Saga of the Seven Sins - The Second Cycle

Hey- I don't suppose I could try to get back in on this? I'd like to apologize for disapearing a year ago, during the first run of this game...

And I'd also like to try to join in on the action. Would you be willing to have me?
Yeah, Opal is agonizing over whether to intentionally cause the civilians to flee on the assumption that Viktor is going to start a fight regardless, or sit tight and minimize the damage when it starts. Not sure what she should decide, but I'm leaning towards grandstanding because it's more fun. Lotus' plan of baiting the Abyssals out of the arena in a way that doesn't cause mass panic seems unworkable when we know absolutely nothing about their personalities or goals here. I could maybe try to pull one or more of them out of Creation by feigning an assassination attempt on Marlon.

Yup. ( :P )
Perfect Social Defenses? Abyssals came prepared. How the hell is Marlon still functional, though? Does his artefact render him immune to supernatural fear/social influence?
Gotcha. Can you tell us more about the effect we're caught in? I don't really understand what's happening, let alone how I might go about posting a response. Are we frozen in time? If so, are our minds not also frozen and we should flash forward to where time next begins for us?

Can we perfectly dodge it? Did the Sidereal's Expected Harm detect it 30 seconds ago or whatever?
It's not technically being frozen in time, you're just REALLY slowed down. Your body is very sluggish but your mind is still intact. You can't speak right now, Combat wise, all your actions take twice as many ticks to do and Marlon's allies take half as many ticks.

It freezes mortals but Exalts suffer lessened effects.
Saif having a Gem of Perfect Mobility would counter the effect right? At least enough to allow him to act at his natural unmodified speed. Also, is there any particular keyword to this effect?
I'd forgotten what absolute bullshit the Sins' combat abilities are...

So there's literally no possible way to defend against or negate the effect, other than (probably) killing Marlon?

It only affects the speed of actions, not attack rolls or DVs, correct?
Opal's current plan is to either pull Marlon out of Creation, keeping his effect off of the rest of you, or pull out the Abyssal that prevents her from pulling Marlon, fighting them one on one with no time dilation. Alternatively, if things look very bad she'll pull Viktor out so he's safe and they can come at Marlon another day. Next time she'll knock Marlon unconscious before he can activate his artefact. ( :P )
There is ONE way to disrupt it, but depending on what happens my method of disruption might not be needed at all. And it affects the speed of actions. Just play it out and things should end up going okay.
I'm actually upset most by the "cannot speak" part. I've been planning what I'm about to do for a while, but it would have been cooler with dialog... assuming I don't flub the roll, of course.

That does kind of interfere with me, yes, Random, sorry. We'll see if I go before you, though. I'm going to try to just take the staff away from him, and see if that does anything.

I am working on the assumption that a channeled virtue applies to all attacks in a single flurry.
Oh god. Are you sure, Seeker? That would give me 5 extra dice on all ten attacks in my flurries for 1 wp.

What should Opal do instead, WarDragon?
Hmmm. Up to you, but I'd say take out one of the Abyssals... or be ready to back me up if what I've got in mind doesn't work.

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