Salt (Witchmoonstone279 & Tigress)

"I could never...." I shouldn't have said that. I should NOT have said that.... "So, you're quite the nomad?" I say, turning the conversation into a lighter direction. I run my hand through Rose's beautiful coat. "Have your eyes always been that colour?"
Bloodrose nodded slightly. "Yeah. They didn't name me BLOODrose for nothing!" she gave a small wolf-like laugh, almost like a combination between a bark and a huff of air. One of the cutest sounds a wolf could make. She stretched out on the grass and yawned slightly. "And yeah, I guess you could say I'm a nomad..."
"How did you come to know that you're a witch?" I carry on picking the grass. I walk over to the house and begin to clean up. "I'm sorry, I am a bit of a neat freak." As I shake out the mat I call to Rose. "hey, do you have any idea why we had an incredibly pissed of dragon trying to move us out of here?" I have been living here for years, why now...
Bloodrose shifted back to human and stood up, following after him. "I was talking to my dog one evening after my parents hand gone to bed.. I didn't know how I did it, but I summoned my spirit guide and protector, who told me that I was a witch. " she said before looking at the ground. "Yeah.... The dragon might have something to do with me. I always seem to be getting followed by dragons that try to kill the people around me.... Sorry..."
"Well, this is a bit of a problem, we'll have to sort this out..." I wish I had it that easy..... I grab her bandaged hand and start pouring healing energy into the wound. "I have something that might just do the trick, you're going to have to just bear with me for a couple of weeks" I walk into my bedroom. I have surfboard everywhere you look. Hung from the roof, In the corners, used as shelves, posters..... I rummage around in my bed side drawer. I pull out a small stone. "It's Topaz, it should help with the healing, I'm a healer although my personal power just doesn't cut it this time. I have a feeling this will help though. Put it near your hand and wrap the bandage over it to keep it there." I hand her the Topaz confidently.
Bloodrose looked around his room and sighed as she took the Topaz from him. "I can see why you miss the ocean so much...." she murmured as she slipped the stone under her bandage and pulled her elbow length gloves on over her hands, flexing her fingers and getting used to the feeling of the stone pressed against her hand. "It feels odd.... And I don't know how it'll stay there when I shift to wolf again"
"maybe, I could, uhm, make you a bracelet. I mean, if you would like me to...." My eyes sweep across my bedroom. I walk over to the window, and open the curtains exposing the inner layer of beaded threads. I love this place. I look over at Rose and realize that she is watching me intently. She is becoming good at hiding her thoughts. I would never tell her that. I haven't heard much that she hasn't wanted me to hear today. I turn slowly following my head and look dead into her eyes. A piece of her head hair falls into her face. I lift my hand slowly and wipe it behind her ear.

As I slide my hand down i hold her delicate chin between my slender index finger and thumb. I lean down slowly. She hasn't moved. My lips meet hers for a second and it is as if an electric shock courses through me. I stiffen suddenly and storm out the room.
She looked at the beaded curtain and ran her fingers over it, smiling slight as she listened to the beads clicking together before falling back into place. "You can turn it into a bracelet if you want to..." she murmured thoughtfully to him.

Bloodrose's eyes widened when he kissed her and looked at the ground when he left the room, feeling a rising heat in her cheeks. She stood still, watching as he left, unsure of what she should do.....
I a surfboard that has long since been stuck on the wall just outside the front door. I walk with the board in arm up to my van. I push it into the back. I run up to the drivers door and rip it open. I jump in and start the old engine. I rev the engine and the great beast roars to love. I pat the dash board and say out loud. "I love you sally girl. you have done me well." I begin to motor through the forest and I get onto beach road. I see a couple guys that just came out of a surf, piled into a Beetle. As they pass they hoot at me, lean out the window and shout, "the waves are cooking, bra!". They slide back in and show the peace out sign. I pull into the beach parking and walk around the back to unpack my board. I open a secret compartment in the side and pull out my wet suit. I pull it one and attach my leash...
Bloodrose ran outside and muttered a few words in ancient Latin, watching as she ran and a wolf began to form out of a thin blue mist. She grabbed one of the tassels on it's side and pulled herself up onto the giant wolf, which was three times the size of a normal wolf. With a metal skull. "To the beach!" she shouted to it and it growled in response, speeding up as it's large paws thundered on the ground.

