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Fandom RWBY: Grimm Encounters

Scarlett grins at Kay, her enthusiasm rubbing onto her. "Hi Kay, I'm Scarlett, Scarlett Twilight." She said to her. "Don't worry, it's not a problem to is. So, how's Beacon so far?" She asks her, wanting to know what she thinks about the academy.
"I'm not too sure about that yet, if I love it or not. I'm not quite lucky this morning, but Beacon is still so cool! I mean the thought of hunters and huntresses are thought here! I've always wanted to be a huntress, I can feel it in my blood. My family is the ones that are a breed of politicians but I always felt as if politics don't fit me. My Grampa was a hunter before and his stories always fascinated me. I went through harsh training, Grampa was really strict." Amber suddenly realized how talkative she was and said, "Haha, sorry. I'm quite talkative." She scratched the back of her head.


Location: Ballroom

Activity: Chattity chat chat chat

With: Kaitlyn Azzuro @Keysience

Lily was full of excitement. She was making friends one after the other, the 2 most recent ones, though, were familiar. Well, not that she cares if she'd seen them before, all that matters for her is that she's making tons of friends and each and every minute was an adventure for her, in a way. Her eyes widened and mouth opened at the thought, she raised her fists yet again, signaling that she reached maximum enjoyment level and didn't really put into mind what her new friends would've thought as she did so.

A question from one of her new friends dragged her back to reality. She pointed at her self and slightly tilted her head to the left
"Ahh? Me? Well. Fufufu~" she crossed her arms and nodded before continuing on. "I just wanted ADVENTCHA! (Adventure)" she shouted and giggled afterwards afterwards, another familiar person approached her. Enlightening her day even further, Kay, another friend she had made had arrived to the scene. "Yay! Kay! You're here!" she excitedly said.

Kay and her other new friends talked for awhile, Lily, though excited, let Kay catch up and get to know her new found friends and was cheering her on internally. As everything seemed okay for her to butt in on, Lily squeezed in a question for the girls.
"So, you guys thought of what might happen to us tomorrow? Ooooh! I'm so excited!"

She smiles at Kay, giggling slightly. "Don't worry, talkative is alright with me. And besides, I don't think you can be more talkative or hyped than Lily here, not that anything is wrong with that." She joked, smiling at them both. She looks at Lily, smiling at her. "Well, I heard that tomorrow will be the day when they will assign us our partners. I just don't know how." She said to her, also excited for what's coming.
"A nice shield, eh? I don't see many shields these days, they seem pretty ignored", Daimon would mutter, genuinely smiling after he had made eye contact with Kate. After a few seconds, though, he re-focused on Maroon.

"In all seriousness, the best kind of shield I could think of would be a buckler for your style, that way you don't have to hold it, and you can implement it into your punches.", Daimon would suggest, then he looked up in more thought. "Maybe ones that are gloves, that can transform into bucklers..."
Tristain was on his bed lookeing at the two " awwww look at the cute couple" he chuckled lightly as he made his little joke for the day he layed back on his bed with hi scyths on his bed he then looked at the two
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Maroon looked over to where Daimon had been staring. There was a group of girls collected over there. A few Maroon recognized from the airship. Tomorrow he would have to apologies to Lily and Kay for giving them the cold shoulder so abruptly. Pheromones wafted into Maroon's nostrils...pleasure?..he sniffed in order to get a better sense. Maybe desire, but it seemed to be tinged. It was hard to tell, Maroon had to get to know someone before he could interpret their senses more accurately. Maroon didn't try to figure out who Damon had been looking at, he didn't really care, instead he noted the smile on Daimon's face.

"Huh, buckler gloves. I saw something similar to that in Vale I'll have to find myself a job I guess. I will let you get back to your book. I need some sleep and tomorrow will an exciting day I hear." Maroon would disengage and find a place to sleep.


