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Fantasy Sail

Penelope headed above deck, feeling a little better. She needed to find Echo soon. If she was what she thought she was, she would need to address it quickly. He mind was wondering if Rose would stay or not. It was up in the air with all honesty. If she was what she thought she was, would she be cast from the ship? Peft at port and forgotten? Should she even tell him. Coming into the sun light she serched for Echo.

Killian stood there, dumbfounded. It took a lot for him to not come up with a witty remark or even a facial expression, but this did it. This is why he closed himself up. He always got hurt.

Anger boiled through him. He had cared so much for this girl and was so kind. All for what? Nothing. Killian Jones was now gone, hidden away. It left Hook, a gruesome and blood thirsty man who could care less about anyone but his crew.

His anger turned to him being light headed. He felt new blood escaping down his neck. Maybe it wasn't such a good time to send his blood pressure soaring. He turned and staggered back towards his ship. He got about halfway before he dropped to his knees. He gave a loud whistle, one his crew knew well, and collapsed as his vision turned black.

A few members of his crew ran once they watched him go down. He was picked up and raced to the ship. He was laid on the deck with blood caking and sticking to his face and neck, not to mention the small amount dripping off his leg.

"You! Go get Echo! You! Go get Connor! Tell him he needs to protect the ship if need be!" The first mate called. The men scurried off and he held pressure to Killian's skull. "Hang on, Captain. Hang on."
Penelope who had been searchinng for Echo heard the commotion and ventured over, at first shocked to see Killian in such a state. While she could have tried to stay mad at him and watch with a smirk on her face, her heart got the better of herself.

"Killian...captain," she whispered with concern, correcting herself knowing crew mates were around. She ran up, opposite side of the first mate. You bastard, getting yourself banged up like this.

She held back her tears, she didn't need to inforce any womenly stereotypes on board the Jolly Rodger.

She remembered Killian had been viciously stabbed in the leg, but he seemed worse off now. And with out Rose...the little virgin had left him. While she wanted to feel good about the little lambs decision, Killian was dying at the moment. So where the hell was Echo?
Feather heard a commotion from far away and reacted on her instincts. She dropped Austin, knowing he would manage. She ran through the woods as fast as her legs would bear her. She reached shore and saw Killian being dragged towards the Jolly Roger. She groaned and scurried after them. She reached the Jolly Roger a few minutes after them and saw Penelope. Poor girl.. She thought before strolling on deck. Everyone looked at her, drawing her swords, while she just walked up to their falling Captain.

"I didn't hurt you that bad.." She said sarcastically. She looked at the wound for a mere second before ripping off a part of her sleeve. She wrapped it around his leg and smirked. "That should stop the bleeding..." She shoved away the crew cussing over him and inspected the back of his head. The ran her hand along it until she felt the familiar bump. "This, Penelope, was when he fell out of a tree as a kid.." She grinned, thinking back. "He used to think he was a monkey." She shrugged it off and took out a bottle of water mixed with the juices of a mermaid's scales and the venom of a dragon. She shook the bottle before opening Killian's mouth wide open.

She poured a little of the contents into his mouth, which he coughed up as he awoke. "There, all better.." She stood up and gazed down at the stirring Killian. She turned to the crew, swords still drawn. "Chill mates, I'm not that evil.." She muttered.

Penelope watched Feather but as the wench pulled away from the waking Killian she hissed towards her. "You should go," her eyes were narrowed. She didn't care about the damn scar along her captain from his childhood, she didn't care that Feather was giving her the look of pity. She only cared about the fact, that she was falling madly in love for this captain, Killian Jones.

So Feather could taunt and fix the injuries she inflicted all day. Penelope was stuck with what ever came next. She was stuck with a man who didn't care about the women he hurt. But at least now he would have a reason to start caring. Because within her lay the beginning of a child, his child. And she wouldn't let him walk away from that.
Feather grinned as she looked up and down at Penelope. She walked up to her and whispered into her ear. "Good luck... Being a mother is rough.." She laughed as she walked away but, before she swung herself overboard, she looked down at Killian. "See you later mate!" And at that, she disappeared.
Killian's eyes flew open as the contents hit his mouth. He ached and was so tired. His vision was still a bit blurry, but his blue eyes connected with Feather's. "Thanks. Now get off my ship." It came out as barely more than a whisper, but the crew around him had heard him. Before they could do anything she was gone.