Unknown to them, they passed a small white Beetle, and continued running towards the beach.

She saw him. Walking towards the salty ocean. "Get him." she growled to the wolf and it nodded. A few more steps and all it needed to do was place a large paw over him, it's sharp purple claws creating a cage around him and she slipped down the side of the wolf and sat on the grey tassel on it's side. "Stay away from the salt.... Please" she told him with a slight growl. Now the heavy shackles appeared around the wolf's paws.
The smell of cannabis wafted around the small Beetle. I open the window. The smoke trailing out. I look at Jason pulling on the bong. Just then something big at the end of the road catch's my eye. "F*********ck, Jay what in god's name is that?!!!!!" It's stride was a long as three of the Beetles together. "It's a f*cking wolf, duuude" I stare wide eyes and the car swerves off the road. "Are we having a good trip, or what?"

"Rose!" I stare angrily at her. "Rose, I didn't want to die, I just wanted to surf..... I didnt know what else to do..." I wrap my fingers around the big wolf's nails.
Blackfin swam in circles before eventually getting bored and climbing up onto the edge of the pool to cath some sun on her pale skin.

Bloodrose jumped off of the wolf's side and petted it's ankle. "Move" she instructed it and it lifted it's paw with a soft growl, lying down on the sand next to her. Bloodrose knelt down next to him and kissed his forehead before smiling at him. "And what happens if you bail? You'll end up in the salty water and then you'll die. And I'll be sad about that"
I put my arms around Rose, "you know, you really are an angel." I lightly kiss her forehead. I run my hand through through my hair and look into her eyes. "I am so glad I met you."

Jason and B en restart the Beetle that had cut out when they swerved. They resumed their journey and came chugging down the road. They came to a tjurn off and decide, on impulse, to take it.
Bloodrose pulled a face and shook her head. "I'm not that great" she told him before collapsing on the ground next to him. She looked at the wolf and petted the metal covering it had on it's head before muttering a few words. It vanished in a light mist.

Darkfang was relaxing on the ground, the tip of her tail resting in the water in front of her
I grab her hand and just lay there with her, staring into oblivion with the sound of the waves crashing in the background. "you have to help me..."

The boys were having the time of their lives bumping along the uneven road. Eventually the road ended. They stopped just in time to not crash into a tree. They climb out the car and discover a sandy footpath. "We are going on an adventure!" exclaims Ben
Bloodrose rolled onto her side and watched him. "Help you with what....?" she asked him softly, her blood red eyes unblinking as she watched him.

Blackfin closed her eyes and began singing to herself in a beautiful yet haunting voice, her black hair draping over her shoulders and covering her chest as her tail remained hidden in the water
"I need to find a way to get into the water.... It's killing me Rose. You have to help me" I begin to make a snow angel in the sand. I smile at Rose and chuckle softly,

The buys stumble down the path and it opens up to the valley. "Woah bro this is bright" Jason said chomping on a very special fungus. They walk down and see a log cabin. "Oh its like we are in the Goldilocks....." Chimed Ben. "Na, Hansel and Gretel....." They sweep aside the bead curtain quickly but then chicken out.... They hear a beautiful voice calling at their soul. They follow it. They see something in the water.... "Dude my ears like, but my penis like more"
Bloodrose frowned and thought for a moment. "I wonder..... What could we do to help you surf again..." she mused to herself as she drew meaningless symbols on the sand beneath her seat. "Wait.... Maybe Blackfin will have an idea?" she asked

Blackfin heard voices and immediately stopped singing, spinning around to face the voices, her black hair sticking to her slender and pale cheeks. Her bright green eyes stared at the guys in front of her and she gasped softly, sinking her tail lower in the water...
"I have been trying to figure this out for months....." I look longingly towards the sea. "I'd do absolutely anything." Suddenly feeling extremely forlorn, I put my arm around Rose and pull her closer to me. "I want you to stay forever..."

