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Finished [Ryken - Ryke] Those Damned Bandits! Part 2


The Overseer
This is a continuation of the RP in the thread: Finished - [Ryken - Ryke] Those damned bandits!

Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

The bandit’s fear was palpable, his eyes widening as he scrambled backward, the realization sinking in that they were planning to pursue the Mage—a figure far more terrifying than any threat he’d ever encountered.

“Please! You don’t understand…” His voice wavered, rising in pitch as his desperation became more apparent. “That Mage… he’s not like the rest of us. He’s… something else! Blood magic, that’s what he uses. I’ve seen him tear people apart without lifting a finger, draining them dry—like they were nothing!” He paused, his hands shaking uncontrollably. His fear of the Mage far outweighed the immediate danger posed by the woman standing before him. “Weakness? I don’t know any! None of us do! He’s just… dangerous. More dangerous than you can imagine.”

The bandit’s words hung heavy in the air. The terror etched into his face told the story—he feared the Mage more than death itself.

Meanwhile, inside the Captain Bandit’s tent, the group uncovered a variety of items, but the most intriguing was a large map, laid out in the center. The corners of the worn parchment were held down by random objects—a dagger here, a bottle there. The map, though roughly drawn, spanned the entire continent, and across its surface were numerous strange markings. Each one seemed to highlight an area of importance, though the reason behind the marks remained unclear.

One of the most curious markings was located in Ryke, to the west of their current location, right on top of a place labeled the ‘Garanth Barony.’ Another mark appeared farther to the east, beyond Ryke’s borders, in The Republic. It rested near the mountainous region close to the East Empire, in a village called ‘Taeko.’ As they scanned the map, it became clear that whatever this conspiracy was, it crossed borders, touching nearly every nation except for the area around the Continental Lake. For now, the true meaning of these markings remained a mystery, but the implications were ominous. Something larger than mere banditry was at play here.

As they contemplated the map, the bound elf in the corner of the tent stirred. His eyes blinked open, wide with disbelief as he was finally freed from his bindings. The gag removed, he gasped for breath before speaking, his voice hoarse from disuse. “Thank the gods,” he whispered, rubbing his wrists where the ropes had dug into his skin. “I thought I would never escape this nightmare.” He turned to his saviors, gratitude shining in his eyes. “My name is Ethan Kryvil, an artisan specializing in iron bark. You… you’ve saved my life. I don’t know how to repay you, but I will forever be in your debt.”

Chandra, moving with quiet purpose, entered another tent where the bloodied armor sets were stored. Her unique abilities allowed her to taste the traces of blood on the armors, and the knowledge she gained from this dark practice was invaluable. As she licked the blood, fragments of information began to surface in her mind. The blood carried the title [Salamander Brigade], a clear indicator of the elite military force these men had once belonged to. Alongside that title were the more common ones—[Human] and [Beastkin]. Yet, something else lingered in the bloodstains—patches of blood with no title at all, but instead, a powerful residue of mana. It was unlike anything Chandra had ever tasted before, potent and raw, its nature foreign and mysterious.

As Flare searched the bodies, she came across the Captain Bandit’s corpse, and there, tucked away in his belt, was a heavy coin pouch. Upon inspecting its contents, she found a mix of copper and silver Rykes—enough to keep the group, or themselves, supplied for some time.

With the camp now thoroughly looted, the group began the arduous task of hauling their gains—the loot, the remaining bound bandits, and the heavy strongbox—into the caravan wagon that still waited on the main road. The strongbox, with its intricate golden scale and feather symbol, weighed down the group, but with Ethan’s help, they managed to load everything aboard. The elven artisan, now freed, offered his strength and skills, grateful for the rescue.

The forest around them, once alive with the sounds of combat, was now eerily quiet as the group prepared for their departure. The chilly wind that had blown through the camp earlier now a memory.

With everything set and their cargo secured, the question now arose: What would they do next? They had the strongbox, the captured bandits, and the cryptic map in hand. The road back to Ryken stretched before them, but the path ahead was uncertain.
Chandra Jarmil


Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She was surprised that someone as adorable looking as Seira was out there killing off fleeing opponents. “I see.” Looks could truly be deceiving. She raised an eyebrow. “Not really, no.” She wasn't that curious and wondered how much of a psycho she'd be if she was. As for her own 'workday' she shrugged. “Seranphina and Flare here did an amazing job distracting them, so it came easy.” She replied, not wanting too much credit.

When Flare asked about the survivors, Kalina thought for a second. “Honestly, I'd say just let them run. They surrendered, the mage is probably not going to be wanting to take them back in and they'd be foolish to try attack us again.” She grimaced. “They even gave us a fair bit of useful information, so I'd say we can do the polite thing, no?”

As for Flare denting, she chuckled. “That makes two of us, as the same happened to me.” It was a tad odd how lucky crossbow bolts turned out to be the only thing hitting this fight, but it was what it was. Perhaps it meant they were more competent overall? Let's go with that. “Pack and go. I can get down with that.” She'd nod at Flare's suggestion.

“Blood magic?!” She called out a tad more surprised than she would've liked to be. “Oh my, that sounds dangerous indeed.” She'd quickly adjust. “Well, I'm sure you don't want to deal with someone so scary, nor with us, as I got some fun things planned should you be stupid enough to try fight us again, so off you go now. Run, run, run my dears.” She'd say, as she'd allow the two captured bandits to run off. It could be a mistake, but she highly doubted it was. Between killing them, which her morality wouldn't let her, or taking them along, which would be highly impractical, she figured just letting them run would be the best option. It sounded like they feared this mage enough to not dare go back after failing and potentially being set-up, after all.

That said, blood magic? It reminded her of Lykra. Her mother always told her not to play with your food, but folk like that were masters at it. It made her wonder how it'd taste. Blood from a blood mage? Sounded like something exciting and exotic for sure.