"Partners? I wonder if we have to choose for ourselves or not." Amber stated. "Ohhhh! I'm so excited!! And nervous, I hope I get along with whoever my partner be." She said those words excitedly, though no matter how excited she was she's getting quite tired. She tried to suppress a yawn but it didn't really work. "It's getting kinda late for me. I think I'll be the one to sleep first, ok?" With that she instantly fell asleep.​
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Ashlan Blackburn stumbled out of the airship. The cool nighttime air was just beginning to settle over Beacon Academy. He couldn't believe he had missed Ozpin's speech. Earlier, his airship had been severely delayed due to technical issues with the ship. Stupid machines. As well as the delay, they had also nauseated Ash to the point where he had to excuse himself to the onboard lavatory. Needless to say, the whole scenario did not give his peers an ideal first impression. By the time they landed at Beacon, Ash was ready to kiss the ground and swear to never ride by airship again, but his mind was possessed by rage after the pilot had told them that they had "unfortunately missed the headmasters introduction speech." Damn! Ash had a perfect image of how it would have gone. Ozpin, tall and friendly, eloquently giving the students words of motivation and building up the hype for the year. Ash sighed as he examined the campus.

The campus was everything he had seen in the pictures, and more. The blue fountains were bigger, the leafy trees greener. It was definitely more luxurious than any place Ash had ever been. After all the students disembarked, Goodwitch gave them a quick tour of the school. Unfortunately, the tour was cut short due to the time. Ash stifled his anger and headed towards temporary boarding room he had been assigned.


Location: Ballroom

Activity: Chattity chat chat chat

With: Kaitlyn Azzuro @Keysience

Lily was dumbfounded when she heard the word 'partners'. The moment the word entered her ears, she was immediately sent back to her dream world, imagining how awesome it would be if she were partnered up with any of the girls. "Whaaaa!" her mouth gaped; Being filled with excitement yet again. "Yeah, I wonder who'd be my partner" she nearly drooled at the thought but was hopefully unnoticed by anyone. With Kay going to sleep, Lily decided to do the same. Although excited, she knows when it's a right time to get some energy saved up, tomorrow was a very big day after all. "All right girls, as much as I want to continue to chit-chat, I think I should also do the same!" with a wave she went to her sleeping place and had gone to snooze world.
Kaitlyn watched as the two girls went to sleep, playing with a strand of her hair, filtering through the blue and purple tips. Everyone had gone to find abed on the ballroom floor, or else she had heard rumours of a few stragglers staying in some of the dorms. Continuing to wade through the strands she groaned upon finding a split end and threw the hair aside. She was about to give up on worrying about tomorrow and go to sleep when her scroll buzzed, notifying a message. Whipping out the device and reading it briefly she noted a message from an unrecognised number.

Want to know more about tomorrow? Try Glynda's office. Down the hall, third door on the left ;)
Kate looked up, a mischievous glint in her eye. Dressed in her pyjamas, composing of a white tank to and a pair of blue short shorts, she slowly climbed out of her sleeping bag and crept over to Scarlet who last she knew was still awake.

"Pssst Scarlet, you up for some adventure." She whispered, half excited, half cautious.

With the two energetic chatterboxes asleep, Scarlett found herself in the grasps of the unending void called boredom. To stave off that, she decided to read a book, any book will do so she chose one about Grimms. These creatures have always fascinaated her. It gave her a sense of wonder and awe rather than terror. She couldn't help but find these creatures beautiful, and while she had slain quite a number of them, she still can't help but admire these creatures. When Kate whispered to her, Scarlett closed the book to listen to her. Scarlett looked curiously at Kate. Adventure, in the middle of the night? It sounds suspicious, but it sure as hell caught her attention. "Sure, sounds awesome to me." She said to her, smiling softly.
Kate smiled, glad to hear she wasn't the only one brave enough to break a few rules. She helped Scarlet to her feet and took the lead, creeping between the rows of sleeping students to the main door. She pushed it gently, opening it with ease and peeking through the crack for any sign of movement. Seeing none, she slipped through the door way and ushered Scarlett through. The hallway was dark, the shattered moon shining through the tall windows , casting tall shadows across the cold floor, a thick rug running the length of the hallway. She spotted the door the message mentioned and moved towards it, sticking close to the walls as to remain in the shadows. She moved soundlessly, with a practiced grace. The two of them made it to the door and slipped inside.

Their eyes were greeted by a impeccably tidy office, the walls lined with books and shelves, stacked high with papers and knick knacks, all perfectly arranged. Sets of drawers and filling cabinets were scattered around the room to, one cupboard was easily tall enough to hide within. The centre of the room was dominated by a large desk, covered in books, binders and stacks of papers. "Start looking around, there could be something on what's happening tomorrow." She half whispered, pumped full of adrenaline.
Scarlett followed Kate through the hallways and into Ms. Goodwitch's office. "We are so going to get expelled if we get caught. Why did you suddenly want to raid's Goodwitch's office for anyway?" She asked Kate, rummaging through the papers and files on her desks. "It's mostly student profiles and grades here." She said to Kate, going over to where she was to see if she had better luck.


