use the jovial tune to wake themselves up.

Joshua closed his eyes as he played;he knew this tune by heart. Meanwhile,he tapped his toes and began to sway wo the beat of the tune. His smile widened,nearly losing itself to the curvature of his face.

This is bliss.
" Let's head out than " Simon said in the tone of a question rather than a sentence, he wasn't sure if this girl wants to walk with him towards the school but he just shrugged it off, ' No harm done either way ' he thought. " I take it you're a freshy too ? " He asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Uh, sure?" Serena said almost instantly without thinking. Mentally she cursed herself before she was spoken to again. "Yes. Ah, um..." A bit flustered with herself, her face started going pink from embarrassment. Come on now, I know he's a bit scary but he acts nice, so, try and warm up to him okay? For your mind's sake at least? I don't know if you can implode from awkward shyness or not but hey, if you do, you take your mind with you so stop it. She thought to herself. Biting her lip for a second, she pointed up. "Beautiful weather we're having. Don't you think?"
He followed her pointing finger, expecting to see ... something ... 'till the girl exclaimed what kind of weather it was. He let out a laugh and responded, smiling. " Yup yup, it's great weather to start new things, like school. "

" By the way, my name is Simon. " He said happily, glad that he already met someone before he even arrived at school.
"Simon, like Simon Says? " She giggled at the joke, referring completly to the game Simon Says before offering a small smile, "Nice to meet though. I'm Serena." Feeling less shy, she pulled out the other two snack bars she had on her and offered one. "Their really good. " She said, opening hers with her teeth as she lacked the ability to open the things with her hands.
" Exactly, my name is Simon Sazz. " He said with a big smile. " You must be psychic. " He continued, before accepting the candybar happily, opening it and taking a bite. " You're right, these are pretty damn delish. "

" I don't have anything to offer though, but I'll take a mental note. Simon owes Serena 1 candy bar! " He said out loud, while acting like he was scribbling in the air.
"Oh, really?" Serena laughed lightly before giggling at what he was doing. "You don't owe me anything. I swear." She held her hands up a bit defensively, waving them in a manner of saying no. As they approached another corner right across from the school she darted across the road, not even waiting to see if there was any traffic, which, lucky for her there wasn't.

Stopping on the other side, Serena turned and waited for Simon, her bar partially sticking out of her mouth while her hands folded behind her back.
:: Jordan walked off the train on the train, a man lay on the floor, his nose was bleeding and one of his eyes was swelling, Jordan was cradling heer bruised fist ::

Jordan: sorry, lads... this girlie is in a rush, next time, okay?"

:: she blew a kiss to the men on the train and walked off the platform, looking at her new school ::

Jordan: "well... not bad"
Simon was caught off guard by the sudden, sneaky, outburtst of activity as Serena darted across the street. He smiled broadly and followed her, nearly getting run over by a biker who looked back with a nasty look on his face while shaking his fist in the air.

Only resulted in making Simon laugh while he walked towards Serena.

" Crazy girl you are. Not even looking before you run across the street, was funny though. " He said as he lifted his hand for a high five.
:: Jordan saw the girl run across the street and ran over, she arrived the same time as Simon ::

Jordan: "hey, are you okay?"

:: she just noticed Simon ::

Jordan: "oh, hi are you a student here?"
Another girl suddenly appeared, not knowing her Simon assumed she was a friend of Serena.

" Aye I am, nice to meet you, I'm Simon. " He said smiling.

Standing in front of the school gate he quickly lit a smoke.

" You'll have to excuse me for smoking, it's a bad habit I know. " He said with a 'fake' sorrowful grin.
:: Jordan strutted up to Simon, going face-to-face ::

Jordan: "listen cutie, i don't cae if you smoke you

're f**king lungs out, just don't blow in my face"

:: she tapped him on the side of trhe face, smiled and took a step back ::

Jordan: the anme's Jordan, pleased to meet you"
The wanna-be tough girl act took Simon by surprise but he responded with a sigh and a smile.

" You're a lill' tough one aren't ya, did daddy didn't love you so you decided to hate on all men ? Now leave me be and let me smoke in peace. "

After which he rolled his eyes and continued to smoke his ciggie.
Lloyd walked by a group of three people, one of them smoking. The other two were girls, one of them getting friendly with the smoking guy.

Lloyd sighed. He rolled his eyes as he walked past the group of kids.

He wondered if they had a care in the world, as he noticed how happy they all looked.

He sighed again as he passed them.

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