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Fandom RWBY: Grimm Encounters

Kaitlyn shrugged off the glare, refusing to let it dente airships are more of a formality than a necessity. In fact I think we're alm her up beat attitude. "Well don't get too comfy, the airships are more of a formality than a necessity. In fact I think we are almost there." As Kate finished her sentence a collective gasp of awe rose up from those nearest the windows. Beacon academy in all it's glory burst into view. It's tall towers reaching up into the sky. A few of the airships had already landed and theirs also began a steady descent. "See!" Kate spoke smugly. "We probably could have walked if we needed to!" Failing to hide her excitement entirely in the second sentence, a small amount of it detectable behind her words.. She was getting closer and closer to complete freedom.
Prospero would be in the ship siting in a spot inbetween two people as he had his head down and eyes closed as he was actually asleep,well not fully,as he would open his eyes and not yawn not whanting people too think he was asleep,he would strech a Little and scrach his head looking around him and look out the windown a Moment seieg they were close,as he would smiel slightli seein they were close,as he would touch his Nostrel and see blood,as he sigh and would get a cloth from his pocket and clean his nose as the cloth itself had lots of blood spots,as he would Finish cleaning his nose and Put it back in his pocket,as his blade was Hiden on his back so no one could see it,as he layd back on the chair and waited till he was at the academy as he tap his left feet on the floor wating.

(Sorry rush post...is it a good intro?)
Two rows up to the left a hand holding a bag of sugar mice stuck out into the isle. Maroon's stomach growled. He had not wanted to spend much of the little money he had left on food. Beacon had to have a cafeteria. Maroon snatched out his long hairy arm and grabbed a mouse as he girl offered them. An abashed grin slipped across his face as he noticed the hand full he had grabbed on accident. He offered a few to Lily.

When the girl behind him offered a bag of chips he replied, "Thank you, I am a bit hungry. My name is Maroon Would you like a sugar mouse?" Hand extended mouse sugar sparkling.

Diamon looked around him, surrounded by a bunch of strangers, and he nervously would stroke his backpack for assurance, knowing that if he was caught, he had a weapon. The infiltrator swiftly moved through the crowd, looking like any other person in such an array of figures. His journey was rather full of 'Excuse me', and 'I'm sorry', which barely cut the loud cries of the gargantuan crowd.


Diamon continued to maneuver, until he finally reached a seat. In front of him, multiple people sat, and traded food around. He'd simply ignore the scenario in front of him, and looked down at his new books to study. Just act like any other, Diamon thought, side-eyeing to his right, and out the window.

One day, the Faunus would be allowed to soar in society's skies, just like Humans.

"One day...", Diamon would mutter with a sigh, as he returned his gaze to his books that occupied him for his flight to Beacon. He would not forget his mission, as it was for the good of the Faunus, Vale, and Remnant.

His loyalty would remain with the White Fang. It had to.


The guy named Maroon accepted the food that she offered and told his name. As he offered a sugar mouse Amber's eyes widened and said, "Oooh. I haven't eaten a mouse before, especially one that has sugar coating! So...." She looked at Maroon's hand and saw the said 'Sugar Mouse' and added, "It's not a mouse but a candy. Ha ha ha ha.." Amber slightly embarrassed at what had just happened still took the sugar mouse and tasted it. "Wow! This taste good! So, Maroon right? I'm Kay Amber Avalon, but please call me Amber. How bout you, Lilac girl, what's your name?" Amber asked with a big grin on her face, because she was starting to make friends (ones that aren't maids and butlers, for the first time!).​
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Kaitlyn's stomach lurched as the ship began to descend, slowly floating downwards to one of the many dock's awaiting the students. Many of the air ships had already arrived and students of all colours and ages were flocking to the main gate. Kate could rose to her feet and started moving towards the door, pausing only to say a few words. "It was nice meeting you... Sort of." She said to the girl in white as she moved swiftly and gracefully to the doors, mere seconds before they opened. Kate just had time to take a breath of the fresh air before she was jostled forwards, followed by eager students. Most of here things were sent ahead so she lifted her ruck sack up onto her shoulder, checked her axes were still fastened securely to her sides and began walking towards the main entrance, enjoying the vast amount of independence she already had.