As she entered the other tent, momentarily splitting up from the group, she got various tastes. One of them pretty much confirmed blood magic having been used. It's not like she needed much more evidence, but it was still a good thing to have confirmed. It made her wonder how to even deal with such magic. It was bloody delicious though, such a rich mana... It only made her hungrier. Not good.

Heading back into the main tent, she'd inform the others. “Well, we're dealing with a blood mage for real. Best Flare and Seranphina take the frontline. With Viokii backing them up. We're lucky more than half our team doesn't have blood to manipulate.” An odd, yet happy, coincidence. “Me and Seira might want to lay low and keep our distance.”

As for the Elven artisan offering his aid, she could come up with one thing she wanted.... yet figured it'd be best not to ask it. Appetising as Faeblood was, she didn't want to need to do any explanations. She should be able to weather it for a bit longer. “Well, I say we head back.” She'd state, when all was loaded up. “I could scout our surroundings or scout ahead, if you'd want?” She'd offer, knowing her stealth might help them avoid a possible ambush.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii listened in on what the Blood Mage had to say, internally questioning what sort of capabilities a magician of blood magics could perform that she should be concerned about, especially since the major matter of her own blood being manipulated wasn't existent since she was too busy not having any blood. Though, Flare and Seraphina would also hold the same benefit if such an encounter were to happen. Then again, the concern of how difficult such a target may be may have meant they should leave it be for now and report it to suitable authorities so it can be investigated.

The map was also interesting to take a glance at, considering she had not yet an opportunity to visit or fully research many of the places on it. Although some of the majorly marked locations were not known to her, they'd perhaps be important to keep in mind or take a look into if said bandit group had ties to this 'Blood Mage'. For someone to choose to wield and cause fear with such a magic type, a larger planned scheme would most likely be a very troublesome problem if left ignored.

As time passed on and the group neared being ready to go again, Viokii considered what could be suggested as their next possible move as she thought to ask something of the artisan they had found and rescued.
"Excuse me, Mister Kryvil. We were originally sent out upon the premise of a stolen Iron Bark shipment, of which I can only assume you being a victim of kidnapping and being held hostage of whom appear to be the perpetrators is not a coincidence. Do you have any information on why you may have been taken hostage, or if you had heard the bandits say anything? My predictive outcome algorithms give a predicted suggestion that you may have been collected without permission in order to work on specific secret craft orders for the bandits and-or Blood Mage you speak of. Do you also know if you have sighted or heard anything about them attempting to open this specific container?" Viokii asked, gesturing to the intricate strongbox they had retrieved as per Guiseppe's request. It would prove important to know of how much important the strongbox was to the ambushers and if it was a target of priority or just an extra gain along the way. Whilst they were waiting to see where they went, they may as well have gotten information to help their case.

1. Viokii is Talking - Business (F), Leadership (F), Investigation (F), Energized (F) - Viokii is always trying to learn and get progressive communication and interactions done. Hopefully they go better and she learns a thing or two - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Chandra seemed more than confident about the chances of the survivors attacking them again. Perhaps... a bit too enthusiastic even. Though she had a point; they already showcased how easily they could deal with them and at this point the mage would see them as liabilities. They were probably going to die by his hand anyways, if not now then later. Speaking of whom, the terrified bandit they were interrogating also stated that HE was a blood mage. While the way he phrased his terrifying capabilities sounded terrifying at first, Flare didn't seem all too concerned. They looked down at their iron-wrought hands, now scorching red-hot with flame, before smirking. "Well jokes on him, I don't got any, hehehehe-" Flare chuckled devilishly, almost in a mocking manner.

In hindsight, that would also go the same towards the ghostly Seraphina and the constructed Viokii. Neither of them had blood in the traditional sense either. That left only Chandra and Seira to remain cautious around him. And Flare would make sure they both didn't get sucked...

Afterwards as Flare scoured the corpses littered on the ground, they'd soon come across the body of the bandit leader. Surely they had to have something good on him, right? Gently they pushed their boot to flip the bastard over. There, tucked within his belt, was a curious looking pouch. A hefty-looking coin pouch. The elemental chuckled to themself as they picked it up, peering inside to see a good mixture of copper and silver. "Hmm... Not bad." they thought to themselves. Shame there was no gold though... but it should at least help them get by for a considerable deal. They'd keep it on them for now. If they need to make a quick purchase, Flare would have them covered. That, or they can divide the share amongst themselves once they get back to Ryke.

Upon freeing the gagged hostage from the tent, Flare would immediately recognize the name and couldn't help but comment. "Ahhhh, so you're the iron-bark guy!" the elemental casually called out to him in a friendly manner, "We've heard a bit about you. Don't worry about repayment just yet... get yourself comfy, we'll be heading off in a moment."

The only other thing of note was the map seen in one of the tents; highlighting a number of specific locations with these strange markings. Flare had little clue as to what this meant, but the implications given everything they've learned were certainly ominous in scope. Normally they would leave stuff like this alone, but their inner-soul told them to take it along just in case. Maybe somebody might have a clue to what this is. If not, Flare could simply burn away the evidence. Cautiously, the fire elemental removed the objects binding the map to the paper, before rolling the map up and putting it with the rest of their loot.

Once everything was loaded onto the wagon, Chandra would plan their next move in the main tent. The plan seemed simple enough; the bloodily-challenged would remain upfront - with Flare and Sera leading followed closely behind by Viokii. The vampire and knight would remain in the back, alongside the artisan. "Smart play." Flare stated approvingly, seeing no real issues with the current set up, "I'll make sure to torch the guy the moment he crosses our path." Chandra would also suggest she scouts ahead to ensure they were truly in the clear. Flare nodded... albeit slowly. "Wouldn't hurt." they admitted, while crossing their arms, "But if that guy's as dangerous as the bandit said he was, I reckon you be reaaaaal careful. Would hate to see you and Seria mangled into a bloody smoothie."
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Blood magic, so that was a thing here? Coukd anyone do it or was it a race thing? The only ones that might get it from race in Seraphina's mind were vampires abd dhampir if those were things. Well maybe a blood elemental if those were things or would those be slimes? Hmm were slimes a thing here? Seraphina was not sure even if she could remember her second life that she would know the answer. Anyways blood magic was scary to those with blood which she lacked. Being a sword could have a few benifits.

