Salt (Witchmoonstone279 & Tigress)

"Who the hell, do you think you are fighting with my brother!" I tilt my head and look straight at her. That's weird..... why do I hear no thoughts? I feel.... overwhelmed.... I feel hatred towards her.... I don't even know why..... "Who are you..." I suddenly go soft.
"And a pleasant day to you too" Blackfin mutteredbefore swimming slightly closer to the shore. She stopped and kept her tail under the water, so it looked like she was a normal human just lying on her stomach in the surf. "My shortened name is Dark." she told him, tilting her head to the side.

Bloodrose looked between the two of them. She could feel the tension between the two of them


"What.... are you?" I growl through clenched jaws. (like how i threw that in there) I want to run into the water and murder but i know that Rose would never allow me to. She isn't a witch.... She isn't dead. Why is this feeling of dislike so strong? She even... smells bad. I need to calm down. I start to shuffle away, chanting softly to myself.
"My full name however, is Blackfin" she said and lifted her shark-like tail out of the water so that he could see it before bringing it down with a splash. "And I was fighting your brother because he attacked me. I did nothing to provoke him, all I was doing was catching fish" she told him and pushed her wet black hair away from her emerald green eyes.

Bloodrose nodded slowly. So that's why there was so much tension. Dolphins and sharks were natural enemies.
"and why, you beast, would my brother attack you without any provocation?" I say as I spin on my heels, my attention being captured. "We are peaceful souls. Sharks, on the other hand, attack anything that moves!" I turn to Rose, her very presence is calming me down.... melting my ice. I sit down roughly and it feels as if all my energy has slithered out of me and into the ocean. Oh, how I long for that feeling. Before... I could freely jump from rocks into the ocean without the fear of burning, before I could grab my surfboard and run, without a care, into the watery bliss and just sit and think for hours..... and now all that, my life has been stolen from me. Ripped away... I would do anything to just have the feeling of salt water dripping off my face return....
Blackfin's fin-like ears perked up as she listened before flattening against her head again. "I take offence to that. And why don't you ask your brother why he attacked me? Huh? Actually, that's a wonderful idea, here he comes again" she growled at him, her sharp teeth clenched together as she splashed the water with her tail in the direction of the dolphin that was swimming up behind her again.

Bloodrose gracefully plopped down onto the ground next to him after shifting into her wolf form. She licked his cheek in an attempt to comfort him
All I pick up from my brother was red... this isn't good. "I think you better get out the water.... he is about to try and kill you." I begin to think as a separate unit again. I grab Rose's petite hand as if that would hold me back. I can hear her trying to hold back her thoughts. I run my free hand through my hair... everything is still burning.

The sun is beginning to disappear. I look softly at Rose. "I better be going then... Nice meeting you Rose. And as for you, shark bait... oh wait." I chuckle. " Well, your another story.
Rose gripped his hand in her jaws, loosely so that she didn't hurt him. "Oh no you don't, you're not vanishing on me now" she thought as she stared at him with bright eyes. Her red eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.

Blackfin looked behind her before swearing in her own tongue. She moved her tail and pushed herself onto the beach, using her hands to pull herself out of the water. She glared at the dolphin before lying back on the soft sand. "Luckily I can stay out of water.... For a while" she said as the gills on her side closed slightly
i look at Rose and scratch behind her ears. "You are welcome to come home with me although I don't think your parents would approve." I wink cheekily at her. "would be nice to have a pet in the house." I could deal with this..... "mmmm, Blackfin are you alright out here tonight?" warming up to her. I can sense my brother is not happy about this.
Blackfin tilted her head back, getting sand in her hair. "Do you have a swimming pool by any chance? Like, even if it's plain water. I should be fine there.... Because I don't think your brother is going to allow me into the ocean again...." she said before looking at the sky again.

Bloodrose huffed and let go of his hand. "Parents? What parents? They abandoned me two years ago" she thought to him. "And don't call me a pet"
"I do surprisingly. how are we going to get you there?" I chuckle and look down at Rose, "We'll talk about this later angel and i was only kidding!"

I'll be back in a moment I'm just going to fetch my car.
Bloodrose growled as he ran off to fetch his car. "I'm not an angel!" she barked, thinking this the loudest she could before once again sitting down with a huff.

Blackfinsighed with relief. "Huh. That's good, so I don't have to die just yet"
Suddenly the growl of an old engine was heard down the beach. "Hop in girls" I shout from my VW Hippie van. I grin like a naughty Child at Rose. "You are an angel, you saved my life".
Blackfin dragged herself along the short bit of beach between her and the car before pulling herself up. "You know, being half shark and on land isn't all that easy" she panted once she had pulled herself into the car.

