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Fandom RWBY: The Grimm Projects -OOC- ~Full~

Quick note here that Medusa operates on a 'allies first, mission second, feelings third' kind of mentality. Even if she hates your guts, she can be trusted to support and back you up any time.

Which, undoubtedly, you disgusting half-breeds will obviously need.

Medusa doesn't wear her armor on social stuff, it's all jammed into her big bag of everything for now. Her skull mask-helmet is also jammed into her bag. And her armor, is barely there. Elbow and knee pads, thigh-high greaves and shin-guards, and an ammunition vest. She's the epitome of glass cannon. Sort of. 
      ---RANT INCOMING---

                ---RANT INCOMING---

Low key wondering how the heck they implant Grimm into things with souls without them disintegrating. And how Grimm are even, like, tame inside of beings with SOULS when they DON'T HAVE SOULS. And just think about the poor faunus; you're already part animal, now you're part Grimm? It's like the prejudice is just going to be laid on thick like icing on a cake.

But back to the Grimm, just exactly how do they have the sense to not go full rage mode? But Xenoxx, their contained by the strength of others! You're kidding me right, that's like saying a person who's about to become a zombie won't because they have the power not to. If Grimm had shown any form of intelligence outside of control, In ANY OF THE VOLUMES, then this would be a different story. But, we haven't seen that, so we have to ask our selves how they can take control OR how they can lose control in the first place!

Just a tiny rant...because reasons...
      ---RANT INCOMING---

                ---RANT INCOMING---

Low key wondering how the heck they implant Grimm into things with souls without them disintegrating. And how Grimm are even, like, tame inside of beings with SOULS when they DON'T HAVE SOULS. And just think about the poor faunus; you're already part animal, now you're part Grimm? It's like the prejudice is just going to be laid on thick like icing on a cake.

But back to the Grimm, just exactly how do they have the sense to not go full rage mode? But Xenoxx, their contained by the strength of others! You're kidding me right, that's like saying a person who's about to become a zombie won't because they have the power not to. If Grimm had shown any form of intelligence outside of control, In ANY OF THE VOLUMES, then this would be a different story. But, we haven't seen that, so we have to ask our selves how they can take control OR how they can lose control in the first place!

Just a tiny rant...because reasons...


Younger Grimm are less intelligent, but older Grimm have displayed tactical abilities, as well as adaptational skills, though their innate want of destruction and attraction towards negative emotions still exist.

I can somewhat see some 'loss of control' plot coming to play, but this begs of the question, if this kind of thing is made public, won't even FAUNUS want to eradicate this threat? After all, Grimm are the universal bad guys here. 

Younger Grimm are less intelligent, but older Grimm have displayed tactical abilities, as well as adaptational skills, though their innate want of destruction and attraction towards negative emotions still exist.

I can somewhat see some 'loss of control' plot coming to play, but this begs of the question, if this kind of thing is made public, won't even FAUNUS want to eradicate this threat? After all, Grimm are the universal bad guys here. 

He speaks the truth. Oobleck said that about the Goliaths, saying that they are always waiting for just the right moment to strike.
He speaks the truth. Oobleck said that about the Goliaths, saying that they are always waiting for just the right moment to strike.

He indeed did, but the problem I have with that is how old do they have to be before they start getting smarter? Because last thing I remembered about Goliaths is that they were HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD.


Younger Grimm are less intelligent, but older Grimm have displayed tactical abilities, as well as adaptational skills, though their innate want of destruction and attraction towards negative emotions still exist.

I can somewhat see some 'loss of control' plot coming to play, but this begs of the question, if this kind of thing is made public, won't even FAUNUS want to eradicate this threat? After all, Grimm are the universal bad guys here. 

Of course they would want to, but would everyone else want to work with the Faunus? And 'loss of control' is exactly the problem I have with AG; why would something with the power to control it's foe be suddenly overpowered, and what I mean by that is even if the Grimm was subdued during testing, once it woke up again wouldn't it be even more angry than when it got subdued? Especially if the young Grimm attain a higher capacity of thought after becoming Aura Grimm? If these things are being contained on sheer willpower, you would probably need A WHOLE LOT OF IT to even just survive one being implanted into you, let alone CONTAIN it while it tuckers itself out.
Well, I need to say a few things just so we can get this out of the way naos~

  • The RP is officially full until said otherwise
  • lostsoul hasn't been online since the 10th and failed to tell me they were disappearing and hasn't answered my ping. So they have been kicked, unfortunately.

    A new person will be taking their place.

[*]For those who are Aura Grimm, I am going to have it where the Grimm within are able to converse with the other Grimm. I don't know why, but I thought it would interesting thing to have.

[*]Make sure to read the lore if you have any answers if there is a question you have the lore doesn't answer, then come to me.

[*]NPCs known in the show will be controlled by me, happydeath and Andraus. If anyone wants to play a known NPC, you will have to come to me or happydeath.

[*]Just in case no one knows this, this story is going to be going alongside the main story of RWBY. 

  • If you don't understand, then come to me and I will explain.

and that is all folks~ *rolls away to post*
Just to get things straight, a character's favourite song is NOT necessarily their theme, right?

Because Medusa prolly has

As hers

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