

Are you literally trying to turn my guy into a Demon.

Really i was just gonna see if you could keep your calm but i am pretty sure Rose may break, and if she does then you, my friend, ARE SCREWED > :D . @blink0623
blink0623 said:
If you God mod me, my crew, or damage to my ship I will kick you out of this RP. Warning issued.
No not god moding just advanced fighting, EXPECT TO LOOSE ALLOT OF CREW IF YOU FIGHT ME.

Our captains would just be epic dueling you know Kicking, cutting, and beaten on each other
I'm not but echo HATES new people WITH A FREAKING PASSION!! And my demon dogs and staff would kill you before you can say HELP. So no, I wouldn't be screwed, you would be screwed.
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
I'm not but echo HATES new people WITH A FREAKING PASSION!! And my demon dogs and staff would kill you before you can say HELP. So no, I wouldn't be screwed, you would be screwed.
I would shoot both of your dogs before they reached me
You are freaking ridiculous. That's it. I don't care what you say or try to do. You attack and think you can come out on top every single time. You attack me, Davy Jones is pulling you, your ship, and your crew down to his locker. And yes, I can play the role of him because I am going to create a CS for him. Bye, bye captain.

PS I don't care if it's "advanced fighting". It's not allowed. I've had other people complain. This is your only warning.
That's litterally impossible for you to draw your weapons that fast because they are already practically choking themselves already and once I let go they will already be running full tilt and get to you in LESS than 5 seconds-_-
blink0623 said:
You are freaking ridiculous. That's it. I don't care what you say or try to do. You attack and think you can come out on top every single time. You attack me, Davy Jones is pulling you, your ship, and your crew down to his locker. And yes, I can play the role of him because I am going to create a CS for him. Bye, bye captain.
PS I don't care if it's "advanced roleplay". It's not allowed. I've had other people complain. This is your only warning.

I will control myself and not fight and let you go but i shall get Tavian come back and then epic battle (with michael bay) :D
and plus can't you take a joke, ( not the me winning against the odds when it came to the royal navy) i know that i would be screwed because of those freaking dogs and i am in a bad spot, in crushing distance with two ships. now do you think i am really that stupid to fight alone on that.
The way you said it didn't make it sound like you were joking so just stop because it wasnt funny and was actually quite rude which I do not respect as I would rather roleplay without you saying it was a joke and tryin to make up for your mistake. Over computer or text you cannot fully express yourself and WILL seem rude if you aren't careful about what you say or say your kidding on your FIRST post that you make and then that would decrease the drama amount we just had. Thanks, goodbye.

And yes I do think you would be that stupid because you expressed that you would be.
alright enjoy these shanties instead and MY GREATEST APOLOGIES :


And plus i am sounding stupid because i have been up all day working, and then it is freaking afternoon so i decided " Might as well stay up" so that is why i am be sounding stupid

(Plus i am really scared of loosing my character that is why am trying to make him sound legendary FORGIVE ME BUT PEOPLE WILL TAKE UP MY KINDNESS AND USE IT AGAINST ME)

No i am serious i am really sorry for Over expressing my character and his abilities so please forgive me
I just did sime quick math. Eight double barreled pistols equal 16 shots, best case scenario. In smaller ship, that can take out over half the crew if all the shots went off and hit. I also looked up how many people it takes to crew a frigate. I came back with the answer that a typical 36 gun frigate takes about 200 crew members to sail effectivelly. From what I've gatgered of tge War, it is a 50+ gun ship, so lets bump tge crew to somewhere about 250-300 crew members. That, for a pirate, is rather ridiculous. Pirates, back them and now, relied more on manuverability and speed then anything else. Plus, those ships that are fast and manuverable are much easier to find and cheaper then a man o' war.
Hey guys sorry for not responding yesterday but I will today.

I'm gone for one day and I miss six pages? Damn people okay would it be too much trouble to be put up to speed or do I have to read it all? lol
Just so that it's understood, just in case. Connor is not sexist. He is only superstitious, i.e. women on a ship are bad luck and cats are good.
Yes I would like to meet up with you along with Dulio @SnowFeather

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