Saga of the Seven Sins - The Second Cycle

Sorry that took so long (and bah on the virtue channels!). You can see it took a bit of doing to put together.
Yeah, I'm going to give you that 3-die stunt. All of those numbers though... You're not making my job any easier lol. :P But the fight is going to be a lot harder than you think.

Are you okay with killing a few of your Szmiya? And go ahead and roll the war action, I forgot what a coordinated attack does.
That's why I just posted the final successes instead of cluttering it up with the rolls. :P

And yes, the Szmiya are disposable. I can summon more at a rate of 1/sunset. Viktor would prefer that they live, but if they need to go in order to win, so be it. Do you want me to roll their attacks so you don't have to?

As for the War, let's assume Karal Ken'ichi has War 4 with an applicable specialty, and Charisma 3?

With 7 successes for 4 people, he passes. The little Abyssal takes a -4 penalty to DVs against him and the Szmiya for one turn.
@WarDragon you might want to wait until everyone else has rolled their JB before you describe all your actions, after all there's still a chance you might not be the first one to act.
Eh, forum combat is slow. It's easier to edit a post later if the context changes than have everyone wait for you to write one if it turns out to fit.

Viktor got Ninja'd. ( :P ) Nice combo. After all this complaining about Solars not being good enough. (>u>)
Long as you don't kill him or keep me from taking the staff from him, no problem. I'll try to be less overbearing in the future, but I want this.
The landslide's worth of penalties should definitely help counterbalance us having to fight a fraction of Dio's Stand. As well as them actually making Maxton's Pefect Parry duration last even longer now (10 ticks) since that's how long his actions will be taking.
WarDragon said:
Long as you don't kill him or keep me from taking the staff from him, no problem. I'll try to be less overbearing in the future, but I want this.
Not saying that I'll get my hands on the staff, but if I happen to get it, I can't promise I'll just hand the dangerous item to the tyrannical dragon without some roleplaying, I have to act in character at least some. ( ;) )
...sigh. I really shouldn't have let you bring in that daiklave on conquest. And it's going to be really hard making the fights not a complete and utter curbstomp by you guys. I'm just going to have to cheat, I guess. I'm going to be playing the bad guys by feeling rather than pure number-crunch wise.

I should have most of the stuff up soon, it's going to take a while for me to sort through all of the attacks and stuff. But I should have something up.

How is Saif making a 9-attack flurry by chance?
The Daiklave of Conquest is a terrifying force multiplier. I didn't realize Heroism Encouraging Presence received such an absurd buff. Together they're ridiculous for making every one of us even more absurdly deadly than we already were. Maybe I should retool my character and drop all of my combat Charms for social and utility Charms. ( :P ) Speed up combat a bit to have one less thing throwing stupid numbers of dice around in battle. I'd need a revised history, though. Ugh. (>P) I'd have to be a Sidereal counter-manipulator instead of a Sidereal hunter.
It's not your fault. It's mine for doing a high-powered exalt game. Most of my main villans have bullshit tier charm armor and it's STILL not enough. Ugh, the only consolation is that Three has the Abyssal version of world-scarring solar glory, immortal blade triumphant, and the other bullshit tier solar charms. I had to design a borderline sidereal martial art style for Five, and Four is... well... you'll see in a bit.
It's not about fault, but about finding a way to avoid burning you out or taking the fun out of the game for you. Nothing will kill it faster than that. Having only four insane combat monsters to plan around instead of 5 is just slightly less of a headache for you to deal with. It's maybe slightly easier to deal with a social monster. If it would make this more enjoyable for you, then I'm more than happy to do it.
True. It's up to you. In the end, the GM is responsible for making the game fun. I'll try my best and hope it's good enough.

That was WAY more painful than it should have been.
[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]How is Saif making a 9-attack flurry by chance?

Honored Companion of the Sun adds my Essence to the rate of my weapon, when I come back from work I'll give you a breakdown of his dice pool and stats.


[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]...sigh. I really shouldn't have let you bring in that daiklave on conquest. And it's going to be really hard making the fights not a complete and utter curbstomp by you guys. I'm just going to have to cheat, I guess. I'm going to be playing the bad guys by feeling rather than pure number-crunch wise.

You know I mirror Random Word's sentiment, if it's easier for you to deal with a less combat focused party, I'm all game to switch to a social focused character instead, I know that keeping up with crunch and mechanics can be tiresome and a huge hassle, but I just want to share my opinion on the fact that "cheating" the combat might not be the best way to go. A few years ago I was in a game or two were the players got upset because many of their strategies and or charms were simply useless or not effective for no apparent reason other than the ST wanted the combat to be more challenging, this can be frustrating and annoying from the player's perspective, because it often feels like the player's actions (and their mechanics) have little to no impact on the plot, until the ST deems the time is right for them to matter.

Like I said, I have no problem toning down the character or switching to a new one completely if it makes your life easier, after all I'm here to play and have fun, but please consider that part of the fun is knowing that you succeed either with the right mechanics or good rolls, as long as the game is fair for all.
Okay, mechanically I have no idea wtf just happened, other than we got pwned. I assume Five used some kind of Perfect Dodge + Flurry Breaker + Counterattack combo? Why was Three rolling Defend Other? I assume Five is acting with Speed 3, and thus gets to go... two and almost a third time between my attacks? Not sure how far ahead he was in initiative, the table is a bit confusing. So that's where the first knife attack comes in and then him hitting me again... unless that was a counterattack. Then he gets to go... more before I go?

Okay. I'll perfect the first undodgeable knife attack for free and the second knife hits me with 5 successes because I suck at parrying. The Daiklave counterattack... attack... wait, which is it? If it's an attack I counterattack the first miss with Wind-Dancing Method (3m) to leap 12 yards into the air. If he can actually jump that high to follow me, he can continue his flurry, but I'm going to do it again with the next attack. If he can fly or perma-chase no matter how far I go, his third, fourth, and fifth attacks hit with 3, 1, and 2 successes.
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Yeah, it's a bit confusing so I'll explain it.

Basically, the shadow thing is a flurry breaker and it only lets him counter-attack against non-exalts, hence why the szmiya died. Three attacked you with Metal Storm from the Violet Bier of sorrows (it was a stored action), meaning that it's a magical flurry and breaking the flurry will allow you to avoid the attack netirely. The double speed is ridiculous. I might break the effect just to make the crunch more manageable. You guys posting attacks with your rolls didn't really help... It doesn't help that most of the characters got to attack twice during that one combat phase.

And you guys are actually ahead right now. They burned quite a bit of WP and motes to pull off what they just did.

Original timing (I might have messed up the tick counts a bit.)

0- Maxton, Saif

1- Five, Three

2- Opal and Viktor

3- Marlon

4- Eight

I'm... just going to avoid combat for a while... This is a huge mess, I'm really sorry everyone.
Ok, I think I'm still a bit confused. So I'm assuming that Three has some kind of surprise negator to parry the first attack, also those rolls are counterattacks against Saif right? So did you roll that reflexive Per + Awar roll? Saif still needs to be spotted before he can be targeted, once successful no need to roll again, at least until I hide again.

Also, Saif's regular Speed is of 4, the Stone of Perfect Mobility reduces it to 3 (2 technically, but 3 since that's the minimum speed). Wouldn't I be acting on Tick 4 again? Or at the latest, on Tick 6? Why am I acting on Speed 8?

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