Salt (Witchmoonstone279 & Tigress)

Blackfin rolled onto her side and faced away from him. "Alrighty" she said simply, staring curiously into the forest. She wondered what it was like to be able to walk around and not be restricted to water, but quickly shrugged it off. "I quite honestly prefer water. Much more quiet" she thought to herself.

Bloodrose had dozed off in front of the fire, her tial resting on top of her nose as she breathed in gently
"Me too...." I walk back the way i came, pulling articles of clothing on loosely as I walk back into the house. I see Rose dozing there soundly...... I see her dream.... I wipe my hand across my forehead. I pat Roses before making my way to bed.
Blackfin rolled back into the pool before swimming over to the shallowest part and 'sitting' there with her head above the water, which is where she dozed off.

Bloodrose smiled slightly when he petted her, shifting slightly in her sleep to get into a more comfortable position with a wolf-yawn
I wake up before dawn and walk down to the beach. Digging my toes into sand I plan my day ahead. I start to feel hungry. I take a slow stroll back to the house, inspecting every rock, leaf and grain of sand. I start to make breakfast when i feel a feminine hand on my shoulder.
Bloodrose placed her hand on his shoulder. "You petted me while I was asleep last night..." she said before removing her hand and smiling up at him. "Good morning by the way"
I turn around and look down at her. I have the sudden urge to kiss her but think better off it. I spread some butter onto my toast slowly. I have suddenly lost my appetite. I lose my myself as i look into her eyes. So beautiful.... "So, how'd you sleep?" I ask happily, snapping out of it.
Bloodrose yawned and her sharp canines were clearly visible. "Like a rock! The carpet was soooo warm next to the fire" she said happily. If her human form had a tail, it wold be wagging happily at the moment. She sniffed the air softly before noticing the toast that was busy going cold in his hands. "Hey are you gonna eat that?"

Blackfin woke up with a yawn and she stretched before slipping sleepily under the water, waking herself up
"You're welcome to have it" I smile at her. Just then the floor starts to shake and I look around. I run out the house. I look around trying to find the cause of this incredible shake. I look into the sky and hovering above us is a huge, angry looking dragon.
Blackfin yawned. "Well this just bites" she muttered when she saw the dragon and slipped under the water, swimming quickly to the deepest part.

Bloodrose peered out the window and started whimpering when she saw the dragon, clasping her bandaged hand in her good hand. After she had shifted to human, she had taken off the gloves so that she could eat without messing them up. Her fingers were long and thin, almost twig-like in appearance.
I whisper something and my body suddenly exudes blue energy. I bunch it all together as spew it at the dragon. This dragon does not want us here. My ball of energy hit the dragon and it trembles. As it shakes so does the Earth. I shoot ball after ball. All to no prevail. "I think I'm going to need some help here, please"
Bloodrose nodded and shifted to her wolf form before howling and summoning a pack of ten wolves. Elemental wolves. Space, Time, Ice, Air, Earth, Lightning, Fire and Water were all there. Plus the two strongest wolves. The Sun and the Moon. She barked loudly and the pack began attaching the dragon, each wolf using their own element

(wow that is a beautiful picture)

"wow, that is amazing." I help fighting and eventually it moves off.... I fall down onto the ground with exhaustion and begin to draw energy out of mother nature. The wolves disappear and I'm kind of sad they are gone. I look up at Rose and whisper "are you alright?"
(I know right!)

Bloodrose whimpered and crawled over to him, nosing the bandage around her paw that had started coming loose. "Could you put it back on for me please...?" she thought to him, looking up at him with pleading eyes, scared of what will happen if the bandage started coming off
"Put your paw on my lap". I start to fix it. Wrapping it tightly around her injured paw. "Do you mind telling me what happened" I ask still fiddling around with the bandage.
"Before my parents abandoned me I was attacked by a dragon.... Some kind of dark energy entered the wound and now whenever the bandage comes off it starts eating away at me from the inside... Almost like it's slowly killing me I guess, and my parents hated me for that...." she thought to him, looking at the ground as he tightened the bandage
"well we'd have to fix that, now wouldn't we?" I think about the obstacle ahead. "I have the personal power to do it alone, although I'd have to brush up on my skill. This is going to be a very long and painful procedure..." I lay on back and stare into the sky where, just moments ago, there had been a giant dragon. I pick at the grass nervously.
Bloodrose nodded and lay down, resting her head on her paws with a soft huff. She closed her bloody eyes slightly and watched as a little ladybug crawled up a blade of grass in front of her nose.

Blackfin looked out from the water. "Oh hey you guy got the dragon to leave" she said and looked around at the area surrounding them
"yeah, not with any help from you though! I give u a place to stay and you cant even fling a poo at the thing! Shame on you!" I chuckle and place my hands behind my head. I sigh and turn to stroke Rose. "What are you planning to do today, you know, other than fight dragons..."
"I don't feel like being turned into sushi for dragons just yet!" Blackfin called out to him before flicking water at him. A few drops of water landed on Bloodrose and she barked, summoning the water wolf. The water wolf stood next to her, waiting for an order. Bloodrose nodded and it raced into the pool, snapping at Blackfin.

"I'm not really sure..." Bloodrose thought with a smile as she watched Blackfin playing with the elemental wolf in the pool
"That was pretty cool." I eyeball Blackfin. I allow the lady bug to crawl onto my hand. "I have a plan" I grin mischievously. "I am going to take you out!"
Blackfin and the wolf were happily splashing each other and Bloodrose chuckled, barking for the wolf to come back. It did as it was told and she gently nosed it's shoulder before it vanished again. She looked at Archiel with a slightly confused face. "Take me out? What do you mean...?" she thought
"I want to show you something." I wince at remembering this beautiful place. "My best friend used to take me there...." I feel my eyes beginning to moisten. I quickly look away.... I walk back in to my house and search for my pack of tobacco. I walk back outside and resume my spot on the grass next to Rose. I begin to roll myself a cigarette.
Bloodrose tilted her head to the side at Archiel's actions. She had had neither felt love nor had any proper friends when she was still accepted in her old home, so she couldn't really understand how he felt.

Blackfin pulled herself up onto the step of the pool and watched them curiously
"Where do you live?" I ask trying to figure Rose out. I thought I was alone. I thought I was the only magical being in this town and now a whole bunch has plonked themselves onto me. I sigh, feeling a bit overwhelmed. I stare into the sky. This has been the first time I've interacted sociably in about a year. I almost forgot this feeling.
Bloodrose shook her head. "I don't live anywhere.... I usually stop in town for a few days before moving on to the next town" she thought to him with a slight huff before padding closer to him and licking his cheek. "But hopefully you won't chase me away like the others..."

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