The bandits being released struck seraphina as wrong, yeah they got a good spooking, but they were just going to go right back to it once the fear wore off. Killing them or taking them to prison was the better option thought he two were likely one in the same. Still sge wasn't untying them sge couldn't abd she couldn't kill them herself. So whatever they did wasn't on her.

" Hmm isn't scouting more viokii's thing with those minibots? " she asked though quickly added " if you start to explain ten words ir less please " prepeting any long winded explanation from the bot was a must seraphina assumed though only she seemed to be bugged by it. That might just be ve ause they shated the construct thing and if only she could be like a person it would stand out. " otherwise sounds good to me just don't go swinging me into magic, I think I lost any defence to it awhile back "
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Blood magic. Even with Seira's pretty much non-existent knowledge about this world's magic stuff, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that those two words together was bad news. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you..." She said eyeing the living sword, the walking furnace, and sci-fi robot. "But I like my blood where it belongs and I don't feel like getting wrung dry like a raisin today." Suppose there being a blood mage would explain the utter lack of bodies they found of the original merc company both on the road and in the camp, but unfortunately they didn't seem the type to be so find enough to leave something like a raisin behind, you'd just be gone like you never existed. A pretty depressing way to go, if you asked Seira. She would hope that whenever she would die her second death there would be something left of her at least.

As they continued to search through the tents, they came across something pretty peculiar: a map. Now the presence of a map itself wouldn't really be surprising in a bandit camp, she'd imagine that they'd need such a map to see where the hot trade routes are to plan a robbery or something, but the map in this camp was not annotated in the way you would expect of typical bandits. With a blood mage now in the mix, Seira doubts that any of these sad parasites they faced off against here had any genuine interest in a random town in The Republic, so close to the Imperial border too. It was also in that tent that they found the wood specialist their merchant employer mentioned back at the office. "You can thank us when we're back in the capital, let's just all get out of here."

A few moments later, Chandra returned to the tent they were all in with a confirmation of their opponent, however she managed to figure that out, and a bit of a game plan. "Agreed, let's not go out blindly and turn into clouds of red mist." With that, it looked like the team was ready to go, Seira grabbing the rest of the loot and helping load it onto the wagon, at which time Chandra once again would offer forth a plan, a scouting plan. It sounded all well and good but... "Weren't you the one that said that both of us blood havers keep our distance?"
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Afternoon
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

The two remaining bandits, once bound and at the mercy of the adventurers, were now free. Fear and relief washed over their faces as they glanced at each other before taking off in a desperate sprint. Their tattered boots kicked up dust and leaves as they fled through the clearing, scrambling over roots and rocks in their mad dash for safety. Their breathing was frantic, their minds racing with the images of their fallen comrades and the overwhelming defeat they'd suffered. They didn’t dare look back as they disappeared into the horizon, their forms shrinking into the distance, finally swallowed by the dense line of trees.

Ethan, still processing the ordeal of his kidnapping, turned to Flare and nodded in affirmation. “Yes,” he said, his voice steady but carrying the weight of recent trauma. “I am a wood crafter, a specialist in iron bark. It’s what drew the bandits to me in the first place.”

Later, as Viokii questioned him, Ethan answered with more clarity. “The bandits had plans for the iron bark, alright. They wanted me to craft something special from it—a high-grade catalyst. I don’t know exactly what they intended to use it for, but they were after something unique.” He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “The Mage was supposed to open the strongbox. I overheard one of the bandits complaining about how they couldn’t break the lock, no matter how many times they tried with their tools. They were waiting for the Mage to return and take care of it.”

With the questioning and looting complete, the group prepared for the long journey back to the capital, Ryken. The adventurers, along with the rescued artisan, Ethan, would travel on foot, escorting the covered wagon laden with their recovered loot from the bandit camp. The weight of their discovery—along with the strange markings on the map and the mysterious strongbox—loomed in their thoughts as they set off.

Leading the way, Viokii, Flare, and Seraphina took up the vanguard, walking twenty feet ahead of the wagon. Their eyes scanned the path before them, ensuring no threats lay in wait. Behind the wagon, keeping a watchful rear, Chandra, Seira, and Ethan followed at the same distance. Despite the tense atmosphere surrounding their departure from the bandit-infested woods, the road remained quiet.

The journey from the woods near Etiva to the capital of Ryken was long but uneventful. They passed through the familiar landscape, and the scent of iron bark in the air mixed with the earthy tones of the forest. The group crossed rolling hills, dotted with patches of wildflowers and small clusters of trees that swayed gently in the breeze. The Garanth Barony came into view as they passed it on their way, its grand keep and towers visible on the horizon, a distant reminder of the intrigue that still lingered in the back of their minds. Yet, for now, their focus remained on the capital and completing their task.

Later, the towering walls of Ryken finally came into view, their rough stone standing tall against the skyline. The adventurers marched into the bustling streets, the wagon creaking behind them as it trundled through the capital’s cobbled roads. The city’s vibrant life enveloped them—the smell of fresh bread, the sound of merchants haggling in the marketplace, and the steady flow of people moving to and fro. They had returned, but their minds were still occupied with the mysteries they’d uncovered.

The covered wagon eventually rolled to a stop in front of Guiseppe’s mercantile agency, its heavy load settled with a final creak as the horses neighed, grateful for the rest. The task had been successfully completed, and the adventurers had done what they set out to do. All that remained was reporting back to Guiseppe and delivering the news of their success.
Chandra Jarmil

Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She listened to Viokii talking to Ethan and figured the construct had that covered. Although it did remind her of something. “Hey, VeeVee, before I forget. What other personality settings did you have?” Hearing the bot sound so serious made her wonder if there were things that could be fun that she hadn't tried yet. After all, the mistress/lover thing, as entertaining as it was, was going a tad bit old.