Bloodrose hopped into the car and sat in the passenger seat. "Only because I don't like people having the same ideas as me...." she thought with a wink
I give Rose a light push. "meanie." I turn in my chair and eyeball Blackfin, "suck it up." i press down the pedal and the sand flicks up behind the car. We start off along the beach road. after about ten minutes I stop the car. I parked between trees. "from here, we walk," I wink at Blackfin. "good luck" I begin the journey. after about twenty minutes of walking through trees we end up in a small valley that is forest that fades into beach. "Welcome to my humble abode" I chuckle as if I were introducing them to a close friend. we walk down the hill and eventually end up at a small little log cabin resting on the shore.
When they stopped, Blackfin sighed angrily. "You know, I really hate you right now" she said and Bloodrose switched back to her human form. "Here, I'll help you..." she said and pulled Blackfin out of the car and draped her over her shoulder before walking after Archiel. "Not very comfortable, but a lot better than dragging myself along the ground. Thank you Bloodrose" she said as he black hair fell over her shoulders. "Don't mention it" Bloodrose said in reply

After they arrived, Bloodrose put Blackfin onto the sand. "You're a lot heavier than you look" she said with a laugh and Blackfin nodded. "I know"
"The pool is around the corner" I run up to Blackfin drape her over my shoulder, run to the pool and throw her in. "mmmm, let's get you settled in. I have the feeling you are going to be here a while." I grin childishly to Rose. I barely know the girl and i"m already like this.... No one has seen me like this before. I need to get my act straight. I stiffen up. i lift the home made bead curtains to the side and let Rose enter. "Well, uh, this is it." I look around. "There is only, uh, one bedroom so I'll sleep either outside or the couch
Blackfin landed in the pool with a splash and she surfaced again. Luckily it was quite a large pool, so she had enough space to swim in. She splashed some water at him with the tip of her tail. "That's for throwing me in" she said with a smirk. The gills on her side opened up again.

Rose chuckled. "I can sleep anywhere since I normally sleep in my wolf form" she told him as she walked into his house. "Hey this place is nice!"
"I've been living here a while.... built it myself. Never had anyone over before..." i clear my throat. "but, uhm, yeah, make yourself at home. I am going to collect some firewood." I walk out my cabin running my hands through my long pale hair. I take a slow walk down to the forest. I find a good tree and with a flick of a wrist the tree is a beautifully stacked pile of firewood.
Bloodrose turned into her wolf form and yawned, stretching out before curling up on the rug in front of the dark fireplace. Her shaggy fur fell over her eyes and she looked at the bandage around her front right paw. The same bandage that was always around her right hand and was kept covered by her red gloves. She sighed and looked at it, her bloody eyes blinking every now and then.
"What happened?" I ask softly, trying to emerge myself in Rose's thoughts, and failing. The embers in the fire place remind me of the soft, warm, ever present glow of Rose's energy. Come on now, don't fall for this bullsh*t. You have been single for 19 years, there is absolutely no need for that to change now. You've done well. Why bother. I cannot decide from which shoulder these thought were coming from. "I need some air" I mumble quickly and and exit, almost jogging. As I walk I rip off my clothes leaving them laying in piles on the floor. I get to the pool completely naked and dive in. Heaven. I have almost completely transformed as I come up for air. I hear someone clearing their throat. Oh no, Blackfin!
Blackfin chuckled before diving back under the water and slicking her hair back. She came back up and her fin-like ears lifted away from her head. "You know, it would have been nice to have a little bit of warning before you stripped so I didn't end up having the fright of my life" she said to him, her tail swaying from side to side. "And you don't have to worry about me biting you. I tend to avoid dolphins if I can. No offence, but they taste disgusting"

Bloodrose frowned and watched as he left. "What happened? Was he talking about the bandage?" she thought to herself with a soft whine, remembering what had happened that forced her to wear this bandage
If I hadn't transformed already she would have seen me blush. The one place I could actually be myself and now I cant do that either..... No one has ever seen me nude before, let alone turn. I swim under trying to drown my thoughts, as well as hers. It feels amazing, although there is always the weird sensation of the waves calling me. As if they were just waiting to caress my body and whoever I so desire to bring with...
Blackfin chuckled again and pulled herself out of the water and onto the ground next to the pool, lying there and staring up at the stars. She felt that he would need to swim alone for a while after what had just happened, but she didn't mind. The moonlight made her rough shark tail gleam in it's light, making it look almost smooth
I need to breath. My lungs begin to burn. I must have been down for at least 10 minutes. As I come up for air i do a 360 in the air and land perfectly in the water. It is as if a hole in the water opened up and then swallowed me. I transform and climb smoothly out the other side of the pool. "thanks Blackfin, do you mind looking the other way?" I whisper shyly, dead sure that she heard me.

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