Sanctuary [Inactive]

Ryleigh heard Devon calling her name and saw him running towards her. She tucked her hair behind her ears, it was a nervous habit she had. Her mind was still off thinking about how she chased off Shamus, but was determined to keep her attention on Astrid. She looked back at Astrid and gave her a puzzled look, "Why would you want to leave...?" Adjusting the strap of her guitar case, she started to feel the weight of it digging into her shoulder.
"I just can't live in a foster home anymore, I need to find somewhere else to live" Astrid sighed. "Are you ok, you seem stressed?" Astrid said looking really closely at the red headed girl in front of her, Astrid always had a talent for reading people.
"Yeah...yeah. I'm okay, just have to clear my mind a little bit. So what's so bad about your home now? Sorry if I'm prying you can just tell me to shut up. I won't mind." She said with a smirk and a quick glance around.
"I don't exactly have a home I live in a foster home or an orphanage. Ive never had a home, sadly. And no don't worry, your not prying it feels good to talk to someone for once. I guess I never really talk to people who are interested in my life"
Shamus jumped down from the last ten feet. He landed with a thud. "I'll go and talk to her. I should tell her that I am not one to be pushed.... and depending I might even ask her out." She was pretty. Hell there was no denying that. But he had to tell her something.
Ryleigh heard a distant thud behind her, but when she looked she didn't see anything. Turning back to Astrid, "Oh, that sucks." She said as she kicked the ground. "But I'm glad I'm not prying, I always feel like if I pry to much or say the wrong thing I'll push that person away." She caught herself off guard by the words that she spoke, she had never told anyone that before, let alone a stranger.

She saw a younger girl off in the distance, a puzzled look came over her face. "Why is such a young girl out here?" She thought.
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Shamus walked up behind Ryleigh. "You might scare a few people away but you will never scare me away." He grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her in close. "I know this is crazy, and that I just meet you, but will you, by chance go out with me?"
Emmie paused at the sound of voices off in the distance, and locked eyes with the source. The girl was older, how much older she couldn't tell, but she was clearly a teenager. Emmie must have stared to long, because just then her foot skidded over something, the root of a tree, she saw, and was sent flailing to the ground, unable to regain her balance.

Emmie cursed under her breath as her cheeks began to burn red, and she fished twigs and leaves out her tangly hair.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and then found herself face to face with Shamus. Her mouth opened and a blank stare came over her face at the words that he spoke. "I...uh, uh. I mean...yeah sure, why not?" He caught her off guard.

She head a distant thud behind her, craning her head around she saw the young girl on the ground. "Oh s***!" Whipping her head around she looked Shamus dead in the eyes. "Hold that thought." Then she took off running to the girl.
Astrid, not being exactly the best person during social matters awkwardly stood there once Ryleigh left and looked at the boy who had come up to her and said "Uhhh hi..." while looking at the ground and scratching her head unsure of what to do.
Emmie saw the kid stepping forward, but effectively avoided eye contact and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm fine, I swear. I'm just, like, really clumsy, you know?" Emmie stood up, in her usual ungraceful manner, and glanced down at the hole that had torn in her sweat pants. A scab was already forming where she scraped her knee. She peered at the other teens' faces, recognizing them ever so slightly, and waved awkwardly.
"Are you sure?" She was concerned, looking down at the girls knee. "Man that looks nasty. You really should get that cleaned up." Pausing for a second, "Come on I'll get you cleaned up, there is a first aid kid in the old shed back here." She smiled at the girl and gave her beckoning wave to follow her. "By the way I'm Ryleigh, what's your name?"
Emmie hesitated, but was grateful for the girl's kindness, and followed. "Emilia. But call me Emmie," she skipped a little as she walked and smiled like a little kid, despite the fresh blood trailing down her knee.

As they stepped through the somewhat thick collection of dead brush and vine, Emmie let out a little gasp. The shed-- it was somewhere she'd been before. The familiarity hit her so vividly, and she found her self scanning the building, almost searching for the reason why she knew she had been here before.

But she said nothing, for now, and continued to follow Ryleigh.
Ryleigh led Emmie to the small clearing where Shamus and Astrid stood "Come on guys, I'm gonna get some first aid supplies for her." Gesturing to Emmie's knee. "Oh, and Astrid, I might have a place where you can crash tonight." She said with a smile. Looking over at Shamus she grabbed his hand and jokingly said, "Come on Romeo."
"I'll gladly follow you." Shamus said as he followed her. If he couldn't stand, let alone stay with his family maybe he could stay with her. Shamus walked into the shed. "Wow, this place has changed a little sense I had been here last."
Ryleigh lifted her guitar case over her head and up off her shoulder and placed in the old dusty corner. She took in a deep breath and inhaled the musty smell and looked around. There was a thin layer of dust encompassing just about everything in the room. "Yeah, this place has changed. I've added a few things to it but nothing major." She said gesturing to the wooden crates in the corner. She made her way over to the crates and rummaged though them she found the first aid kit she was in search of.
Emmie glanced curiously at the boy who had spoken... What was his name? Sha- something. He spoke very eloquently for being not much older than her, but Emmie kind of liked this. She stood awkwardly at the entrance to the shed and looked around.

"This place looks so familiar..." She said absently.
Ryleigh plopped herself down on the couch, dust came out as soon as she disturbed the seat and it lingered in the air around her. She patted the seat next to her and gestured for Emmie to come over. "I wouldn't be surprised if you used to come here when you were younger." Glancing up at Shamus, "A lot of us did. Some of us even met here." She returned her attention back to the first aid kit that sat in her lap, and pulling out a band aid and some disinfectant.
"Yeah I remember when my mom was still dating. I would come here when she came home at three in the morning.... Now I am coming to escape my step father and mother." He sat down on the couch. Some dust shot up. He sat down next to ryleigh.
Emmie let out a gasp and clasped her hands together, eyes lighting up, "That's it!" She sat down heavily next Ryleigh and beamed.

"But I only came here once or twice every summer, I remember. I think I just couldn't find the place again, and then I forgot about it." Emmie continued to smile triumphantly as if she had uncovered some complicated mystery, her curls bouncing as she tilted her head to the side. "Did you guys used to come here a lot?"
"I used to come here all the time when I was younger." She smiled thinking about all the fond memories she had here with her father, but the smile soon faded as she remembered the accident. Letting out a sigh she looked over at Shamus and put on a fake smile, "We hung out here a couple times when we were older but not that much. I think this place has been pretty much abandoned for the past couple years."
"Wow this place looks amazing, thanks for letting me crash here" Raven said while putting her bag down that had all her belongings (that mostly consisted of marvel comic books and vinyl records)
"Oh no problem. Fell free to make yourself at home here whenever you need too. Just remember that some of the other kids in the neighborhood hang out here sometimes." She said looking over at Astrid who stood in the doorway. Ryleigh started to unpeel the band aid and called Emmie over, "Come here, your knee looks to be getting worse."
Astrid sat down next to Ryleigh, unsure what to do and asked "So what is this place?" 
Astrid looked around and saw some picture frames with picture of people around her age in them.
Taking in a deep breath. "Well...a while back a couple kids and I came here and called it the sanctuary. All of us have pretty messed up home lives so we needed a place to get away. Also we used to come here, when were younger, with our parents." Ryleigh looked around the old rickety shed, there were small trinkets and nicknacks scattered about. Most of them where left overs from when various kids would hang out or crash here.

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