A chuckle escaped her lips when Flare told her to be careful. “Oh my, it warms my heart to hear you care~” She'd state with a wink. “Don't worry dear, I'll be careful. No smoothies for me today!” Sadly enough, that was also true when it came to food, it seemed.

She looked at the blade and shook her head. “They do a decent job, but they're not nearly as stealthy as I can be.” She'd explain her reasoning. The next bit sounded interesting. “So you were an anti-magic sword before? How come you lost such powers? Age? Breaking?” She didn't exactly know how that'd work with magic talking swords.

The real kicker, however, was all the stuff Seira was saying. “Being wrung dry like a raisin does sound awful.” She'd say, with surprisingly little irony (deception B). “Of course I said we should keep our distance! It's why I'm planning to be really stealthy and to retreat the moment I spot danger to go warn you, rather than confront anyone.” She'd clarify the intention.

That said, she'd lean in. “Though, I must admit, it's nice to hear you care as well~” She's whisper in the latter's ear. “It's always nice to have someone pretty and capable worry about you~” Before backing off again with a wink. (Roguish Charm: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown)

She was thirsty, but not too desperately so. Then again, she did want to have a back-up option, should things really go badly. “Out of curiosity, are you the type who'd risk themselves getting hurt for an ally?” That might be a good question to estimate someone's willingness. Perhaps. Honestly, Kalina had been way to lucky with how on board her previous allies had been with her diet.

She yawned from simply how boring it was on the way back. In the end, nothing happened. It was almost disappointing, especially as she couldn't taste Blood Mage blood now. “Well, that ended a lot easier than expected. I guess I was way wrong about the Blood Mage going to set an ambush... Though, well, easier job for us, I guess?” She'd tell the others. Then looking at the office. “Well, let's show him the map and tell him the story. See what he makes of it and then report it to the Adventurer's Guild as well, perhaps? Dong our civil duty and all.” Honestly, she wasn't eager to stick around. She wanted to go find a meal. She wondered if Sophia was around. Or Scylla. Or maybe Iberis? She hadn't noticed it, but she drooled a little.

Shaking her head back, she focussed. “Is anyone of you eager to go first and do the talking? Also, someone care to help me pick up the chest and carry it inside? We'd best not leave it outside.”

" Maybe I was meant to be but,more I know I can't resist magic. Hit me aginst a wall, block a blade with me, and I'll be fine, but hit a spell with me and it might not be pretty " seraphina explained her ghostly form floating around her hair and clothes ever flowing as if she was submerged in water. " As for my power loss it might be age, or it could be the failings of the smiths. You see I wasn't their only work I am just their last failure. " lies and the truth mixed together in her words the fact of her death and entombment inside the body of the sword was not quite something she wanted to mention. She also didn't mention she wasn't the only one to be a living sword, there had been others so many others. " The others are all rust in a dark vault now so the magic that made us fades I think or it did for them "

The rest of the journey back to town was surprisingly calm. Seraphina had been sure that they would get jumped by sone wicked vampire blood mage. Vampire being blood makes just made sense to her so she just assumed any blood mage would be a vampire. Being back in town did bring up one issue that Seraphina had put off and the others hadn't likely thought of, Guiseppe owned her. She was reluctant to go back to him to be sold and traded as a curiosity and trinket. What she wanted to do Seraphina hadn't figured out but being a mantel peice was not it.

" Well one thing before we go on in how do I get away from Guiseppe? I think he just wants to sell me as a curiosity or something. " it was odd to ask near strangers for this help bit they were the only ones seraphina had.


| Maxxob Maxxob [Ethan] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

While Seria lamented the possibility of being 'wrung like a rasin', Flare chuckled as they patted her on the back. "Oh don't you worry," they said assuringly, "We'll make sure you will keep your fluids nice and contained." They'd then point to both Sera and Viokii. "After all, that's why WE are going first." The knight might be able to notice a flame wink at her from within the grated helmet - hinting at what their identity looked like within.

As they were about to leave, Flare listened as Ethan explained what exactly the Mage and bandits had planned for him. Apparently the bandits wanted him to make a magical catalyst for some unique goal. Though whatever purpose it would serve remained unknown. The bandits weren't able to get through the strongbox's lock and were waiting for the blood mage to return and open it. If they had to guess how, perhaps he'd be able to form a mold of a "blood key" from the lock itself and just open it from there. A crafty strategy if that was to be the case. Yet quite terrifying if they could create more complex stuff out of ichor.

Actually, now that they think of it, could blood extinguish fire in the same way as water? It is a liquid after all... and a good 80% was found in blood. Surely enough would- well, best not to think about that for now. That's something for future Flare to worry about... something they'll find out once they encounter that guy on their way back. Because surely that was how these scenarios worked right? They could see it now... a dramatic entrance, an evil speech, all before they showcase a terrifying example of their power! If there was anything to gleam from the stories Fraust told them, they figured THIS was going to be one of those desperate ambush scenes!

And yet surprisingly... they didn't.

As Flare trodded through the forest alongside the other non-bloods, none would catch even a peep of the mage's whereabouts anywhere! Nor did they feel any... unusual auras. For most, this was quite the relief. Maybe their display of power scared him off back at camp? What a wuss if that was true. Overall, their journey was actually going smooth for once... pretty easy actually. Almost... too easy even. While everyone seemed rather nonchalant and relaxed, Flare couldn't help but feel unnerved by the lack of action throughout their trip; their body twisting and turning whole 360 degrees on look out for this elusive foe.

They couldn't help but feel like something's a bit off... but they couldn't quite put their finger on it. Maybe they were overreacting... maybe they had a hunch. Frankly, they weren't sure. Though they wouldn't discuss it openly... as if not wanting to jinx anything.