Ben grabs a handful of fungi and pops it into his mouth. "Bro, this is the most amazing trip I have ever had in my entire life...." Jason reaches for Ben's arm and starts crying into his shoulder. Eventually his eyes grow wide and he screams

"We've found the motherload!!!!!" They begin running to BlackFin.
Bloodrose headbutted his arm with a smile. "I think someone likes me" she teased before kissing his cheek. "Of course I'll stay... I don't really have anywhere else I can go anyway" she sighed softly, leaning against him and watching the waves. "We'll think of some way to get you back.... We will....."

Blackfin sighed and pushed herself to the deep end of the pool. "Humans.... I'll never understand you creatures." she said, loud enough for them to hear her before pulling her two bone hunting knives out a strap around her tail and lifting her strong greyish black tail into the air, bringing it down on the water and creating a wave that knocked the two guys over when they got close to the pool. She swam under the water in the deep end, watching them carefully
I was holding Rose's hand loosely, I draped my other arm was draped across my body and lightly stroking Rose's, the one I was holding. "Am I that easy to read?" I chuckle with a wink. "I have never in my life felt this way before.... It's... strange." I begin to blush as look in the other direction.

The boys were now completely drenched. Ben didn't bother moving from where he had been knocked over, but Jason began to leopard crawl towards the pool mischievously. I reached the edge and playfully poked Dark.
Bloodrose chuckled. "Well first there was the kiss. And there's the looks you've been giving me. And well, I can sense others emotions since I'm a wolf. So no, you're not easy to read. It's just my wolfness that allowed me to see that you like me" she smiled and leaned against him, looking out over the ocean. "I've never felt love or been loved before.... It feels nice;......"

Blackfin darted through the water before pulling herself onto the step at the other side of the pool. "What do you humans want?" she growled, her fin-like ears showing through her pitch black hair. She kept a dagger in each hand, ready to attack if they came too close
"Well, personally I think you're the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen" I say blushing. I run my had down her face and pull in to kiss her lightly. "and, I believe you shall be feeling this feeling for at least a while longer." I chuckle adding a little wink. "I have a 'place'." I get up quickly and pull her up by her hand. I fling her light body onto my back and start running down the beach, swinging from side to side while she shrieked from behind me.

Ben was still staring at the candy floss clouds. He was completely in a daze. Jason, on the other hand, slipped int the pool with Blackfin. He grabs her cheeks between his forefinger and thumb and starts pulling at her face. Then randomly headbuts her.
Bloodrose blushed when he called her beautiful. "Well... I'm not that great, but thank you...." she murmured. She kissed him back with a small smile, but was surprised when she was pulled onto his back. "No, put me down!!" she said with a laugh as he ran down the beach. "Put me down!"

Blackfin growled and slipped under the water, slamming her tail against his legs and forcing him to fall over. "No one does that to me..." she thought angrily and pushed him against the step, holding one of her knives against his throat.
I run with her kicking and screaming on my back for about 20 minutes. She eventually goes limp accepting her fate. I finally see it. Well, hear it. We get to a long river that leads into the forest. I put her down and grab her hand while leading her along the river bank. I cover her eyes as we turn a corner and climb over a rock. I open her eyes and she gasps. "This is one of my favourite places. I discovered this waterfall by accident.

The boys regrouped and made their way back to eachother. Their trip beginning to wear off. "Dude, I thinkk we should go home. I think I'm dying..." Ben said, almost in tears.

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