He shakily stood up and staggered into Penelope. The blood loss had apparently left him much too weak for his liking. He gritted his teeth. "Now, Captain, let's go to your quarters." His first mate and other man wrapped their arms on either side of him and he draped his arms acrossed their shoulders. He looked back at Penelope. Something was going on with her.

Once in side the quarters he saw they had a tub full of water waiting for him. He stripped down to a garment that hit just above his knee and sunk into the water. He was handed a towel to clean himself up and his crew left as they went to look for Echo. He leaned his head back against the tub and sighed. He flirted with death far too often.
Connor on the shore, water lapping around his ankles and a row boat at the ready. He didn't believe in leaving someone he was ready to protect. But he did believe in cutting losses. There was where he stood when the runner came. Out of breath, sand covering his face telling of him having fallen over at least a couple of times. "Protect the Jolly Roger." was all he said before collapsing for the final time from exahustion.

"Get him on the row boat and get us out to the Sea Dragon. You heard the man. I doubt he would run that hard if it was just a joke." he told the few members of his crew nearby. Signaling the few other row boat crews to do the same, he pushes his into the water before hopping in.

Soon, they made it to the crippled Sea Dragon. Her main mast was still a mess, but she could still sail. Ordering his crew to roll ou the cannons, he personally sets a course towards the Jolly Roger.

((Internet freaked out. Sorry))
Penelope stood watching Feather leap over board, she didn't follow the crew as they lead Killian to his quarters. He would have to know adventually. And it would be a conversation she would dread.

She headed towards the wooden plank chest of cleaning supplies. Grabbing put the mop and wood bucket, she filled it with water before beginning to swab the scarlet tainted deck. Pouring the excess water overboard she sat along the stairs leading to the captains quarters. She would tell him tonight, after she got Echo to confirm it. She had watched her mother go through her brother's pregnancy, so she knew the symptoms well.

Heading below deck she was quick to eat her daily rations and her canteen of fresh water.
It had hurt her to say that. She had wanted more than anything to stay with him. But she felt a sense of loyalty to her Papa and she didn't have the courage to leave her Papa. She felt like such a coward for that. She now regretted her decision. She wished she had gone with Killian. She had never had as much fun as she had with him. She didn't have the courage to tell her Papa, though, so she held her tongue

She felt terrible for hurting Killian. He had been so good to her, so kind. She had never expected to feel this way about a man, and she threw it away. She knew she would probably never meet another man she felt the same way about again. Not because she didn't think she would meet another man, but because she didn't think she would ever get over Killian. She felt a few tears come out of her eyes and fall down her cheeks.

She was also quite scared that if she went with Killian, her Papa would resent her for it and she couldn't bare it if that happened.
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Dulio walked over to his men who were in formation over a bunch of dead bodies. "Back to the ship, go MARCHE, MARCHE, MARCHE". Hos men quickly went back to the rowboats. Not a single man seemed to be dead or bleeding. Dulio picked up his items and joined them. And as they were rowing his flag carrier said " Would've been a damn shame if that girl got you, who would help your son grow." Dulio shook his head up and down and said" Si seniore, who would help my son. Possibly the many of men i have aboard." The rowboats finally made it back to the ship. Dulio said " Set a course for home, i want to see my boy.".

(now if anyone wants to follow, DO NOT BE A DICK)
(OH KAY! First of all Echo interrupted the captain when he kissed rose because her dogs were missing and EVERYONE seems to have missed that. SECOND ShE iS oN tHe ShIp StIlL. Third NOW Im REALLY confused cuz weren't they looking for echo? And now he is healed? Wtf?!?