By the time they got back to Guiseppe's place, Flare's anticipation seemed to grow at an all time high. Even as Chandra assured they were OK, mentioning how uneventful the trip was, the fire elemental couldn't help but give a nervous chuckle. Yeah... yeah surely, it was all gonna be ok. Right? Seraphina then asked how they could not be in Guiseppe's custody, fearing they might sell her. Already growing attached to this animate sword, Flare attempted to calm her fears somewhat. "Maybe I - or we - can buy ya out?" Flare suggested, as they pulled out the bandit captain's stash they picked up, "Or say that you've found your true owner and that you wish to stay with 'em. Because I gotta say Sera... even in that little scuffle we had, I think you and I make a good team." Their metal finger would boop the blade with an audible ting, signifying their platonic affection with her. Though whatever she wanted, Flare would oblige regardless.

Chandra then asked who wanted to speak to Guisepe first, before mentioning someone to take the chest inside. "I'll get it." the armored figure stated as they began unloading the chest from the carriage. If no one was willing to go in first, Flare wouldn't mind to enter first...
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Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Develius Develius Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

With the artisan giving her more than she was expecting as answers for her questions, she was quite positively receptive to what she had gotten. It would give them a lot more thinking room to work with now that they know a little about the bandits' motivations within it. It did appear that this was the last guaranteed evidence to confirm that the bandits were more pawns in a bigger scheme than anything, and likely other answers would have to be sought out elsewhere. Nevertheless, she gave a small nod to Ethan.

"Thank you for the cooperation, this information will likely be very useful. We will do our best to escort you back to a safe location so we can process what we will be doing next after our findings here" Viokii briefly answered, going along with Flare and Seira upfront as vanguard on the return trip.

When they had finally made their way back to Guiseppe's place, she was aware the main thing for the moment would be reporting back the findings and returning his stolen storagebox of which Flare had taken initiative to taking it in. Hearing over Seraphina's lack of desire to end up back in their employer's possession, she considered silently in her mind for a moment before answering.

"Considering this strongbox must be of high value contents, perhaps you can bargain for the blade as a reward in return. If he doesn't have high need for it, or may only see it as a sword with an attached illusion rather than a sentient one, he may be more willing to part with it. I'm sure he would value the contents of the box over a blade it doesn't seem like he would wield" Viokii considered, giving as her suggestion as she turned to look to Chandra for a moment. The girl was likely getting very thirsty after a while and unless Seira was to offer up, their group wouldn't have any other candidates. Maybe whilst the others were busy, they could go find a willing drunk or something, but it wouldn't be an option now.

"As per my installations and post-developments via algorithmic design, from spectating the actions and personalities from others have I also developed multiple other experimental personalities within an Alpha-Test state that have not been utilised in any way. According to research, these may bring enjoyment to specific individuals who like such things, or help influence social situations where correctly applied. My developed and tested personality overhaul files are much more tested and reliable, though I possess the following that are currently proposed for field-testing: Snarky-Forward-Playful-Organic Human Teenager, Dominant Caring Over-Forward Love-Partner, Laid-Back Playful-Suggestive Tease, 011948275-[Filtered] Merciless First Person Shooter [Filtered] [Filtered]" she answered to Chandra who had asked about what else she could do, since testing such a thing would help her further develop them even if it was a rather unnecessary side-focus in the grand scheme of things.

But for the moment, she looked to the covered wagon before to the group.
"I'd suggest at least two of us should stay to watch the wagon just in case anyone shows up. Considering we have seem to counteracted some stranger's plan, it would not be out of the ordinary that someone has an interest to follow us or seek out the reobtained supplies even if we are in the safety of a public city. That, and a lot of valuables are present within. I for the moment will offer to keep watch and stay put, if another would be willing to assist" Viokii answered and asked of Seira and Chandra since it seemed Flare would be going inside. That, and it didn't feel like Seraphina could be as effectively useful as an individual person without being wielded, so for the moment she may as well stay with Flare who felt like the most practical user of such a larger weapon. She promptly ended up wandering over to the wagon. Having two to watch it would feel like the safest option after all so others could go inside.

1. Investigation (F) to keep an eye out and keep watch.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

"Ok..." Sure it was pretty easy to say you'd be really stealthy and come back before anything sees you, but actually doing that is a different thing altogether. Seira would have thought that Chandra was talking out of her ass if she hadn't just done a similar thing to the bandits a short while ago. "Knock yourself out, I guess..." And then Chandra leaned in and whispered in her ear. The silver haired swordswoman, thoroughly caught off guard by her sweet whispers, felt her face flush a bit. "Wha-" But before she could respond properly to that, she backed away, with a wink at that. And to top it all off, she asked a question before Seira had recovered from all of that. She cleared her throat, mostly in an attempt to ground herself again, but she still felt a tiny tint of redness on her face. "Well, as long as it wouldn't kill me or cost me an arm, I guess..."

Fortunately for the sake of the blood in her veins, the return back to the capital was uneventful. Under the threat of that blood mage out in the woods, walking through and hearing the hustle and bustle of the city was more way more relaxing than the quiet and "peaceful" sounds of nature out in the woods. As they reached the merchant's place once again, Seranphina asked about getting away from Guiseppe. "I mean if a pretty penny is all he's after with you, then yea someone here can definitely buy you out, like Flare said." Seira said in response to their resident sentient sword's question. From what she did back at the camp with Flare, there was definitely a lot of value in getting her to tag along on the road, but the light weight of Seira's coin purse said otherwise. A real shame this country didn't accept the Imperial bills she brought with her here, then she wouldn't have to worry about what to eat or where to stay. "No offense, it's not gonna be me. I barely have enough for a short while for myself as is."

