
I am thinking what if you sailing down and then you see a small ship ablaze with men dying on it. And the ship with it's captain *thats me* is still around

Ahh but think , Tavian would be somewhere else and you decided to go check it out (plus it was very foggy) there you find men dead or dying and nothing you could do to help, and then a black flag appears from the mist and begins to hide behind sails. Pointing straight towards you. now what would you do.

blink0623 said:
If I hypothetically did do this...what would be ship's intent?
Possibly would meet you to get a description on you to see if you are good or not.

Don't try attacking because the men aboard can fight elitely and the Captain would just be Jesus,H,Christ good

(That is a reference from a movie)

Yes but remember my character has done the same. He is tough as a stone, he fought countless battles (EVEN WHEN THE ODDS WERE AGAINST HIM) and won.
Well, now that that's done, what to do with Flintlocks McKinley. Hmm... I'm seriously at a loss at what to do. Perhaps I could join somebody and form a two ship fleet? It's not unheard of for pirates to have a fleet of ships, makes getting bigger ships much easier. Or perhaps I could enlist as a privateer for the good navy captain.
Beowulf said:
Well, now that that's done, what to do with Flintlocks McKinley. Hmm... I'm seriously at a loss at what to do. Perhaps I could join somebody and form a two ship fleet? It's not unheard of for pirates to have a fleet of ships, makes getting bigger ships much easier. Or perhaps I could enlist as a privateer for the good navy captain.

Pirates did travel in small fleets of 2- even 6 ships
Morbuskid said:
Possibly would meet you to get a description on you to see if you are good or not.
Don't try attacking because the men aboard can fight elitely and the Captain would just be Jesus,H,Christ good

(That is a reference from a movie)

Truthfully back then many pirate captains had a military background. What I wrote in my bio was absolutely true. Men with ships were not needed after the wars were over so alot of them were mad and left with nothing but a ship and military training. So they resulted in piracy.
Reqlly @Morbuskid ? You were in two fight already, though one was more one sided then the other, your ship was damaged, you lost crew, and you are only aboe to do so much you can do without going to port.
Beowulf said:
Reqlly @Morbuskid ? You were in two fight already, though one was more one sided then the other, your ship was damaged, you lost crew, and you are only aboe to do so much you can do without going to port.
Actually i kinda already left and repaired my ship just enough to survive another battle, and i did not loose half my crew so, have you even read my guy's motto.
Enough to fight and enough to sail are two seperate things. And I never said you lost half your crew, just that you lost some. Two ships, versus the one. I say to the. Bring it! *smacks with glove*
Beowulf said:
Enough to fight and enough to sail are two seperate things. And I never said you lost half your crew, just that you lost some. Two ships, versus the one. I say to the. Bring it! *smacks with glove*
*turns head back slowly* hahahahahahahahahahahahaha *pulls flintlock to @Beowulf 's waist, pulls the trigger, and watch as he falls to the ground and gets drenched in a pool of blood* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA uhhhhhhh okay.

I'm not into smack talking, but I will be with you. I don't care about your motto. You and your ship are not invincible. Between the Jolly Roger, @Beowulf, and the dogs aboard the ship you will NOT win. Do not attack us.
Sir, it's not really that funny. Please, pull yourself together. And one other thing, then I'm going to be signing out for the night. I'm sensing a time zone difference, so when morbuskid is on/awake, I will be off/sleeping. That does prove to be a problem when it comes to pvp fights.
blink0623 said:
I'm not into smack talking, but I will be with you. I don't care about your motto. You and your ship are not invincible. Between the Jolly Roger, @Beowulf, and the dogs aboard the ship you will NOT win. Do not attack us.
Actually i was just gonna sail by intimidatingly xD besides my chance winning against you two are a 50-50% because i disabled 2 First Rate Ships and 2 Frigates, and sank 3 frigates but they were royal navy so yeah there are allot of excuses xD


blink0623 said:
I'm not into smack talking, but I will be with you. I don't care about your motto. You and your ship are not invincible. Between the Jolly Roger, @Beowulf, and the dogs aboard the ship you will NOT win. Do not attack us.
Actually i was just gonna sail by intimidatingly xD besides my chance winning against you two are a 50-50% because i disabled 2 First Rate Ships and 2 Frigates, and sank 3 frigates but they were royal navy so yeah there are allot of excuses xD
0.0 that's a lot of ships. I thought it was just some stubborn merchant vessel that did that. Is that some armor plating I see on your hull?
Beowulf said:
0.0 that's a lot of ships. I thought it was just some stubborn merchant vessel that did that. Is that some armor plating I see on your hull?
Maybe > :)

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