Tristan still playing his music as he was waiting for the ship to land was making idle chatter with the girls he flirted with them sometimes got rejected sometimes flirted back and got a kiss now and then after seeing the academy he was in awe he never seen a academy that huge before after the ship began to land he was at the doors he then saw kaitlyn again "HI!!!" he said waving at her he walked up to her as she was at the other doors he headed out with her "i beleave you wanted to see my scyths no" he said smiling at her his music still bleareing out of his massive head phones
Kate heard Tristan shout and turned to see him pushing through the crowds. She laughed to herself at his eagerness and stopped walking to wait for him to catch up. Again she found herself experiencing the combined emotions of almost sadistic humour and joy at the flattery of it all. If she saw anyone else being hounded like this she would undoubtably laugh, yet when it was her she found a guilty pleasure in the attention. She had experienced it in the past of course but most boys were intimidated by the huntress in training, a title Kate never really asked for.

"Hey Tristian, and sure. We need to head to the main hall for Ozpin's speech but we have a few minutes." She smiled, wondering just how special these scythes could be for Tristian to be so eager.


Location: Airship

Activity: Chattity chat

With: Maroon Trams @Keysience

"Whaaa, me? Fighting with what?" Lily had spaced out, daydreaming in fact. "Take that you foul beasts! None shall stop my quest for adventure!" said the purple colored girl whilst in the middle of spacing out. "Ah hehehe. No need to praise me sirs! I'm just doin' mah job!" she continued talking to herself till she smelled a familiar odor.

She shook her head, bringing her back to reality.
"Wha!? Eh? Wha?" she saw her companion, Maroon already munching and another lady was with him, munching as they offer each other food. Though, she isn't really hungry but the familiar smell of the snacks they were offering each other dragged her back to reality.

Just as then, the amber colored girl asked for her name.
"Me? I'm Lily! Pleased to meetcha!" she grabbed hold of the girls hand and shook lively. "How about you what's your name? and oh! Maroonniiiieeee, what were we talking about just now?" she questioned the two, keeping up her excitement.
"well brace yourself" he said smiling at her he brought out the two scythes and joined them together he spined them a few times and placed them on the ground for her to examine thay were very well kept and very shiny and tidy "i usually clean them twice a day and add some finish onto it with each clean what do you think and that's not all" he said he pressed a button and the scythes turned into curved swords he then done more spins with the weapon and placed it hard embedding it into the ground "well what do you think" he said smiling at her "thay have been in my family since my great grandfather" he said still smiling he always smiles he only don't smile when there is some thing wrong
A smile crept across Maroon's face as Lily giggled and talked to herself. This little lady was quite unique, and pretty cute too.

"We were talking about-Wait! Are we at Beacon?" Between the introductions, food, and Lily's nonsensical muttering Maroon had not noticed that they had landed and students had begun disembarking. Maroon was not sure whether these two girls were his friends of not, well not sure about Amber at least. Lily seemed to be friends with everyone initially. I could have already been her boyfriend! The thought made the Maroon man turn red. "Lily, Amber. Should we go try to find the main hall together?"

As Maroon stepped out of the air ship he saw a dark haired man skillfully whirl a pair of connected scythes which seemed changed form. Ending the show the man thrust one of the wicked blades into the concrete. There were quite a few people showing off their weapons in the court yard Maroon noticed. The faunus had enjoyed himself and let loose on the air ship with Lily and Amber, but were all humans so genial? Suddenly the thought of walking through such an open space filled with armed humans troubled Maroon. Donning his hood Maroon hardened his face and quickly strode ahead, not waiting for anyone.

Lilac girl introduced herself as Lily and shook Amber's hand. "I'm Amber Avalon, pleased to meet you too." Amber's reply to Lily's question to her. After a few minutes they had reached beacon and people had begun disembarking. Maroon suggest that all three of us would to the main hall together, as we stepped out there was someone showing off his weapon to a girl, trying to impress her I think, then suddenly Maroon had walked off on his own. "Huh? Hey! Maroon!" Amber tried her best to quickly follow him but her bags made her a bit more slower than usual, still Amber kept shouting Maroons name with Lily beside her.


