Sanctuary [Inactive]

Realizing this was sort of a sacred place for ryleigh and her friends Astrid said "Oh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't stay here, this is a special place for you and your friends" 
Then a photo caught Astrid's eye, she picked up the picture frame, and said "Who is this?" the boy in the picture looked awfully familiar but Astrid couldn't put her finger on it. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Peterparker2.jpg.21f18028e4ee1334ac3ec87aa0c9d023.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Peterparker2.jpg.21f18028e4ee1334ac3ec87aa0c9d023.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Its another character from this role play))



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Daniel huffed, running his fingers through his hair while he attempted to calm himself down by taking a few deep breaths. He some blood off his mouth, from a split lip he recently acquired. Recently, meaning only ten minutes earlier. But staying in this house wasn't an option at this point, and he stormed back downstairs, right past his father and out the door—making sure to slam it hard behind him as he ignored his father's yells. He felt dizzy, and he wasn't exactly walking straight, but he was getting there; back into the forest, finding a familiar path. Even the sight of it managed to bring his nerves down slightly. Nostalgia replaced the anger the closer he got to the old shed, and eventually he found himself staring at it.

After a few seconds, he walked up to the door and cautiously opened it, only for several familiar faces to be revealed. They were talking amongst themselves, and he tried not to draw too much attention to himself as he slipped inside.
"Don't worry about it really, this place is meant to be used for situations like yours." She saw Astrid looking at the photos across the room, it appeared that the one photo drew her attention. "That's Daniel." She said nodding in the pictures direction. It was like he knew they were talking about him because he came though the door but she could see that was trying to slip in unnoticed, but the state of his face alarmed him. "Oh my god, what happened to you?!"
Daniel exhaled quietly, his eyes flickering in the direction of Ryleigh at her question. A rather unexpected greeting, yes, but he scratched the back of his neck, “Me? I, dad.” He proceeded to wave his hand in a state of dismissal, as if it were no big deal. Because to him, it wasn't. It was something he was used to by now, and he was desperate to change the subject, “There's more people here than I was expecting...I wasn't expecting anyone, really...I haven't been here in forever.” He was saying things more to himself, just his observations as his eyes darted around the room curiously.
Astrid turned around and say they boy from the picture. He looked pretty beaten up. 
"Hi" Astrid said in a quiet voice towards the boy. "Uh.. I'm Astrid, and you must be Daniel" Astrid realized she probably sounded like a creep cause she know his name "oh my gosh, I'm sorry you must think I'm some sort of creep. Uh Ryleigh and I were just talking about you." Astrid realized she was most likely only making her first impression worse "Uhh.. I should stop talking now" Astrid said putting her head down.
Maxwell was now entering the woods with a back pack full of clothes, a sleeping bag, food; et cetra. He heard of this place in the woods where people would go and clear up there minds, the sanctuary.

He thought when he could get away from all those people bringing him down he could open up; shout a little, scream, shake and jump; without people thinking he needed to be put in a straight jacket. He had pent-up emotions, his jaw was tight, his body kyphotic. He needed this catharsis.

He twirled his swiss army knife around and trudged forward, constantly turning his head to see if he saw it. After a little more walking it caught his eye. "The sanctuary", he said sighing.

He walked and was somewhat dejected by the sight that there were other teens there too. He walked in and nervously scratching the back of his head, he said, "Hi, I'm Max, I'm guessing this is the place you come to when society thinks you're a looney?".
Max took Astrids hand and shook it. He then carelessly slid his bag down and plopped down on it. He put his hands under his head and began examining the room. "Well if there are others here so be it. C'est Laa Vee", he thought.

He examined the pictures and people around him.
"I'm a little...", he paused for a moment, looked Astrid straight in the eye, "Crazy". He then directed his head to the ceiling.

"I guess you are too. An outcast, the people putting you down for trying to be creative, trying to do something different. The constant scorn of how you'll starve if you become an artist or ...", he stopped and then absent-mindedly reached into his bag and pulled out a deadpool comic and flipped the pages.

"Sorry, I ramble sometimes. So why are you here?
"Eh, same reason as you are my friend. I'm an orphan and I'm tired of being one so I ran away" Astrid saw that he had pulled out a Deadpool comic and said in an excited voice "No way! You like deadpool?! Marvel comics are literally my life, I know it sounds totally stupid but I like to sometimes imagine I'm the Black Widow. She is my idol" Astrid said.
"Interesting", he then reached into his bag again and nonchalantly pulled out the recently released Ms Marvel comic, first issue. He threw it in Astrid's direction. "I guess you'll like this".
"Aye Thank You! So Max why the hell do you think you are crazy, you seem really nice" Astrid said with a kind smile.
"Well my insanity is not so superficial, we are all insane in our own ways, you know. I need to get rid of it that's why I came hear".

Max's head turned to the two guys who looked battered and bruised and the girl with the injured knee. "Whoa! you guys aren't in good shape are you? So what're your names?", he asked examining them keenly.
Daniel was about to reply to Astrid, but a distraction intervened. Someone else came in, and Daniel fell silent once again, listening to their exchange until the male addressed him somewhat indirectly. "I'm Daniel." He replied, forcing a polite smile while rubbing his wrist; a nervous tick. He realized he hadn't really officially introduced himself to anybody. Sure, he remembered a few faces, by there were new faces. Daniel was mostly just apathetic about introductions.
Sasha tread through the forest brush in her beige boots. She wore jeans and a black t-shirt bearing the image of a vertically bisected star - one half black, the other a deep green. Over her shirt, she wore a light camouflage jacket, and on her back was a school backpack fitted with miscellaneous things. Her long hair was tied back into a loose ponytail beneath her boxy plaid cadet hat, and she held in her hands a crude and simple homemade zip gun. It was a short, small rifle constructed mostly of pipes and other metal pieces, the innards fitted with pins and springs. The stock was a plastic one taken from an old paintball gun, and the barrel was factory made and ordered online from a selection of replacement parts. The best part about buying a gun barrel, she knew, was that no one cared if you bought a gun barrel. You can't hurt anyone with a gun barrel.