As Flare was unloading the carriage to bring the special wood into the office, Viokii raised a pretty good concern. "Sure, makes sense." Guess in every world or time period you'd have to be wary of leaving belongings out in the open. "I can help keep watch out here. You guys got the map and know more about magic stuff than me to explain to the guy anyways."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Guiseppe's Mercantile Agency
Time: Afternoon
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Chandra and Flare entered Guiseppe's mercantile agency, the weight of the strongbox in their arms evident. The box bore the golden scale and feather emblem of the agency, its contents still locked behind the mysterious mechanism that the bandits had failed to breach. Flare’s large form also carried Seraphina, the sentient greatsword, her blade faintly shimmering in the agency's dim light. Ethan, the elven wood crafter, followed closely behind them, his gaze darting around, still shaken but relieved to be among allies. Outside, Seira and Viokii kept watch near the covered wagon, their eyes scanning the bustling streets of Ryken. The capital thrummed with life as humanoids of every species hurried about their day, merchants hawking wares, street performers drawing crowds, and guards diligently maintaining order amidst the constant flow of the city's commerce.

The quartet was greeted with surprise by the assistant, a young woman with sharp features and a professional demeanor. Her eyes widened at the sight of the locked strongbox, recognizing its importance immediately. She gestured for them to follow her deeper into the building, the atmosphere shifting from the lively streets of Ryken to the muted elegance of Guiseppe's agency. They passed through corridors adorned with tapestries depicting mercantile scenes—ships laden with goods, caravans crossing deserts, and bustling market squares. Once in the waiting room, the assistant pointed to the spot where they could place the strongbox and then hurried off, her footsteps quickening as she made her way to Guiseppe’s office.

She knocked politely but firmly on the heavy wooden door, announcing, "The adventurers have returned, sir." Inside, Guiseppe, an elderly man with silver hair and a sharp mind, rose from behind his desk. The faint scent of parchment and ink hung in the air as he stepped out, moving with surprising energy for someone his age. His assistant nodded respectfully as he passed by her, excusing herself and returning to the front desk to resume her duties.


As Guiseppe entered the waiting room, his eyes immediately landed on the strongbox. His expression shifted from curiosity to satisfaction. The old merchant recognized his agency’s emblem at once, his wrinkled face lighting up with a smile that deepened the lines around his eyes. He approached the group, his gaze softening as he looked at each of them. "Ah, splendid work," he said warmly, his voice carrying the weight of experience and gratitude. "I see you’ve managed to retrieve it. I trust all of you are well? No injuries too serious, I hope?" He motioned toward the strongbox. "And my hunch about the bandits—was I correct? It seems they were the ones responsible for this mess."

Guiseppe paused, his smile fading slightly as he raised an eyebrow, a hint of concern crossing his face. "And the Salamander Brigade? The mercenaries I had originally hired to guard the shipment—did you happen to find out what became of them?" His tone suggested he feared the worst, yet he held onto a sliver of hope, waiting for their report.
Chandra Jarmil

Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She'd nod at the sword. “That seems rough, I'll hope you'll figure out how to block them soon enough.” She actually felt a tad bad for the sword. “Oh, come on, you're not a failure. You did great! You and Flare made an amazing team!” As for Seranphina's freedom, she shrugged. “Threaten to haunt him, claim your freedom as you reward for helping, say you'll not work for anyone other than Flare... Or, in the very worst case, have me 're-acquire' you. I'd rather not become a Thief, but if I'd have too... She would consider it. Then again, the other options should probably work.

The idea of buying the sword out wasn't the worst either. “Worst case, we'll have to negotiate a bit, but if Seranphina makes it clear she won't be of use to others, it shouldn't be the worst.” She'd clap her hands a bit at Flare getting the chest. “Thank you~”

Viokii, on the other hand, rambled a lot again. Although it sounded really fun. “Wow... that sounds like a lot. Snarky..? I have no clue what that is. Over-Forward? I'm not sure if I like 'Dominant' but that bit sounds interesting... Suggestive is always fun. The redacted one is a bit terrifying though. Let's not try that one.” She clicked her tongue. “How about you pick which one you want to try out yourself? I think all the other three sound like they might be fun, although the first perhaps less than the other two. Teenagers are, you know, annoying at times. Actually, I can flip a coin! Heads is dominant, tails is laid-back!” She flipped the coin. “Tails! How about you try out the laid-back option next?”

“We'll be taking the most valuable stuff, the wood, into the building, so it should be mostly good. Worst case we can just have your bots keep an eye out... though you're free to stay here and get your new personality stuff going!”

She was glad to hear Seira was willing to sacrifice some... Although seeing how they'd already made it back to the city, it was a bit too late to make use of that offer. She'd have to remember it for another time. “You're every bit as heroic as you're pretty~” She'd reply instead. “Alright, don't run off with our stuff now!” She'd jokingly say to Seira as she said she'd stay outside as well.

She'd smile at Guissepe. “Thanks for the concern, but just some damaged armour~” She'd reply. Perhaps he'd include repair costs to their reward. That'd be neat. “Oh no, those bandits were more than just some scum, check this out!” She'd say, putting down the map. “The poor sods were terrified by some Blood Mage that was basically puppeteering them after wiping out the entire Salamander Brigade, seemingly with ease. You'll want to sent some [Construct] mercenaries with your future shipments. Or anything else bloodless or capable of warding that stuff off. You also might want to bring this map to the Adventurer's Guild, as it seems the Blood Mage wanted that wood for a reason... ehh... did you know why?” She'd ask the artisan they'd brought along after freeing him, having kind-off forgotten.

“Any way, seems like there's a fair bit more to it, though we did our part~ I got to get some drinks and maybe some company to wind down after all of this~” She'd add with a wink. “Oh right, Flare and Seranphina here bonded pretty well and don't want to be separated. Between her likely being useless to anyone else, having no practical value without her own cooperation, having her own will and desires and probably some right to a bit of the reward as a pretty helpful sentient sword ally, I'm sure you won't force them to split up, right? A handsome and charming man, wise with age, yet ever so bright and youthful, wouldn't do such a thing, right?” She'd ask him, throwing in a good dosage of Roguish Charm B.

