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The Black Knight rolled his eyes.

"The Shadow Realm? What is this, Yu-Gi-Oh?"

He sighed as the boy charged him and gracefully dodged two swipes before using his free hand to grab his axe hand and throw him back. When the balls of energy came flying forth, he merely lifted his glowing hand and let them run into it. He grunted as he took a step back and relaunched them, now focused on the boy and glowing red.
(Wait... Shadow realm.. Doesnt that mean we no longer have our ig skill?... Cuz you cant transport a ig character to the shadow realm.. Maybe someones mind i think.. You'd be transporting the real person right? Well like them not the ig character)
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Before the adversary could throw him, again, he grabbed his hand with his remaining hand, and managed to remain his equal , at least in terms of physical strength. However, as soon as he tried to deflect it, he made it detonate on him. He jumped back several feet, smiling at the Knight. " This will last a while... " He said, looking at him intently.
When the smoke cleared, it showed only the Black Knight, with his arm up in defense. He brought I down with an annoyed grunt. A bar appeared above his head, dropping about five percent. He took his broadsword in his glowing hand and watched as it too glowed white and red. He let out a lout grunt as he kicked the kid back and sent several slashes at him. As he did so, the slashes sent out white and red beams of energy head straight for him on all sides.
The Pharoah was able to block the man's kick , though it took some slight effort to do so. He also parried several of the slashes with a quick draw of his knife, and using a energy sphere around him, nullified the beams associated with them. His hp dropped by 1% because one slash hit him. A sphere was growing on his finger, which soon grew into the size of a mountain. He was getting more and more serious. He threw it at him, but used gravitation abilities on his Axes , by banging the floor, to keep the adversary there, forcing him to block the attack.
The Black Knight narrowed his eyes as he watched the kid fight. It was clear he had experience to a degree; but it wouldn't matter if he was able to grab him. He parried the blows of the axes well, but he found he was going to have to do something about that sphere. He slashed a wide circle all around him, and used it to create some distance between them. He then raised his broadsword in the air and watched as the energy flowing through it sharpen into a blade, stretching it's reach immensely. He then swung it back around his head, and as the sphere neared him, he brought it down in a mighty chop. The sphere split in two just as it reached him, and exploded in both sides. As the dust cleared, he dusted off his shoulder and pointed his blade at the kid again, grinning underneath his helm. He focused energy, and thousands of bullet-like blasts of red-white energy shot out of it and sped towards the kid.
He smiled, and said outright " You're probably thnking the same, but this is the farthest any mere player here has went fightng me. However, this trick is one of them that isn't to work on me. I can control light well...but also...i am the God of Darkness.." As he said this, millions of shadow tentacles sprouted out of the air, deflecting all of the bullets . They were still there, awaiting his orders. And, pointing at the Knight, they all charged forwards. Physical attacks won't work, due to being made of metaphysical energies, so it is hard for a person to counter them.
Ádis sighed and sheathed his sword "seems like you have this handled...I'm following her" he said running after aero "umm do you have any idea how to get out of here"

The Black Knight narrowed his eyes as he spoke, and his hand burned brighter. He brought it up and held it above his head. It glowed brightly, and a dome of white-red fire surrounded him. As the tentacles hit, like the arrows, they disintegrated. Once they were gone, he closed his hand into a fist and brought it down, holding it out in front of him. He then opened it into a palm and shot the dome of fire at the kid, a small grin on his face under his helmet.
(Ok now I am confused. Is magic allowed? Because im only seeing people getting invisible, shooting stuff from swords and stuff like that. Is magic allowed or not?)
Since ou didn't say the dome of fire was going in any specific direction, he simply dodged it. The Pharoah simply smiled, and charged yet again, the tentacles providing good cover, as they were shot at him again. The Pharoahh released a powerful amount of dark energy, that was capble of disintegrating anything that it hit, even powerful durable armour.
(TIMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been too long)

[QUOTE="Timmy Turner]Since ou didn't say the dome of fire was going in any specific direction, he simply dodged it. The Pharoah simply smiled, and charged yet again, the tentacles providing good cover, as they were shot at him again. The Pharoahh released a powerful amount of dark energy, that was capble of disintegrating anything that it hit, even powerful durable armour.

JPTheWarrior said:
(Ok now I am confused. Is magic allowed? Because im only seeing people getting invisible, shooting stuff from swords and stuff like that. Is magic allowed or not?)
(Dude its not allowed but were in thw shadow realm and i already asked whether transporting a ig char to the shadow realm i even possible... I might just end this cuz now both of you are getting even more op..)
ashel darkwing]Ádis sighed and sheathed his sword "seems like you have this handled...I'm following her" he said running after aero "umm do you have any idea how to get out of here" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27557-libra259/ said:
"That dude brought us here so he might be the only one who can bring us back. Keep that in mind." She sighs. "I am not amused in the slightlest though."
( Alrighty then. I'll use one of my trump card and end this quickly then... i didn't want.it to end... @Libra259 )
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JPTheWarrior said:
(Ok now I am confused. Is magic allowed? Because im only seeing people getting invisible, shooting stuff from swords and stuff like that. Is magic allowed or not?)
(Mines not magic it's a stealth skill)
Libra259 said:
(Dude its not allowed but were in thw shadow realm and i already asked whether transporting a ig char to the shadow realm i even possible... I might just end this cuz now both of you are getting even more op..)
(I agree....)
( So, cease the fight ? I'll make The Pharoah do so, but it's up to the Knight )
(We should probably rollback or either make it look like they were having hallucinations. Or you could end the fight.)

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