((Captain is somewhat fine. I don't think he's passed out on the deck anymore. However, his bkeeding is still rather severe. I'm pretty sure that's how it is anyway.))
Echo walks onto the boat panic in her chest. She sees blood on the deck and everyone somewhat going insane. Everything is going wrong and she knows it. She sees and smells blood, can feel that someone is pregnant, maybe Penelope, and her dogs may have been taken by an enemy. Her legs cripple under her and she now it on her knees with her hands covering her face as she sobs.. She keeps muttering"I'm a failure" as she cries. Desperation has always caused her to do the best she can and that has all failed. "Why me?" She also mutters.
Killian washed up and gingerly got out of the tub. He bandaged his leg up tightly and pulled on his clothes with a hiss through his teeth. Leather pants could be quite constricting on a wound. He looked at himself in the mirror and had to smile. Despite his injuries he was dashing as always.

He slowly limped onto the deck and got the attention of his crew. His first mate ran to him. "Captain, shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I will not let the enemy know they have hurt Captain Hook. This is my ship. I give the commands." He sneered towards the end. He walked to the far edge of his ship so he could see Connor.

"Bring her around here!" He yelled, talking about the ship, "I'll have men and wood awaiting you to fix your ship. You're in no condition to sail, mate." It took one look at his crew to have them scrambling to get tools and lumber.

He turned his attention to Echo. He walked over to her and crossed his arms. "Best form, lass. Don't let them see you cry. Your dogs are in the brig. Fetch Jepson and he'll let them out for you." He walked over to the steps leading up to the helm and rolled a bottle of rum to her. "Here. Relax." He pulled his own flask out and drank deeply. Nothing like getting drunk to take away the sting of wounds both physically and emotionally.
Penelope lay down the mop, rushing towards the crumpled Echo. "Echo, it is okay, everyone is fine," Penelope said, her voic soft and kind. She gently lifted Echo's chin. "You hear me, you're not a failure," Penelope spoke, deciding her questions could wait. She would need an answer soon, a small sliver of her hoped she wasn't truly pregnant, but part of her knew it true.
Echo looked up her face red. "I don't drink." She sneered. -he should know that by now.- she told herself. "And why are they down there? They were not doing anything but protecting the ship! God damn if they were chasing those bloody cats I swear to god.." She whispered the last part and stood up. She walked to the brig herself and let them out. They snarled at the crew and she hushed them quickly walking back over to the captain and Penelope. She looked at Penelope and said softly, "We need to talk." And offered her a hand up. Her mood changed quickly and she was sure everyone noticed.
Davy Jones

He was watching, always watching. His vessel, the Flying Dutchman, navigated along the sea floor waiting for pirates with black hearts to come to him. They would join his crew of dead men and live in a hell like he did. There was no rest. There would never be rest.

This day he decided to find his son. He once had the potential to turn out to be a fine young man with the help his brother. He chose another path that ultimately lead him to the life he was living now. Because of his dark heart he was quite the captain. Davy's ultimate goal was to bring him down with him.

Soon he found her- The Jolly Roger. He decided it was a day to make his appearance. Ever so slowly his ship rose and finally broke the surface of the water, his body becoming whole flesh once more. They were on the beach. Besides the Jolly Roger were four other ships. It looked like trouble was brewing.

He took out his spyglass and watched the scene unfold. He gritted his cheek as he watched his son kiss a girl. Love would turn his heart around which was exactly what he didn't want. Soon it looked like she chose another captain. This was all too perfect. Until he watched him collapse. He wanted him with him, but he couldn't come yet. His heart still had some good left in it. That wouldn't do.

He waited a while then took his boat out with a few members of his crew. He wasn't afraid. No one could kill him. He walked up the gangplank and watched Killian's crew draw their swords. Some nasty looking dogs snarled at him. He looked up as Killian limped down to him from the helm.

"Stand down! Now!" He yelled at his crew, "Echo, keep those dogs at bay!"

He came face to face with his father. The resemblance was striking. Dark hair, blue eyes, dark beards. They had the same jawline and smile. The difference was Davy's hair and beard were longer.