Rust had boarded the ship last and seemingly stayed in the back alone an odd fog eminating off his body. Rust watched out the window his odd armor and wrapped up weapon on his back really gave the feel that he was a guard watching over them but really he was just another kid. Rust noticed a couple guys trying to be big shots bragging about there lives or flirting with girls right off the bat. Rust wanted to throw them off the plane already, so annoying. Rust watched over everyone looking quite disturbing. Rust was known for 2 things, his weapon and his history. Not his whole back story just his history where he lived in the destroyed city. Rust, lived...with the grimm for years and seems not to be phased about the fact he did other then his personality which is awful now. Rust learned to live alone like he had for years.

Rust sighed as he noticed all the people getting off the airship, he began to exit as well his heavy armor making him sound heavy and menacing as he walked. Rust just pushed everyone in his way out of the way, his face was hidden beneath the silver tattered mask. Rust made his way through the people his feet making loud stomping noises every time he took a step reaching nearer and nearer to the group of kids who were talking in the middle of the hall. Rust towered over most his blade bigger then him and wrapped in old bandages. Rust pushed the last two out of the way and stood in front of the group of kids, he seemed to have fog or steam rolling of his body "
Out of the way" Rust ordered the group. They seemed to refuse and he just plowed through them as well.

Rust seemed like the type of guy not to screw with, which was true. However rust had a soft spot for bullied kids and really hated preppy girls or guys who were wicked egocentric. He had noticed a couple of kids like this, he also noticed no one looked very tanky. He felt like the only one so far. Rust drudged on pushing his way through kids. As nightfall fell the halls emptied and Rust was left with a couple other kids who were wandering, he had watched the orientation slightly but payed more attention to the school then Ozpin. Rust did not look up to Ozpin, he hated him for leaving him to rot..in a land filled with nothing but death and Grimm. Ozpin could have saved him with a heroic team or something. Rust now had no idea what he was doing, did he have to dorm with people, it sounded horrible rooming with someone. Why was he here anyway seeing how he did not work well with teams. This was a horrible but one day...he would get his revenge.

Kate flung open the large cupboard, surprised to see it was mostly empty excluding the floor of the wardrobe which was littered with dozens of pairs of shoes. A rail hung in the cupboard with only a purple shawl hanging elegantly on off to one side. "Expelled? Please a few weeks detention and a life time of hatred at the most." She laughed, getting on her tip toes in an attempt to see on a shelf that sat way to high for her eyes. "And because a little birdie told me to come here for a little more info on tomorrow." She smiled, stroking the shawl, admiring its softness. She was about to go on but she suddenly heard a soft mumbling from some sort of conversation outside. Kate let out a little squeak, ushering desperately for Scarlett to climb into the wardrobe with her.
Scarlett almost let out a loud yelp when Kate suddenly pulled her into a wardrobe. "Oh god, I hope they're just some other students who wants to snoop around!" She said in a quiet voice, looking at Kate. She knew that if they're going to get caught, there will be consequences, and one of them is very much likely to be expulsion, but there is no way she's ratting out her friend. "I have an idea." She whispered, handing a shawl to Kate. "Wraps this around your head and face. Now if anyone, no matter who, opens this wardrobe, I want you to run as fast as you can and we'll split up. When we're sure we ditched whoever might be chasing us, throw the shawls to the nearest trash cans." She whispered, wrapping a shawl to cover her entire face and head, her hair tucked inside the shawl as well.
Kate nodded as the two of them climbed into the wardrobe, closing the doors behind them. a small slit of the room could be seen through the crack in the door. The two girls pressed their eyes up against it eagerly as Ms Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin entered the room seemingly in mid conversation.

"Professor you can't seriously be suggesting we don't even warn the children, what if they don't have a landing strategy?" Glynda asked, concern heavy in their voice.

"No no no, i'm not suggesting it Glynda. I'm telling you what's going to happen. A suggestion implies it's up for debate." Ozpin replied calmly, taking a sip of tea.

"But the students-"

" -Will either succeed with flying colours, or prove very clearly that they aren't ready for the level of combat this establishment demands." Ozpin said casually, completely calm.