Roguish Charm: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
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Well at least Seraphina wouldn't need to worry about getting around given flare would be taking her places. She didn't mind sticking with the elemental and anyone was better than her fellow construct. Well Seraphina was sure that sticking with flare was a good idea to regain what she lost and perhaps greater power. " Sounds good to me " she nodded before the illusion form vanished.

Seraphina was thinking what to say to the guild master when Chandra just cane out and said it. She was rather blunt about it and while she wasn't wrong Seraphina had hidden things from them she could have used if he refused. Actully she still coukd do so if he tried. The illusionary floating child appeared as wellsge did need to speak somewhat for herself. " Well Chandra said about everything that needed saying there. All I can add is you thought I was cursed I can always say it to anyone you try to sell me too and besides you never know going out into the world might help more than you think. " That was about all she could add a half threat half statement of fact on why she should be left with flare.
(short post, cant post much rn)


Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Watching as the others went inside to deliver the box, Viokii waited and remained on-guard outside with Seira. Keeping an eye on all that passed by and transpired within vision, Viokii did her best to keep a mental note of the kinds of people that psssed by in order to get an idea on species populations in this geographical area of the world. Whilst not detracting her gaze from the people around, she spoke to Seira.

"Thank you for your lent support now and earlier today, I am afraid I may not have been as useful as intended to be of which I need to functionally improve upon. Yours and the others' cooperation has been very successful and beneficial" she briefly answered, keeping focused on guard duty more than anything at the current moment.​


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Judging by their reactions, everyone seemed in agreement to let Flare take possession of Seranphina and her sword from their employer... by any means necessary. Whether they bought her out, or have Sera declare allegiance solely to the elemental... hell, even threatening Guiseppe or "re-acquiring" her from him as Chandra so put it wasn't off the table either. Even if it was rather unlikely that would be the case. Nevertheless they were in support of their position. "Why I'm glad everyone in support of this," Flare nodded gratefully towards everyone, taking an extra moment to look at Sera, "Especially you, I am so honored."

"Though before we get all like, brash, and stuff... let's see what the old man has to say. Whatever the price, we'll make it work."

As Flare, Chandra and Sera entered the door with the strongbox, the fire elemental's sense of discomfort and uneasiness reaching its climax. For the briefest second, they thought they'd be greeted with something terrible. Something truly unexpected in the wrongest of sensations. They winced upon breaching the doors, bracing themselves as they came across... the same room where they began. The elemental stopped dead as they looked around. Everything looked to be the same as they remembered... nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Flare audibly exhaled a sigh of utter relief. Surely they grossly overthought the situation... probably should lay off on the horror novels for a while.

After the assistant showed them where to drop off the strongbox, they'd be led into Guiseppe's office - finding their employer very much alive and well. "Heyo," they announced rather casually as they ducked under the doorframe, "We're back. Got the strongbox too." Guiseppe asked if they were alright, in which Flare nodded. "Aside from a little dink in the armor, I'm good as can be." they stated, giving a thumbs up, "Not much of a problem at all." It was here when Chandra would explain to him about what they've seen - including the map they retrieved from the tent and mentioning the elusive "blood mage" they've heard from the bandits.

Once she finished, Flare attempted to bring their attention to the other matter at hand. "Well, um, also there's one other thing we want to-" they started, only to get interrupted as Chandra spoke for them about them wanting to keep Sera in their possession. She heavily dipped into her charismatic charm, sweet talking the old man into having them keep it and not forcing them to separate. Sera would also briefly tell him of her opinion, firmly putting her half-threat to assert her claim. Once they set both claims, Flare would interject - raising their hands to have both parties settle down.

"It was... at my request." they stated politely as they glanced at the great sword in their hands, "We complimented one another quite well during that skirmish with the bandits. It may have been just one battle thus far, but even so I sense some mighty fine potential within her. Guess I've grown quite attached to her myself. We've consented with each other before hand and uh... well, we decided that - with your permission of course - I'd like to keep Seranphina and her blade with me. Now, like, if you need me to pay or trade anything for her, I'll see what I can do... though I think you should know by now that this matters an awful lot to us. And don't you worry! I'll take excellent care of her... I promise."
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Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Femboy Femboy

As Chandra and Flare carried the box of special wood into the building, Seira walked back over to the wagon. She leaned against the side of the wagon facing away from the merchant's office, taking in the sights and sounds of the city as she watched the crowds pass by as she rested her hand on the pommel of her sword for some extra intimidation factor.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much." Seira would respond as Viokii broke the silence. "That was a solid shot back there at the camp entrance. We were a pretty well oiled machine, back there. No pun intended, by the way. I can't really complain much about a job done as well as that."
Location: Ryke, Ryken, Guiseppe's Mercantile Agency
Time: Afternoon
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii


Guiseppe visibly relaxed as he heard that the adventurers had sustained no serious injuries, only damage to their armor. His relief was apparent, and with a quick wave of his hand, he directed them to an artisan he trusted. "Go to Fergus at the Iron Oak Forge," he said. "He'll handle your repairs, and I’ll put it on my tab. You’ve earned it." His tone was brisk, but there was genuine appreciation beneath his business-like demeanor.

When Chandra presented the map, Guiseppe grew more contemplative, particularly when it became clear that the attack on his shipment was far from a mere bandit raid. His brows furrowed, and his expression turned grave as Chandra explained how the Salamander Brigade, the mercenaries he had hired, had been wiped out by a Blood Mage. This new revelation seemed to gnaw at the old merchant, and as he spread the map on the coffee table, the weight of the situation settled over the room.

Guiseppe’s azure eyes scanned the markings on the map carefully. His attention was drawn to one specific place, and his expression tightened as he spoke. "The Garanth Barony? Strange... I heard the baron passed recently after a sudden illness. The man was said to be as strong as an ox. Something about it doesn’t sit right." His voice was quiet but full of suspicion, lingering on the thought as if trying to piece together a puzzle that was just out of reach.