"Get off my bloody ship!" Killian yelled. He hated this man with every fiber of his being. Davy drew his dagger and shoved Killian against the mast. He swallowed nervously as the dagger was pressed to his throat.

"Show some respect to your father." He sneered at him, "I came to pay you a visit. To see how yo-" He took a deep breath and his head snapped towards Penelope. He moved away from Killian and walked over to her.

"Oh my. What do we have here?" He grinned wickedly. He touched her hair and ran his finger down her cheek, "It seems like my son has been quite busy. Does he know?"

Killian walked slowly up to him. "Know what?"

Davy was reveling in this. "You, lad, are going to be a father." He laughed his eerie, wicked laugh at his son's expression. All of his color had drained out of his face, "I guess we'll see the man you truly are. If you're anything like me we know how that works out."

He walked off the ship with Killian staring at Penelope, trying to keep all the rum he had consumed in his stomach.
Penelope's face turned flush, stomach dropping farther than it had been already. She would have vomited, but the fear kept her frozen along the boards of the deck. She couldn't stop herself from clenching her belly, looking towards this Davy figure. How the hell did he know? She wondered, sweat pooled along her forehead, she would have drawn her sword on the supposed father of Killian, but he was already off the ship. She could not have fathomed a worse way of telling Killian the news.

It wasn't like it was her entire fault, Killian had played a pretty hefty role in what had occurred. She knew now, no matter his role, she would be the one to carry the burden for the months to come.
Killian Jones

He kept his eyes locked on Penelope. The more he thought about it, the more he willed himself not to believe it. He had bedded loads of women. Not one of them told him they were with child. Not that he ever saw very many of them again. Or that they would ever tell someone they were carrying a pirate's baby. He could have loads of children scattered about.....He shook the thought away.

He tore his eyes over to Echo. She hadn't said anything to him. She would know. That thought greatly calmed him. He grabbed another bottle of rum and walked to his quarters. He popped the cork out with his teeth and spit it onto the floor. He took a swig and closed his eyes. His father was cruel and nasty. He was just trying to get to him. Yes...that was it.

The more he drank the less he believed he had a child on the way. He had lost Rosemarie. He had nearly lost his life. His father decided to pay him a visit. And now this news. What a terrible day it was.
Penelope watched Killian shrug off, half drunk, not caring to even address the issue. He was just as bad as she thought he was. Unable to hold it back any longer, she launched to the rails of the boat, coughing up what remained of her lunch. She whipped her mouth, sliding onto the deck. Tears fell down her cheeks, throat tight with shock, anger, and sorrow. Imagine a life, a life where her damn husband hadn't been killed at sea, where he had come home, where she would bear children, who were wanted and loved, who could grow up in a true home, with a father and family. Yet look at her now. A mistress pregnant with an unwanted child on a bloody pirate ship. She looked down at John's ring, how things have changed my love, she thought to herself. In pain, she clutched her hand, lips quivering with fear for the future.

She would have a proper talk with the captain of the ship soon. He couldn't hide away from is problems forever.
Echo pulled the dogs back and they growled lowly but kept back. She heard the man and her eyes widened how the hell could he know? She saw Penelope throw up over board and began sobbing and her and her dogs ran to her aid. The dogs cuddled up to her and echo wiped a tear away from the women's face. "Penelope, it's ok this happens. Please just be brave. I won't let anyone harm you and I can make that a promise. Just be strong for me." She begged and lifted her chin so they had eye contact. "I promise." She whispered
Penelope couldn't even bring herself to smile, but surrounded by the dogs and now Echo, she felt more at ease. Picking herself up, she nodded to Echo in thanks, before in lathargec movements, she began up the stairs. Coming to the captains door, her dull eyes looked at the wooden frame, before giving a tentative knock. This would be truly something.
Killian was drunk, ridiculously so. It was okay with him. He was forgetting all of his worries one by one. He played with his hook as he hummed. No more women in his life. They were trouble. He laughed at himself. There would be lots of women.

As the knock came, he slowly snapped his hook on with some difficulty. He staggered to the door and threw it open. "Oh, lass! It's you! Come in!" He bowed low and opened the door.

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