
Are you guys coming anytime soon? lol I've set it up so it'll be easy to grab her and do whatever you want to Killian (just don't kill him). I don't know how much longer I'll keep him there.
Fun fact, Black Beard wasn't great as a pirate. He only had the one ship, and accumulated perhaps the least amount of gold of all the "famous" pirates. He is only famous for entwining slow burning incense sticks. This gave him a devilish aura around him, what with the smoke around his head and the reddish orange glow over it all.

Having said that, I just had to look up who tge most successful pirate was. Turns out, it was a she pirate. Cheng I Shao, former prostitute in China managed to have a fleet of 15000 ships and had a total crew, of all the ships, of 80000. She used this large fleet to tax whole villages. My goodness, now that's a lot of people and ships.
Though he won't be finding out for a while.

I mean pregnancy is a nine month process. So this will be a very slow progression.

Though I will be relishing the moment he finds out.

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