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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Huh all I got was he doesn't have a boyfriend what was that second part?)

(Talk with jp if u wanna know why he said that xD )
Haru was walking in a field head down when suddenly he drew his 2 swords and began to practice his sword art.
Libra259 said:
(Talk with jp if u wanna know why he said that xD )
(Oh...that little shit...got it xD so ya when you gonna meet ádis cause it's taking forever plus I want this sword forged I have a plan *laughs evilly*)
silently in his head he began to plan his next move it had been a long while since he had a worthy fight with someone he was hoping that would change soon.
Libra259 said:
(Lol how about now. I'll just ditch him cuz thats just such an Aero thing to do xD ) Aero would get up , "well im meeting another one of my friends soo cya round! You should stay Karasūma." Aero says while winking at her. Karasūma smacks her and crosses her arms, "stop it!" She huffs and Aero laughs. 'Yo im coming now.' She messages ádis and 5 minutes later arrives at the bell tower.
@ashel darkwing

Ádis hops up and waves bye to tug I on his way out "so how you been aero haven't seen ya since the inn?"
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Ádis hops up and waves bye to tug I on his way out "so how you been aero haven't seen ya since the inn?"

"Yeah long time no see. Im good how about you?" She asks.
as the sweat began to build up on his forehead he could feel his power rising waves crashing over him he could feel other ppl around.
Libra259 said:
"Yeah long time no see. Im good how about you?" She asks.
"Good just finished getting the materials for the god tier sword adamantine, celestial gold, an empty book and an enchanted quil" he sighed "so rumor has it you have a boyfriend huh?" He smiled teasingly as if it didn't bother him
"that power is something else must be god tier its best i tune up my swords first"

he powers down and puts his swords away.
he began to walk down the grassy path he found this place very chill and relaxed

"hope my blacksmith is in"
Libra259 said:
Aero would flush a bit before quickly shouting, "No! Who started that stupid rumour." She mutters embarrassed and crosses her arms.
@ashel darkwing
He gets a happy smile on his face before laughing hard "one of your friends the one that sat with us at the inn!" He sat down for a noment to laugh holding his stomach which was hurting from the laughter but a moment latter he was on his feet and mostly composed aside from the grin on his face "I'm good now"
as he came to the nearby town he could feel his energy slipping from him

"i guess i overdid it? "

and just then he passed out in the middle of the road.
Aero's blush would harden, her cheeks almost the colour of her hair. "A-ah blockhead! I'll get him for that!" She shouts while looking away from him with her arms crossed.

@ashel darkwing
Libra259 said:
She'd pout a bit then chuckle, "eh its not my business anyway. So where are we going?" She asks curiously.
@ashel darkwing
"I don't know you're supposed to know that we're going to your friend to forge my sword you said she was the best well let's see shall we?" He smiled glad he dodged the question well enough
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"I don't know you're supposed to know that we're going to your friend to forge my sword you said she was the best well let's see shall we?" He smiled glad he dodged the question well enough

"Oh yeah! I forgot! Oops." She chuckles and forgots about her previous question, "to see Michi!.. Oh did I tell you that she is also the blacksmith for KOB?" She asks.
Libra259 said:
"Oh yeah! I forgot! Oops." She chuckles and forgots about her previous question, "to see Michi!.. Oh did I tell you that she is also the blacksmith for KOB?" She asks.
"Yes you did but if she can't forge this sword no one can...trust me I checked" he smiled as they walked "hey have you ever been to the giant cherry blossom tree in the south city?"

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