S.P.S((super powers students)) [Inactive]

Blood dog

the one dog you can't run from
Blood dog submitted a new role play:

S.P.S((super powers students)) - you and random schoolmates get powers that you have to master and hide from the other kids who do an

you and random schoolmates get powers that you have to master and hide from the other kids who do and do not have powers because what will happen when they figure out
you and a bus full of people were attacked by the S.P.S they are known for making super powered soldiers. it was only a gas attack no damage was done everybody was taken to the hospital and nothing was found wrong about them so they sint everybody home but the next day you feel different and you find a mark on your upper part of...
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in the gym orientation day the principal walks to the podium"welcome students to never lose hope High School I am your principal Daniel bon I see old and new faces in the crowd now to start calling row"he starts reading off names.


"dang bro how did you talk me into this again who heard a gangster as a vice president 4 some crazy school man this is boring"
he said quietly to his brother so he will not interrupt the principal because he was to the left of him on the stage and he didn't look too happy about it.


"so you can make sure that I am safe remember anyways this is your idea don't you remember that you didn't have to run for Vice President because I wanted to be President you know you fool. you could be another kid walking the halls. it is almost time to give the speech"


"now since Row is out of the way your school president has prepared a speech over to you"
he went away from the podium and set in his chair it looks like something was on his mind

Drake and Mrishige

the two brothers got up and walk to the podium"hello my fellow students..."he was interrupted by a kid throwing a brick and started to run Drake cut the brick in half with his hand making it drop to his feet and started to chase the kid who threw and ran out of the gym"get back here you so I can kill you"Mrishige made a illusion that he crouched behind the podium while he was somewhere else
*lara sits in the crowd watching how things unfold* *uses her powers to keep a eye on the kid, drake and morishige*

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Ryon stood in the corner of the room, a fair distance away from everyone. He stayed quiet throughout the orientation. It was for the best that nobody was near him, for their safety and his. Not that he could remember any of them anyway. Only half listening to the person talking at the podium, Ryon also missed that somebody was causing trouble. As long as it didn't involve him, it was fine.
Jack walked into the room, putting on his hat even though they're inside. He's been self conscious since his accident, but today was his first day as the economics teacher and for once, he felt good. Jack wasn't really listening to the speech, for he was busy listening to the earth's vibrations.

"all of you are dismissed please take care and don't get into any more trouble"
he says as he got off the stage


got off the stage and saw a kid in a corner"I think that kids name is Ryon or something I should go talk to him"he walked over to Ryon"hi how are you I am the gym teacher here"
*leaves and goes after the kid that threw the brick, to make sure he is not hurt*

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Cole watched the incident, waiting until the kid started running away, she sprinted after him, making sure to keep just above average running speed so she could catch him without giving anything away.
Jack stomped his foot, sticking a wall of rock between the fighting kids.

"ENOUGH" Jack roared, making the room shake. The cracks of lava in his skin shined brighter as he yelled.
Ryon spoke to the guy who claimed to be a teacher. "I don't know how I'm doing... probably not good." This teacher was just another stranger to Ryon. Everyone was stranger, even himself. Hopefully this teacher won't spontaneously combust or something mid-conversation. He was somewhat startled by his appearance once he looked up and froze momentarily. Spontaneous combustion might be an understatement.
*goes to the kid* * pushes drake of and takes the kid to the nurse*

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push the wall down with ease"yo dude you are glowing"


"hope you get better my name is Dex Victor derue what is yours"
holding out his hand for a handshake
*takes kid to the nurse* your an idiot *leaves the kid at the nurse and goes to the rooftop*

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hurd doors to the rooftop open he had nowhere to hide on the roof he was frozen with fear"who is there"he does not face the doors
"I'm Ryon, I think. You said your a teacher? I figured you'd introduce yourself with a more formal name." Looking at Dex's hand, Ryon resisted the natural urge to take it. "I think it'd be better for both of us if we didn't shake hands." Ryon took a deep breath to calm his nerves. There was quite a bit of ruckus nearby and it was making him uneasy, Dex's appearance really didn't help much either.

(so many one liners xD )(but I'm not complaining)

"yes I am the gym teacher who needs a formal stuff when everybody get out of here you want to help me clean up"
'he takes the hand that was out and put it on his mask and smiled at the kid


"should I use my powers to go away"
he accidentally said out loud

((don't worry about it it's going to happen when people are talking to each other))
((When I use this ** it means my character is thinking it and ok))

**that kid has powers** *on the rooftop watching the two*

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Ryon took a look around the room. "Clean up? What would you have me do?" He was somewhat uncomfortable that someone had taken an interest in him, but he decided not to think about it to much. As hectic as it was so far, being at this school was still better than the hospital he woke up in, by far.

he thinks to self God did I say that he starts to sweat and panic a little bit


"put up the chairs that is all really"

((Mrishige and your character Evergreen98))
((Ok thx)) *pretends not that she did not hear anything* why are you on the rooftop?

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Without another word, Ryon started collecting chairs and taking them to the storage room, two at a time. Once finished he walked back to Dex. "It's been good to meet you." Lacking anything else to say, Ryon decided to take his leave. As he walked away from the gym teacher, his shirt collar did a poor job at hiding the bar code on the back of his neck.

he heard the person leave the roof and hit his head on a couple times and lays there looking upwards to the sky


he saw the bar code"you got a strange mark to we need to speak in private follow me"he head to his office

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