Daimon was still being bothered by the girl. Still. He sighed as the shorter student begged and begged to let her see his weapon, as she had spotted none. Unlike most, Daimon's weapons were not visible, and somewhat hidden. With a sigh, he threw open a blue bag, and threw seven diamond shards into the air.

They all morphed into a twelve foot bastard sword within the sky, and Daimon caught it with his left hand, easily balancing it's weight. The sword, in fact, only weighed a pound, and the cloth around it's grip made it feel rather comfortable.

The girl smiled, rather satisfied, and continued to generally chat with Daimon, and even brought over one of her friends from her last school. Acting like he was interested, Daimon's mind was on his mission. He couldn't forget why he had come to Beacon in the first place, but he couldn't exactly act suspicious either.

"Hahahah..", Daimon would laugh convincingly, side-eyeing to see another person showing their weapons. A scythe, a difficult weapon, rather interesting.

He'd have to investigate that person, a possible threat.
Kaitlyn's eyes widened at the sight of the intricate weapon, amazed at the skill Tristian showed while displaying it as well.

"Impressive, buuuuut... too bulky you need something a little more delicate." She joked pulling her dual axes out from their sheaths on her hips. she twirled the weapons around her hands before gripping each one firmly. With the press of a button the blades themselves grew a bright royal blue. Not waiting for a response she pressed another buttons and the blades moved back, the handles shifted to produce two submachine guns, both of their barrels glowing bright royal blue as well. "The royal blue is from the dust cartridges I load in here." She said pointing to the base of the guns. "Father is the head of the research department at the Schnee dust company, he said he developed this just for me." She smiled smugly. "It's explosive dust, creating a huge shockwave on impact!" She continued to gloat. She wasn't always proud of her father but he did get some things right. She was about to go into more detail when she was suddenly interrupted.

"Please could all new students enter the main hall immediately. Professor Ozpin is about to begin his speech"

Kate looked up to the voice and shrugged, sheathing her weapons. "I guess we should go." She said before she began walking to the main hall.
Prospero would see the ship arrived at the academy as it seems he has fallen asleep again,it happens a lot when he is in Boring rides or just plain lazy,as he would sigh and get up and stretch keeping his blade Hidden on his back,as wen he walks out the only thing he sees is people showing off their weapons and as well lots of talking as he was not interested in showing his,yet that is,as he walks he sees lots of different weapons but then he hears a voice call in too all students too make there way inside,as he sigh once more and would make his way towards the academy towards the main hall as well first day was gonna be interesting indeed.Like what will happen? so much stuff too wait for and all the interesting students.

(Is that ok.....pleas dont kill me ;- ;)
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Daimon would hear the yell, and would look back at the two girls. "Looks like we'd better g-", he'd begin, before one of the girls latched unto his arm. "What's your name?"

"Uh.. Daimon.."

"Ah, okay. I'll be sure to find you later, Daimon!", the girl would call back as she walked off with her friend. Much to Daimon's dismay, it seemed that he had already gotten a name for himself. Not only that, but he had simply gotten into Beacon for his fighting skills, he hadn't even went to any training schools. This made him somewhat more knowledgeable.

Daimon sighed, and began walking towards the school, looking to his left. He had heard someone mention Schnee, and something about their father being connected with it. If he wanted a step ahead in his mission, then he'd have to befriend this girl.

"What's your name?", Daimon would ask Kate. If Kate ever saw someone infused with Dust, this looked like one of them. His blue cat ears, blue tail, blue hair, and pale complexion would suggest this.
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Kaitlyn heard a voice call out to her and turned to face the sound. Her eyebrows raised at the sight of the blue Faunus. she continued to walk, not wanting to miss Ozpin's speech.

"Me? Uh Kaitlyn... Azzuro... Uh Kaitlyn Azzuro. Pleased to make your acquaintance. And you are?" She fumbles, unsure of exactly why her speech was so staccato. They were approaching the doors of the main hall and the students were beginning to funnel through.
Tristan looked at daimion"Names Tristan pleased to met you" he said smileing "and by the way you think that's bulky you should see what my scyths can really do" he said smirking lightly at her.

