Safe Inside the Walls of Iridescent City(Isa and Hexed)


Junior Member
Iridescent city is a modern styled kingdom. Within the city walls, live almost all the supernatural beings. There are ghosts, mutants, zombies, angels, vampires, and so on. Inside the city there is peace among these beings. But wander outside and there is chaos. Humans and demons are the only ones not allowed within the city limits. There is much crime outside the walls. Venturing outside is suicide if you're not careful or prepared. There are other cities like Iridescent city, but getting to them is so dangerous most don't even believe in a world outside of the walls.
Midori Shimo took a drink of her Sake. It was a typical night for her; sitting in the Blue Moon Bar, drinking. She set her glass down on the bar. She looked around. There were a few new people here among the regulars. They were staring. She sighed. She was used to it. Being a mutant was one thing, having a very noticeable scar was another. Midori was a fish person. She had dark blue scales with light blue scales for her belly. But what most people noticed about her was the half Glasgow smile she had. She was used to the staring but after a while it got on her nerves. She took out her throwing knives and started playing with them.
Hex grinned still running towards the city. "Hey! get back over here kid!" someone called from behind him but the half demon had no intention of turning around and certainly not after what had happened. The boy had been found coming out of a demon civilization, not like anyone cared he was there since he was a half demon, but some of the city dwellers had found him.That was just great, and they didn't seem very happy with him. He tripped and did a forward roll before stumbling back to his feet and headed back towards the city.
Midori decided that she was done. She stood and nailed a bill to the bar and left. The sun was starting to set but the city still glowed. this was her favorite time of the day. She looked up at the sky, but within city limits you could never see the stars. She wished it was different but it's just the way things were.
Hex looked around, the city walls were within reach. It wouldn't be hard to get there but the gates were- unlocked? Great. He grinned and headed through the little slip in the gates before running off into the city. Now how would they find him? No way, he was panting but couldn't stop running. He carried on through the city.
Midori strolled the streets. Her orange monk's robe rustled as she walked. She stopped to look at a storefront when a boy bumped into her. "Hey, watch where you're going."
Hex bumped into someone as he was running, he stumbled backwards and looked up. "S-sorry.." he said his eyes going a darker blood-shot red than they had been.
She grabbed the back of his shirt. "You're not supposed to be here. I suggest you turn around and leave the city. for your safety." She didn't care either way. Just as long as he wasn't here. In her territory.
Hex turned his head to the side and tried to play dumb, "What do you mean?" he asked trying to break her hand off of his shirt. He looked back but not for long realizing she'd realize something so her snapped his head back around to her.
"You know exactly what I mean. You can't fool me. Humans and demons are not allowed within city limits. If you are caught, then you will never get out. But that's only if those with grievances towards 'them' haven't found you first." She let him go. She wasn't joking with him, her face completely serious. All except for the scar on her face.
Hex moved backwards slightly, "I was-" he started, "I was only trying to get away." he looked down not able to look up at her since he felt like he was being told off by parents again. That brought a slight grin to his face and he grunted. Yeah, he hadn't been told off in awhile. Being a mix between human and demon this didn't seem like the best place to be.
Her eyes narrowed. "Trying to get away from what?" She didn't trust him. Her whole body tensed, just in case he tried to run.
"Some, Some adults were chasing me.." Hex told her still not looking up. He needed to know how to get away and run off.
Hex shrugged, "I don't know.." he told her, "they just....started chasing me." he looked around just trying to find a way out.
She stared him in the eyes, half her face in a grim smile. "I know you're lying to me. I'm taking you back." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the city gate.
"I'm not!" Hex yelled pulling his arm away very fast with a lot of force. His eyes went a crimson red and he scowled at the woman, "you're not taking me back out there!"
She grabbed him by the throat. "You will go back because it's where you belong. You do not belong here." She was very calm and collected. She pulled out her pistol and put it to his head. "You will walk, and you will not try to escape. You do, and I will hunt you down. Just like all the others I've hunted." She let go of this throat, waiting for him to move.
Hex took in a deep breath when she grabbed his throat, his eyes went wide and he struggled slightly. He was too young to die.... Once she let go he gulped and nodded starting to walk in front of the woman. He didn't want this to happen and hadn't expected to meet someone like this but that's was life. 'Just stay obedient and she won't hurt you..' he thought.
She saw he was making good choices. "I am sorry to send you back. But I must. For everyone's safety. Most of all yours. I know the city is enchanting and... well pretty awesome. But you're not supposed to be here."
"I know." Hex said, "but I still don't care." he kept walking but now had a slight grin on his face. Whilst she had a gun pointed at him he daren't actually use his powers or anything of the sort.
She heard a noise nearby. She pushed him into a dark alley. "Shh, stay down and be quiet." Her breathing was calm and quiet. She listened very carefully.

"I know she went this way. She was with that half-ling," a rough male voice said quietly. "Then let's find them quickly and end them both," a sultry female voice responded.

"You can handle yourself in a fight, I assume." Her eyes shone bright blue. She was grinning which make her half Glasgow look creepy.
Hex stayed as quiet as possible as he heard the voices. He then turned to the woman and nodded, "yeah.." he whispered before looking backout trying to get a glimpse of the people.
She put her gun away and stepped out. "You never give up do you? Why can't I ever go a day without finding someone like you looking for me?"

The man was of average height, but pudgy. It was very obvious that he was a demon. Spiraled horns stuck out from his curly, brown hair. And a tail whipped back and forth from behind him. The woman was about an inch taller than he, but that was most likely from her heels. She had long red hair, and two holstered guns at her side. she was very obviously human.

"We all know what you are. You don't deserve to be in the city while the rest of us rot on the outside. Also, the unfinished business we have with you. You were supposed to be dead a long time ago and yet here you are."

She laughed. "The city sees me as an asset. Most likely from the years of training I've had. Plus, I'm not considered a true abomination, unlike those of you who decided to throw your lives away from greed." Midori rushed them. She took a knife out and went to stab the man. He stopped her blow, but she was winning against his strength.

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