Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Right, I thought as much." She turned back, heading out through the door with a gesture for the interested fellow to follow. She held the gun barrel above a flat stump surface and pulled the knife from her boot. She clenched the sleeve in her teeth and pulled the blade out, cutting the line and letting the rabbit drop. "Know how to clean a rabbit?" she asked, turning to see if he had come in tow.
Astrid took another look around the small shed that was slowly filling up with more and more teenagers just like her. It's strange that on the same night all of them would come to meet each other, maybe it was a sign. She started getting lost in her thoughts, thinking about all these peoples back stories. Then Astrid realized it was getting pretty late so she wondered how they were going to manage to find sleeping spots in the small shed for all these people, some people were going to obviously have to share a sleeping spot so she asked "How are the uh.. sleeping arrangement going to work?"
Ryleigh looked up at Astrid, "Oh...uhm, I don't know who planned on staying here tonight." She looked around and saw that Max had a bag with him, "It looks like Max might be staying but I don't know about anyone else. Personally I'll be heading home soon." She looked outside the window and saw that the daylight was slowly fading. It must have been hours since she left home. "I'm just going to head home now." Slowly she got off the couch and walked to the door, "Well it was nice meeting, seeing or whatever, you guys." She awkward wave and fake smile, then let herself out. She made eye contact with Shamus as she walked out, "I guess I'll see you round."
Astrid leaned against the wall and slid her back down the wall till she was sitting on the ground. She sighed realizing this was the first night of her 'running away from the orphanage' plan. She sighed and remembered that she probably couldn't just live in this shed forever, so after tonight she would have to find a place to stay. Originally she planned on moving to Seattle but now she wasn't to sure of that plan because she liked these people, even if they may not like her they were the closest things to friends that Astrid has ever had. Getting lost in her thoughts she remembered that she wasn't the only one in the room for once so she had to be social. "Where are you all planning to sleep, because after you guys pick I'll just take whatever spot is leftover" Astrid said while bitting her lip (that was a nervous habit of hers).
Max ran out to the girl with the rabbit. "Well I don't know how to...", he felt awkward not knowing anything about hunting or anything of the sort. He Walked in front of her and dropped to the ground and sat cross-legged as if a child was getting ready to hear a story.

"I'll just watch", he said with a bid goofy smile on his face. He wanted to experience the outdoors; camp, hunt and be adventurous, feel alive.

His eye caught a strange gun like object in her hand. "What's that?!", he said pointing with childish enthusiasm.
Shamus walked home. He knew taht his family was going to be furious. His step father was going to kill him. His mother was going to revive him just show she could kill him. He saw his house. "DO I really want to go in there? I know that they will kill me, why don't I just leave. This time I am gonna do it. I am gonna run a way. That asshole isn't gonna control me."
"We'll learn together, then." Sasha raised her weapon indicatively. "It's called a zip gun - a homemade firearm of improvised materials." She set it down beside the stump and knelt behind it. "Don't touch it." She rolled the rabbit onto its back and exposed its stomach, starting with a shallow upward incision on its abdomen.
The window was still open from when she had left that afternoon; throwing her guitar back though the window she climbed in after it. She let out a sigh as she looked around the room. "I guess this is as good as it's gonna get." Propping her guitar back on the wall, she made her way out of the room. "Where the hell have you been young lady?!" Her mother said in a stern voice. "Hi to you too mom. Nice to see you." There was a sarcastic tone to her voice. "I was out." She said with a fake smile. "Oh that makes me feel so much better! Just out! No big deal. Just gallivanting about with no care in the world." Said her mother. "Whatever." Ryleigh said as she marched off to her room, and slammed the door.
Max sat there hunched over the animal, now looking quite grotesque as the blood dried and turned an almost black shade. "I won't touch it", he kept his eyes fixed on the rabbit as if doctor was performing a surgery and he was a Meds student.

Then he suddenly realised Sasha said that gun was home made. "W-wait a second, you made that yourself?!", he asked in disbelief. "A-and you killed this rabbit with it", his eyes darted back and forth between the rabbit and the gun.
"The bolt action mechanism is relatively easy to make. One only needs a trivial understanding of ballistics." Sasha's speech trailed off as she focused on the sloppy and sub-par cut. "This would be much easier with a serrated blade." She moved the knife to begin cutting again along the same line, but there soon came a foul smell. Sasha covered her nose with her sleeve and groaned as viscera leaked from the rabbit's abdomen. "God damn it, I punctured the intestines. This meat is ruined." She stood up and dropped the knife into the grass, moving away to find a stick.
Alex stayed there still mesmerized by the whole situation. He always wanted to be out in the wild and doing stuff like this. Well it might be underwhelming for someone who regularly does hunting and all; but for him it was as exciting as it possibly could be.

"Well I guess we won't be eating that then. Gosh darn it! And I knew how to start a fire", the one thing Max did self-teach himself was how to start a fire.
Shamus crept into his house. He was trying to be as quiet as possible. He walked up to his room. The stairs were creaky, it would make a creaking sound every step that he took. He reached the top step and turned to face his room. He opened the door with a woossh. He quickly and quietly started to pack as much as he could. He packed clothes, a cord to charge his phone. He was going to have to do some stuff so that they couldn't track it. He was leaving, and didn't want to come back. He would run to the ends of the earth to get away.