Tristan looked at kaitlyn again "hay if we do both go to the same class do you want to be in a team with me i could us the company" he said smleing at her glad he already made a few friends

Daimon would smile at Kaitlyn rather seductively, working his charm. If he could get her to be his partner, then he was set on valuable information for the White Fang. Not only that, but the girl seemed rather cute anyways.

"Ah, I'm Daimon Archwire, I've heard of your father, never mind that, how'd you get here? I was personally invited without having to go to any schools...", he'd ask with a sigh, as Ozpin was preparing to speak. The man looked rather sophisticated, all the while being extremely powerful. This made Daimon feel a little un-safe, but he was prepared, and that was all that mattered.
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Maroon had not meant to leave the others behind. Something other then reason took hold the faunus. Natural instincts the elders back home had called it. Kind of like a mild manifestation of ones aura. In battle the skill was invaluable, as long as you could let yourself trust it. Maroon was very attune to his aura and instincts, unfortunately they were not much help in social situations where the only threat was to his own humility.

Thinking of his own foolishness Maroon got a little irritated. As he walked into the hall he glared a gaggle students, who quickly scattered. Satisfaction rose with the corners of his mouth before being swept aside by guilt. Yyyickk Maroon thought, I have only been away from home for a few days and already it has been an emotional roller coaster. I just need to relax. As much as Maroon criticized himself he could not fully make himself believe that acting on his intuition was wrong. Before he could dwell on it any longer Ozpin took center stage. Despite his unease Maroon found himself edging closer to the stage, from his spot in the back of the hall, with the rest of the crowd, intent on hearing every sound Professor Ozpin would make.
Kate turned to Tristian a confused look on her face. "Uh I'm not entirely sure how the teams work... they never really said but sure if we get the choice." She smiled. intending to say more before Ozpin began his speech.

"I'll...keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills--and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people." Ozpin paused giving Kate a chance to respond.

"Impressive, and I didn't realise my father was that famous." She whispered to Damian under her breath. She was about to go on but noticed an intense glare from one of the teachers. Kate wasn't sure but though it might have been Ms Goodwitch, she had heard the name somewhere. She decided it would probably be best to stay quiet for now.

"But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose--direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin finished before strolling off stage and the teacher who gave Kate the evils walked up to the microphone.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed" She concluded swiftly and Kate felt like more than just a few of those words were directed at her.

"Well that was abrupt..." Kate said a little shocked by the tone of the acclaimed professor. "And you weren't the only one invited here hot shot. Ozpin himself asked after me." Kaitlyn gloated, not trying to but she was proud of her achievements. After all it was what she was good at. "Now where did you hear of my father?" Kaitlyn asked as the students began to funnel out towards the ballroom. Kate made sure that Damian, Tristian and herself were relatively near the front, would want a good spot after all.

"You'll just have to add that to a list of questions..", Daimon said with a smirk, gazing at Kate. "I have my sources...", he'd say finally, looking away for a moment. Daimon hated Schnee, their labor force was almost completely made up of faunus, as most shops would never take in one of them. Not only that, there was a lot of conspiracy about their hostile behavior towards their faunus labor force.

He looked back at Kate. "It's nothing important though. And sorry for getting you in trouble back there..", he'd mutter with a guilty look, once again facing away.

He may have to kill this girl, he couldn't let himself get attached, but he still needed to get her to trust him.
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Kate glanced sideways at Damian as they walked, biting her bottom lip. There was something almost suspicious about the boy but she brushed these feelings aside. The strange amount of attention wasn't new to Kate, many boys in the past had spoken to her purely because of her father. She would remain on her guard but he did seem genuine. "Oh don't worry about it, I seem to make enemies most places I go." She smiled "Did these sources say anything about me?" She asked innocently.

"Ah, they mentioned a beautiful girl like you, I see that they were not lying, a perfectionist when it comes to looks, evidence being your skin...", Daimon would say with a smile, listing everything that he knew about her. "Sent to Beacon for misbehaving...", he'd say rather quietly as more and more people would pass by them.

"Do you really enjoy being tied down to Schnee?", Daimon would ask, curiosity in his eye. His red eyes were gleaming, somewhat like finely cut fire dust, blazing against his icy features. "Or.. perhaps you desire freedom?"

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