"Well at least let me go check on the launch pads before morning. I'll need my shawl" She said starting towards the cupboard causing Kate to take a deep intake of breath which she hoped went unnoticed. Glynda had her hand on the handle when Ozpin spoke.

"No need Glynda, I had them maintenance and cleaned just before nightfall, they are perfectly safe." He smiled, taking yet another sip of tea. Glynda froze, her hand remaining on the handle for a few seconds before she turned and headed back towards Ozpin.

"I hope for their sake that you are right." She said curtly before leaving the room. Ozpin smiled and remained at the doorway.

"Eavesdropping can only carry you so far." He smiled pushing up his glasses and stepping out of the door, closing it behind him.

Kate burst out of the cupboard, beet red fro holding her breath so long, her heart pounding like a jack hammer. "Damn that was close!" she wheezed to Scarlet.
Daimon had awoken, and was reading through a book. The title read, 'The Nevermore', and it was about a man going insane, his consciousness taking the form of a Nevermore Grimm.

Quite the poem.

That's when he thought he heard something. A wheezing? As a faunus, his ears were much more sensitive then a human's. He thought about investigating, but he decided against it, and returned to reading the poem.

It was probably just a teacher, anyway.
Prospero was outside the academy as the night sky was bright ,the Moon was high and the stars shine,as he sit on a tree near the Fountin area as she Look up at the sky calm,as he lay back on a Branch and sigh and smield seeing the clear dark sky be Full of the stars it canot remove,as he kinda expected more here but its was the first day so maybe tomorrow stuff will happend ho knew,as he had his Blade on his back as he look at the stars in the black night.
Scarlett sighed in relief when Ozpin and Glenda went out of the room. She returned the shawl to the wardrobe, sitting on a chair to prevent her knees from buckling. "O-Ozpin, h-he knows where we were." She said, recalling his last words before he left the room. "W-Why would he let us hear all of those? W-Why would he let us stay hidden?!" She asked, mostly to herself. She couldn't help but stutter, her hands trembling and her heart beating fast as well.
Ash scurried off to the side of the hall as Glynda Goodwitch passed him. He did not want to do anything that could give her a bad impression of him, like accidentally bump into her in the hallway. She eyed him suspiciously but didn't say anything. Soon after, he turned a corner and found himself facing a large room with small cots on each side. The room was clearly split with girls on the right, and boys and the left, so Ash made his way to an empty bed. He took a seat next to a blue haired faunus with cat ears. He nodded to the faunus and laid down on the suprisingly soft sleeping place. Too anxious to sleep, he pulled out his lucky coin and started toying with it. Using his metal semblance to distort the coin into a cube, then a sphere, then back into the coin, Ash cycled it around his fingers. There, playing with his coin, Ashlan waited for sleep to take him.

In the middle of the night Maroon awakens with the sensation of pain in various places around his body. This happens every night around the same time. The amount of pain tonight was very little and he was quickly able to return to sleep. Some nights were much worse. Due to his semblance any pain he felt was compounded, locked in his aura, until being released now. It was an easy price to pay...usually.
Daimon would look over at Ash, and nodded back at him, before returning to his book. He thought about what would happen tomorrow, and who he wanted his partner to be. If anybody, he wanted them to be Kate, that way he'd have connections to Schnee, and someone who wouldn't annoy him, perhaps amuse him.

Daimon suddenly smiled, a light blush taking over his face.

He couldn't help but feel rather glad to have met someone like Kate, someone so deeply connected to Schnee. He had to remember that Schnee was his enemy, and that as a White Fang it was his job to take them down.

The reason Daimon was smiling, however, was because he knew how stupid it was to consider Kate his actual friend, even if the feelings were there.

He had to complete his mission, and that meant almost certain death for everyone who would get in the way. Daimon's plan was to somehow get Kate to not interfere, but if she did, he'd have to end her life. The memory echoed in his head, to the point where he could no longer focus on his book and simply stared at it in genuine confusion. His mind was warped, and out of reality.

The White Fang came first.
Kate laughed in relief, glad to have gottoen away with her own little mission, granted Ozpin knew they were there but he wasn't the one they were spying on.

"I... don't know... maybe he did want to warn us a little, maybe he just does that everytime he leaves a room." She giggled. "Now come on, before we're missed in the ballroom." She whispered, pulling on Scarlett's arm as she reverted back into stealth mode. The two of them slipped back into the hallway.

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