She stopped, when she heard a rustle of leaves and ducked behind a tree at the sight of a small white rabbit. She took to her knee and looked through the ghost sight - a small circular hole in a vertical piece atop the barrel. The rabbit's nose twitched endearingly as it lifted up onto its hind legs to sniff at a dangling leaf. It brought a smile to her face, which quickly faded as she took a deep breath. She'd fired this weapon in this forest before but never at an animal. It was too fortuitous a circumstance to pass up, however, as this meat would make a good start to her time in these woods. She cocked back the hammer and pulled the bolt up and back, loading in a .22 caliber bullet, which she stole in minute quantities from a tragically careless friend of the family. Better, she thought, the be in her hands than his.

She took aim again - accounting for the downward and rightward trajectory with which this weapon had a habit of firing - and slowly squeezed the trigger against its spring. She took three more deep breaths before the firing pin shot forward and discharged the round, which hit the rabbit's side with surprisingly predictable inaccuracy. The gun was mostly quiet, aside from a small pop and the metallic click of pieces hitting each other. She looked up to confirm the hit, the rabbit limping slowly away with the red stain in its fur. She dropped her gun and ran toward it, hopping for a moment to pull a small kitchen knife from her boot and yank the unserrated blade from its paper sleeve. She took hold of the rabbit which kicked weakly as she pulled the knife across its neck. Sasha looked away and wiped her burning eyes, and it wasn't long before the critter went limp. She looked at her hand which was now smeared with some of her black eyeliner, prompting her to wonder why she even bothered to put it on today. She placed a hand on her forehead and let out a soft sigh, her adrenal gland running wild and causing a slight dizziness.

Sasha stood and retrieved her rifle, returning with a small roll of fishing line produced from her pocket. She tied one end around the rabbit's legs and cut a length from the rest before sliding the small knife into its sleeve and the sleeve into her boot. The other end of the line, she tied to the gun's barrel, picking it up slowly to test the balance of the added weight. Slowly and carefully, she put the rifle over her shoulder, letting her game dangle behind her and drip onto the forest floor.

The rabbit had almost stopped bleeding by the time she arrived at her destination - the Sanctuary - where she was planning to squat, aware of any others who might think the take reprieve here. She entered through the front door, her boots announcing her presence as the smile on her face faded at the sight of others. She hadn't expected anyone to be here, let alone people with which she'd gone to school and even a few former friends she had abandoned when she all but disappeared from the social scene. Her eyeliner was smeared slightly across her face as her eyes flicked back and forth between all the faces in the room, remaining silent for a while to gauge their reactions. A single drop of blood fell from the rabbit's nose onto the floor.
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Max lazily bent his head back and in his upside down view he saw a girl with a bloody rabbit in hand. His eyes widened and his mouth opened.

"Ho oh! Cool! You gonna cook that? I'll help", he offered his assistance without her asking. He got up excitedly and walked over to her. "I'm Max and you are?", he said eyeing the bloody rabbit; which was still dripping crimson red blood.
Ryleigh shifted her eyes around the room, taking in all the faces that had just entered. She recognized most of them from school, but never really friends with any of them. She shot a look at Astrid, Max and the girl who had just entered. "Looks like we are the only normal ones here." She said gesturing at the state of the others in the room. In the back of her head was was hoping and praying that what she just said wouldn't upset the other, especially Shamus. "Sorry." She said with a half smile on her face and a slight shrug of the shoulders.
"There is no such thing as normal. And if you call yourself normal then your crazy." It was something that shamus believe in. He got up from the couch, it was lumpy. He walked over and went out the door. He looked around the shed. "I've had dreams about this place once.... I was running a way from my family. I dreamed that I was returning home to Ireland to see my father." The wind kicked up. "I ran to this place and hid in it. But my mother found me and took me home. My stepfather was angry... That's all I can remember." The air was starting to blow.
"Oh come on I was just joking." She said with her empathy ridden voice.

Ryleigh looked over at Daniel, "God you look horrible...Do you want...anything for that?" She shook her head looking at the exchange between Max and the girl with the rabbit.
More people seemed to be entering, this time a girl with a bloody rabbit. Alright. Blinking a few times, he just managed a sigh and returned his gaze back to Ryleigh, pondering over her question. “Ah, no...I'll survive. I tried to clean it up a little bit before I...left, anyways.” He shrugged, touching his lower lip again and was relieved to see the bleeding had slowed significantly—it had almost stopped completely.
"Daniel, are you sure because it could get worse if it's not treated, here at least let me clean it" Astrid said with a warm smile.
Sasha looked over the oddly excited interloper and cocked her head just so, letting her jaw slightly ajar and raising a hand outward toward him to gesture for more space. She pulled the zip gun off her shoulder, moving it slowly as to not wave her prey wildly about. "I didn't realize anyone else was out here." she said blandly. "I hope you all have enough supplies between you, because I only brought for myself." She gestured circularly with a finger toward the hanging carcass which nearly reached the floor. "I take it, you all don't want to see me pick this guy apart."
Sighing she shook her head at Daniel, "Alright if you say so." Her voice trailed off as she looked at the hanging carcase in the girl's hand. She could feel herself starting to feel sick. Quickly she raised her hand and covered her mouth and turned her head in the opposite direction. She squeeked out, "Get that nasty thing out of her--." Her words were cut off with a gag.

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