He took his bag, opened the window and threw it into one of the bushes. He was lucky because his parents were having one of those days where they would binge drink. So they would be shit faced, and wouldn't notice if something went sailing by the window. He dropped his bag, then he jumped out the second story window. Landing on his shoulder.
Ryleigh huffed about her room, she needed to get away this time. Away from everyone, but especially her mother. She looked outside at the orange sky, it was close to 9 already, but she didn't care. All she wanted was a get away. She threw open her window, squeezing herself though the opening and took off toward the trellis on the side of her house. Climbing up it she made her way to the roof, she often came up here to think and to get away. She popped out a small box or cigarettes from her back pocket, it was slightly squished from the days earlier events but the contents of it stayed in tacked. She light one up and took in a deep breath. She didn't smoke all the time, just when she was stressed, it was like her own little secret. She laid back on her back and watched the gentle breeze rustle the leaves on the trees. Finally she was starting to feel relaxed.
Sasha returned with a pair of long sticks and used them to pick up the carcass, tossing it aside into the brush. She picked up the knife and set it on the stump. "I don't suppose you brought any provision with you?" she asked, picking up her zip gun and hefting her backpack onto her shoulder as she moved back toward the shed.
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Unable to relax, Astrid decided to take a walk through the lush green forest to clam herself. It was late at night and if not for the moon and stars she wouldn't be able to see a single thing. For some reason the dark never frightened Astrid, actually the dark seemed to intrigue her because she found some form of peace and tranquility in the darkness of the night. She walked through the forest humming some old song by her favorite band, Nirvana. She started to see houses at the edge of the forest but one house looked like there was a human sitting on the roof so she walked towards the house to get a closer view.
Max walked to the shed as well. "I've got plenty of food. Also, I want you to teach me how to hunt", Max said in determination.
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Ryleigh stared up at the darkening sky, the stars were beginning to illuminate the night sky. She rubbed the ash end of the cigarette on the roof of the house to put it out. Sitting back up she took a quick scan of the tree line. She noticed at tall figure in the distance, but couldn't quite make out who it was. Figuring that it was one of the kids who was out in the old shed, she waved to them.
Astrid saw Ryleigh that the figure sitting on the roof top waved at her. She slowly started walking towards the figure that waved at her. After walking a few yards towards the house Astrid saw that the figure was actually Ryleigh. Once Astrid saw it was her she eased her tension a little bit and decided to walk to her. Astrid looked up at the roof where Ryleigh was sitting and said "Are you ok? What are you doing out here at night?" Astrid asked her in a caring soft voice.
Ryleigh saw the tall figure emerge from the tree line, once she stepped out into the light she realized that the figure was Astrid.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just need to get away again. The usual." She said laughing a bit to herself. "What are you doing out here, thought you were saying at the shed tonight?" She yelled down to Astrid.
Astrid replied "Oh I am. I'm just taking a walk to get stuff off my head, ya know?" Astrid said with a faint smile across her lips. "Ive just had a lot on my mind recently and I just want to clean my head even if its only temporary" Astrid added. "If you even need someone to talk to, Ryleigh I am here. I know we just met but you showed me kindness that nobody else has ever shown me. So I guess its just my way of saying thank you" Astrid said while looking down at the ground.
"Do you want to come up here? It helps me clear my head sometimes, might help you." Ryleigh nodded in the direction of the trellis in hopes that Astrid would see. Ryleigh leaned back and cracked her neck, letting out a small sigh. She gazed up at the stars picking out the constellations her father had pointed out to her when she was younger. It was in the moments like these that she missed him the most, tears began to form in the corner of her eye. She quickly snapped out of it trying to hold the tears back.
"Ummm yeah sure" Astrid said following Ryleigh's gaze. Astrid climbed up onto the roof of the house. She went over towards where Ryleigh was sitting. Once Astrid sat down near Ryleigh, she looked at the way Ryleigh looked at the stars in the night sky, and she saw pain in her eyes. Ever since Astrid was little she could read peoples emotions and feelings by just looking into their eyes. "Ryleigh, I am very sorry if I am invading your personal space or making you feel discomfort in any way but I know you are not ok. Not being ok is fine, heck I'm sure as hell not even close to being ok" Astrid said with a warming smile.
Astrid's words hit her like a ton of bricks, she closed her eyes trying to pull herself together. "I haven't been fine in a long time, but I try not to think about it." Her worst drifted off, she had never had someone actually care about her before; she wasn't sure how to handle it. She looked over at Astrid who gave her a warming smile. She began to feel guilty about pushing her away and shutting her out, deep down she could see that she meaned the best for her.
Astrid sighed "Ok. I am sorry for bothering you, I should go" as soon as Astrid said that, she began to stand up to leave Ryleigh in peace. Then Astrid remembered her main issue... where was she going to live after she had to leave the shed in the morning? At first Astrid hesitated then asked Ryleigh "Ummm... do you happen to know a place I could live for a while because since I ran away from the orphanage I don't have a home" she asked nervously bitting her lower lip.
"Oh, uhm, you could always stay at my house if you needed to. Also, you don't have to go." Ryleigh propped herself into a more upright position and crossed her legs. "I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm pushing you away, I don't mean it. I've just never been good at opening up to people." She looked up at her and gave a small smile and laughed herself.

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