Ethan, prompted by Chandra, explained once more why he had been kidnapped. "The bandits wanted me to work on the iron bark, to craft a highly intricate catalyst for them. What they intended to do with it... I can't say," he admitted, his confusion matching Guiseppe's. The old merchant mulled it over, but nothing concrete came to mind. "A catalyst made from iron bark... It sounds like something far more than simple bandits would need." Guiseppe's thoughts raced, but there were too many unknowns for him to come to any conclusions just yet.

Chandra’s charm worked well on the old merchant, her flattery slowly easing the tension in the room. Guiseppe was well aware of the game, yet he was willing to play along for now. However, his patience was tested when Seraphina, the sentient greatsword, made an implied threat about being sold. For a moment, Guiseppe's mind wandered to the idea of locking her in his underground vault—a cold, dark place where stubborn artifacts learned humility through isolation. But before his temper could flare, Flare’s respectful demeanor pulled him back. Despite his earlier irritation, Guiseppe’s expression softened. "Alright, fine. You can take her," he said with a sigh, waving his hand dismissively. "Consider it a bonus for saving Ethan and going above and beyond what I expected." His eyes flicked toward the elf for a moment, gratitude tempered by pragmatism.

It wasn’t long after that Guiseppe followed through on his promise, ensuring that his recommendation was filed with the Ryke Adventurer’s Guild. He noted their efficiency, bravery, and willingness to go beyond the task assigned. Their success in retrieving his shipment—and saving the artisan from Etiva—secured their reputation within the capital.

But as they left Guiseppe's agency, a strange feeling lingered at the back of their minds. Despite the completion of their mission, there was an unmistakable sense of unfinished business. The map, with its curious markings, hinted at something larger—something that transcended the mere act of stopping bandits. Who was the Blood Mage? What was the true purpose of the catalyst the bandits sought to create? These were questions for another time, but they gnawed at the adventurers, as though a greater plot was unfolding just beyond their sight.

With only a few pieces of the puzzle, the adventurers couldn’t shake the feeling that something ominous was brewing on the horizon—a gathering before the storm. And as they reflected on their recent victory, they realized one thing with unsettling certainty: those damned bandits had merely been the beginning.

Grading recommendations:
All: Asset: Ryke Adventurer's Guild F (upgrade if applicable)
The Old Merchant's Connections (through his connections, Guiseppe is able to secure resources that could make the adventurers' life much easier in an RP)

Kalina - Femme Fatale → Character is known to use Seduction to achieve their goals. Likeness of success when using Seduction is increased.
Seira - Bushwhacker → Character is known to have set up an ambush successful, giving the opposition no chance to act. Likeness of success when setting up ambushes is increased.
Viokii - Jaeger → Character is known to have performed scouting missions successfully. Likeness of spotting the opposition, while scouting, is increased.
Flare - Terrifying Presence → Character is known to have intimidated the opposition. Likeness of success when using intimidation is increased.
Seraphina - The Trickster → Character is known to have successfully used Illusion to trick the opposition. Likeness of success when to fool others, when using Illusion, is increased.

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Maxxob Maxxob

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Maxxob Maxxob
Highest - Standing C
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A group of adventurers were hired, through the Ryken Adventurer's Guild, by the Guiseppe Gasparo, a prominent local merchant. The merchant needed the group to try and recover one of his shipments, of iron bark, which went missing during its travel to the Republic. He also tasked them to try and find out what happened with the mercenaries which were hired to protect the shipment. The group eventually find out that the shipment had been waylaid by a group of bandits named the Crimson Cutthroats, the mercenaries having being killed and the cargo stolen for an unknown reason. After the fight against the bandits, the group discover that they had kidnapped an artisan named Ethan Kryvil from the village of Etiva, an specialist in working with iron bark.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
The adventurers successfully defeated the bandits, finding out that the fate of the mercenaries, recovering the stolen shipment and also freeing the artisan from captivity.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
The Crimson Cutthroats - (They serve as possible hostile forces for RPs) A group of bandits that, assumedly, act within Ryke's borders. Easily recognizable by the crimson armband, with an emblazoned dark dagger, which their members wear. While not really noteworthy, some curious maps were found at their camp near Etiva. What the information on the maps mean is anyone's guess. (Same as the previous part)

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)
  • None

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)
  • None

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

  • Kalina - Femme Fatale → Character is known to use Seduction to achieve their goals. Likeness of success when using Seduction is increased.
  • Seira - Bushwhacker → Character is known to have set up an ambush successful, giving the opposition no chance to act. Likeness of success when setting up ambushes is increased.
  • Viokii - Jaeger → Character is known to have performed scouting missions successfully. Likeness of spotting the opposition, while scouting, is increased.
  • Flare - Terrifying Presence → Character is known to have intimidated the opposition. Likeness of success when using intimidation is increased.
  • Seraphina - The Trickster → Character is known to have successfully used Illusion to trick the opposition. Likeness of success when to fool others, when using Illusion, is increased.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • None

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • Kalina - Character received the [Wanted] title after the RP was concluded (from an RP that happened before this one)

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
  • None

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • None

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

  • None

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
RP used a form of modified Advanced Rules, taking in consideration base effectiveness to decide the outcome of actions. It was also used dice to decide the success of some actions.

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)
  • Flare - Nothing of notice.
  • Kalina - Nothing of notice.
  • Seira - Nothing of notice.
  • Seraphina - Edit done in 10/17/2024 not present in the changelog.
  • Viokii - Nothing of notice.

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Nothing changed as far as lore is concerned.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
Asset: Ryke Adventurer's Guild F (upgrade if applicable)
The Old Merchant's Connections F (through his connections, Guiseppe is able to secure resources that could make the adventurers' life much easier in an RP)

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
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